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Jul 1

  • Stan 286XT
    I run The need for Stunts.trk in ega DOS box how cool in color garfic array?!?

Jul 2

  • Overdrijf
    Nice track! Lots of good accessible tricks, got a pretty good fun run without looking at any replays. The Melange is a great car for it too, except I got some weird hitbox experiences here and there?
    Melange 1:07.82
  • Daniel3D
    The last hours of C251. . A tricky track with some difficult bits. I couldn't finish it in any way. But CAS made the track for the Custom Car Championship that starts Monday as well. It's not about tricks. It is all about THE NEED FOR STUNTS....
  • dreadnaut
    @Daniel3D - there is at least one point for just reaching the finish line, whatever the time. Drive through the grass on the hill, it's still worth it!
  • Cas
    We're at the chat, seeing the end of the race!
  • Daniel3D
    @dreadnaut, It's not about the points. For me, it is about having fun while driving. I didn't have fun, and it didn't get better after being stuck on the same part for a while. So it is ok.
  • Overdrijf
    I personally like a bit of freestyling in a freestyle competition.

Jul 3

  • dreadnaut
    Quiet replays published! There's quite a few Shocked
  • Overdrijf
    We were all wowing about it in the chat, but for the people here: the winning replay is absolutely amazing. And Frieshansen's third place is possibly even cooler, it's one of those replays that breaks the physics of the game bad enough that the program is convinced it's supposed to crash somewhere.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Congrats to @dreadnaut to the awesome replay. Also congrats to @Frieshansen for his first podium! When was the last full team podium happened?
  • Ryoma
    Yeah an amateur finished 3rd and my car is against ridiculous....something does not work here...
  • Cas
    Conratulations, @dreadnaut! The top replays are amazing to watch. I'm so delighted that so much action and variety has been possible on my track. @Frieshansen's replay is truly surreal and inspiring! @Alan's, as always, superb. I hope I can improve to get even near your level, guys!
  • KyLiE
    Am I missing something? I can't get @Frieshansen's replay to play back successfully at all.
  • Alan Rotoi
    @KyLiE try watching it with F4 view. It works for me.
  • KyLiE
    @Alan, that's strange. In any other view, it results in a crash.
  • Stan 286XT
    BUt!?! Frieshansen at 1.15.20 is in a lake have made a new kind of .rpl!!!!!!!
  • Stan 286XT
    Rotoy at 1.16.75 entered in a cement block
  • Overdrijf
    He's not in a cement block. He's in front of the cement block in one frame and behind it in the next.
  • dreadnaut
    Have you noticed how no-one has really aged in the past ~9 months? It's because the birthday code was broken ? — Happy Birthday @CTG! ?
  • Overdrijf
    Happy BÖÖFday! Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • KyLiE
    @dreadnaut, I did, but I thought you must have intentionally disabled it, so I didn't say anything! Happy birthday @CTG! Smiley
  • Frieshansen
    Congratulations, @dreadnaut and @Alan - and also happy birthday @CTG! A few words about my replay: I tried a very long time to get a "good" round with the GTO. Some parts were really hard and if I hadn´t seen them driven by my teammates I would have thought it´s impossible. So at the end I had an complete replay with the GTO. But now this replay caused problems on dreadnaut's computer. On Alan´s side everything runned fine. Now the second part of the work had begun. I tried to create an replay which doesn´t crash on dreadnaut's computer. This turned out to be almost impossible because I had to drive practically blind. I never knew what it looked like on his machine. Tried it on three diffent machines (Windows 7, 10 and Ubuntu 22.04) respectively with DOSBox 0.74-3 and staging 0.76.0 (cause this version was used by him). Every single combination worked perfectly on my side :-( Then I noticed that in F4-view the replay also crashed on my machine. So I drove as long as it completed also in this view. This is the replay I uploaded. In hindsight I should have uploaded one of the previous versions because they seem to be more stable. OK, that´s the story. I am very comfortable with all of you and don't want to have any stress with anyone because of this. I might have an idea how we can avoid such problems in the future. More on that later in the forum. Now it's live racing time :-)
  • Cas
    Happy BÖÖÖFFday, CTG! Cheesy - Ha, ha... really, Happy Birthday!

