News posted in March 2021
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Mar 1
ZdnBurnsSending my first replay here! Best game of all the times!1:47.53 A
CasWelcome and happy birthday, @ZdnBurns!! By the way, you may want to check on too. We have a race featuring KITT just started today!
KyLiEWelcome @ZdnBurns and happy birthday!
GTAManRCRHi @ZdnBurns feel free to use RH to achieve a good time
GTAManRCRYou have to learn the tricks, and use replay handling to achieve a great time. In GAR all of these is forbidden, but allowed in the main championship
GTAManRCRBy 0:00,30, I beat the author
GTAManRCRWhat do you think about this @KyLiE ?
Mar 2
KyLiEGood work @GTAMan15!
GTAManRCRRemember, you always can improve your time. Even, if you think you can't1:27.53 A
HereticTrying to keep my participation 100%1:33.80
Mar 3
Stan 286XTFINALLY!!!!!!! I purchase a 286 3TH series from 90's!!! and I tray Stunt1.0 OB and I think my pc 12+10=22MHZ+MS-DOS 6.22 run fast like a ful 486!!! Becouse in a 286 86'DR-DOS 3.41 the car Lancia DELTA when I see replay is "simple": do not have lights red when brake Whit this 90's machine Lancia DELTA is exatly like a full 486!?!INCREDIBLE!!!!!! Whot do you think?
GTAManRCRWOW, Congrats! I just can wish to get my hands on a 90s setup
Mar 4
afulloStan, you can try to fine-tune the level of detail from the options.
Alan Rotoi@Stan Nice pc was a 286. Publish a pic of your baby in the forum!
Stan 286XTwhith 286 86 .rpl is 1KB more light!!!
Stan 286XTWhy here tere aren't electric cars?
Mar 5
GTAManRCRI'm proudly announcing to you the Hungarian translation of Stunts 1.1 made with Stressed and Paint
GTAManRCRGAME.PRE isn't translated as it would corrupt the game's physics
GTAManRCRThese are the remaining English texts, which are present in GAME.PRE
dreadnautHappy Birthday @Heretic! ?
HereticThank you! @dreadnaut
dreadnautLast days to rate ZCT234, if you have not done it already!
Stan 286XTThis year Lancia DELTA is more fast?
dreadnaut@GTAMan15 sorry, you don't see the option to rate the track because you did not race on it. Others can rate ZCT234 until Sunday evening. Rating for the current track will open only after the race is over, and you'll be included too!
GTAManRCRMy bad, sorry. I read race instead of rate sorry
dreadnautNo problem, it's a likely typo
Mar 6
DuplodeIs it just me, or does the Lotus oversteer a bit more than usual for a Stunts car?1:33.44
GTAManRCRThis car is helluva fun, but indeed it's harder to control
CTG@Duplode: maybe because its unique grip values? ZCT235 - Mirror Lake
GTAManRCRSo that's why you're in the first place now
CTGHahaha, check the author of this Stunts Wiki article: Stunts Wiki: Car_model_physics
Duplode@CTG Looking just at the "effective" asphalt grip (that is, what you get by multiplying the base grip by the modifier), the Lotus is about 10% above a typical slow car, not unlike the Skyline. It ultimately might have to do with some subtle interaction between grip and the physical car size.
Stan 286XTLotus espirit turbo have termal whheels like indi and 24H le mans car
Mar 7
dreadnautThe race is over, and the quiet replays are out!
CTGHmmm, I was almost sure that Don Rotoi or Duplode will send 1:1x.xx with Countach. Lotus became one of my favorite cars lately.
GTAManRCRMy final lap time was too bad, but I couldn't drive better
OverdrijfCongratulations @CTG and particularly @KyLiE too. That's quite the sharp time. Certainly a good basis for being a potential podium contender this season, even outside of newbie league.
GTAManRCRThis track was fun @KyLiE, which means I enjoyed hunting down my times to make my best, even with replay handling (CTG used it too)
DuplodeCongratulations, @CTG! A second consecutive podium for @AlanRotoi, a strong performance from @KyLiE and a promising showing from @GTAMan15.
dreadnautWell then, scoreboard confirmed! Congratulations to Alan, Duplode and CTG, whose winning public replay managed to collect 21 days worth of LTB! ?
dreadnautAnd the new track is up, thank you Alan!
