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Oct 1

  • Shoegazing Leo
    One more time
    LM002 2:19.19 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    oops I did it again!
    Carrera 2:22.97 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Stronger than yesterday
    Mercedes DTM 2:16.66 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Jaguar 2:21.05 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Mercedes DTM 2:13.36 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    @Marco and @dstien : there are something about paths on the team talk.
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @Usrin!
  • Argammon
    Gratulerer med dagen Usrin! Smiley
  • Frieshansen
    Happy birthday @Usrin!
  • Overdrijf
    Wow, Leo, driving crazy. Wait, I already used that one, oops, uhh... I bet your engine doesn't feel overprotected.

Oct 5

  • Duplode
    Happy birthday @AkossPoo!
  • Argammon
    Happy Birthday @AkossPoo!
  • Usrin
    Happy birthday to Poo!
  • Akoss Poo
    Thanks for all! I also owe Usrin a late happy birthday wish! (Well, I am truly bad at sending happy birthday messages, I'm sorry.)

Oct 6

  • Erik Barros
    Happy birthday @Ryoma, @Akoss Poo and a little late @Ursin. Best wishes for you guys!
  • Usrin
    I also owe everyone a Thank you, aka Takk for the happy birthday wishes! And have to BÖFF, btw. Smiley
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @Ryoma!

Oct 7

  • Duplode
    A point! Not any point, *the* point!! After 31 replays!!! Cheesy
  • Overdrijf
    Live race in 2 weeks! We're going rallycross. Happens to coincide with the finishing weekend of the current Zakstunts track. Rallycross Regionals, October 21.

Oct 8

  • CTG
    B Ö Ö.Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • Overdrijf
    It has begun. Fair battle, or time hiding?
  • Overdrijf
    @Ryoma: Can I use a car of yours for the upcoming live race? I want to use cars by 3 different creators, and for the second race I need something IMSA-like and grippy to drive on a wide-cornered but waterlogged track inspired by another racing game. I'd like to drive the LC1. Thanks!
  • Ryoma
    @Overdrijf no problem but be sure to use the last version on my mega to avoid issue like raceforkick. @Duplode Thanks.
  • Cas
    A little update
    P962 2:04.83
  • Overdrijf
    Thanks. and a belated happy birthday by the way. (Second track has been added to the thread.)

Oct 9

  • Duplode
    Here we stand...
    Indy 1:32.06
  • Argammon
    @Duplode That is an impressive Indy time, wow. I knew you are better at the Indy than me but that much, wow. What makes it even more impressive is that you made that replay in one day (one evening?). I guess so because otherwise you would have posted the lap earlier than 6am Zakstunts time.
  • Duplode
    @Argammon This lap was indeed driven in a single session yesterday evening, though that relied upon having studied the track beforehand.

Oct 10

  • Reporting on ZCT266

    It had been a rough week at the track. The Countach kept losing power in the loops, and Skid ended up getting banned from the track after he stole another team's Porsche 962 and took it for a joyride through the city. It was late when I finally got home. I walked inside and put my keys on the counter. That's when I got the call. It was dreadnaut. He said "I need your help! I just realised that nobody has written a race summary since April, but I'm currently in Venice on a date with Helen. Can you help?" Slightly confused about his predicament, I said "Pour yourself a glass of Galliano and relax. I'm on it. Also, tell Helen that she's totally busted. I know about the scratches on the GTO that she tried to touch up with nail polish!"

    So then, I think we can all agree that ZCT266 was an exhausting race, so please forgive me if I gloss over a few of the finer details. The Porsche 962 and the Lamborghini LM-002 were the first cars to start trading places on the podium. Then, the McLaren Honda MP4/4 entered the field. Just when we thought the race couldn't get any more diverse, Argammon dropped an amazing replay with the Countach! It wasn't long though before power gear came knocking in the form of the Acura NSX, which ultimately became the winning car. Simply getting the Acura to achieve power gear was a feat in itself, something I wasn't able to do in the limited time I had available for this race.

    Throughout all of this was an intense LTB battle between Argammon and Duplode, something that I'm sure was equally exhausting for both of them. I think we should all reflect on just how much time and effort went into their racing, because I can assure you, it wasn't easy. In the end, Duplode took the victory, followed closely by Argammon and Alan Rotoi. Congratulations guys!

    In the amateur league, we saw an amazing performance by Erik Barros, taking first place in the amateur league, but also fifth place overall! Well done! Mark Nailwood came in second, and Spoonboy, in only his fifth race at ZakStunts, came in third. These are some impressive results when you consider how long these guys have been racing and how many people are currently competing in the amateur league.

