News posted in January 2014
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Jan 1
Happy New Year! The final results for ZCT149 and the season are now available - for the announcements, new track and site update you'll have to wait a few more days - should be done by the end of this week. Thanks!
Akoss PooHappy New Year to all Stunts drivers! :-)
AbuRaf70FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2014 para todos los amigos de Stunts...!!!!
dreadnautHello everyone and Happy New Year!
CTGHappy birthday, Andrea Sacchi, Argammon, Bolo Yeung, BULLSHIT!!!, Das Fass, Dottore, dstien, felomh, firefoxie, Geovani da Silva, Mark Nailwood, Max_Damage, phoxetis, Pitman, Quanto, satanziege, tgm, trev and Xianthi!
CTGOkay, unhappy to Szargammon.
CTGLOL, is that official?
Jan 2
Alan RotoiI'm 6th, the place were CTG always says he'll be
I'm in your spot
Jan 3
CTGJust as usual, you are wrong. Predictions for my own rankings in 2013: ZCT138 - 9th; ZCT139 - 9th; ZCT140 - 12th; ZCT141 - 7th; ZCT142 - 9th; ZCT143 - 8th; ZCT144 - 7th; ZCT145 - 7th; ZCT146 - 6th; ZCT147 - 10th; ZCT148 - 7th; ZCT149 - no prediction.
Alan RotoiThen is worse than I thought
Jan 4
Warm welcome to ZakStunts 2014!
And huge congratulations to the winners of 2013:
- Renato Biker, who managed to be a champion again after his first title in 2006. He did not really leave a chance for others. 24 LTB points? Wow.
- CTG, showing steady performance throughout the year but still waiting to conquer his second title.
- Duplode with already three titles - now finishing third. Still, not a small feat!
In the team competition Looping Warriors conquered the title over Yellow Fleas with an astonishing finish in the last few races - the margin is only 9 points! This is the first title for the Warriors, congratulations!
I hope all of you will stay us in 2014 too. To be honest I did not have much time/motivation to do the site update in the last days of 2013 (usually I prepare everything before the end of the year), even though with the help of dreadnaut's numerous improvements it took less time than ever. So sorry about the delay but hope the new track and season will meet your taste.
The rules are still somewhat in flux and also we are looking for guest track designers, so when you have finished your first laps, head over to the forum to take part in the discussion.
Happy New Year, thanks for racing with us in 2013 and hope to see you on the scoreboards in 2014 too!
Zak McKrackenaaaand site update!
dreadnautFirst track of the year
Thanks Zak!
dreadnautBut... is the zip file missing?
Zak McKrackenI did not say update is complete
zip file now up!
dreadnautAnd here's the first replay
Zak McKrackendamn then my replay is only second
dreadnautSorry :-p
Zak McKrackenand I have no idea why the season's standings are not updated on replay submission...
dreadnautThere was some code to update in 'newengine', it seems to be working now!
Zak McKrackenmany thanks! and update now considered complete
Zak McKrackenin more suitable hands, maybe...
Jan 6
CTGAnd the only competition from now.
SuperBrianTest lap
CTGnot bad
CTGlet's taste it
Jan 7
CTGThis is a good track, fitting in Akoss Poo's driving style.
Jan 8
CTGbiker's time is not as difficult as it seems
Renato Bikerbla bla bla... Don't speak, just send your replays!
Renato BikerLet me show you how you should have responded.
CTGLet me show you where do the real racers live a social life:
Jan 13
dreadnautBeware, work in progress. Login will be broken for an hour or two!
dreadnautUhm, we should be back. Keep an eye open for strange stuff
dreadnautMore details: Misc changes
dreadnautAnd a replay, woooooo!
SuperBrianLast auto-lap.
Jan 14
dreadnautHappy Birthday AbuRaf!
SuperBrianFeliz Cumpleaños, AbuRaf!
CTGHappy birthday, AbuRaf80!
Alan RotoiFeliz Cumpleaños Anelio!!
AbuRaf70MUCHAS GRACIAS por los saludos, Muchachos...!!!! Estoy muy contento y por partida doble... Por haber llegado a los 80 Años y además, porque AbuRaf70 también cumple 10 años de estar junto a todos Uds. participando en las carreras de este juego tan apasionante que es el STUNTS... Ojalá los puedas acompañar unos cuantos años más....
SergioBaroFeliz Cumple Pa!!! Happy Birthday Dad!!!
AbuRaf70Muchas Gracias hijo...!!! (Sergio Baro)
Jan 15
DuplodeHello again dear pipsqueaks! Roll on 2014!
DuplodeY feliz cumpleaños AbuRaf!
AbuRaf70Gracias Duplode...!!!
Jan 16
CTGexam in a few hours...
CTGexam in an hour...
Alan RotoiGood luck then!
Jan 17
CTGThanks, but it was a disaster.
CTGCTG and law are incompatible.
Jan 18
Alan RotoiYes, you should't cheat
How would you say "ghost" in law terms, a figurehead?
