News posted in June 2021
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Jun 1
dreadnautFirst jab, high fever, but Paracetamol has finally won ? I'll take this chance to update the car coefficients: both DTM cars have now a 5% track bonus. As required by the rules, the leading position is not affected. Actually, the whole scoreboard remains the same.
dreadnautAkoss was right to point out the issue: I should not have assigned 20 positive points. The rules state that we can add up to +10 and -10 points, no more. Balance is not required.
Shoegazing Leo
2:05.45 A
Shoegazing LeoOuching
2:01.89 A
Jun 2
CasFirst try on this track!
CasAnd a GAR lap!
Jun 3
CTGOuch, this track is a pain (based on the map).
FrikerBtw - why do we have two IMSA cars and two DTM cars in a pack? Is there any difference between them?
Alan RotoiI think there are plenty of differences but I'm still learning about DTM cars.
Jun 5
OverdrijfYes, there are differences, my dear ex-teammate. The original design concept was that these were three slightly differently driving cars that could be raced fairly against each other without any conversion. I went into a bit more detail on the strengths of each cars in the original launch thread of the DTM pack: Stunts goes Dtm . Since then I looked back into the files and I figure I actually may have made a bit of an error in the steering, which resulted in them all having the same grip value, which would work in the advantage of the BMW as the shortest car of the three, making it in general the fastest one. (Although even this is complicated, as during testing there seemed to be a point near the values I'm using where a slightly higher grip value actually made handling slightly worse, or at least less forgiving.) It's hard for me to tell if this is actually the case though, because the BMW was also my main vehicle for testing all much of the general shared properties of these cars. I've driven it more than the others and I'm more familiar with it, so to me it's always going to seem the slightest tad faster whether it actually has a bit of an advantage or not..
FrikerOk, I've read the thread. Cars look great, there are differences, but as with IMSA cars - I am not able to handle the speed in corners.
Still I think it would be better with only 1 DTM and 1 IMSA car.
I am already looking forward to see a winning replay of this race.
dreadnautWe've had two different DTM cars in the competition for three years now, so that we could compare them in pairs. From next year we might keep one, or none, we'll see
Jun 6
CTGHappy BÖFFday, kahdra!
Jun 10
Alan RotoiHappy Birthday @Duplode, @Gilmash and @KaoS !!
Reporting on ZCT238
For the month of May, we had Symbolic Link by Cas, a track that was also run in parallel on Race For Kicks. With two unique tournaments though, things played out quite a bit differently over here at ZakStunts.
First to hit the tarmac was Ryoma in the Ferrari GTO. A few hours later, Akoss Poo took first place with an impressive power gear lap in the Porsche March Indy. At that point, it seemed as though that might be the winning car for this track. However, another few hours passed and I took first place in the Lamborghini Countach with a lead of 7.35 seconds!
This seemed to set the trend and it wasn't long before Alan Rotoi would take first place and eventually go on to win the race, accumulating a massive 542 leading hours! Duplode placed second followed by Akoss Poo in third place. Congratulations guys! Special mention must go to Ryoma for securing 6th place in only his second race. Well done! This race also sees the return of AMG and satanziege, whose last races were over a year ago. Welcome back!
Even though the Countach ended up being the winning car, the BMW M3 E30 DTM ended up securing 7 places on the scoreboard, hinting that there was more than one competitive car for this track. This was confirmed in the GAR competition. Due to the nature of the Countach and strictness of the GAR competition, completing a successful lap in this car was a difficult task. However, Zapper managed to do just that and ended up in first place with a 4.65 second lead! Duplode placed second and KaoS placed third, both in the BMW.
I really enjoyed this track in both competitions and I'm looking forward to what the rest of the racing season brings!
Jun 11
DuplodeThanks Alan! And happy birthday, KaoS
OverdrijfWhat Alan said, happy slightly belayed birthdays! May you get presents, not covid.
KaoSHappy Birthday!!!! @Duplode @kahdra
Stan 286XTHeppy Burth day @kaos @duplode happy new year!!!!!!
dreadnautMerry Kaosmas! And happy day-after-your-birthday Duplode ?
Jun 12
DuplodeThanks folks ^_^
afulloHappy after-birthday to both of you!
