News posted in January 2024
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Jan 1
DuplodeHappy 2024, everyone! 🎆
MarcoHappy new year my friends. This year i would like to participate a little more so to compete against the Dos Game Club team for the last position. See you here
ArgammonHappy new year everyone! 🎉
CasHappy New Year!!!!
Jan 2
GTAManRCRHappy new year everyone!
Jan 3
ArgammonWill there be a season's wrap up like in the previous years?
Jan 4
RyomaI love the track "the hare and the hedgehog"
Jan 5
ArgammonThanks Ryoma.
Jan 6
Duplode@Argammon It's not the same thing, but I've just written the mini-report on the 2023 season for the Wiki article (and those for the preceding few seasons as well):
Jan 7
dreadnautThere's a draft, should have some time to finish it tomorrow 👍
Jan 8
SpoonboyReally enjoyed the CCC Christmas Special! 12 different cars was a massive challenge, but very happy with my laps. Thanks to @Daniel3D for the race, @alanrotoi for the great track, and to all that took part. Congratulations to @Mark Nailwood and @Erik Barros on their laps. See you in ZakStunts 2024!
2023 Season Wrap-up
Just a few days left before the start of the new ZakStunts season, and yet the last one is still fresh in my minds. But after some lazy holidays, it's time to close the lid on 2023. Let's travel back in time and review the year!
Excitement was in the air at the start of year: Alan Rotoi had successfully defended his title, Duplode was on a winning streak, and Argammon had just gone from a 16-year long hiatus to a third place. KyLiE and Frieshansen were eyeing the top of the scoreboard, tires still warm from their great previous year, while Heretic had claimed the first Amateur championship. Old names, new faces, strong regulars: would 2023 deliver? Deliver it did, with non-stop surprises!
Duplode started off strong, extending his winning streak into March. Argammon grabbed one of the two top positions, and... there he stood. Race after race, for a total of 8 victories and 4 second places, and close to an extra leading time point per race. If you are new around here, that's a lot, in particular since the fight for bonus points waged fierce throughout the season. Alan Rotoi was also part of these battles, but seemed to step back from the championship. In the end, only two racers would step on the two top steps of the podium: Duplode and Argammon. This left space for an interesting third place battle between Alan, KyLiE (another LTB contender) and Frieshansen—clearly not an amateur anymore.
The rest of the "pro" racers where fighting a really hard battle with the strongest "amateurs" in a long time. Erik Barros joined us at the end of 2022 and was immediately scouted by Doubleplusspeed. And what a season for him, racking up championship and experience point race after race! He brings home the amateur trophy for 2023, moves up to the main group, and word has it that he owns the coolest Stunts t-shirt ever. The Amateur league brought in more surprises, with Mark Nailwood and Ryoma returning to the races, and completing the season respectively second and third—but also in great global positions, close to so-called 'professionals' like dreadnaut and Overdrijf 😛 Just behind them came in Spoonboy of DOS Game Club fame. After half a season, I feel we have not seen his full potential: he's one to keep an eye on for the new year!
Full participation also for the Cas, afullo, Shoegazing leo, and Stan 286XT, who are taking up the role of benevolent gentlemen of Stunts, trying not to dent their Porsche, while they continue grow and nurture our community. Also great to see Alecu, dstien, Friker, Marco, and Shorty popping in for several races. Stay a while and
listenburn some rubber!Team competition
The Rolling Stunts crew basks in the glory of the 2023 team title, with 100% participation and an incredible 242 points, one-upping Doubleplusspeed's record score from last year. The latter came second in the team competition, and also achieved 100% participation for the second year in a row. Third place for Cork's Crew, with a couple of ghost members affecting their attendance score. The DOS Game Club folks joined us in spring, and needed some time to get into score range, while Slowdrive suffered from patchy participation, recovering only in the last third of the year.
If you are looking for a (new?) team, head to the forum thread. There are no deadlines, but feels nice to do it at the start of the season.
