News posted in February 2014
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Feb 1
CTGWill Gutix and Akoss Poo appear on ZCT150 scoreboard?
Alan RotoiIf yes, they can win relatively easy.
CTGsure, doggy, sure
CTG(actually I know Akoss Poo's final result)
Alan RotoiKnowing his time does mean nothing. Both of them can beat relatively easy you 1:05.25
CTGYou never learn, undereducated friend of mine. 1:05.25 is only my public time.
Alan Rotoiare you mad?
Alan Rotoior affraid to lose another race maybe?
Alan RotoiWould you stand another defeat by racers much less interested in the result?
SuperBrianHappy birthday Overdrijf! Where's Ayrton?
CTGCould you please tell what the fuck is your problem with me? Take your pills and shut up!
Alan RotoiYou a victim? What's that?
CTGIt must be really hard for a 33 years old man to live with the brain of a 6 yo retarded child.
Alan RotoiIt may be harder to live with more than one.
CTGMuhaha, you forgot the kidding tag - it was a bad joke. Erm... Have you ever had a good one?
Feb 2
dreadnautThat's very appropriate, you fight like a cow!
CTGMOO!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
Alan RotoiWell dreadnaut I only can say: I am rubber, you are glue.
Alan RotoiIt would be fun a game where you choose a stunts racer and you have an insult fight race against another racer
Renato BikerRelax, CTG, you won for 0:00:05. :S
CTGI'm more interested in another question: will Zak modify ZCT151? Probably it's a bit hard for the second month. And it happened with ZCT139, too.
CTGBtw it means I lost.
CTGIt's better not to believe in malicious words.
Feb 3
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed. Update probably within a day!
Alan Rotoi"Unconfirmed" mean there are more replays to show or you have to validate those in the scoreboard?
CTGI guess the second one, as the system registered all the replays.
CTGBtw thank you, Renato! It was a great duel, I enjoyed it very much. Without your early strong shots, I would be less motivated.
Renato BikerYou can make that comparison video when it is available.
CTGAs you wish. Somehow I feel our replays aren't really different in section times.
Akoss PooIt may also be worthy to analyse 3rd-6th place replays against each other.
CTGAs you wish #2.
Böllér JaniSukár last place, more!
Alan RotoiI hope zct151 will be available tonight
CTGWell... I hope you won't be disappointed after the first try.
Zak McKrackenupdate done and track available! Sorry no newspost now, got to rush. Enjoy!
Akoss PooI think there is some kinda problem with the team standings. The scores are lower than they should be.
Akoss PooAnd also the winning team of ZCT150 is shown wrong.
Alan RotoiWhere is the track available? :S
Alan RotoiDone. It's in the scoreboard page only.
Feb 4
Renato BikerWow, nice quick bump work, CTG!
Alan Rotoiwhat the... scoreboard?
DuplodeIt appears to be displaying racer-less replays (submitted after a logoff, session timeout, etc.). Cf. the ZCT146 and ZCT147 scoreboards.
Alan RotoiZak is cheating
CTGThe team scores, too... It seems the site needs a major revision.
CTGI think this one is a Gutix-ish track. He could make some magic with Corvette on it.
Rokker ZsoltiCsaló vagy, Janikám!
Böllér JaniNe sírjá!
Rokker ZsoltiNesze paraj!
CTGÖBÖAAJJ!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGand böff
Alan RotoiKérem angol!
CTGNe sírjál = Don't cry; Csaló vagy, Janikám = You are a cheater, my Jani!; Nesze paraj = Here you are, "spinach" (paraj is a slang for paraszt = peasant, in the pejorative meaning); böff is böff; ÖBÖAAJJ is a quote from a "legendary" Hungarian F1 commentator, László Palik, check here: Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGböff anyway
CTGand another böff
afulloMy very first replay! First Stunts game played after more than 12 years, have to regain ability to do some tricks...
afulloWith a different car with higher percentage bonus. Not enough speed to jump in the bridge crossing near start/finish line, have to circumvent the lake.
Akoss Pooafullo: use replay handling, see driving school to learn if you don't know... in this case, a jump over a bridge will not mean a problem
afulloFirst course under 3', even under 2'30" by considering the 10% bonus. I use replay handling to resume course while crashing, but in that section of the track, if you don't have enough acceleration, it is difficult to gain it, because the jump occurs shortly after a small radius curve.
AbuRaf70Que hermosa sorpresa he tenido con la Pista ZCT151...!!! Su nombre me llamó la atención, pero no imaginé siquiera que mi cumpleaños Nº 80 había sido la inspiración para que CTG bautizara esta pista con 80 Velas... MUCHAS GRACIAS, CTG, por este invalorable (para mí) regalo de cumpleaños...!!!!!
Feb 5
DuplodeTesting the waters... lovely final section!
Renato BikerYep, too easy for Indy. :/
CTGWell... we have some newbies around, probably they are happy with a so called easy track.
Renato BikerThat is true.
dreadnautSorry CTG, this is one of your one-trick tracks where you have one way to do things, or you're out of the race. No space for other cars, no space for different style of driving. Without the first loop it would have been more fun.
CTGDreadnaut: most of the tracks bring one-car-race. Btw you have some choices, too.
CTG(and if you are already there, you can cut the corners
Renato BikerMaybe Acura, Dreadnaut, but this car is disgusting!
Böllér JaniToo much differenz
CTGCould you disable the "racer-free" replays? It looks so annoying on the scoreboard.
dreadnautShould be fixed now!
CTGthanks, it looks a lot better now
Alan RotoiSo... I have to improve 9 seconds if I want to get 1st place and be beated again in the final results.. humm.
Feb 6
afulloCut off 6 seconds... it's a long way...
SuperBrianafullo: you are allowed to leave the road and cut some corners and other obstacles.