GTAManRCRThe second replay I sent, and discovered a thing actually
Stan 286XTWhy Stunts 1.1 21 don't have penality time? 4d sport have!
Stan 286XTDrenault at 1.15,00 you collided wit a cement block and don't crash?Are you a GHOST car?
GTAManRCRThis version also has penalty time, just when you see the finish line from the other route, drive that side, and you'll know
GTAManRCRThis month's car will be the Melange XGT-88, because it's much faster, than LM-002, even if it has less bonus percentage
GTAManRCR@Stan you'll only not get penalty if you use the DWS glitch, which isn't present on this track, but why do you say Stunts v1.1 doesn't have penalty time?
OverdrijfSomeone really wanted to use the Melange here.
Stan 286XTwihit a 286 8Mhz 640KB of ram I can't run in a cement block.Whit 4d sport 1.1 I wos a little too fast uugh!!!2:05.65 A
Alan Rotoi@Overdrijf Yes! ^_^ I wanted Melange for this track, but if it isn't this month maybe will be next
GTAManRCRNext month's track will be made by dreadnaut, the admin of this site
GTAManRCRAccidentally duplicated by refreshing, sorry
Alan Rotoi@GTAMan15 Yep and maybe the most useful car might be Melange
Stan 286XTI send replay Lambo I cant send replay Toyota Sprinter Trueno
GTAManRCR@Stan because you don't have the TST downloaded
Stan 286XTthis.rpl 5,5kb they are havy!!!
Stan 286XTBiutiful TST STUNT!!! tere is choice ega grafic stile!!! but4ds sport on AMIGA boot from floppy and don't need windows!
GTAManRCRAmiga uses AmigaDOS, which is different than PC DOS, so that is the reason, but Amiga 4D version only supports EGA, and the car grips are bad on dirt and ice
GTAManRCRGuys if you were present on Marco's live, you maybe noticed a glitch with the Stunts' penalty system
Stan 286XTI have the leading time!!!!
GTAManRCR@Stan your lap is invalid, because you crashed
GTAManRCRAn actually valid lap with Lambo would be much longer
Mar 8
afulloWhat glitch? There is one related to numeric overflow, for example, but it happens only in very long tracks, and for cutting hundreds of tiles at once...
KyLiEThanks guys, I'm glad you enjoyed the track! Congratulations to @CTG, @Duplode and @Alan. Race summary to follow soon.
KyLiEFirst GAR replay!1:25.17
GTAManRCR@afullo the glitch happens, when you're at the end of an oval track, and before the finish line, there is a cross to the right
Stan 286XTHave a GOOD woman fest Cherry and Helen !!!!
GTAManRCRTime to keep my replays hidden
Duplode@Stan268XT's 0:59.49 Countach replay was invalid due to a crash at 1:18.20, and has been removed from the scoreboard...
Stan 286XTis entred a poltergaist in the .trk try to make anather
GTAManRCRYes, and I told this to dreadnaut, but ignored my PM Likely Stan sent his replay with BB Stunts 1.0 which isn't allowed anyways
GTAManRCR@Stan why don't you learn from anything? This site cleary states, that BB Stunts 1.0 is FORBIDDEN
CTGWhohooo, Mr. Poo on the track! Btw GeeTeeOOO... don't forget this hint!
Stan 286XTThe uploader.rpl don't work I can't upload replay booh!
afullo@GTAMan15 : so it is not the bug I was referring to. Does this one result in a different attribution of penalty with respect to the one that would be the right one? - @Stan : try RPLinfo online to check your replay before uploading.
GTAManRCRYes. Here it is
GTAManRCRLook at 21:04 for the glitch
Stan 286XTAll version BB1.1 on internet are the same of yours 21 olso 4ds is 1.1. Whit the version bb1.1 of internet I uploaded 2 replay whit yours bb1.1 21 ZERO. Rplinfo said my .rpl is not complete but vette go until finish. The version from internet work better I make floppy format a: /s for to be more fast whit turbo 286 this site don't work fine BOOH!!!!!
