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Nov 1

  • Daniel3D
    @Erik Barros, I don't know if you have been keeping score. But I would like to congratulate you with your (almost certain) progression to Pro driver. You have currently 5xp of the needed 10xp. Winning the amateur league will grand you another 4xp. Ending 4th-6th place on the main scoreboard one of these two remaining races will get you the 10xp (Your current 3th place should give 5xp instead of the mentioned 1 on the season standings but this race ain't over yet). And top 6 end of season gives another 5xp. .. so al things considered... I feel confident to say. CONGRATULATIONS!!
  • Erik Barros
    I just have to thank @Daniel3D, I also want to thank the rest of the community and my teammates for adopting me into the team. Despite some promising results, I still don't consider myself that "Pro".

Nov 5

  • Cas
    ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, @Alan_Rotoi!
  • dreadnaut
    Happy birthday Alan! 🎉
  • Erik Barros
    happy birthday @Alan_Rotoi!!! 🥳
  • KyLiE
    Happy birthday @Alan! Smiley
  • Frieshansen
    Happy birthday @Alan!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Thank you guys!!! A Sunday with family! 🙂
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @AlanRotoi Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Feliz cumpleaños, @AlanRotoi!
  • Argammon
    Happy birthday @Alanrotoi!
  • Argammon
    Quick Sunday ride with the tractor. Smiley
    LM002 0:53.65

Nov 16

  • CTG
    Winning replay just SENT! B Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F.F ! ! ! (sent, although not by me... Grin) Böff dampening: 3.5dB
  • Mark Nailwood
    Sorry @dreadnaut, I completely forgot replying to your message from Oct 28th. I've now checked all my submitted replays and found that the following ones are invalid: Oct 22 18:26, Oct 23 00:12, Oct 23 00:53, Oct 23 16:13 --- So, feel free to remove them - thank you!

Nov 17

  • dreadnaut
    Hey @Mark, thanks for checking! I'll copy the replays to the Forum, and remove them from the scoreboard.

Nov 18

  • Frieshansen
    1:04.3'4' - some round error? OK, in the list it is shown as 1:04.35 now (the upload-page showed it as .34)
    Pantera 0:45.04
  • dstien
    When the going gets böff, the böff get going.
    Lambo 0:55.12 A
  • Duplode
    @CTG I do wonder from whom the sneaky winning replay will come from this time Wink
    Pantera 0:44.97
  • dreadnaut
    A surprise @CTG win would be an exciting autumn development 🤔

Nov 19

  • dreadnaut
    Quiet replays published! 👀
  • KyLiE
    Congratulations to @Argammon and @Alan! Smiley
  • Erik Barros
    Congratulations @Argammon, @Alan and @Kylie as well @Mark and @Spoonboy
  • afullo
    Congrats to the winners! We managed to get the 2nd team title for Rolling Stunts after the one of 2018, even if differently from five years ago, this time I did not give any contribution in points...
  • Alan Rotoi
    Congrats guys!!! @Afullo did you send the next track to @dreadnaut?
  • afullo
    Still not. Hope to do it by the afternoon, in case I will not manage to finish, feel free to start the new race with another track.
  • Argammon
    I feel kind of bad winning the race with a very mundane replay. @Alanrotoi would have deserved to win the race imo. I am bit surprised that the Countach is considered to be the best car for the track (quote @Alanrotoi). The Countach's balanced bonus is 23 when the Carrera's is 25. This track, the Pantera had a 3-point higher bonus than the Countach but is slightly better than the Carrera. Of course, the type of track also matters but I still think the Pantera was the "correct" car to use. Going further, I think @Alanrotoi would have won the race if he copied his replay with the Pantera but that is pure speculation of course. Finally, I would also like to congratulate @Kylie for another podium finish and @Erik Barros for winning yet another amateur race. Smiley
  • Duplode
    Congratulations to @Argammon and to everyone on the podiums! Special shoutout to @ErikBarros, who has ensured his graduation from the Am League at the end of the season. Also, it's nice to have the Pantera as the winning car Smiley
  • Argammon
    Assuming @afullo does not manage to make a brand-new track, I suggest using ZCT65 Alley Valley as a retro track. It looks like a fun short track and none of the currently active racers raced on it before. To make it work, I suggest giving the LM002 a -10 penalty. Faster cars will surely make it possible to find tricks and shortcuts that the racers couldn't use back in 2006. Smiley
  • Duplode
    @Argammon I guess you mean ZCT064 -- and yes, that could work! There's quite a few cars that could, under current bonuses or with a bit of a boost, be a good fit for that one.
  • Ryoma
    Oh no!!! There is a stupid corkscrew.....The victory of the panthera feels me sad again about the Stratos....
  • Alan Rotoi
    @ryoma this time I can't say I did my best. It was a Saturday afternoon lap. No doubt the best car was Lambo for this track.
  • Argammon
    @Alanrotoi, I am sorry for stating the obvious but noone did his best on Penrose. And @ryoma, it seems like you can easily jump over the cork on Alley Valley.
  • Ryoma
    I don't like this track. Moreover, I cannot simply download the replay due to my computer configuration (so I cannot learn your tricks). I will drive on it only to be sure to finish all race of one season.
  • Ryoma
    I think you can put an extra bonus for the challenger. It's always a pity to see customs cars that can't win a race....
  • dreadnaut
    @Ryoma Custom cars winning on their first season is not guaranteed. The Lotus didn't, nor the F40, the 911 Turbo, two of the DTM pack, and of course the Stratos. Usually they get a chance in the following season.
  • dreadnaut
    Scoreboard for ZCT268 confirmed! Congratulations to @Argammon, bagging another victory, @AlanRotoi and @KyLiE🎉 In the Amateur League, well done to @ErikBarros, @MailNailwood and @Spoonboy!
  • Ryoma
    @dreadnaut pantera, cerv, Steven and maybe other are not agree with you lol.
  • dreadnaut
    @Ryoma Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you are lol-ling about 🤷 I took the list of cars from the podium stats here:
  • dreadnaut
    And for the next track! ZCT269 is indeed a retro track, a reverse version of ZCT064. The name also happen to be a palindrome 😎