Jul 4

  • Alan Rotoi
    Is ZCT252 there? Cheesy
  • dreadnaut
    After much consideration and reading your feedback, I'm accepting @Frieshansen replay. Albeit "broken", it can be reproduced on F4 camera, or temporarily switching to it by the cork u/d.
  • dreadnaut
    With that, the scoreboard is confirmed: congratulations to @Frieshansen, @AlanRotoi and myself! ? — One day I'll manage to win a non-powergear race, I swear Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Now get ready to brake Cheesy Leo's ZCT252 is ready!
  • Duplode
    Congratulations to @dredadnaut, @AlanRotoi and @Frieshansen -- great GTO work from Doubleplusspeed Wink
  • Shoegazing Leo
    First attempt.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Second one
    Skyline 1:49.40 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Lambo 1:48.15 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    LM002 1:46.48 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Stratos 1:41.88 A
  • KyLiE
    Congratulations to @dreadnaut, @Alan and @Frieshansen! Smiley
  • Daniel3D
    The CCC has 497 hours to go..
  • HunterBoy344
    Just wanna let y’all know that I’ve been making good progress on Stunts live multiplayer! I’ve posted a few dev updates on the thread: Working on a pseudo-multiplayer system for Stunts using em-dosbox and WebSockets

Jul 5

  • Zapper
    Hello, I've managed to get Adlib/Sound Blaster sound with skids on grass/mud/ice. Try and check it on Stunts forum post: Sound Files Editing (VCE)
  • Alan Rotoi

Jul 6

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Stratos 1:41.76 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Stratos 1:41.57 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Stratos 1:41.42 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Stratos 1:40.24 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Only the final part a lot of times.
    Stratos 1:39.94 A
  • Stan 286XT
    This is a .trk for Skid Vicius but if are indy .trk why all turn 90?Stunt work fine whit ms dos 3.20!!!

Jul 7

  • Cas
    First try on this track!
    Stratos 1:43.89

Jul 8

  • dreadnaut
    Where is @Ryoma when the Stratos is leading?

Jul 9

  • KyLiE
    @dreadnaut, he probably ditched Stunts for Safari Race.
  • Daniel3D
    Ryoma will probably be back just before the end of the race to see if his baby is used. Then will get all hyped up about it being successful. Then after the silent replays get published he will get all mad again because there is probably a better car for this track...

Jul 10

  • Stan 286XT
    I saw at italiano baija some racing jeep ran really like Stunts.

Jul 11

  • Alan Rotoi
    What is italiano baija?
  • Alan Rotoi
    The live race video!! Enjoy it!

Jul 12

  • afullo
    Can we have this one on Stunts?
  • Overdrijf
    Sure, as soon as you make it. Wink It seems pretty reasonable. From the right era (as fsr as there is such a thing), 5-speed gearbox, lots of power but not more than an Indy car (in fact, probably specs out a bit below Formula 3), and only 590 kg, half as much as the DTM cars. Might drive a bit like a cross between the Indy and the Superkart, with some of the more realistic custom racing cars thrown in, depending on the stylistic choices made. Could be a very fun competition car.
  • Overdrijf
    The Skyline's the limit.
    Skyline 1:34.61

Jul 14

  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday @afullo!!!
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @afullo! And it's very nice to see @Marco on the scoreboard Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Indeed happy birthday @afullo!

Jul 15

  • Cas
    Happy birthday, @afullo!!!
  • afullo
    Thanks to all of you! Smiley
  • Stan 286XT
    made whith 386sl ega emu
    Ferrari 2:27.96 A

Jul 17

Jul 18

  • dreadnaut
    Just a heads up: there's a possible PHP/MySQL database coming, which might cause some downtime. We'll try to keep it brief, prioritising website → forum → wiki → the rest.

Jul 24

  • Seeker1982
    Guess who's back im racing shape Cheesy
  • Alan Rotoi
    Nice video and nice game! It's not stunts but... too many textures and realism and metadata and fx sounds... ok it's better than stunts Cheesy

Jul 25

  • dreadnaut
    No loops!
  • Stan 286XT
    For me polygon grafic is funny!!!!!!

Jul 26

  • Reporting on ZCT251

    You're in your Melange, the ultimate Argentinean road racer. Up ahead, you can see the finish line. Just when you think you've got this in the bag, not one, not two, but three GTOs come flying past you. You're furious! Those damn Italians have spilled pasta sauce all over your white pants of victory! You suspect foul play, so you pull into the pits to investigate. As you get out of your car, instead of cheering, all you can hear is a murmur from the crowd. You look up at the scoreboard, but it's just filled with gibberish. It's then that you realise that maybe the prophecy was true, that in the Stunts world, life really does end at 640KB.