Wow, that was a lot. And I've not even touched on the many events that this incredible community has organised outside ZakStunts. Let me briefly mention:
- We successfully organised four Live Racing events, with multiple tracks and formats. Help us organise for 2024!
- Race 4 Kicks had another great season, with OWOOT aficionados KaoS, Igor and Ayrton.
- Daniel3D continues to surprise us with his experiments, including the Custom Cars and No Time travel competitions. Look out for as the next big website for your racing needs!
- Overdrijf took the lead on the @stunts-retrogame YouTube channel, including a great series of instructional videos.
- The folks a DOS Game Club produced a podcast episode on Stunts, and set up their own leaderboard.
- Finally, our own portal is now showing events from different competition: the one place to check to know what's on in Stunts land!
My thanks go to all you awesome people, on the track, the forum, the many shoutboxes and channels out there, for your dedication to racing and this community. I can't wait to see what you'll come up with in 2024 🎉
Jan 9
Alan RotoiThanks @dreadnaut for another great news post!
Jan 10
OverdrijfCan't wait to drive the turbo DAF in the new season. (Just starting the rumor mill.)
Jan 11
Jan 12
Jan 13
SpoonboyHey @duplode thanks for uploading the Hogweed track to the DGC leaderboard! I've had a chance to work on it, and agree the Pantera is probably the best in that class for this track. I had success with the Merc, but its speed made it hard to keep on the road!
Jan 14
Duplode@Spoonboy Nice! And indeed, given the rhythm of that track mid-to-slow cars are probably more at ease on it. Now I'm wondering how the Caterham would fare over there...
dreadnautAlmost there! 🥁 The first track of the 2024 ZakStunts season is coming later today. Final discussion on car bonuses on the forum, let us ear your take: Cars and rules for 2024
RyomaI don't know why but big issue with the dimensions of the ZX rallye raid...Another strange behaviour : I miss some jump at 120mph and succeed at 100mph...I try to do this car easy for people who don't like manual gears.
OverdrijfHa, the first Indy race of the season is up. Let's go!
dreadnautBeware Alan might tweak coefficients further for the track — track is up, but I'd wait for his go-ahead.
Erik BarrosFirst Blood
OverdrijfNew rule: If you feel like you're easily a faster driver than me you cannot look at this replay. There's some lameness that might get replaced with faster tricks during the month anyway but that's funnier if you find it for yourself. There's only a little bit of powergear in this first attempt anyway.
Erik BarrosToo late @Overdrijf, I already shared your replay on the darkweb.
Season 2024 starts today!
Welcome everyone, ZakStunts 2024 opens its doors in these hours. The first track of the year is up: ZCT270 is Swiftshire by Alan Rotoi. We have five custom cars, completely replacing last year's set. You might want to grab the car pack from the download page. Let's introduce them!
Ferrari F40
After a few years of absence, Zapper's F40 is back. Introduced in 2011, the F40 is a beloved classic: it has already seen ten ZakStunts seasons, and yet people keep asking for it. Get in the driving seat to discover why!
Ford Thunderbird
Among the slow cars, stock or custom, none is as pink as Alan Rotoi's 1957 Ford Thunderbird. First released in 2022, when it took part to the Custom Car Championship, it appears in ZakStunts for the first time this season.
Lancia Stratos
After a year on holiday on the coast of Sardinia, Ryoma's Stratos is back with a vengeance. Choose your favourite combination of livery, headlights and spoiler (yes! in Stunts!), then take this 2021 custom car for a spin.
Lola Cosworth Indy
While Stunts originally acknowledged a single Indy car, more have appeared in the past years. For season 2024 we are excited to introduce another of Alan Rotoi's creations, the Lola Cosworth Indy from 2022. Sitting close to its Porsche cousin in terms of performance, the adrenaline is guaranteed!
Last but not least, Duplode's precisely-named car (GT3 among friends) is back on the track after a decade in the garage. You might not remember it if you have joined us recently, but you will at the end of this season!
