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Track Design Contest (TDC) 2003

It's back! Last years succesful Track Design Contest returns this year too, with reviewed rules, and I hope that with the same activity as last year.

How to join? 
Anyone can join the contest with a track, but only registered racers can vote. If you are not a racer, or don't have a login name and passowrd, just mail me, and I'll assign you one.
Every contestant can send me max. 3 tracks of his OWN work, but one track  is also enough, and you can send them at different times. Please also include a short track description with the track.
Tracks are shown on the page anonymously, this way preventing the name-voting.

How long is the contest?

It starts in the first days of October, track sending deadline is 15th of November, and voting deadline and result announcement is on the 30th of November.

How to vote?

When I receive a track I write an entry in the database for it, with track information and thumbnail picture. When I did that it appears in the TDC entries list. Below the entires there is a voting form, where you can log in, and vote on the tracks using the following system:

The vote system?

This is somewhat different from last year. You must give three different marks on all the tracks. Marks may vary from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best, and 1 is the worst. The things you should vote on are the following:
   1. Track design/layout
   2. Fun factor of the track
   3. Suitability for racing purposes.
However these factors have different weight in everyones eyes. A competition manager could maybe think racing suitability is twice as much important as the track design.
By default the weight of the factors are the same (1-1-1), but you can change this according to your taste. If you think Fun factor is very important, design is secondary, and racing purposes are only the last, you can set the factors (2-5-1).
Then the marks you give on the different things are mutiplied with the according factors, and then the sum is divided with the sum of your factors. (in the example its 2+5+1, so 8). This was the result will be an average between 1 and 5.
Of course if you have set a factor ratio it'll be the same ratio for all of the tracks you vote on.  
Let's see an example:
   On a track you voted 4 for design, 5 for fun, and 3 for racing purposes. If you have the default factors, the average will be (4*1+5*1+3*1)/3=4.000 for the track. However, if your factors are 2-5-1, then the average will be: (4*2+5*5+3*1)/8. That's 36/8, wich results 4.500. Quite a difference, isn't it?

The final rankings?

I`ll make an average of the points, every voters counts as one. You can vote on your own tracks this year. The winner will design the secondary tracks of 2004 if there'll be a secondary competition, else we'll agree in some other price.

Zak McKracken, 2003.09.30