GTAManRCRMS '91/2/25 is indeed compatible with BB 1.1, but not the MS '90/12/13. Beware of this!
Duplode@Stan286XT It's as GTAMan15 says. You have to look at the year shown in the Option menu -- 1991 is compatible, 1990 isn't. There are two different 4D 1.1 versions, one from 1990 (the most common one, which is not compatible) and another from 1991 (which is compatible).
afullo@GTAMan15 : I will see better, but I got the point. - @Stan : did you press ESC before a full second (20 tics) after crossing the finish line?
GTAManRCRBut MS '91 has the same bug as BB 1.1, in which neither of these game versions will ask you after 10 minutes of driving if you want to continue or see the replay, but this isn't present in BB 1.0 and MS'90
Stan 286XTIT is ST1.1 (feb 12 91) is the correct version! BB1.1 21 don't run fine whit a pc 286 I go to se too find 4 DS11 for to be a little more fast my 1.1 add 2:16.50 gar lap .rpl works fine!!!! Is incredibol whith a slow pc .rpl run more slow!!!
GTAManRCRStunts 1.0 doesn't freeze after reaching 10 minutes (And even 4-D Sports Driving doesn't, and I refer to MS' 90 as 4-D, because look at its title screen)
Alan RotoiI tryed a GAR lap but it seems a hard track for OWOTR rules.
GTAManRCRBecause of the slowdown part? Just break to 10 MPH at that part
Stan 286XTOn 4D Sports driving 1.1 is not important the highest velocity it is important medium velocity!!!!
GTAManRCRMarco is on live now. Go, catch him!
Stan 286XTOHHH 4D Sport Racing 1.1 too mach better!!!!!
Alan Rotoi@GTAMan15 what slowdown part? I mean the part of the chicane at the beggining.
Mar 9
Shoegazing LeoYo baby!1:22.74 A
Shoegazing LeoMe again1:21.78 A
Shoegazing LeoLet me see...1:28.39 A
Shoegazing LeoBããããããffff1:18.04 A
CasMy first try here!1:19.87
CasAaaand a GAR lap!1:38.61
GTAManRCR@Alan the small left corner upside the hill
Shoegazing LeoThis track could be called "Arrelampiamento".
Mar 10
Stan 286XTI make .rpl whit dr dos 341 stv 1.1 and said lap incomplete this site don't support dos 3.30 and amiga dos is correct? I have to use ms-dos 6.22 (98) on a 80286 boh?
afulloMaybe, with an older version of DOS, Stunts is forced to run at 10 fps, while the scripts here are based upon properties (length in time as a function of dimension in bytes, and so on) which hold only for running at 20 fps...
Reporting on ZCT235
You're driving through the desert, engine roaring and sun blazing. All of a sudden, your oil pressure drops to zero and you notice a cloud of smoke in your rear view mirror. You stop to inspect your engine and just as you had feared, there is oil everywhere. Has Bernie finally gotten his revenge for all those years of torment? In any case, you grab your cigarettes and get to walking.
Hours go by as the sun beats down on you. You start to feel light headed and your vision starts to blur. As you stagger to the top of a hill, you see what looks like a lake surrounded by a race track in the valley below. As you make your way towards the track, a man comes running up to you and hands you a bottle of water. "Mr Vicious!" he says, "We're so glad you could make it! We've got the Lotus ready to roll and everyone is waiting for you to set the lap record." You take a drink and as you start to feel yourself coming back to your senses, you remember who you are, so you reply "Shut up and give me the keys!"
So, Mirror Lake, my first ZakStunts track. Was it a success? Well, I think so! Initially there was a bit of uncertainty but I think most people enjoyed the challenge of perfecting their racing lines. The mighty Zak himself even chimed in with his tick of approval.
dreadnaut took an early lead, but less than an hour later, CTG shot to the top of the scoreboard and stayed there for the remainder of the race! Duplode secured second place followed by Alan Rotoi in third place, both with replays posted in the last two days of the race. Special mention must go to Overdrijf and myself for coming within one second of the podium. Also worth mentioning is GTAMan15 for his impressive effort, managing to improve his time by 16 seconds throughout the race, submitting a total of 28 replays!
