News posted in March 2025
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Mar 1
Mark NailwoodSlowly learning these drift jumps, too ...
1:25.33 A
MiDiaNI don't feel comfortable being first for this long. Is this the calm before the storm?
HerrNoveSince neither Alan nor Argammon have anything to gain by posting replays now, I think they might be hiding their weapons for the quiet days. As for me, the bonus zone is too far (and Duplode can obviously improve his time) so I am back to be a software engineer and wiki contributor.
HerrNoveOn this topic: I just added content on the Wiki ( and sorted out my Stunts project page ( ). I am sure I missed some important site and content pack, so feel free to suggest additions.
Alan Rotoi@MiDiaN you're right being skeptical in a situation like this. Keep looking the map and testing cars. But in my case I have a lot of work and few free time right now. I'll try to improve my current lap this weekend or the next. The bad news (for me) is that I also work on weekends 🙃
Ryoma@HerrNove you can aim the Amateur Title. I was back to be a carmaker. For your website, you can put my mega link because I change some thing sometimes.
Argammon@MiDiaN, I don't know about the others, but I don't have much. This race reminds me of The leading time graphs are quite flat in both cases because shortcuts are difficult or do not help much.
HerrNove@Ryoma Forgetting the biggest carmaker of the community was unforgivable. Just added!
Zak McKrackenPipsqueaks, it's been 24 years since the launch of ZCT001 and you still keep the game alive and the community thriving. The races continue, the forum is thriving the wiki looks professional as never before. I am totally amazed and thankful. I would never have imagined that what started off as a teenage joke for promoting cars beyond the Indy would live on so long with such an impact. Am eternally thankful for everyone working on competitions, tools, cars, mods or -most importantly-just simply playing / racing Stunts. By the way, I am doing fine (if we are not counting the flu season), though entering some sort of mid-life crisis materializing in utter disgust of sitting in front of any computer / screen. So can't promise to join soon, but hey, who knows.
Enjoy Stunts
Mar 2
HerrNove@Zak McKracken Thanks for creating all this and caring for the project for decades! That ZakStunts is running fine even without the attention of its founder, continuing to attract new people every year, is a sign of the strong and healthy community you managed to create!
RyomaZak McWho?
Alan RotoiHey @Zak welcome home!
Glad to know you're doing fine! This place is a great refuge, a great community, a great hobbie.
Spoonboy@Zak great to hear from you! Thankyou for the community you have created here, it is unique. I hope to race with you one day, if you decide to drive again
DuplodeIt's truly a beautiful thing, @Zak. Happy to see you among us
Cork's Crew forever!
MiDiaNWas fun driving with the Diablo car.
OverdrijfHi @Zak! Awesome to hear from you, and great that at least one of us is combatting their screen addiction. I really should start planning another camping trip as screen-detox. But first I need to race this month, to stay the at least the fourth most active member on the team. Have fun out there, don't buy any motorcycles you can't afford, and we'll see you maybe someday again on the track!
Mar 4
HerrNoveThe Oxia is wonderful to drive. It gives you this impression of doing exactly what you want, even controlling drifts seems easy. I made this replay from scratch in just 20 minutes with sound disabled; making a similar time with a Lotus or a Diablo would take me a lot more. The bad part is that, after you complete the lap, it feels that not much is left to optimize. This replay can obviously be improved upon, but it does not give me that sense of imperfection that I get with other cars. It's certainly the car I'll use for all my future map sightseeings
Spoonboy@HerrNove I agree! I'm a massive fan of the Oxia, @Ryoma has outdone himself. It has speed, but not too much. It has great handling, but loss of grip is predictable and can be worked with. More importantly, it's just fun! Hope others enjoy it as much as us.
Alan RotoiThere are some supercars or hypercars that @Ryoma built. I recommend Bugatti EB110, Jaguar XJ220, McLaren F1. Also the classics Porsche 959 and Ferrari Testarossa
Check their performance in the Stunts Wiki:
Ryoma@HerrNove and Spoonboy : I'm happy of your messages. Thank you. Expect for a win this year of the Oxia.
Spoonboy@Ryoma yes it is only matter of time! I also love the EB110 and Testarossa series. Speaking of this, I'm also enjoying your new F50. It shares the Testarossas speed and low grip, which make it fun in the same way. Also, the dials being close and central on the F50 dash is a good feature.
CasHappy Birthday, @Tijn!
