News posted in September 2013
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Sep 1
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Gutix.!!!! espero lo estés pasando de la mejor manera.
CTGARG ghost birthdays? HAPPY!
dreadnautTiny detail: you can now click on the name of people having birthdays, going straight to their profile
FrikerHappy Birthday, Gutix!
SuperBrianYeah, happy birthday Gutix.
DuplodeHappy birthday Gutix!
SuperBrianNew track?
CTGIn 3 days.
DuplodeThe upper bound, that is
Sep 2
Duplode"update?" and "New track?" questions are uncanny when juxtaposed to the current "On this day..." news posts. Exactly six years ago CTG was fuming, as he waited for Zak to confirm him as ZakStunts champion.
CTGThis time I'm patient. On one hand, I know that both BRA guys beat me. On the other hand I'm more or less satisfied with my final lap - it could be a lot worse with that car.
Zak McKrackenscoreboard updated, site update and new track later - maybe not today.
CTGNaaaaaah, it can't be.
Alan RotoiThe old song
DuplodeCongratulations, Loopings!
Sep 3
A good retro track is always good fun. Looks like most of you had that fun and raced like hell in August. Thank you!
We saw flying cars all around - and two on the podium were driven by Looping Warriors! Congratulations to CTG securing another victory this year!
Can he still catch Renato, who finished second on this track, but got +2 LTB, totaling its value to a whooping 16 points. Seems hard to me, but maybe still possible.
And on the third place: a big comeback, Akoss Poo! Good to see him on the podium again!
The team championship is getting exciting too, with Looping Warriors being only 7 points behind Yellow Fleas. Still four tracks to go, nothing is impossible here.
For September, you'll have to train your brain. Apart from the usual "which car?" question you have to answer "which way?"
And when it's decided, of course you still have to be fast as hell. Can you do that? -
Akoss Poo@CTG: Blamázs! :-) @Duplode: Thanks! :-)
Zak McKrackenoh well, I won't be less tired tomorrow. Let's do a site update.
Zak McKrackenaaand done!
AbuRaf70Happy birthday, Mingva y Pardisio...!!!
Renato BikerWow, great replay, CTG!
CTGRenato: thanks, your replay is strong, too!
CTGIs the two tile thing allowed?
CTGif yes...
Renato BikerIs wrong way allowed?
Akoss Poo
CTGPoo: the Z34 method.
CTGYes, my 31.12 is a wrong way replay, turning back after the second tile of the straight way...
CTGI guess dreadnaut mae the same.
CTGIf not...
CTGhello mr. poo
DuplodeHappy birthday Paradisio
DuplodeIs there a way to formulate a rule which disallows this sort of wrong-way dual-way switching and is precise enough not to outlaw more interesting dual-way possibilities?
Akoss PooI've carefully read all the rules, but nothing restricts dual-way possibility using. As for the track design, it is an unlucky one...
DuplodeAs for me, I suggest Zak should disallow the wrong-way line with immediate effect, as happened in Z136. (Yes, the yearly dual-way switch debate is on!
Akoss PooThat wouldn't disallow the 3 second finish on some tracks (dual way switch in the tirst tile... but would disallow some interesting tricks.
CTGI vote for no dual-switch this time. There are several possibilities anyway - without 'Wrong Way', but still with a very stupid line. Meanwhile the three different ways are well-balanced and challenging.
CTGLike this one.
CTGAnother alternative pathway without Wrong Way...
CTGthe same with mclaren, shitty bonus
CTGoooops, sorry
bad one
CTGI suggest we should restart the whole race, with clarified rules.
Alan RotoiAlways CTG.
CTGHey doggy, racers are discussing the rules.
CTGBtw check the forum for my latest opinions about certain dual-ways. It depends on the track.
Akoss PooThat's without seeing the 'Wrong way' note.
CTGNot bad.
Sep 4
Additional rule for ZCT146: Dual-way switch is NOT allowed on this track. That is, you have to choose any of the three ways and hammer through it. Scoreboard was re-set accordingly.
