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News archives for 2003

News posted in January 2003

January 1

Working 10 days now without a day free, it'll be fun :)))
But this doesn't mean I'm not developing the site, and I don't receive replays :)

January 4

I was quite busy creating our weblog with BJ, but it's done, and best of it all, it's hosted @ Danwa
But it looks like racers weren't too active though. No problem, it's still just the 3rd of January :)

January 5

One new team founded, Karioca Stunts. Andre Geo is the founder, he had a great starting time this year!

January 6

Lots of new times received, weekend is over. Also long lost LQR made a comeback, and what a comeback! Attention, he is without team, so catch him fast :)
Some german devil took back the leading position. :)

January 7

Today about 15cm snow covered the city by far, effective traffic is impossible without a bike, it's beautiful and much more quiet than usual.
Tomorrow I work from 6am. That'll be horrible :))

January 8

I'm so fresh I slept three hours, and worked 9 :)).
Akoss Poo took back the leading position, there's a great battle this month!

New on site:

Welcome our new racer, Rudo. He is from the Netherlands, and he sent his profile, and soon a replay. Maybe Flying Dutchmen expands? :)

January 9

Broke my glasses today I was biking, and wanted to clean them after stopping, but as I took it off it broke. It was so cold the plastic freezed and broke. :) But I had a nice snowy biking in the dark, I flew off the bike about 3 times with 20-30km/h, and felt no pain in trhe deep snow, it was fun :)

January 10

some new times today, and a new racer, welcome friend!

January 11

We finally moved to a new chatroom. check out the forum for detailed information. You may join from mirc (network: EFnet, channel: #stunts), or there's a nice new cgi applet on the site where you can join from.

January 12

some new times, new leaders.

January 14

whoops, new leader again, with some great other times as well. Come join us in the chatroom, and we can fulfill your dreams! You can chat with Helen Wheels! wow!

January 16

One new racer Rudo with a great time, and Usrin sent his first time, many others sent a better. Definitely an active day, finally ;)

January 17

PedroAntonio joined Unskilled Drivers. A team is stronger now.
I'm thinking about past and future sweethearts and loves, I fear I won't sleep much tonight.

January 18

Rudo sent a time by far, I hope there'll be some others as well.

January 19

this is crazy...

January 20

Smell of a new leader in amateur, and a great racer's new time, still without team!

January 21

Andre sent a new time by far, but there's still 11 hours left from this day...

January 22

Wow! Some amateurs are really sharp this month!!! Beware pros!!!

January 23

Lots of changes on the top, this looks like a hard month! Desigining Zct22 in progress, and quiet days: next thursday-friday

January 24

Try writing some intresting news after waking at 4:30 and chopping 450kg of salad in 7 hours :)

January 25

welcome our new racer, Dayan Handapangoda from Sri Lanka! New country, and the 20th racer this year'month, so I'm really happy he joined.

January 26

WRC 2003 - Monte Carlo Rally finals:
1. Sebastien Loeb (Citroen)
2. Colin McRae (Citroen)
3. Carlos Sainz (Citroen)

couldnt ask more :))) maybe Cork's Crew domination here at Zakstunts? >;-)

January 28

A quite quiet day here and at work too. Oh, when speaking about quiet things, remember, quiet days are this thrusday and friday, and leaing time is counted until the quiet days. I'll inform you later about the closing ceremony's start time on friday at the chatroom.

New on site:

WOW fixed lots of things :)
- News archive finally working, you can list it by month from 2002 August to the current day.
-Scoreboard email-notify system is updated to be 2003 system compatible.
Permanent competition page migrated to PHP if you had a time which is not listed let me know please. Also uploaded permanant tracks zip file again, sorry.
and I'm just thinking how to rebuild the menu :)

January 30

Closing ceremony tomorow (31th), 21:00 GMT+1 at the chatroom.