No rules changes compared to 2023, although you might want to review the replay verification changes introduced in July last year. The rules discussion over Christmas was productive, and a leading-time revolution might be brewing. Join us in the forum in the next weeks to shape the competition, or joining our other Stunts projects.
Also, remember that the teams thread is still open, so head there if you are looking to partner up for 2024.
Now it's time to go and try the new track, folks. See you on the scoreboard!
Jan 15
Shoegazing LeoFirst
2:00.83 A
Shoegazing LeoSecond
1:44.47 A
Shoegazing LeoThird
1:35.07 A
Shoegazing LeoFourth
1:25.09 A
Shoegazing Leo"Contact other racers (most of them don't bite
)" I bite only on demand
GTAManRCRI'm gonna upgrade my PC to a newer system
ArgammonLet me play the stunts oracle here. 1) This years leading-time battle will be between @alanroroi and @Duplode. (I am not going to participate) Hence, these two will also fight for the championship. 2) The Indy will win at least two races this year -maybe three. Wishing all of you an exciting Zakstunts season 2024! ;-)
SpoonboyI'm getting a "desert.ESH FILE ERROR" message that dumps me out of the game when loading this map. Anyone else had this, or knows a solution? Desert.esh Need to get my season underway!
Alan Rotoi@Argammon I hope so but not sure about that. Work projects will take me out of any battle soon. I'm on "holidays" (but still working) so I have more free time for finishing cars I'm building since 2 years like Rolls-Royce. It will end soon.
SpoonboyIn celebration of the F40's return, I plan to use it for my first replay of each track this year. I may come to regret this on certain tracks, and reserve the right to disown this plan and pretend it never happened
dreadnautℹ️ Minor track coefficient update, as requested by Alan. The changes did not affect any cars already in use.
Alan RotoiF40 is the car should be in the original car pack. What a miss it was! Thanks to @Zapper to bring us one of the best sports cars ever.
Spoonboy@alanrotoi I know it has been well-used in previous years. But in my first full season, it is great to finally be able to at least have the option of using the F40 for official ZakStunts business
Does it have any specific driving characteristics that you particularly enjoy?
CasMissing desert.esh may actually mean missing desert.pes because when one is not found, it goes for the other. Make sure you have that one
FrieshansenGuys, I'm excited about the new season!
Shoegazing LeoWelcome to Slowdrive, @Mark Nailwood!
Spoonboy@cas actually I've found a desert.pvs in the new install that is not present in my original, and dropping that in fixes the issue - thanks!
That said, I've begun my 2024 campaign in the fresh install to keep my replay menu tidy. Think I'll stick with this and repeat in future years.
Alan Rotoi@Spoonboy I didn't give a hard use to F40 so not sure what to expect. I know there is something curious about the grip modifiers. There is a intrinsic modifier (using CarWorks nomination) and specific surface modifiers. While original cars has 211 as intrinsic and in asphalt the value is 256, F40 has intrinsic value 436 and in asphalt is 210.
Jan 16
Argammon@Zapper: If you improve your Lm002 time 0.05 seconds, you are in the lead!
CasI'm preparing my Stratos, ha, ha. I started with the Jaguar, but I think I'll get a better result with the former. By the way, @Spoonboy, my Stunts directory is a huge mess. I should be cleaning there too!
Jan 17
DuplodeAll right, it's time to race!
RyomaToo much pink color for the day lol
Zapper@Argammon I was almost there, but tires still very cold for now
MarcoThe Lola cokpit was taken by Indianapolis 500 the simulation. What a grip !
Alan Rotoi@Marco yes, well spotted! It's a mix between Indianapolis 500 and some features from Indy Car Racing. The rest is mine. 😄
SpoonboyOh wow I have a lot of love and history with Indy 500! Got my setup perfected this time last year - in fact the only thing that stopped me playing it was Stunts
Jan 18
MarcoHi Spoon
. On Dosclub is not possible to upload grandprix circuit records. Regarding indy500, there are several races i did on youtube.
SpoonboyHi Marco, I'll check with @Tijn about the GPC leaderboard for you.