The following were considered before taking this decision:
- The results of the relevant vote in the forum
- The fun-factor difference achievable with way-switch and without way-switch.
- The awful lot of time I put in balacing the three ways.
Thanks for your understanding.
CTGAs far as I see in the ZCT146 poll, the race will be restarted soon.
Zak McKrackenThanks for the quick feedback guys - decision is to disallow way switching. Good to see a dual/triple way track still wakes the community anytime
CTGHeeey, this is not my fastest regular lap!
CTGCTG 0:42.65 Porsche Carrera 4 manual 2013-09-03 19:18 CTG 0:41.27 Porsche Carrera 4 manual 2013-09-03 20:32 CTG 0:42.52 Jaguar XJR9 IMSA manual 2013-09-03 20:51
Zak McKrackenyep, my mistake, pls resubmit and I will adjust timestamp.
CTGIn the evening.
dreadnautThanks Zaq, the reset is welcome!
SuperBrianNice bugjump off the hillcorner CTG. Congrats with the win. First testlap here..
Akoss PooSorry, the 34.78 is not valid (unfinished). Please delete it!
SuperBrianDriven: 0:47.65 is also quite fast! ;-)
CTGRe-submitted (CTG 0:41.27 Porsche Carrera 4 manual 2013-09-03 20:32)
CTG...and improved a bit.
CTGhey, mr. poo!
Alan RotoiHmmm, the penalty check box only allows 2 characters but I had 2 mins (120 secs) of penalty.
Alan RotoiThis is what I call a listfiller
CTGDon't worry, we didn't expect more from you.
Alan RotoiWhen you say "we", does it includes real people?
CTGNot less than in the whole Meganium crew...
Alan RotoiWhat are your basics?
Alan RotoiWhat are your basics?
Sep 5
DuplodeSanity check.
DuplodeNot quite there yet...
DuplodeKinda better.
CTGnice battle for the third place
SuperBrianDealing DAMAGE to the podium..
Alan RotoiAccording to my present performance I deal damage to the whole scoreboard
Sep 9
AbuRaf70Un muy feliz cumpleaños para mi hijo Sergio Baro...!!! y por supuesto, para SuperBrian también....!!!!!
Alan RotoiFeliz cumpleaños Sergio! Happy birthday Superbrian!
DuplodeHappy birthday to Brian and Sergio
SuperBrianThank you very much! I'll be back..
Sep 10
SergioBaroMuchas gracias por los saludos de cumpleaños!!! Feliz cumple para SuperBrian!!! que los cumple el mismo día!!!
SuperBrianLate happy birthday for you too, Sergio! :-)
Sep 13
dreadnautThe usual test: a message with a *link* to a youtube video.
dreadnautAnd one with a picture taken from
dreadnautUhm, should use a website that allows hotlinking...
dreadnautAnd a last test: pointing to a specific ZakStunts track, for example ZCT123.
DuplodeNice Lada!
(And nice new features too, of course!)
dreadnautI think I'm done, in a moment I'll post a summary here: More news tweaks?