    With that out of the way, I'd like to take a moment to mention what else is going on in the Stunts world:

    • As usual, Race For Kicks is still going strong, so come and join us if you're up for some OWOOT action!

    • DOS Game Club recently published their Stunts podcast. It's a great episode and I encourage you all to have a listen. I had a blast recording it with Cas along with newcomers DJHiP, Spoonboy and Tijn from DOS Game Club. Speaking of which, welcome to ZakStunts! They've even started their very own Stunts Leaderboard, so be sure to check that out as well.

    • Rallycross Regionals is the next scheduled live Stunts race. It's going to be an interesting one with a new set of rules. Be sure to join us if you can!

    That's all for now. Until next time, enjoy Stunts, error-free floppies, and of course, Galliano!

Oct 12

  • dreadnaut
    A new race summary? 😱 Thanks @KyLiE!

Oct 13

  • Alan Rotoi
    I love the reports! Thank you @KyLiE!! The best reading I could have in the bus Cheesy

Oct 17

  • Marco
    Wow, there s a Mark older than me, this is great

Oct 18

Oct 20

  • Stan 286XT
    Hurry UP!!!!! This .TRK TOO BADD!!!!
    Lambo 2:32.81 A
  • dstien
    Carpe böff.
    P962 2:13.38 A
  • CTG
    BöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖ,öÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖöÖFF dampening 100 dB!

Oct 21

  • Overdrijf
    5 and a half hours until live race time! 3 tracks, 3 cars, 3 winners. 24 minutes of furious racing time, and one overall podium. Be there, or be optimizing your Zakstunts replay. I'll see you in the chat! Rallycross Regionals, October 21.
  • Overdrijf
    (Okay, it's actually 5 cars. But I'd be kind of impressed if you drove all 5 of them, as 3 are for the same race. Wink)

Oct 22

  • dreadnaut
    Quiet replays are out! 📢
  • Erik Barros
    Congratulations @Argammon, @Duplode and great to see @Frieshansen in the podium!!! Congratulation to the first win @Spoonboy, you and @Mark Nailwood made a great race!!
  • dreadnaut
    I'll review the replays tomorrow morning, but there's a surprising and strong replay from @Spoonboy in 7th position! Well done! 👏
  • Overdrijf
    Spoonboy is using my favorite motivation technique (I think), aim to beat the times on the board. Nicely done! Also a very nice time by Aagammon. Winning by a full second after such a hard battle for first having already taken place and on a powergear line, that's no mean feat.
  • Spoonboy
    Thanks everyone! This was a tough race. Didn't think there would be any 'elegant' solutions, just lots of shortcuts across grass, etc. Then I saw Arg/Dup's PG laps... Just mind-blowing. Another track where I learnt some new skills, and happy with my lap and result!
  • Overdrijf
    By the way: I'm actually not sure how "gettable" the reference was (it is pretty googleable), but way back when the gods walked the Earth and smoking was still cool, in 2002, there was a movie that was mostly just marketed as "the Britney Spears movie", because one of the lead roles was played by said person. The actual title of this film was Crossroads, like the ones in the center of this track. And that's why this track was called that.
  • KyLiE
    Congratulations to @Argammon, @Duplode and @Frieshansen! Also, well done @Spoonboy for leading the amateur league and achieving 7th place overall! @Overdrijf, I got the reference on day one. No search engine required. Wink
  • Argammon
    This was an exhausting race that finally cemented my first Zak Stunts Championship. Smiley Our Indy replays are amazingly similar considering we didn't see what each other was doing. Congratulations @Duplode and @Frieshansen and @Spoonboy. @Spoonboy: I didn't expect you to be able to race that fast :O. What comes next? Wink
  • dreadnaut
    Scoreboard confirmed! Congratulations to @Argammon, @Duplode and @Frieshansen, who steps on the first podium of the year 🏆 @Spoonboy grabs the top position in the Amateur League, in front of @MarkNailwood and @ErikBarros. And indeed it seems that @Argammon has secured the 2023 title three races from the end of the season. An impressive return after a decade away from the low-poly world of Stunts! 👏 Will he surpass @Alan's 117-points record? (with the current LTB rules)
  • Frieshansen
    Yeah, first podium for this season (only a minimal gap to the two winners Smiley ). Congrats to @Argammon and @Duplode. Also to @Spoonboy, who had an unexpected good run and to @Mark Nailwood and @Erik Barros!
  • Duplode
    A title won with racing at the very highest level, and now confirmed along with yet another gold medal. Congratulations to @Argammon, the 2023 ZakStunts champion! 🎉 Also, good work by @Frieshansen on the podium and @Spoonboy with the Amateur League win -- great to see!
  • dreadnaut
    And the new track is up! ZCT268 is "Penrose", by @Frieshansen 🏁
  • Spoonboy
    @Argammon Congratulations on your championship win. I'm learning from the best Wink My style is analysing and comparing my runs metre-by-metre, corner-by-corner, searching for the best method. I learn more new moves every race. So if I'm aiming anywhere, I may as well aim for the top!
  • Cas
    Opening with a blind lap, as usual! Smiley -- And congratulations, guys for those amazing results! It was a super diverse race with a lot of possibilities Cheesy
    Lancia 1:04.68
  • Duplode
    That's a beautiful map, @Frieshansen! Also, looking back at ZCT267 for a moment, it's very nice that you got the landing strip line (at the second pass through the maze) to the podium Smiley
    Pantera 0:49.17
  • Frieshansen
    Thanks @Duplode! Copied this shortcut from an replay of @Argammon. Tried your path before, but didn't make it.
  • Overdrijf
    I'm having trouble analyzing this track, I think I might need to take a few minutes to marvel at this hill drawing first. That is awesome.
  • Frieshansen
    Thanks @Overdrijf!
    Audi 0:57.66
  • dreadnaut
    I went for a drive between the hills to have a look at the valleys, and it feels like a different game 😅