Zapper@Marco, lets's go for another one!
Alan Rotoi@Zapper you broke the 1:50 line!
Zapper...and 1:10 time barrier
MarcoUnfortunately, I suffer on my right arm playing too much this kind 9f championship. Very sad because i like to stay with you. I cannot push for winning. Too much stressing
ZapperOf course @Marco, it's all about playing harmlessly and with lots of joy. I couldn't overtake you so, no stress
MarcoHi zapper, first of all , thanks for all your beautifull addon cars. It s a honour to meet you here. You must overtake me without any problem
. I was only explaining that, the reason why i don t participate too much, it is that i suffer long gaming session
MarcoHe was great for me to win the 2019 championship and enter the history of this great community also if i was not the best one that yeat. I was lucky l. Duplode started to push too late and Finrock 2017 champion did not participate for real.
Alecu1st Time playing Stunts in 2024 and also 1st time trying the new Lola Cosworth Indy!
2:03.96 A
Spoonboy@Martincho Welcome to the race!
DuplodeHello @Alecu, and welcome @Martincho!
Alan RotoiWelcome @Martincho! ¿De qué parte de Argentina sos?
Alan RotoiHi @Alecu nice to see you here! I hope you liked Lola!
Jan 19
Shoegazing Leo
ZapperIt's also an honor for me to meet and compete with you @Marco, and also thank you for your words (and test videos) about the addon cars I've made for this great game and community! It's a pleasure as long as we maintain our health
MartinchoHi everybody!! Thanks for admitting me
Martincho@alanrotoi soy de Rafaela, la ciudad del óvalo (circuito) en la provincia de Santa Fe, y vos?
Marco@Zapper ... well , our great friend Anelio aka Aburaf was my hope. He was able of incredible fast result at the age of 82. I'm 48 and I'm still good but, this kind of performance, repeating the same corner several times looking for perfection is too hard for my fingers. I must try to add some rubber on the keys. Yes , now I try
Alan Rotoi@Marco: in fact Aburaf70 was from Rafaela, Santa Fe, just like @Martincho. @Martincho como bien dice @Marco, Anelio (@Aburaf70) jugó Stunts en esta comunidad hasta los 83 años. También partició su hijo @SergioBaro y su nieto @Veloz. Todos de Rafaela, por supuesto. Así que bienvenido rafaelino!
Mi consejo es que busques un equipo o que armes uno nuevo para compartir replays o trucos. También lo que podés hacer es ver los replays que van subiendo los corredores como para ir viendo qué trucos y atajos se pueden tomar. Cualquier duda preguntá acá o en el foro (mejor en inglés en lo posible jeje).
Erik BarrosWelcome @Martincho!! And good to see you in the scoreboard @Alecu
Jan 20
RyomaFor next season
FrieshansenWelcome from me too @Martincho!
Alan RotoiRemember to check the official thread of this race in the forum! ZCT270 - Swiftshire
Duplode@Ryoma Quick question: I've noticed that the two Bugatti EB 110 in your Mega are not replay-compatible with each other because of a single pixel difference in the some of the x coordinates of the gearbox (32 for EB11, and 33 for EB1W). Would it make sense to make those coordinates exactly the same, so that the variants become compatible again? (BTW, speaking of supercars, that's a beautiful one in the pics below! It's a Peugeot Oxia, right?)
Ryoma@Duplode yes I will modify this. Exactly a Peugeot Oxia...I expect to finish it this weekend and I expect it will be a good basis for next season
Duplode@Ryoma All right, thank you
Ryoma@Duplode I was so presumptuous and not at home when I answered. For the Bugatti which files and value I have to change ?
Duplode@Ryoma Using absolute addresses, in Car Blaster style, bytes 42h, 56h (5th gear x coordinate) and 5Ah (6th gear x coordinate). Their current values are 32 in CAREB11.RES, and 33 in CAREB1w.RES.