Sep 14
CTGZCT1 ZCT2 ZCT3 ZCT4 ZCT5 ZCT6 ZCT7 ZCT8 ZCT9 ZCT10 ZCT11 ZCT12 ZCT13 ZCT14 ZCT15 ZCT16 ZCT17 ZCT18 ZCT19 ZCT20 ZCT21 ZCT22 ZCT23 ZCT24 ZCT25 ZCT26 ZCT27 ZCT28 ZCT29 ZCT30 ZCT31 ZCT32 ZCT33 ZCT34 ZCT35 ZCT36 ZCT37 ZCT38 ZCT39 ZCT40 ZCT41 ZCT42 ZCT43 ZCT44 ZCT45 ZCT46 ZCT47 ZCT48 ZCT49 ZCT50 ZCT51 ZCT52 ZCT53 ZCT54 ZCT55 ZCT56 ZCT57 ZCT58 ZCT59 ZCT60 ZCT61 ZCT62 ZCT63 ZCT64 ZCT65 ZCT66 ZCT67 ZCT68 ZCT69 ZCT70 ZCT71 ZCT72 ZCT73 ZCT74 ZCT75 ZCT76 ZCT77 ZCT78 ZCT79 ZCT80 ZCT81 ZCT82 ZCT83 ZCT84 ZCT85 ZCT86 ZCT87 ZCT88 ZCT89 ZCT90 ZCT91 ZCT92 ZCT93 ZCT94 ZCT95 ZCT96 ZCT97 ZCT98 ZCT99 ZCT100 ZCT101 ZCT102 ZCT103 ZCT104 ZCT105 ZCT106 ZCT107 ZCT108 ZCT109 ZCT110 ZCT111 ZCT112 ZCT113 ZCT114 ZCT115 ZCT116 ZCT117 ZCT118 ZCT119 ZCT120 ZCT121 ZCT122 ZCT123 ZCT124 ZCT125 ZCT126 ZCT127 ZCT128 ZCT129 ZCT130 ZCT131 ZCT132 ZCT133 ZCT134 ZCT135 ZCT136 ZCT137 ZCT138 ZCT139 ZCT140 ZCT141 ZCT142 ZCT143 ZCT144 ZCT145 ZCT146
CTGWould it be a hard task to merge the 2001-2003 database with the current one?
Zak McKrackenfrom 2004 the database stores each replay submitted. Pre-2004 there is only one record per racer for each track (that is, the latest submitted time is stored only). Also the point systems were significantly different from the relatively stable post-2004 setup.
CTGI mean only the scoreboards - it would be nice to see the 2001-2003 data in each racers' profile.
Sep 15
Alan RotoiYeah
The best age
Sep 16
AbuRaf70O tal vez, en el 2004, la llegada de AbuRaf70 revolucionó el marcador..?
SuperBrianHappy birthday, Friker!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Friker..!!!
CTGVšetko najlepšie k narodeninám!
CTG(or what)
dreadnautWoooo Friker, Happier Birthday!
Sep 17
FrikerThank you, guys!
And also Happy Birthday to Renato Biker.
DuplodeHappy birthday to Viktor and Renato!
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Renato...!!!
Renato BikerHappy Birthday Friker and thank you, guys! My birthday gift is a little improvement
Alan RotoiHappy birthday Friker and Biker!!
dreadnautWow, so many Fleas born in these days. Happy Birthday Renato!!
UsrinEarly autumn birthday tsunami has begun. Congratulations to the famous Slovaks and Brazilians celebrating in these days!
Sep 21
CTGHappy Birthday, DC!
Sep 26
CTGPoo will finish 2nd.
dstienLast and least.
Alan RotoiThis aereal view of zct146 reminds me Joe's track
Sep 27
DuplodeFour days from the deadline, Achilles and the tortoise remain engaged in their gripping footrace.
CTGFree translation: FUCKIN' TIME HIDERS!!!
Alan RotoiWow this track is almost ending. It's time that appears CTG's whining.
CTGErm... This one was my last replay, others are hiding their best laps (+they cheat) and I hate this track anyway, therefore I'm going to finish 10th or worse. Here you are, Alan - the whole crying procedure in one message. And now show up something fast, mister!
Sep 30
CTGSilence is always suspicious... (cork up/down way, sure)
Alan RotoiDon't expect a new replay from me. I was out of the city last weekend and today I'll work until the deadline.
CTGYou never announce things like that. So you are hiding something.
dreadnautBut of course he knows that you know, so he announced it on purpose!
CTGI know who will beat me and what kind of trick / way will be used for that.
Alan RotoiWhy you race then, child of Nostradamus?
Alan RotoiBTW, I arrived at home, how convenient!
CTGI don't play lottery.
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