    This race started out predictably with an 11% bonus for the Melange. Everyone posted quite respectable times with it, everyone but Stan 286XT. His first replay was in the Ferrari GTO, which was a sign of things to come. It wasn't until the quiet replays were revealed that we realised team Doubleplusspeed knew something that the rest of us didn't, that there was a viable power gear line for this track. Not even veteran racer Duplode knew, or maybe he just had a busy month. Either way, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

    In the end, it was dreadnaut who brought home the gold with his impressive sub-one-minute time. Alan Rotoi came in second, but it was Frieshansen who placed third who was the real star of the show. The drama started to unfold when it became apparent that his replay could only be played back using the TV view. Race officials declared his replay valid though, which secured his first podium finish! Well done! This means that team Doubleplusspeed achieved a 1-2-3 finish in this race. Congratulations!

    Moving on to the amateur league, Frieshansen unsurprisingly placed first, followed by Cas and Heretic. Well done guys! The question is though, how long will Frieshansen continue to compete in the amateur league? Only time will tell. There are only a few days left until the end of ZCT252, so until then, fasten your seatbelts!

Jul 28

  • Alan Rotoi
    I read the news report in the train going back home, cloudy afternoon. I enjoyed a lot the novelized version of the race. Thank you @KyLiE! Cheesy
  • KyLiE
    You're welcome @Alan! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Smiley
  • HunterBoy344
    Reached a great milestone in multiplayer Stunts development: the track distribution loop, game timer, and leaderboard are now mostly functional! I still need to fix a few things before I can do a public online play test, but until then, I’ve posted a screenshot of a test I did yesterday on the forum thread: Working on a pseudo-multiplayer system for Stunts using em-dosbox and WebSockets
  • HunterBoy344
    Whoops, accidentally posted this twice.

Jul 29

  • afullo
    I just discovered that in Dutch "bestemming" means "destination". In Italian "bestemmiare" means "to insult God or someone related to religion", they are definitely false friends...

Jul 30

  • HunterBoy344
    I ran a 6 player private play test of multiplayer Stunts today, and it went great! I switched from replay files to highscore files, which makes things much easier and more secure. I'll post the date for the first public play test soon! Until then, I've posted screenshots of the latest test to the forum thread, along with a dev update: Working on a pseudo-multiplayer system for Stunts using em-dosbox and WebSockets
  • Stan 286XT
    whit 386sl tere is not dos box
  • Alan Rotoi
    Live update? Roll Eyes I'm in the chatroom!
  • dreadnaut
    Me too! Join us for the live end-of-race update!

Jul 31

  • dreadnaut
    Quiet replays published! There's a... an Acura up there?! Shocked
  • Cas
    Wow, surprise! :-p Congratulations to Duplode! Alan Rotoi and KyLiE, also, congrats on the podium!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Congrats @Duplode, you make it look so simple. A tricky lap from the old ages.
  • KyLiE
    Thanks @Cas, and congratulations to @Duplode and @Alan! Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Minor update to the scoreboard! @Marco's replay had 9s of unreported penalty time, due to entering the final tile from the wrong side. Luckily for him, he had posted an earlier, slightly slower replay with no penalty, which saves his fourth place. Drama averted this time ?
  • dreadnaut
    Otherwise, scoreboard confirmed. Congratulations to last-minute @Duplode, @AlanRotoi and @KyLiE ? Impressive driving on both the Acura and the Stratos, go watch those top replays!
  • dreadnaut
    And the new track is up: "Monaco" by @Daniel3D
  • Daniel3D
    Ill take some Leading time for once. hahaha.
    Skyline 1:26.74 A
  • dreadnaut
    Whops... leading time starts from Monday, when the race officially opens ?
  • Stan 286XT
    I print map I put ztc.243 on 286 I waith 00.00 is fresh an pc don't make strange thigs like black screen on agust
  • Alan Rotoi
    Guys! The new track of Custom Car Championship is out! This time is with the 7 fastest cars on earth... ok I'm exaggerating, 7 F1 and INDY cars, the fastest custom cars!! Join us!
  • Cas
    Posting my first lap here!
    Lancia 1:21.64

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