@dstien - You should read the team forum to use more shortcuts
Hello @dstien, welcome to season 2025! @Ryoma Feels like it will be hotly contested!
Who will be the next Amateur Champion ?
@HerrNove I try, thanks. For the moment, for my cars, I'm "out of memory". But it's a very impressive job. Congratulations.
Shoegazing Leo
I've come to talk with you again
Shoegazing Leo
Hello darkness my old friend
Shoegazing Leo
Replaysshhh now?
@Ryoma I have a prototype with the needle color, you can find it in the reverse engineering section of the forum. But it's still to be tested.
@HerrNove I try it ... it's awesome (but we lost the needle color)
The new release of my graphical enhancement mod is ready! Also available to people without an account in the forum, as I published the exe on my site. I fixed a replay sync problem, so you can now enjoy your favourite old runs in Panavision . https://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?msg=96601