@HerrNove I try it ... it's awesome (but we lost the needle color)
The new release of my graphical enhancement mod is ready! Also available to people without an account in the forum, as I published the exe on my site. I fixed a replay sync problem, so you can now enjoy your favourite old runs in Panavision . https://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?msg=96601
@HerrNove In fairness, this is perhaps the most balanced race with respect to the cars in a long while!
Wow! I was about to comment something about the Oxia's supremacy and why the Diablo seems better than the Countach (I was able to lower my time by 4-5 seconds by switching to the purple Lamborghini). And then the pro driver came
One more PTB overtake before the quiet days begin
Thanks @ErikBarros! I also found Overdrijf's videos extremely useful. The rest, as you said, can probably only be learned with experience. For now, Argammon's insane cork-to-cork jump is only something to be enjoyed in the replay player
Erik Barros
Erik Barros
Hello and welcome @HerrNove. It's normal for more experienced players to have a larger repertoire of tricks, from race to race you'll learn new stunts and increase your skill limit, I hope you enjoy the process. I always recommend looking at the community's YouTube page, there are a series of videos from @Overdrijf that helped me a lot. And if you have any questions, the community will always be available to help you.
OK, I'm approaching the limit of my skills. It's crazy to think that I gain about 2 seconds on dreadnaut from the start till the first cork, but he gains twice as much on me in the part from the cork to the banked road. I guess I am really like Partz, decent driver on flatland but scared of acrobatics :-)
Hello @MiDiAN, welcome back to ZakStunts! And great to see you here as well, @KyLiE You both are in the thick of the action from the get go 👍