Jun 13
CasA little late, but Happy Birthday to Duplode and KaoS! Sorry, guys, I'm pretty busy these days. Hope you've had a good one!
Jun 16
1337haxoryt1st official race; I did quite terribly here and went off track a few times.
2:45.43 A
1337haxorytMy 2nd race; I think I'm the first and only LM racer for this race. I think it went decently well, I'm getting used to the track.
2:24.58 A
1337haxorytHuh, I'm the youngest racer this season by at least 12 years!
Alan RotoiWelcome @1337haxoryt!
1337haxorytThanks, @Alan_Rotoi! or uh... however you mention two word names.
1337haxorytMan was this bad, I've gotta learn the traction curve.
2:39.50 A
1337haxorytBig improvements!
2:04.29 A
1337haxorytSorry, @Ryoma!
2:00.33 A
dreadnautAlready forgotten about the previous track? The race report is up on the homepage! Thank you @KyLiE
Jun 17
CasHey, guys! Remember that there's a thread in the forum here: Kris Hatlelid has agreed with an interview. about the chance to interview Kris Hatlelid, who worked on Stunts' music and sound. Years ago, Kevin Pickell was interviewed. If you'd like to propose questions or ideas for the interview, just post there or let me or Daniel3D know about it! Cheers!
OverdrijfWelcome @1337haxoryt "Huh, I'm the youngest racer this season by at least 12 years!" Okay, but at least you're over half as old as the game is. That's a good start... (On a less joking note, I think Ayrton who races over on Race for Kicks ( is actually younger than you.)
CasAnd welcome @1337haxoryt! Yes, most of us here are veterans, but it's great to see younger blood in the community! I think the age-span that we cover is greater than in most online communities. Our friend AbuRaf, who sadly passed away not long ago, reached over 80 and he was present in almost all races! Oh, and do try our OWOOT tournament Race For Kicks:
KyLiEWelcome @1337haxoryt!
@Overdrijf, you are correct, Ayrton is 7 years old.
1337haxoryt@Cas Thanks for guiding me to R4K! OWOOT is so much fun, especially on the current track over there! Also beat your time
I hope to hone my Stunts skills over time and climb the board, I'd say I'm doing rather okay for someone who just started playing not even a month ago. And thanks, @KyLiE!
1337haxoryt@Cas Thanks for guiding me to R4K! OWOOT is so much fun, especially on the current track over there! Also beat your time
I hope to hone my Stunts skills over time and climb the board, I'd say I'm doing rather okay for someone who just started playing not even a month ago. And thanks, @KyLiE!
1337haxorytMan, I think I'm about at the top of what I can do on this track.
1337haxorytSomehow beat Otto's Ferrari GTO time in an AE86 on Default.
Stan 286XTThere is oly one vette ZCT238.rpl is mine!!!
Overdrijf@1337haxoryt: if you ever in any race wonder what people are doing differently than you and how they handle certain stunts you can download (some/many) replay files by navigating to "all results" (above the table). In the case of this track for instance you could see how someone like Alan handles the jumpey slidey cornering (yes, that's the technical term) on those hilltop corners for instance. You won't be able to imitate it flawlessly right away, but it can help you improve your times. (If you didn't know that yet.)
1337haxorytOne thing that would probably shave seconds off is the loop clip; but I am incapable of doing it lol Edit: I believe I am the first person to run Stunts on Windows 11!
Jun 18
1337haxorytWhere would I go about submitting a track? I kinda want to make one.
1337haxorytugh, accidentally send that message twice thanks to refreshing.
Alan Rotoi@1337haxoryt It seems in zakstunts the list of guest tracks is complete. Guest tracks 2021
1337haxorytOh well. It's not a big deal, I guess. I kinda suck at track design anyways.
1337haxorytWow, I am terrible at manual gears.
OverdrijfThe loop clip (good name for it by the way) is just a matter of going fast enough and trying a bunch of times. Makes sure you go back far enough between attempts though. The trick works by making the car be in front of the loop in one simulated frame and completely behind it in the next. So your sub-frame timing needs to be a little different with each attempt. The hardest part in this particular case is going through the corner before the loop fast enough. The faster your corner, the bigger your chances to pull off the cut. Another option is to try and go for a more regular inside loop-cut, jumping off the on-ramp and onto the off-ramp as close to where they cross as possible. That one takes a little more skill to pull of, but it is generally the preferred method at lower speeds. Option three is the outside loopcut, wrapping your car around the outer edge of the loop for a big jump straight ahead. It's a little easier than the inside cut in general, and works well at medium speeds, but on this track it probably wastes too much time with the big jump while the advantage of not losing any speed doesn't do anything here.