Oct 23

  • Alecu
    Raced also on ZCT268 (Penrose) track!
    Pantera 1:16.16 A
  • Argammon
    I guess the track needs a special rule. Wink
  • Frieshansen
    Damn - thanks for noticing (and also for not waiting till the quiet days Smiley )! Would perhaps something like this fit: "It cannot be turned until the first climb on the brown tile" ?
  • Mark Nailwood
    It can be done even faster. Smiley Yes, I'd also vote for a special rule on this track.
  • Spoonboy
    Haha that's a weird glitch. Not seen this before - can someone explain what's happening to trigger lap completion?
  • Daniel3D
    If I recall correctly, can't find a relevant information page about it. It is a form of the Dual way mechanism. . In this case, because of the split directly after the start you can finish with a short offroad round without invoking penalty time.
  • Alan Rotoi
    There is a rule against it since zct15. Your replays are invalid.
  • Argammon
    Of course they won't be valid. I still think that should be stated explicitly as a rule or the track should be fixed.
  • Alan Rotoi
    In fact you also found it back then. Cheesy A time you can't beat...... In a quick search I only found your thread about it.
  • Argammon
    Yeah, like I told daniel3d I should perhaps have added 1 minute fake penalty time so as not to mess up things. I just didn't think about it.
  • Alan Rotoi
    It's ok, it can be fixed.
  • Cas
    I would like to point out that the early-finish issue not only can cause you to have trouble starting to race, but also, even when you manage to drive till the end of the track, it may result in your replay not being replayabe or not always. This has happened to me many times on tracks I made in the past. So maybe we should consider modifying the track. Just an idea... my humble opinion
  • Argammon
    Ok, here is a non-bug lap.
    Pantera 0:45.71
  • Duplode
    There's plenty of precedent for ruling such "instant finish" laps invalid. The one I usually think of first, because I was around at the time, is ZCT085 (in which the bug could be exploited in a subtler way), but as Alan notes it goes much further back. @Spoonboy My hypothesis is that path switching right after the start makes the pathfinding logic to backtrack and wrongly assume the car came through the final element and the finish line. Take that with a grain of salt, though, as we haven't analysed this bug in full detail yet.
  • Frieshansen
    What @Cas said worries me a bit. If we end up having problems with the replays, maybe it would be good to restart now with a small change to the track? Unfortunately, I don't have the experience to be able to evaluate this properly.
  • Duplode
    @Frieshansen I think replacing the track won't be necessary. It seems the issues with replays not completing properly happen on the 1990 versions of the game (i.e. not the 1991 ones we use here), which are affected by a more severe version of the instant finish bug.
  • Frieshansen
    Thank you @Duplode, that calms me down a lot! OK, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out now. Sorry for all the fuss guys.
  • Argammon
    Well, it was my fault as well since I did not add fake penalty time to my replay. That was a brainf**t. :x
  • dreadnaut
    Even with penalty time, it would still be an invalid lap 🤷 I think @Alan tested a similar path early during a previous race, and I just sent him a message and deleted it Grin Same destiny awaits these replays unfortunately! 🪓
  • Mark Nailwood
    Sure, I'm fine with deleting my replay Smiley. Question remains, is the "flying directly from the loop into the finish" shortcut allowed, as used in my current replay? I used the shortcut already in earlier replays before knowing the "instant finish" bug, but now I think it exploits the same issue. The car crosses two offroad elements until entering the element with the path switching. No penalty time has been added by the game.

