@Duplode, are you hiding your cards? What are you concealing, a 1:09 run you're waiting to post till you can keep the replay private ?
Thanks everyone for the tips! After “some” attempts, I managed to land my first drift-jump. Not very clean but still a save of almost 2 seconds on my previous trajectory. From now, I guess, it's just a matter of training. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
Oxia, NoRH. Adding to all of the top 6 action, we now have a three-way fight for the lead going on!
Erik Barros
@HerrNove another tip is in relation to the angle at which you land on the road, so you don't countersteer straight into the water. Stopping accelerating while you're in the air helps, with patience you will master the technique.
I think it isn't easy to explain the procedure in words. Perhaps it would be best if one of the pros would make a video about it. I am thinking about @Alanrotoi or @Overdrijf who made excellent videos before.
@HerrNove, regarding the landing, you may need to countersteer in one direction and then the other to stabilise the car. Rarely can this be done in real time, so precise replay handling is usually required. The best advice I can give is when watching someone else's replay, pay close attention to the gauges, steering indicator and engine noise. That will give you a good idea of what inputs they are using and how fast they are going.
@HerrNove A key point is that you don't want to turn the wheel all the way to the left while taking the jump, but rather to find the right amount of steering that gives you a good trajectory, without over-rotating the car or overshooting the track (figuring that out usually requires some retrying/RH). As Alan says, the details depend on the specific situation you're in (for instance, cars with very good handling can make it harder to start a slide). On the landing with countersteering, releasing the gas or slowing down can give you more margin for error, though you ideally want to keep as much speed as possible. (That being so, one approach is starting with a conservative landing, and then gradually pushing harder on further attempts as you gain confidence.)
Alan Rotoi
It depends on some factors but you can manage it by the speed of the car. Try to slowdown a bit and turn the stearing wheel to the right.
Is there any tutorial to master the “drift & jump” technique that the pros are using to negotiate the ramp + sharp left in the southeastern corner of the map? I manage to start the drift by steering hard left and shifting gear while climbing the ramp, but I cannot stop the skidding when I land, and even countersteering does not save me from sliding into the water. Is it just a matter of trying and retrying?
@Cas is it possible to compile only the part of pretty garage which create the side view to produce an image of 640 pixels for example ? I know you draw the wheels after...but is it possible ?