Nov 20

  • Duplode
    Early loop warning... I'd say banning the Indy looks like a good idea.
    Indy 0:59.87
  • Alan Rotoi
    Yes, please ban Indy. This is a fun track, not PG again please.
  • Ryoma
    What about giving a permanent 50% bogus(or more) for the Indy and allowed to reduce it one race per season ? Another question, when I was carmaker, I made a Delta fully compatible with zakstunts with the real dashboard. Which dashboard you prefer ? Old one (Thema dashboard in fact) or mine ?
  • Argammon
    @dreadnaut: I just noticed the leading-time calculations are incorrect. @Kylie should start with 0 hours instead of 46 and @Alanrotoi should start with 51 hours instead of 36.

Nov 21

  • KyLiE
    Ooh! It's the Jaaaaaaaag!

Nov 22

  • Argammon
    Just to double check, the Indy isn't banned, correct?

Nov 23

  • dreadnaut
    For the moment it's only frowned upon Grin
  • Ryoma
    I did 2 news cars : Citroen C5 2.0 16V (mine) and the V6 version (not mine).
  • Daniel3D
    So, there is a Gentleman Agreement Ruling (GAR is back) not to use the Indy to enter a leading time?
  • Ryoma
    I did two Callaway Corvette : Twin turbo which is an option of the regular Corvette (not the ZR-1 so). The regular had a concave tail and the ZR-1 convex tail. The SledgeHammer which is an one shot from Callaway 898HP and 255MpH
  • Ryoma
    No GAR lol
    Indy 1:43.23
  • Ryoma
    Challenger 1:04.48
  • Spoonboy
    I mean, it was worth a try..
    McLaren 1:14.05 A
  • dreadnaut
    @Argammon @Daniel3D, sorry, I should remember I can't make jokes on race details, they could be misunderstood as statements 🙇 No, I have not banned the Indy: I think a sub-40" Indy lap is unlikely, and other PG cars have a higher bonus and chance to close a fast lap. Don't want to ban 4 cars, so I ban none. I still hope for a fun race Grin

Nov 24

  • Erik Barros
    @Ryoma, I found your car creation tutorial on the forum, thanks!! It was very enlightening for me.

Nov 25

  • Ryoma
    @Erik Barros thanks but I don't remember doing this kind of topic. I changed 3 times my method. For the last, I used excel which calculated the mirror side (right).
  • Erik Barros
    @Ryoma I referred to this topic ( Ferrari Pinin (try tutorial inside) ). I didn't quite understand some of the details, but I was able to make a 3D Shape, which was a very distant task before reading this thread.
  • Ryoma
    @Erik Barros First of all try to modify an existant car you will learn a max. For example try to put a rear wing or an NACA air intake.
    Jaguar 1:08.62

Nov 26

  • Reporting on ZCT268

    Hello there!

    This month Frieshansen presented us with his first track in the competition: A beautiful piece of terrain work reminiscent of the Penrose Triangle. Just like the Penrose Triangle, the track presents impossible paths where you have the illusion of finishing the race while only just barely starting. The race was dominated by the use of the De Tomaso Pantera GTS, another beautiful customized car created by Alan Rotoi. The Lamborghini Countach got a place on the podium with beautiful magic carpets, the irony being that they were executed by the creator of the opposing car.

    We had another victory by Argammon, who should be congratulated for winning the title this year. And completing the podium we have KyLiE, who I believe is a strong candidate to be a new race winner. In the amateur league, I can now get my passport stamped for the professional league, but I must congratulate Spoonboy for his victory on ZCT267. I'm sure we'll continue to see some great battles between him and experienced pipsqueaks like Mark Nailwood and Ryoma.

    At Race For Kicks, we revisited the Coastal Revenge track with the Ferrari 641/2 F1-90; another great car built by Ryoma. These F1 cars are challenging to drive.

    We are reaching the end of the season and a question is in the air: Who will fight for the championship title next season? Racing at a high level requires a lot of time and dedication; it is not an easy task.

  • Ryoma
    It's hard without the capacity of downloading yours replays....
    Challenger 0:58.75
  • Erik Barros
    @Ryoma why you can't download the replays?
  • Ryoma
    @Erik Barros because of the vpn on my computer (professionnal computer). I can upload but the vpn doesn't want to download (oO). I can do it with my phone but it's tedious.
  • Argammon
    To quote @CAS: "Blind lap." Smiley
    McLaren 1:03.60 A

Nov 27

  • Shoegazing Leo
    I lost this track in the original form because I had problem in my old old computer and couldn't race (or end of period crazyness)

Nov 28

  • Frieshansen
    Oh, a new article is online - thanks @Erik Barros!
    Challenger 0:58.00

Nov 29

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Well... I tried HTML, but the system forbid it.

Nov 30

  • CTG
    _ _ F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • CTG
    Who is the man to beat? I'm on the track! Grin (kidding, never ever)
  • Ryoma
    @CTG I expect sincerelly that your car will win.

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