Oct 24

  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @DJHiP! Smiley
  • Duplode
    @MarkNailwood Thanks for raising the issue! Going by the precedent, we'd have to disallow that as well. It is indeed the same exploit, as you have landed directly on the split without going through the finish tile. The ZCT085 situation I mentioned earlier was very similar, just with a cork instead of a loop -- see ZCT 85 - The worst track ever... for the discussion at the time. The old ruling by Zak, which attempted to deal with all variations on the theme, was "you have to cross the finish line, and do that from the driving direction".
  • Mark Nailwood
    Ok, then this is my replay with correctly passing the finish line. Please delete the previous one with a driving time of 1:07.35.
    Pantera 0:48.96 A
  • Erik Barros
    Happy Bday @DJHiP
  • Argammon
    @Duplode. Are we supposed to cross the finish line or the finish tile? If it is the former, then Alan's and my replays are invalid as well. I also find it confusing that Nailwood's Loop jump replay is considered invalid. I would never have gotten that idea. It would be nice if you could spell out the exact rule we are using.
  • Argammon
    And then write it prominently above the track so that those not following this discussion do not get their replays disallowed. I am talking about the loop to finish issue as I would surely have done that during the quiet days without lifting an eyebrow.
  • Ryoma
    Sorry but I don't understand all your discussion... Sometimes shortcut are allowed and sometimes not ?
  • Frieshansen
    Unfortunately, I think “you have to cross the finish line, and do that from the driving direction” would be the best solution. Unfortunately, because then the replays by @Argammon and @Alan Rotoi will be invalid (the new one by @Mark Nailwood would be suitable) and because I would have actually liked this area to be a little more "experimental". If we adopt this arrangement, I can already see in my mind's eye the first Acura helicoptering over the split into the back of the finish line Smiley But I think the alternatives are all worse: (1) the problem is, if we allow a round to end by touching the split, then you could, for example, turn in front of the long pipe and drive directly onto it (or even turn further ahead - for whatever reason, the missing tiles are not calculated correctly here). That was simply not how it was intended (yes, then I would have had to implement it accordingly...). (2) a regulation such as "the finish tile must be touched" will not be that easy either, because it is certainly possible to somehow roll from the split to the target. (3) "You have to cross the finish tile, and do that from the driving direction" would still be possible, but this is not always immediately recognizable and would still have to be checked carefully by the drivers. I would prefer a simple rule that everyone can check immediately. (4) if we take: "you have to cross the finish line area, and do that from the driving direction" it's unfortunately not that easy either. Where does this area end - and if we define an end, we have to pay close attention to the tiles again. And if someone is just past this limit, drives over it and touches the split tile, the race would be over again.
  • Argammon
    @Frieshansen: This roots back to the definition of finish line. Is the finish line the whole side of the finishing tile or only the road part of it? I think Alan's and my replays were submitted in good faith and should not be disallowed retroactively. I also disagree with @Duplode that replays should be disallowed based on a precedent from as far back as ZCT85. Nowadays drivers cannot be expected to deduce from something that happened over a decade ago which replays are valid and which ones are not. I think that all replays that the game considers complete should be valid that 1) do not violate the official rules ( and 2) any specific rules stated explicitly for the current track.
  • Argammon
    And indeed @Frieshansen, if someone manages a power-gear replay this will become a nightmare since you can slide or fly onto the finishing tile from all sorts of angles. Would it be possible to fix the track?
  • Argammon
    As an alternative one could consider the following checkpoint rule: "The car must have at least one pixel on the external speedup or one of the two long curves behind it."
  • Duplode
    The phrasing in that old most might not be the most precise, but I think the basic idea is simple enough: the lap must end on the finish tile. The line extends beyond the banner to the edges of the tile, so crossing it on grass, as we have done in many other races, is clearly okay. As for the direction think, I'd take it to mean that the car must not be going at an angle of more than 90º when the track ends, but if that part is confusing it might be fine to drop it. We can still easily distinguish laps that don't end on the finish tile, as in that case the final corners will be skipped without the usual six seconds penalty. (Also note that I haven't deleted Mark's replay yet -- let's see what dreadnaut will make of this.)
