Latest news from the ZakStunts crew:
Duplode, January 6
First news of the new year
Feliz Ano Novo! Here is a pair of quick notes as we step into the new year.
The ZCT281 results have been confirmed, with the replay pack, scoreboards and experience points being updated accordingly. It is worth it to take a moment and savour what will surely go down as one of the great ZakStunts races. Thanks to everyone who took part in it, and especially to Akoss Poo for the brilliant track design!
The preparations for the 2025 season of ZakStunts are ongoing. In particular, this is a good time to make suggestions about the custom cars to be made available, as well as for finding teammates or starting a team (see the Forum threads Cars and rules for 2025 and Teams for 2025, respectively). It won't be long before we hit the racetrack again, so watch this space!
dreadnaut, August 8
Mid-season update
Hello awesome inhabitants of the Stuntsphere! Better get this update out, before the mid-season becomes two-thirds-of-a-season 🤪
I'm staring at the scoreboard and the numbers look a bit like the Matrix to me. A table full of digits, but squint from the correct angle and you'll spot some hot battles and exciting races!
Argammon has stepped back for this season, and left Duplode and Alan Rotoi to fight for the title of champion. With five races left anything can still happen, but Duplode seems to have the edge. Can Alan catch up with the help of leading-time bonus points?
Just below them is where the scoreboard heats up! We have two old hands, Zapper and Mark Nailwood, and two up-and-coming racers, Frieshansen and Spoonboy, all within a handful of points. The last one joined the prestigious Cork's Crew at the start of the year, the first new member in years and years! The prize of their contest might be the third step of the scoreboard, but each race shows how focussed they are. Together, they are also collecting chunks of leading hours and bonus points, affecting the battle at the top! Possibly an advantage for Duplode? Is it all an advanced team strategy?
Two of these racers have also been recently promoted out of the Amateur group, leaving space to the next generation. Ryoma has lined up consistently strong results — not only for an amateur — but he's not alone: Mortimer McMire and Gordon Freeman might be new to the competition, but hey they drive fast! Ryoma will definitely land above Spoonboy's frozen score, but he might need to keep Mortimer in check to lift the Amateur trophy! Remember folks: worst three results don't count in the final score 😮
The double duel between Duplode and Alan, and between Spoonboy and Frieshansen reflects on the team standings, where Cork's Crew and Doubleplusspeed advance in lock step. These final races will be decisive, I've better improve my lap!
Plenty of exciting things happening in other competitions and the Forum, but I'll close here for today. Maybe the next update will come sooner that way :)
Well then, have you submitted your lap for ZCT277? Not yet? Now's the time!
On this day in 2006, while racing on ZCT060, some pipsqueaks wrote:
- 2pm : Mice Filling (Lise Dilling's alter ego) = CTG, Bolo Yeung = CTG, CrazyDriver = CTG, Ukyo Katayama = CTG, Kiss Zoff = CTG. Other new ghosts: Krys Toff and Chicago Striker is BJ.
Zak: it's very important that you DON'T change anything about registration. Just let this be the fairly good joke that it is. I don't know why CTG is so pissed off - I smile
- 7pm : news section... as kid as it gets
- 9pm : soon a brasilian in space! i know his name...
- serano piper :
26334 news posted so far. Long live the Stunts community!