Raskolnikovikstep by step~
1:23.08 A
HerrNoveThe amateur league looks like the 2023 season in F1, with an interesting fight for the silver medal while the gold one seems a closed matter since the start. But please, @Raskolnikovik , get rid of this 🅐 near your times
HerrNoveBtw with 23 points not counting the reserve drivers, Team Free Agents is doing great
RaskolnikovikYes @HerrNove, I have to do it. But without hands-free, how am I supposed to smoke while driving?
HerrNoveThat's a vital problem indeed. The obvious solution is to get into 5th gear fast, then you can enjoy your tobacco.
Mar 5
Ryoma@HerrNove don't forget that in Amateur League, the leader can be bumped out if he earns too many XP point. So for the others....keep pushing in Amateur League !!!
Mar 7
MiDiaNOn the scoreboard; why are some rows "heated", like a soft orange background to it? Is it because the time between the following player is within half a second?
Ryoma@MiDiaN exactly
Mar 8
Alan RotoiWill be the Lotus chapter closed this season?
DuplodeDeadline -- and reveal at the chatroom -- in ten minutes!
Alan RotoiI can be there! Logging the chatroom! Waiting for my 4th or 5th place
HerrNoveMy bet: the winner won't be a Lotus. Takers?
Duplode@HerrNove I concur! (It's not certain, but it's a good bet.)
Mar 9
DuplodeQuiet replays revealed!
MiDiaNCongratulations to the winner!
MiDiaNWatching the ending of the winner replay... shocked!
Duplode@MiDiaN That's an extraordinary result, congratulations! 👏
RyomaWell, I expected a victory for the Oxia and finaly, it's the sister lol... happy to see the Diablo on the top ! Congratulations.
HerrNoveI won my bet, and I concur with @MiDiaN's comment: that final drift is out of this world. Congrats @Argammon!
KyLiECongratulations to @Argammon, @Alan and @MiDiaN!
HerrNoveHere a video of the winning lap, with my SuperSight patch:
MiDiaN@KyLiE I have learned alot from your public replay! You did the curves flawless imo. Very inspiring
Mortimer McMireCongrats to @argammon, @Alan and especially on @MiDiaN for making it to the podium! Also congrats to @HerrNove and @Raskolnikovik for completing the amateur league podium with MiDiaN!
Ryoma@Mortimer I expect to see you on the podium in Amateur League next race
Mortimer McMire@Ryoma, hopefully so. But unfortunately my agenda doesn't allow me to put in as much time as I want to. And also the new recruits (@MiDiaN, @HerrNove and @Raskolnikovik) are turning out to be some serious competition for the podium places!
DuplodeResults confirmed! Congratulations to @Argammon, @AlanRotoi, and @MiDiaN (an outstanding first podium)! Completing the Am podium and making it to the overall top 10, @HerrNove and @Raskolnikovik also had very good races. The update with the new track will happen later today, so stay tuned!
Alan RotoiWhat a great race! Congrats guys!!
Erik BarrosCongratulations @argammon, @AlanRotoi, @MiDiaN, @HerrNove and @Raskolnikovik!!!!
DuplodeUpdate completed! @AlanRotoi's ZCT284 is open for racing
ArgammonCongrats everybody for a great race! Looking forward to seeing what @Midian can do in the future.
Mortimer McMireFirst mandatory Oxia lap for this month!
Shoegazing LeoRecovering me slowly
1:23.95 A
Shoegazing LeoSTOP THE COUNT!
1:21.80 A
Shoegazing LeoHmmm...
1:16.69 A
Mark NailwoodMy first try with the LM002.
1:16.43 A
HerrNoveThis has potential. And it's wayyy less boring than the Audi!
Mar 10
KyLiEThanks @MiDiaN! I'm glad to hear that.
RyomaGo! Go! Go! @Mortimer
RyomaSomething is very pleasant with this car....I don't know if it is the grip or the torque but this car is very homogenous and pleasant to drive.
RyomaOne-two like last year @Mortimer
Mark NailwoodYes, @Ryoma - it seems that on this track the Camaro also fits my way of driving better than the LM002.
1:08.07 A
Mortimer McMireHaha @Ryoma. I think that won't last long if @MiDian joins or if @HerrNove puts in a new effort. But for now, let the good times roll!
HerrNoveAt the moment I'm just watching at the window due to heavy time constraints. I'll probably wait till the top dogs show up and reveal their car choice. Liked the Camaro but dreadnaut's try with the Mercedes confirmed my impression that this is also a strong candidate.
HerrNoveA question for the track designers: do you choose the bonus % to broaden the car choice (adjusting cars you feel are particularly strong or weak on a given course) or to narrow it (trying to orient the racers towards the autos you'd like to see)?
