Racing teams
Teams have a long history in ZakStunts. Below is a list of all teams that have raced in the competition, their years of activity and all their members.
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23 seasons

Cork`s Crew
Established 2002Active seasons
2002-2007 and 2009-2025Current members
Duplode, Mortimer McMire, Overdrijf and SpoonboyPast members
Argammon, Bonzai Joe, CTG, Mislav, satanziege and Zak McKracken16 seasons

MeganiuM Aces High
Established 2002Active seasons
2002-2007 and 2009-2018Past members
AbuRaf70, Alan Rotoi, Ayrton, Chulk, Dayan, dreadnaut, Eddie Brother, Gutix, Manowar, Mushi and Stunts Oracle14 seasons
11 seasons

Damage Inc.
Established 2004Active seasons
2004-2007 and 2009-2015Past members
afullo, CTG, DarkChaser, DieselJoe, Dottore, Krys TOFF, Paleke, PedroAntonio, Shoegazing Leo and SuperBrian
Established 2015Active seasons
2015-2025Current members
dstien, Marco, Mark Nailwood and Shoegazing LeoPast members
Cas10 seasons
6 seasons

Average Joe
Established 2009Active seasons
2009-2014Past members
Alain, dstien, Paradisio and Renato Biker
Established 2009Active seasons
2009-2014Past members
Ano, Pitman, satanziege, Shorty and YtseDan4 seasons

Established 2022Active seasons
2022-2025Current members
Alan Rotoi, dreadnaut, Erik Barros and Frieshansen
Established 2002Active seasons
2002-2003 and 2005-2006Past members
Alain, Argammon, Krys TOFF, Mingva, Myron, Renato Biker, Shoegazing Leo and vamologocomisso
Yellow Fleas
Established 2013Active seasons
2013-2014 and 2016-2017Past members
ADPunk, dreadnaut, Friker and Renato Biker3 seasons
2 seasons

Poder Sudaka
Established 2005Active seasons
2005-2006Past members
hek, Johnny-K, Paleke and SergioBaro
Traction Faction
Established 2020Active seasons
2020-2021Past members
Heretic, KaoS, sd4000 and Stingray861 season

Established 2002Active seasons
2002Past members
Bernie Rubber, Helen Wheels, Herr Otto Partz, Joe Stallin and Skid Vicious
Opponent Near
Established 2003Active seasons
2003Past members
Akoss Poo, CTG, Fernando Brito and Usrin
The Guns Of Brixton
Established 2004Active seasons
2004Past members
Dark Chaser, Guga and Shoegazing Leo