We also welcome Cool Gaddafi from Scotland and ZdnBurns from Brazil to the competition. I hope you enjoyed your first ZakStunts race and we look forward to seeing your names on the scoreboard for many races to come. There has been quite a lot of activity in the newbie league recently!
Moving on to the GAR competition, veteran racer Marco placed first, followed by myself in second place, and Zapper in third place. As it has been mentioned before, the GAR competition requires a huge amount of determination and patience, so I congratulate everyone who participated. Lastly, I wanted to shout out to Cas for being the only one to hold out with the Melange XGT-88 in the GAR competition!
In closing, I hope everyone enjoyed this race and I would like to thank everyone who participated. I look forward to seeing you on the tarmac again soon!
Stan 286XTI never thnk thet!!! I have 640KB ok ram 6.22 make more frame for second very good!!!thank you I dont now that Incredible! one time I make grafics whit worksII but now use stunt 1.0 OB 20 frame is great Incredible!!!
Mar 12
Stan 286XTDo you know whot think about stunts?
Stan 286XTThe .rpl straycat GAR is not valid becouse at 0:15,35 had 4 whells on green
DuplodeIndeed. @Straycat, I have removed the GAR flag from your laps, as you have fully left the track at multiple places and cut an l/r cork in both of them. Thanks for the report, @Stan286XT. (Oh, and that Twitter profile has gained a follower )
Mar 13
MarcoHi Dup and all, the indication under the GAR championship is wrong. Gar is not OWOOT but it's OPOOT , One Pixel on or over the Track. Also in contact is valid because you cannot be sure to do not have road pixel under your car. So it's on, over or in contact with the grey road surface
Duplode@Marco Changing "wheel" to "pixel" there sounds fine. (Were we using "OWOOT" I'd argue for not changing it, as "OWOOT" at this point has become a generic term to refer to this kind of rule, regardless of the details of how the verification is done. In any case, it is probably better to keep not using acronym there.) As for adding "in contact", I feel it is too much detail for such a short text. I think issues like this one and the confusion about l/r corks in Z234 can be solved by having a more detailed write-up of the GAR rules here at ZakStunts, something I plan to prepare in the near future.
dreadnautAs Duplode said, one thing is a short explanation of how GAR works, another is the detailed verification rules. If you knew nothing about GAR and read "one pixel on or over the track", you'll only be more confused.
CTGReminder to @dreadnaut: USL 2021 - Track 3 - Farmland
Stan 286XTwe wont back old version of DOS Ms-dos 3.30 boh!
dreadnaut@CTG it's ready
Mar 14
CasI would like to comment on the matter of OWOOT/OPOOT that @Marco mentioned. I agree with @Duplode and @dreadnaut that adding yet another term would make it more complicated. I also understand the point @Marco makes. He's a perfectionist and does not want to convey the wrong meaning. The term OWOOT was created as an acronym which today happens to have been very inconvenient and we can't expect people to change it now. Even in Race For Kicks, we use OWOOT to refer to what Marco calls OPOOT, and "in contact". My suggestion is that, if anybody at anytime would like to avoid the term OWOOT because of this, we could call it "lineal rules" as opposed to "free rules". Of course, the term OWOOT will remain there and we'll keep on using it, but it's better, if you don't like "OWOOT" to use an easy to understand term than to add yet another acronym. Thanks!
CasJust a small correction: I said "lineal rules". I meant "linear rules"
MarcoI don t want to remove the term owoot but I was specifying that the Gar rules are opoot. If you think that this point can confuse someone, I understand .it happened that i had to valid a lap where the wheels were notnin contact with the track but a pixel of the it was
KyLiE@Marco, in your most recent GAR replay, you jump over one of the slalom blocks at 0:36.10, which I believe makes the replay invalid. While your GAR video mentions the slalom blocks, it doesn't mention jumping over them specifically. However, my understanding is that jumping over them is the same as jumping over any other element in the game, such as the tunnel. Please let me know if I have misinterpreted the rules. It might be worth clarifying this in your video.