Mark NailwoodThis is my first GAR lap. I hope I followed the rules. I'm not sure what "no cheap speed-ups" means.
1:37.96 A
HerrNove@Mark Nailwood: you can find the full rules here: (most importantly: don't cut corks and loops, don't use boulevards and pipes as take-off ramps)
ZapperTrying out a GAR lap after many races later
Alan RotoiThanks @HerrNove, @Ryoma and @MarkNailwood! Camaro has the feeling of a fast car but its maximum speed is about 165mph. Maybe because the fast acceleration and enhanced grip but in fact is slower than Acura. 😁 Probably these parameters makes the car more enjoyable. I'm glad you like it.
Alan Rotoi@HerrNove I tryied to set a fight with different type of cars with the bonuses. Audi, Camaro and Mercedes has very different ways to face a track. So every time you pick a candidate you have a slightly different race experience.
Duplode@HerrNove A third possibility (or is it a variation of the second?) is adjusting the bonuses to boost cars which feel like they will be more enjoyable on the month's track, given its specific features.
Mar 11
RaskolnikovikI found the 0:55 minute so funny that I left it in, even though it worked against me hahah.
1:12.72 A
Alan RotoiHaha nice trick anyway!
Stingray86Cool track! That cork at the start is tricky. Great to see so many other VetteGAR racers!
1:34.33 A
Mortimer McMire@Raskolnikovik, nice little moment indeed! But I remember using this trick in one of last seasons races to get enough speed to make a difficult jump. So although probably useless now, keep it in mind for future races!
dreadnautSomething to notice if you have started recently: the actual top speed of the Audi is 218mph, higher than its flat track top speed, and faster than many other Stunts cars! How to exploit that is part of the fun 😀
Mar 12
Ryoma@Mortimeeeerrrrrrrrr lol
Mortimer McMire1:30 barrier broken. On to the 1:25!
HunterBoy344Finally got around to updating Stunts Online with the 2025 car pack. Haven't been active for a while due to responsibilities, but hey, better late than never! As always, you can find it at
Mar 13
DuplodeVery nice! Thanks @HunterBoy344
Mortimer McMireGot caught in a small Stunts rabbit hole on Youtube yesterday and came across this video. It somewhat reminds me of the bridges at the end of this months race so I thought it would be fun to share it here!
Mark NailwoodJust one additional question to the GAR rules: Are only the original cars allowed or also the custom cars for the current track? I didn't find any car restrictions on the Wiki page or in the linked forum thread, but I was wondering why only the original cars have been used so far.
Mark NailwoodOK, just after having sent my last message, I found out how to answer the question by myself: Just by taking a look at the last track, where the Camaro was the winner.
OK, then this will be my next contribution.
1:23.93 A
Mark NailwoodHm, having just found and watched the GAR tutorial video by @Marco, I think my last replays were not valid, as I have not followed the corkscrew entry and exit rules explained at 1:30. I found out that jumping into the right side of the corkscrew is the safest way for driving it when following the yellow line, but as all the others are driving it according to the rule defined in the video, I made an additional replay. Please remove the other one as I don't think I can drive faster when also following this rule.
1:27.32 A
Duplode@MarkNailwood GAR tag removed, thanks! And yes, you can use any car you like on the GAR scoreboard. (People will sometimes gravitate to a car not being used on the main scoreboard, but when that happens it's not because of any rule.)
Duplode@MortimerMcMire Well-chosen camera angle -- keep your eyes on the fence
Mar 14
HerrNoveThinking of what to put in my bio, I guess my strong point will be “beating Duplode's warm-up attempt by the tiniest of the margins, before he puts in his real run”. I did the same last month
Argammon@HerrNove, you can also beat my warm-up lap if you wish.
On another note, I am hoping @MiDiAn will return to the scoreboard. He really spiced things up last month!
Mar 18
RyomaI am hoping @MiDiAn will return too
Mar 20
Alan RotoiYou took the lead like thunder, @MiDiaN 😉
ArgammonWelcome back MiDiaN
RyomaFinally, I prefer when @MiDiaN is not présent
Mar 21
DuplodeAt this rate, he'll very soon propel himself out of the Am League
Mar 22
Ryoma@Duplode you are right so @HerrNove and @Mortimer : Keep pushing!!!!
MiDiaNLets gooooooooo!
Mar 23
DuplodeLet's keep it going
MiDiaNHave you tuned your Audi @Duplode? I can't keep up much longer!
Alan RotoiIt seems I brought a race from the old times, ins't it?
Two days remaining on R4K's March round! Join the Indycar match-up at
Alan RotoiYes, please join! It's also another test to know wich INDY car is better
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