  • Daniel3D
    This is a lovely discussion that shows the fine balance between game making bug exploits and game braking ones. And how to deal with them..
  • Ryoma
    Sorry if I don't understand. In fact, because of a proxy, I can't download the replay and and I really not understand what about you speak. But my opinion is that it's useless to rule again and again because the hierarchy would be the same.
  • Overdrijf
    @Ryoma: we allow the regular "skip up to two tiles" shortcuts because it allows for interesting corner cutting and jump cuts, getting more different uses out of the same elements. We allow dual way switching because it allows for entirely freestyle sections, which is fun as well, and there's a good line between which parts of the track are completely free and which are regular. The bug on the current track allows one to finish the track in 4 seconds, which is not fun because, well, you finish in 4 seconds. Not really a month worth of racing there. Unfortunately the same bug allows for replays that are not 4 seconds long, but still use the same effect. So they're now debating on where to draw the line. If you're driving nearly all of the track but still finish faster than would be possible without the bug, is that allowed? What if you use it to skip the last 6 elements? What if you use it to skip half the track? (That might be difficult in this case, but for the sake of argument.) Some applications of this bug are going to be banned whichever way we go, because nobody wants 4 second replays, but what should be allowed and how to word the rules?
  • Ryoma
    @Overdrijf thanks for your answer. Seriously I don't know how to finish in 4 seconds... but everybody know that it's not the way I like to play this game (I prefer CCC rules). Maybe you can use something like the CCC rules about tunnel as checkpoint with modification of the track with new tunnel ?
  • Mark Nailwood
    The main point of our discussion is that the bug which ends the race and does not add penalty time if the car comes from an off-road tile to the tile with the split should not be exploited. So, for me, it would be ok to define that the car must either ... 1.) travel to the finish tile in the driving direction, regardless if it crosses the finish line on the road or passes left or right of it, or flies above it, or dives below it (maybe also possible in Stunts, you never know). 2.) It should also be accepted if the car comes from the left or right side of the finish tile (not from the tile with the split), as it will then get the correct penalty time and not exploit the bug. Just the replays where the car comes clearly from the side and does NOT get a penalty time should be regarded as invalid. But I'd also be fine with the decision that for this track it is required to cross the finish line in the direction of travel and between the poles. It's early enough, and I'm pretty sure that until the end of this race @Argammon and @Duplode will deliver replays that will be 10 seconds or more ahead of the others anyway, as usual. Smiley
  • Mark Nailwood
    Here is my first try with the Dodge Challenger. And a finish that should comply with all possible rules Smiley.
    Challenger 0:48.11 A
  • Ryoma
    @Mark Personnaly I don't care how the guys cross the finish line because I take no pleasure to drive like this. This year, I try do make an championship but now I am sure about my opinion.
  • Daniel3D
    @Ryoma. I can use the help to reanimate the CCC. If you have any ideas on how to make it better you are welcome to.
  • Cas
    Happy birthday, @DJ_HiP!
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D it's maybe only my point of view but yours rules with tunnel checkpoint is an amazing idea : no shortcut issue as now and less strict than gar. Always to my point of view, using all the car is not good. I dream a race where all the cars can win with a BoP system. When I start here it's what that I think. It was a painfull mistake for me and the Stratos.... Maybe a championship where every drivers choose a car for the year, try to adapt a BoP with the duplode system with penalty for the winner. The purpose is not to have a point system but only medals for the podium for every race. And have different winner for every races. It look artificial but now I will finish my first entire season, zakstunt looks artificial too.
  • Spoonboy
    Happy Birthday to @DJ_HiP, my fellow DOS Game Club driver! Wink
  • dreadnaut
    Thank you awesome folks for all the useful comments and discussion. It's a bit tight here in the shoutbox though, let's continue on the forum thread: ZCT 268 - Penrose
  • dreadnaut
    And indeed, happy birthday to @DJ_HiP! 🍰
  • Argammon
    Are we really sure the Pantera is the best car for this track? Smiley
  • Argammon
    Oh yeah, and happy birthday @DJ_HIP!