Duplode@KyLiE Thanks for bringing forth a test case. While in recent GAR races I have avoided jumps over slalom blocks out of abundance of caution, I lean towards considering them legal, though it's not a strongly held opinion. In my view, slalom block jumps are less questionable from a GAR point of view than jumps over u/d corks (which skip part of the track), highway dividers (which lead to all four wheels being over grass) or l/r corks (which completely disregard the yellow line). Besides that, ruling out the obvious Indy line at the hill of Default feels a touch too strict. As you note, a good argument for outlawing jumps over slalom blocks is the analogy with the tunnel rules. There are two other approaches to tunnel roofs which would keep the rules consistent, though: either allow jumping over tunnels as long as there is no landing on the roof, or treat the roof as if it was grass and disallow jumping over it by analogy with the highway rule.
MarcoHi my friends, jump on the roof of the tunnel is invalid by rules because if you have to approach a tunnel in real life, surely you don't jump on the roof. But to jump over the slalom blocks was never been considered as to be a mistake . We must also consider that we can pass slalom blocks at maximun speed due to the fact that, staying in the perfect middle of the road, permits you to pass without consider it. So, in my opinion, to jump the slalom blocks is like to pass them through the middle ans then is valid. Tell me your opinions
MarcoMost important point in GAR rules is to do not take voluntary advantage by elements like hitting the divided road to speed up or jumping/cutting corkscrew and loop . Because it's not possible to define if you do that on purpose or accidentaly, those actions are always considered invalid. Anyway it's not everything invalid , you can for example take advantage by some "randomic" speed up entering or exiting banked road , this is valid as reported in gar rules. For my point of view, jumping the slalom can be considered good
Duplode@Marco What do you think about jumping *over* tunnel roofs, in the rare cases in which there's enough speed to take the 2+ tile jump without landing on the roof?
MarcoThis is a very intelligent question and that's what i was thinking before . So, jumping completely an element could be good or we must slowdown to do it ? Well i don't think it's so easy to find a track that permit you to completely jump an element but with very fast car this could happen. What do you think Duplode ?... and to completely jump a corkscrew or any other elements ? Very good question. I don't think it would be very good to jump other elements but are you sure that this che happen ?
Stan 286XTWOW OLD MS-DOS VERSION 3.30 are BACK!!!! WELL RETURNED!!!!!!I have 286!!!!!
Duplode@Marco I agree that corks and loops shouldn't be jumped over in GAR, as that would be a blatant violation of the spirit of the rules. Specifically in the case of tunnel roofs, though, one might make a case that you are technically over the road and following the yellow line as you fly over them. It can be argued either way. I slightly lean towards forbidding jumps over tunnel roofs, merely for the sake of making the rules more uniform. (From that point of view, though, one might question the slalom exception, as KyLiE has done. A possible answer would be declaring that tunnel roofs count as grass for the purpose of GAR validation, but I'm not sure about how convincing that would be.)
MarcoYou have convinced me ... follow the yellow line rule is the key that permit to completely jump a tunnel as good but excluded corkscrew and loop . Nice done Duplode Anyway it remains valid for my point of view that you cannot land on tunnel roof otherwise you take speed advantage of the exiting jump . So you can completely jump a tunnel as for slalom blocks because is matched the follow the "yellow line rule". Sounds fine for me
Akoss PooYou are talking about issues (rule ambiguities) which completely made me skip GAR driving this month...
DuplodeWe do need a proper write-up of the rules, @AkossPoo. I'll try to draft one later this week.
Mar 15
CasUhm... I agree that these ambiguities are discouraging. I do accept that Marco is the creator of GAR and he shall define the rules and I'm willing to accept them as such, but of course, opinions are always good. And my personal opinion is that GAR is supposed to be strict. R4K, which is strict OWOOT, I have always considered it to be "lighter" than GAR. Nothing is stricter than GAR. So I'm kind of surprised that jumping over a slalom block is allowed even if accidental, because I wouldn't allow it in R4K. But that's just an opinion.
CTG@AkossPoo: you... are... SLOW!!!
Mar 17
KyLiEHey @JohnnyAlaska, welcome to ZakStunts!