Alan RotoiStill without checkpoints
CTGMe too. And still without digital speedometer!
Jan 22
CTGWhoaa!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGSBR thought that TOP3 seriously.
SuperBrianYup, I'm bad at kidding. ;-) I said to my girlfriend a couple of weeks before christmas that I missed playing stunts, but on the other hand couldn't find the motivation after I won the Z136 race, which was my previously motivation for playing. Then I invented a new motivation: I'm settling for the overall top 3 in 2014. I hope that can make me play some serious stunts again..
CTGDo you need an active teammate?
SuperBrianWell, it's no secret that racing alone doesn't really keep up the motivation, and the Team Scoreboard is out of the question as long as I'm alone/Krys is not racing, so a teammate is much appreciated. I have talked to my brother about him joining Damage Inc. or making a danish team, but I believe it's nothing more than talk. Also the reason why I haven't said anything about needing a teammate was also because of my lack of motivation in the last couple of years. It would be nice to receive some stunts-related email again since 2011 or something. But do you really want to leave your fellow countrymen behind? :-D
CTGNope, but I can create a ghost for Damage.
I'd rather play alone than with another Dexter Morgan. Maybe I should ask 4:44:45..
SuperBrianOr maybe I should join dstien and make a scandinavian pact. I'll consider my options..
Zak McKrackenI see empty seats or inactive drivers in almost all teams. You can apply - but I am sure teams will contact you too
dreadnautIf we squeeze you could fill among the Fleas
Zak McKrackentime to join the Lancia band
CTGWill you fire ADPunk / Friker?
Jan 23
dreadnautThat was the joke with the word 'squeeze'. Although at that point, I would probably fire myself
Jan 24
CTGFleas shouldn't fire you, as your results were quite impressive in 2013.
dreadnautI can't find any data about the 2008 teams, and the relative table is empty: Were there no teams, or is something amiss?
CTGStunts Wiki: Season 2008 No team competition was held in 2008
SuperBrianIf you look at the 2008 track results, you can also see that there is no teams mentioned. Btw thanks for the "offer", but I can't accept that somebody else has to be fired for me to fill in.
CTGSo... 1, unite with dstien (great team, probably not a real help for you); 2, stay in Damage and try to persuade some top dogs to join you (maybe Bonzai Joe?); 3, try to join the Fleas or Cork's Crew (the latter one would fit you better)
Alan RotoiWhy not Looping Warriors?
Jan 25
CTGBecause Looping is a Hungarian team.
Alan RotoiWhy?
Alan RotoiWhy?
Alan RotoiDamn refresh = double post xD
ChulkAs usual, a replay for me in January. I promise to keep playing the whole season this time!
CTGWhohooooo, my favorite opponent is back!
Jan 26
Alan RotoiBernie's time with Lancia is 2:41.30
Alan RotoiJoe's 2:26.90
Alan RotoiOtto's 2:35.00
Alan RotoiHelen's 2:34.60
Alan RotoiSkid's 2:30.80 was the only lap without crashing. So Joe is the fastest on Zct150 with Lancia + manual transm.
CTGI liked those times in 2002 with A.I. opponent results.
ChulkSmall improvement
CTGmaybe it's time to take a look at section times and speed data
Alan RotoiHaha we are in the same stage.
CTGBut you are a lot weaker racer.
Jan 27
SuperBrianSeems like I missed something. What is speed data?
CTGWhere your speedometer pin stands at different key points of the track...
Jan 28
CTGI should work instead of playing... so just the usual.
CTGslightly better
Jan 30
CTGUsrin in action!!!
Alan RotoiFaster than CPU is the line you cross to became pro.
Alan Rotoi?
dstienBöffed out.
Böllér JaniHelo, we are Agro Motosport brothers, we love hurka, szalonna, kannásbor and Stunts.
Alan RotoiWelcome to the Stunts community! Have fun!
Rokker ZsoltiTeam picture
Rokker Zsolti
Jan 31
UsrinCTG seems to be terribly drunken... So I'm stealing the honour to be the first one to say: Happy birthday, Lise!
CTGWill you do it on Facebook?
CTGI'm not drunken anyway.
CTG(But tomorrow I will be.)
Alan RotoiI'll say it in 3 hours
CTGI've already sent the message.
SuperBrianHello ColonelJ. Welcome to the stunts community. Welcome to the Agro Motosport brothers as well. I hope your not a CTG-experiment.
CTGColon seems to be a talented newbie.
CTGBtw cool logo, Agros!
Alan RotoiNow it's 31th here so, happy birthday Lise!
CTGAfter so many years, I could persuade my wife to play Stunts under my instructions!
SuperBrianHappy birthday Lise! and nice work CTG: it's great to see Böbszlee be back. Welcome!
Alan RotoiOk I won again, this is getting easy (?)
Alan RotoiI mean... I'll be 6th this month
CTGMaybe. Maybe not.
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