Track design contest 2003
No winner was declared after the 2003TDC, but of course the entries are available for download here.
If you are intrested in the rules, click here.
Storm by Akoss Poo
Current points: 3.95265 (8 votes)Car recommended: mainly Porsche March Indy + Jaguar, Porsche 962 medium speed track, shortcut ability, power gear ability. good for no replay handling driving, but rather a competition track.
Everglades by Krys Toff
Current points: 3.94122 (9 votes)Shortcuts allowed but penalty time will count.
Balaton by Zak McKracken
Current points: 3.74091 (5 votes)IMSA/Indy cars for the lovers of slower tracks.
Meteora by Krys Toff
Current points: 3.59407 (8 votes)This track is long but fast. It's designed for no-6th gear but fast cars : Porsche 962, Jaguar XRJ9 or Melange XT88, Zak/Kalpen rules.
Chamonix by Argammon
Current points: 3.57197 (8 votes)This track has been designed for the Porsche-March/Indy and it is strongly recommended to use manual gears.
Ganymede by CTG
Current points: 3.55903 (8 votes)Tested with Melange, deisgned mainly for IMSA cars.
Nuisance by Argammon
Current points: 3.47143 (8 votes)Car recommended: Indy. Replay gives an idea how to drive this track.
Arena by CTG
Current points: 3.46928 (6 votes)A curve-filled track for fast and fastest cars, recommended for racers who like longer runs (1:30-2:00)
Valhalla by Argammon
Current points: 3.40556 (5 votes)Car:Indy manual gears Track is for experts only,newbies go race default ;)
Alford by Akoss Poo
Current points: 3.38873 (8 votes)Designed for the Porsche March/INDY. Shortcuts are allowed, no special rules for this track.
Hotrod by Krys Toff
Current points: 3.32786 (6 votes)Designed for Indycar, Zak's/Kalpen's rules. Manual gears highly recommended ! Try to beat my time written in highscore table.
2 Isles by satanziege
Current points: 3.13056 (5 votes)Tested with Indy and fun with any car, that's hard to control
Hometown by satanziege
Current points: 3.04722 (5 votes)This track is inspired by my hometown, I tried to rebuilt the way i drive each day ;)
Fortytwo by Zak McKracken
Current points: 2.90544 (9 votes)TDC2003 track designed for the Porsche March Indy, but you can also try with other cars.
The Cube by Alain
Current points: 2.80524 (8 votes)indy car
Assomoir by Alain
Current points: 2.76915 (6 votes)use a solar cream against skin burns, we are in the australian desert
Tromatiz by Alain
Current points: 2.31787 (8 votes)indy, manual gears, zakstunts rules.LONG LIVE TROMA!
Goal!!! by Warner Brothers
Current points: 1.85211 (8 votes)This is a training track, designed for any car, but preferently no 6th gear car
Speedz by Max Nokhrin
Current points: 1.56608 (6 votes)Although the map seems easy at first, it isn't.