Mar 18
Marco@Duplode ... testing my beautiful new Italian Delta Evo3 I noticed that it's easier to turn left than right. I thought it was my finger but someone told me that's a bug of th zakstunts 1.1 version. What do you know about, all the cars act in this way ? Never noticed before
GTAManRCRYes, every car acts in this way, Marco, so expect it even from the fastest car in the game. But since Stunts 1.0 is incompatible, while 4-D Sports Driving is partially compatible, you can use that version to test it
Duplode@Marco It is indeed a bug in the 1991 versions, including the one distributed here. CTG has been remarking on a perceived difference for a long time. At some point, I began having the same sensation, but also assumed it was a hand-keyboard interaction issue. Carrying out version comparison tests early this year has revealed otherwise, as the difference doesn't exist in the 1990 versions.
GTAManRCR@Duplode So if the rules for 2022 would include MS' 4-D Sports Driving or BB Stunts 1.0 the lap differences would be much smaller
Duplode@GTAMan15 Differences between racers likely wouldn't change much, as the effect is the same for everyone. Lap times would become longer on average due to slower left corners. (The 1990 versions also have more dangerous high drops and different tunnel roof physics, but such things don't come into play as often as left turns.)
GTAManRCR@Duplode That's also a very much different thing between 4-D Sports Driving and BB 1.0 is that they don't have compatibility with each other, because 4-D is partially compatible with BB 1.1 (This means data files, but no replay), while BB 1.0 isn't compatible in any terms with BB 1.1
afulloFirst time I came here, back in February 2014, I posted a replay made with MS 1.0, which I had been in use since the 90s. ZakStunts' scripts correctly recognize time, car and transmission, but pipsqueaks with BB 1.1 had issues in playing the replay on their version...
GTAManRCRThis is the meaning of PARTIAL compatibility
MarcoI' m literally shocked ... I noticed the bug only now and it's terrible. My lancia delta turns at 200 km/h on the left and 170/180 on the right. At the beginning I thought they were my fingers . Then I tried the stunts previous version and the left speed is like the right speed 170/180. So there's a big improve on turning left on this STUNTS version that is not normal. This is terrible , simply terrible. There's no a way to merge the 2 last versions of stunts in order to remove this bug, i cannot drive with this condition.
DuplodeIt is sure irritating once you become aware of it. Ignorance is bliss in this case, I guess. I wouldn't advocate for a switch to 1990 4D Driving because that version has its own share of annoyances (most notably, the tunnel roof weirdness and a cursor bug in the built-in track editor). As for a version merger, @Marco, maybe the situation is not entirely hopeless. I recall the grip calculations in the disassembled game code as being relatively easy to understand, so it is not unthinkable that this bug could be identified and fixed at that level. If we get back to working with restunts someday, looking into that would be well worth doing.
GTAManRCRWhat is version merging?
DuplodeThe hope of somehow combining the most sensible behaviours of the versions into a single package. (In practice, that will, if anything, amount to tweaking 1991 Stunts, as our tools and knowledge are largely focused on it.)
GTAManRCRRemember, GAME.PRE holds the game physics, and most of the physics are contained in its plan segment, so the plan segment has to do something with Stunts 1.1 super grip which should be somehow removed. So it could be enough merging GAME.PRE file plan values
Duplode@GTAMan15 GAME.PRE only controls part of the physics. plan, for instance, specifies the angles of the surfaces that make up track elements, but not how they are arranged (for instance, the upside-down parts of pipes and l/r corks share the same plan surfaces), nor how the car interacts with them. As for the left corner bias, the bug almost certainly lies somewhere in a specific part of the game engine code that deals with updating the car state in reaction to steering input.
GTAManRCR@Duplode Interesting finding! So now it will be hard to find the real physics controller
DuplodeWe actually know where it is, thanks to restunts. The problem is that restunts consists of assembly code that has been partly translated to C, and it is hard, time consuming work to make sense of the assembly and continue the translation. (Once upon a time I made some progress with respect to understanding the grip and steering code, but I lost my notes to a HD crash in late 2016 before I got to publish them, and haven't managed to pick it up again since.)
GTAManRCRBad news for the notes during your Hard Drive crash, but do you have the code which holds the replay limit (25 minutes in BB 1.0 and 4-D Sports Driving, but freezing after 10 minutes in BB 1.1 and 4D Sports Driving) If yes, you could do a version of restunts which kills this time limit so we can drive more than 25 minutes using restunts.exe
DuplodeI don't recall having ran into the time limit code back then, but it shouldn't be too difficult to identify it. The "outer" frame update loop would be a sensible place to begin looking.