Ryoma@Duplode done with careb11.res with a value of 33
RyomaThe Oxia is on my MEGA
Duplode@Ryoma Okay, downloaded them both 👍
Jan 21
RyomaWho tried the ZX and the Oxia ?
Erik Barros@Ryoma could you please share the link to your mega, the link I had saved didn't work.
Jan 22
FerraoLet's see if I can play the championship this year.
1:20.90 A
Alan RotoiWelcome to season 2024 @Ferrao! I hope you'll stay! Important advice: Look for a team. Current teams with slots are: DOS Game Club and Cork's Crew. Also you can create a team with other racers like: @Alecu, @Martincho, @Ryoma, @Zapper or other racers who would join from the last year or newcomers. Check this thread in the forum: Teams for 2024
Ryoma@Erik Barros Yes if course
RyomaSpécifications of the niva
dreadnaut@Ryoma note that images on external services will be lost one day. Feel free to upload them on the forum instead.
Jan 23
Stan 286XTNICE GAR!!! ALECU!!!!!
SpoonboyHi guys. As it was the 7 year anniversary of @AbuRaf70's passing a few days ago, I have been taking time out to try a few tracks from that time. ZCT186, the last tack he tried driving, as well as ZCT187 and ZCT188, that you guys drove in his memory. I never knew him, but I wish that I had. Even though I was not driving with you back then, I feel that this is a good way for me to recognise the part he plays in the history of this community. Though I'm not religious, I believe that as long as someone is spoken about and remembered by those that knew them, they live on in that way. And part of me likes to think he still drives with us today, and enjoys watching us! I hope you guys don't mind me doing this; I don't wish to upset anyone, and I know this all happened long before my time here began. But if anyone else would like to drive with me, or suggest other tracks/cars, that would be great
dreadnautEvery time I race with a light blue car, I'm reminded of AbuRaf and his favourite colour 🩵.
Alan RotoiHe was a great friend. I miss him.
Jan 24
MarcoHe was in the hospital and he wanted the pc to play the last race
Jan 25
RyomaI did 1:30.20 with the Peugeot Oxia
RyomaNew design for automatic transmission
dreadnautWhat a fight at the top! And the public days are over 😱
dreadnautJust a reminder there are plenty of tracks without a guest reporter this year 😭 → Sign up on the forum: Guest articles 2024
Erik Barros@Ryoma I really liked the Oxia and the ZX, I had a time of 1:18.20 - Oxia and 1:31.65 - ZX on the default track. The ZX have an awesome handling.
RyomaThanks for your feedback Erik
SpoonboyWow @alanrotoi I can't wait to see this Jaguar lap! 😎
Jan 26
Spoonboy@ryoma I've also tested the Oxia and really like it. Feels very powerful and is smooth to drive. Looks awesome too. I like that the real car had a floppy drive 😝
RyomaThanks @Spoonboy
@Alan how you made the Jaguar flying ?
Jan 27
RyomaThe Ferrari 412 got the new automatic gearbox design. The two vector and kift too.
RyomaI made a frog
Duplode@Ryoma Ribbit! Such a distinctive car, very nice.
Jan 28
Alan Rotoi@Ryoma you are a Ferrari specialist. Did you already build Ferrari 328 Conciso? Pretty ugly but unique
I ignore its performance.
Ryoma@Alan the performance would be the same as the regular 328. I had the idea to make it but the shape with all these curve would be difficult with only 256 vertex.
Jan 29
Erik BarrosHappy birthday legend @MarkNailwood
FrieshansenHappy birthday @MarkNailwood!
DuplodeHappy birthday, @MarkNailwood! 🎉
Shoegazing LeoHappy birthday, @MarkNailwood !
Alan RotoiHappy Birthday @MarkNailwood! Enjoy your birthday with the new car: Baronetti A-70
MarcoI want this car !!!
CasHappy Birthday, @MarkNailwood!
Ryoma@Alan what a great car
AlecuHappy Birthday @MarkNailwood!
Jan 31
Mark NailwoodThanks for the birthday wishes.
RyomaI have updated the 2 Citroën CX (shape)
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