Oct 25

  • Duplode
    @Argammon No, not *really* sure. This could get interesting!
    Lambo 0:48.40
  • Daniel3D
    @ryoma, that sounds like a really interesting concept. I think that it is good to have a wider variety of competition styles and systems to match the various players. So, please work on it. If you need something, let us know. And feel free to use/adapt the CCC checkpoint ruleset to your liking.
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D it's difficult...I don't find time toi finish the Citroën C5. I lost skill of making cars. Si imagine for a championship. And maybe there are too much championship ?
  • Daniel3D
    People keep coming to us, but most don't stay. More flavours could have a positive effect on that. But with the current base it doesn't make sense to have 6 or more full time competitions. But like the live races, several times a year would work for most. Popular ones can be increased in number especially if they get their own unique players among them(like R4K has).

Oct 26

  • Stan 286XT
    This is an INDY.TRK at origin!!!!!
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D people dont stay because the difficulty level is hard. Imagine an event of 20 racers with handicap. Each racers choose his year car. By organizing a qualification on a track, the handicap will be calculated. After we launch évents and adjust handicap race after race. With no championship, because this systèm IS very artificial. Even you could win a race (I won 2 amateur races, it's suffisient for me). For the moment, it's a dream...I want to finish my Citroën C5 and maybe dine the Ferrari 499P.... But the motivation is not hère ..
  • Daniel3D
    @ryoma, Indeed the difficulty of this competition is high. The amateur league is an improvement, but this is a challenge for new players. That's why I created the CCC rules. In principle no powergear, limited shortcut possibilities and relative to ZakStunts easier tracks. Several car's with individual scoreboards so the cars don't compete with each other. // I like your idea of player handicap. Maybe the elo type rating Duplode made can be used for that.. By the way, I also have trouble getting things done. The delorean is almost finished. CCC is on hold due to technical issues on my end.. this was supposed to be my year I really had time. But it wasn't so, apparently...
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D as I said, I like your rules except the fact of using all cars but the Idea of tunnel checkpoint : only little shortcut and non PG. What is your opinion of making a couple driver-car ? Like Clark-Lotus, Loeb-Citroën or Schumacher-Ferrari... Poo will be happy using its 962, Duplode and Alan using the bicycle of gtaman (lol)... Non PG or anti PG cars.Maybe CCC is not mature and we can easily change the rules in opposition as here and raceforkick.

Oct 27

  • Daniel3D
    @Ryoma, I really like your idea of a driver/ car combination. You can drive your personal favourite car that way. Combined with the handicap system could work very well. A for the CCC. The checkpoint ruleset is separate from the cars and point system. It works with any number of cars. And your handicap system could (I reckon) also be implemented if we want. But let us continue this outside the shoutbox, please send me an email on
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D I think I said all my ideas here. I don't want spent more time on Stunts.
    Jaguar 0:53.15
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @Marco!
  • Argammon
    Happy birthday, @Marco!
  • dreadnaut
    @Daniel3D, @Ryoma - plenty of space on the Forum as well, if the shoutbox is too small. It's a very interesting discussion, to see how a competition is born!
  • dreadnaut
    Auguri @Marco, buon compleanno! 🎂
  • Overdrijf
    Yup, congrats @Marco!

Oct 28

  • Alan Rotoi
    Feliz cumpleaños @Marco!! Tanti auguri! Cheesy
  • Erik Barros
    Happy Birthday @Marco!!
  • Erik Barros
    fun fact!! I remembered and joined the zakstunts community after seeing a comment from @Marco on a Facebook post
  • Argammon
    Pantera 0:45.57
  • Overdrijf
    Close race...
  • Cas
    Happy birthday, Marco!
  • Argammon
    I just watched @Alanrotoi's replay and I am sorry, but it is illegal. If you look closely, his replay is stopped by entering the split and not the finishing tile. Moreover, if you alter the flight trajectory a bit so that he indeed lands on the finishing tile he gets 6 seconds penalty time. This is problematic because @Kylie should still be leading. I would not have submitted a replay if @Alanrotoi didn't take the lead.
  • dreadnaut
    Confirmed invalid, removed, and archived on the forum - — I should implement that "ignore result" flag 🤔
  • dreadnaut
    Hey @MarkNailwood, not sure if I removed your test replays early in the race. Could you check if there any are left for me to delete?

Oct 30

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Audi 1:14.69 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Jaguar 1:10.02 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Lambo 1:07.01 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Pantera 1:06.33 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    LM002 1:05.18 A
  • Argammon
    Lambo Power! Cheesy
    Lambo 0:44.75

Oct 31

  • Daniel3D
    @frieshansen. It's a very cool track. Beautiful map design as well. Just wanted to let you know.
  • Frieshansen
    Thanks @Daniel3D!

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