GTAManRCRAnd so if we could save a replay longer than 10 minutes, and also killing the prompt screen, and making Stunts 1.1 unfreeze
Mar 19
is still untranslated from assembler: -
MarcoWell my friends, I don t know all the difference between the 2 stunts versions i tried . I know about the 10 minutes freeze (you cannot do too long circuits) and now about the tunnel roof. Honestly I think that the grip bug is still more important than these 2 limits . Because I have very great respect of your big intelligence , I'm also interested in you opinion obviously because several time you have changed my mind. Anyway I defined the GAR championship, I'm too maniac to accept a bug like this grip one. In my offline session i could not drive anymore this version till is not solved
Mar 20
DuplodePersonally, while I don't really have a proper justification to offer, after so long racing on BB 1.1 I feel I can tolerate this issue. Of course, *if* we ever succeed in producing an "1.1.1" bugfix release the premises of this discussion would be radically different. Right now, however, it is prudent to consider such a thing a distant prospect.
GTAManRCRStunts 1.2
MarcoYes, as usual I understand your point Duplode and i think that for the main championship is not a so big problem. Anyway it seems that many racers didn't know about this trick and I'm one of them. But for a GAR mind this is very hard to accept considering that the previous version seems to be good . I ported tracks from the last version to the previous one and they works so the editor bug is no more a problem.
Alan RotoiBTW I didn't knew it either
afullo@GTAMan15: MS 1.2 does actually exist, it is the Amiga version dating from the very beginning of 1992. We do not have a BB 1.2, anyway.
GTAManRCR@afullo It was intended to be a name for the restunts version after a few modifications, because @Duplode said 1.1.1
Duplode@GTAMan15 Yup, 1.2 is the Amiga version, as afullo notes. Besides that, I feel 1.1.1 would better communicate that it would be 1.1 with only a handful of non-game-changing bugfixes. @Marco For designing GAR tracks for 1990 4D, just keep in mind that, while the tunnel roof glitch doesn't matter (as exploiting it would be a GAR violation), the riskier high drops do, so you sometimes will have to decide whether to soften a high jump or require drivers to brake before taking it. @AlanRotoi Chances are you were already subconsciously adjusting your driving for it, perhaps even without noticing it. (That said, consciously knowing about it might be an advantage, in terms of knowing what to aim for.)
MarcoI'm testing 4d sports driving and by the moment is great. Yes the tunnel roof glitch is nothing compared to the left grip. GTA told me that is not possibile to use RH , wow this is the perfect version for GAR RACERS
GTAManRCRBut only after 10 minutes of driving, Marco. Keep this in mind!
afulloIn fact, it is possible to use RH, since the recording of the latest 9'50"-10' is kept, so you can always rewind, unless you need to resume from a very earlier point.
GTAManRCRAfter 10 mins you can't save, so no advanced RH
afulloYes, you can only use RH on the fly, but e.g. for small errors it is sufficient...
CasIf I'm not mistaken, custom cars are not compatible with other versions of Stunts. Are they?
Duplode@Cas They work fine in 1990 4D (and 1991 4D). 1990 Stunts can't handle graphics from the 1991 versions properly, presumably due to minor differences in the resource formats. (I used to claim on the Southern Cross site that custom cars were for 1991 Stunts only, but that was inaccurate.)
DuplodeAnyway, here is a 1991 Stunts GAR lap1:21.82
Mar 21
MarcoYes i'm using my italian custo Delta on 4d sports driving and it's great !!!
MarcoHi Dup, regarding you gar lap, it seems to me that in the Pipe you had a little very littlespeedup . You have not hit the concrete wall but it's forbidden anyway to find speed up on the pipe . Tell me what yoy think, it's very little if it is
Duplode@Marco Indeed, there's a small jump at 42.80, resulting in a speedup of about 5 mph. It's a harsh one (as I was merely trying to dodge the obstacle), but I think we have no option but to rule it out, as I can't see a simple way to allow that while at the same time forbidding bigger jumps inside pipes (and I don't think it would be enjoyable to have to chase those in a GAR lap).