Stan 286XTThe pentium 233MMX whit 3d card video w98 dos for me is the best for run Stunt!
1337haxorytgood god this was bad.
Jun 19
1337haxorytI've got an idea for a team if anyone'd like to form it with me. We'd be the Crashmeisters, and the logo would be a picture of a car after crashing in Stunts.
1337haxorytI'm also open to joining any teams; if anyone wants me on theirs.
Jun 24
dreadnautJoining an existing team mid-season might be difficult, starting a new one is not a bad idea! Any points that pipsqueaks have collected in the past months will also count for new team
Jun 25
KyLiERace For Kicks will be offline from 26/6/2021 for server maintenance. We will be back online before the next race starts on 1/7/2021.
DuplodeBetter get my lap ready today, then
Jun 26
DuplodeHappy birthday, Bonzai Joe
CTGHappy BÖFFday, BJ!
Jun 27
ZapperA "quiet" replay that I thought almost for sure that was sent 12h earlier, with better time in a Mercedes DTM, after the deadline it does not appear in scoreboard, damn
1337haxorytGood job, @Duplode! and Habby pirthday to Bonzai Joe!
Duplode@Zapper The quiet times have not been made public yet; your lap should show up when that happens. (And thanks @1337haxoryt, but for that very reason things might still change
OverdrijfNice times @KyLiE and @Zapper! Well done. Also congratulations to both @Alan and @Joe! (I'm going to need to have a look at Alan's replay by the way, that's fast...) I've been having a little double wristed RSI, so I've been resisting the temptation of a last few days attempt on both the DTM races here and at R4K. But don't feel too sorry for me after that last sentence, because my plans for the next three weeks include a full recovery and even a vacation. So I should be back here for the quiet days on the next race.
KyLiEThanks @Overdrijf! You weren't far behind me!
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, congratulations to Alan, Duplode and KyLiE! — Impressive hill hopping by Alan in the last part of his lap, go have a look ?
DuplodeCongratulations to @AlanRotoi -- a very nice lap indeed! -- @KyLiE -- first podium -- and @Zapper -- GAR victory! Also worth noting that, after many near misses, this is the first BMW DTM victory at ZakStunts.
Alan RotoiThank you! Congrats to @Dups and @Kylie too!
dreadnautAnd the new track is up, thank you @afullo!
Jun 28
dreadnaut? I've made some security changes to the login process, so you'll be asked to login again when you visit the website. (And password hashes will be upgraded automatically to a better algorithm)
KyLiECongratulations and thanks guys!
Stan 286XTDanger! I download zct240.document network immage whit GIMP I convert in ZCT240.jpeg One time i has a tiff forom a mac sys7 an a floppy disk I open this tiff on a pc I forgot convert and I broken an hp parallel inj jet printer!!!!!!!
Stan 286XTI print ztc240 is out very black?!?
afulloDid your printer try to print it at a high resolution? By the way, for images which do not require a large number of DPI, such as maps of Stunts tracks, maybe PNG is preferable over TIFF.
Stan 286XTyes last time ping 300 right!!!
afullo@Stan: do you mean 300 DPI? It is not a very high res though, scanners and printers should handle it in a bunch of seconds, difficulties can arise by considering for instance a 1200 DPI quality... - @dreadnaut: you're welcome! Hope you like it, this is again based on a real place, .
1337haxorytJust learning the track!
1:56.20 A
Jun 30
dreadnautHappy birthday @Leo! ?
Stan 286XTI have to understant the way!!!!
1:51.93 A
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @LeoRamone !!
Alan RotoiWhat "Lignano Pineta" means?
Alan RotoiIs something about pines and delineation?
dreadnaut"Pineta" is a small wood of pine trees, often on a hill. They are (were?) quite common in Italy, some of them inside cities. Not sure where the name "Lignano" comes from, but the town is here:
Alan RotoiOh I see! It's a city map according to google maps!
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