DuplodeIn any case, here is an improved GAR lap (If anyone wants to see what we're talking about, have a look at my 1:34.05 replay.)1:21.00
Mar 22
MarcoAhahah... wtf... never push too much Duplode in a competition. Well 1:33.10, reached in few trials. Your little jump was absolutely not voluntary but it was a jump. It s like when you are out of the track by only one pixel. Speedup are not allowed on elements but only on banked roads because they are more heavy to avoid. In this case i tried several time and i have never had speedup. Congratulation for your 1.33.10, that s great
MarcoI wasted a super lap at the last corner but this is to remember always that perfection doesn't exist. My arms are destroied and I'm sure that Duplode will be able to overtake me again. But i will not run again, it's good and enough for me at 45.5 years old otherwise I would lose my fingers. Unfortunately I'm too competitive to accept to do not run at my best everytime. For that reason i have retired ) Mr Baronetti was invincible
DuplodeUnder 1:33, nice one Marco! Maaaybe we can get under 1:32 if the stars align. I might attempt it before the deadline, but right now I also need to recharge my batteries. This is a hard track!
Mar 23
Alan RotoiMy bad. I didn't take in mind the GAR competition.
Duplode@AlanRotoi Don't worry -- I don't think we should expect all tracks to be equally well suited to GAR and free rules; that would be pretty limiting. Also, this is not the unpleasant, run-away-screaming kind of hard.
Marco1:31 is possible but it's crazy, I did a very nice 1:31.50 but 1 pixel of grass stole me the lap .1:20.43
MarcoIt would be great to have a GAR scoreboard and Championship. It's surviving ! This could be the first 1
GTAManRCRNice lap! Congrats!
MarcoI have the 1:31 but I need to do all close to perfection
GTAManRCRI tould you, that you can have 1:31 in a live of yours
Mar 24
dreadnautPersonal track ratings now visible on the track list
DuplodeAs promised, I have prepared a draft of the GAR rules for ZakStunts. You can read it at . Criticism and suggestions are most welcome; please share them here or at the corresponding forum topic: GAR rules draft
MarcoWhat a Job Duplode ... great work !!!
MarcoIn my video, there's a mistake on the replay check . I have removed the replay bar and that changes the car graphic. During F3 check we must no remove the replay bar
GTAManRCRA second improvement1:13.04 A
dreadnautWrong Way screenshot competition ? — Show us your best! ?
Mar 26
Alan RotoiI must announce @DarkChaser will be away for 14 days... or was it for 14 years?
DuplodeHow many years have gone by since his Copa Stunts? I guess we're getting there, Alan
Duplode@Marco Annoyingly, it does seem there are (very small) differences in camera angle depending on whether the dashboard is visible or not. We might have to specify one of the two possibilities.
CasVery well pointed out, @Marco! It's true. I think I will adopt a specific dashboard on or off configuration for replay verification in R4K as well.
Mar 27
Stan 286XTthis bitmap like stunt wos sold 500.000$ at manhattan
MarcoThe original is with replay bar on that's also the default condition
Mar 29
Stan 286XTI have a question: If I have an old pc and format hard disk FAT12 in gaming Stunt BB11 whoth change?
afulloI don't think the filesystem could make a particular difference. FAT12 is very old but floppies, where used, can still use it.
Mar 30
CTG@Duplode: kind reminder, you should take the lead within a few hours to get +1 LTB. I promise that I won't interfere. (Everybody knows that my final time is already on the scoreboard.)
Mar 31
Duplode@CTG Not in this round, I'm afraid...
Cas@Stan I think Stunts will work with FAT12. As Afullo said, diskettes are formatted that way and even newer games run from diskettes. It's curious that you have the hard disk formatted with FAT12. That is unusual, even for old computers. I think it's more likely to be formatted with the old FAT16 (because there are two FAT16, the original, old one, and the BIGDOS, which is also 16bit, so everybody called it FAT16, but it's not). Any of these formats should lay under DOS's FCBs and file handle systems. Even DOS 6.22 supported the old FCBs, so all this should be fine.
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