Böllér JaniHow?
dreadnautIn Stunts you can skip a couple of track tiles and you won't incur in penalty time. Also, it's only the square 'tile' that counts, not the precise shape of the road. Take a look a the wiki maybe:
Rokker ZsoltiUseful tutoriale
Böllér JaniAkkor is csalsz, fartúró!
Rokker ZsoltiPlease can you add us to team conteST? Thx
Rokker ZsoltiHaha, I know, the indy goes mad and fast on loop.
Rokker Zsoltitoday's record, anyway who are you, fellows? we see only flags. Who are top faces here?
CTGBiker's time is annoying...
Böllér JaniFuck Shakiraaaaa
CTGit seems youtube fuck it up again at 95% upload...
Alan RotoiNice video!
CTGI think ZCT150 was a really well-balanced race between Renato and me. Speed on the banked corners decided this battle.
Alan RotoiUnfortunately nobody else raced.
Renato BikerNice, thank you by the video!
afulloI have a suspect on the track of this month: is there a trick concerning the first loop, allowing to cut a large part of the circuit without incurring in any penalty? By reading on wiki I got that at least apparent hint...
Akoss PooWith manual trm, switch to 5th gear on the loop... 245 mph will be reached which should be kept on more or less the whole track (for me, especially the mid section with the lakes).
afulloI've tried to obtain powergear since the beginning for 30 minutes before posting, but I wasn't able to maintain control of the car for long, resulting in extensive penalties. Here: it explores the possibility to turn left while in a loop without penalties, I was wondering if, used very early, could allow to reach the viaduct section by skipping the first part of the track.
Feb 7
Duplodeafullo: Even though jumping out of the loop doesn't lead to penalty, in general you can't skip more than two track elements in a single cut; in this case, that would mean getting back to the track at the hill slope just ahead of the loop. If the track continued leftwards a rather big cut might be possible; as things are, not so much. Jumping out of the loop can be a way of getting powergear; though you might for the moment prefer much easier but somewhat (half to one second) slower alternative of just driving the loop in the usual way in fifth gear.
afulloI got powergear while driving in the usual way the first loop, but I have difficulties to figure how to span large portions of the track while in sixth gear, avoiding at the same time to get penalized. I runned at maximum speed only for a few seconds, then I had to slower in order to maintain the car en route.
dreadnautBeware: Server upgrade (stuff might break)
Feb 9
afulloBarrier of 2' broken!
SuperBrianCongratulations. Next barrier must be 2 minutes of your IRL-time. :-)
skydive40001st Race ever
CTGwhat the...
afulloThanks. Got near, 2:02 as real time...
CTGBeware, dreadnaut!
SuperBrianLooks like there's finally a battle going on in the newbie league. I hope you're not all ghosts. Maybe I should race a little as well..
Rokker ZsoltiMy bro's account disappears from dropdown list. Fix it please.
CTGat least there's life in the middle of the month
BULLSHIT!!!Rokker Zsolti, your bro is BULLSHIT!!!
BULLSHIT!!!Btw, I'm not a ghost. I'll prove it soon.
CTGNow this is getting ridiculous.
BULLSHIT!!!CTG & ghosts, you can suck my Indy!
Feb 10
CTGthat's the point when I ask dreadnaut or Zak to check IP addresses
dreadnautBöllér, Rokker, the login page should be fixed!
CTGLet me guess: Usrin was drinking last night.
SuperBrianOtherwise it's a crazy monolog between you and your own ghost.
CTGI suggest to check the site trackers or whatever - to separate my ghosts from other ghosts. My data: home computer - Windows 8.1, Google Chrome (and rarely Internet Explorer); workplace PC - Windows 7, Internet Explorer (and rarely Firefox); mobile phone - Android 4.1.x, Android's own browser.
CTGIP data: home (and WiFi from mobile phone) - containing (dynamic, even the first two units change); workplace: fixed IP, starting with 195.228 (see USC tracker).
CTGFocusing a bit on the real race: 2nd-5th place battle is sharp again. Since Indy is one of my arch-enemies in Stunts (the other two: Countach, GTO), this time my opponent is not Renato Biker.
CTGOuch, even worse than expected. Not even a second place... ZCT20 - 9th from 14; ZCT27 - 7th from 20; ZCT32 - 8th from 18; ZCT44 - 3rd from 14; ZCT46 - 6th from 20; ZCT53 - 4th from 22; ZCT68 - 5th from 18; ZCT72 - 4th from 13; ZCT107 (pseudo-Indy race) - 3rd from 13; ZCT135 (psudo-Indy race) - 5th from 13.
SuperBrianNice list. At least you were second on ZCT107 if Gutix had not come up with a GTO. My results with Indy is even worse, but this time I must try in order to get as many points as possible..
CTGWell... ZCT107 was a really weak race. But your Indy results are promising. This time I'm afraid of you.
Usrin1) I was not drinking last night. 2) BULLSHIT!!! was not created by me. Maybe Böllér made it as a new account when he couldn't log in with his own name. 3) Anybody can use mobile broadband or proxy servers, so it's not sure that a person always has the "regular" IP addresses.
Böllér JaniGrazie, signore dreadnaut!
CTGPosting without name is possible again! But how? (The same mystery about replays...)
SuperBrianThe replay with no name added the other day was mine. It seems to me the problem occurs when you're logged in for a longer time and the site has been unstable in the time in between login and posting.
Böllér JaniIt does not write my name. Is it a problem of special letter "ö"?
Böllér JaniTrying with replay form, if it doubles me on the list, delete it please.
Böllér JaniGood, the important one works.
SuperBrianAlso there are some other problems: 1) When you click on a racer to the profile (and past results) the site makes an error. 2) Secondary positions doesn't appear on the racer profiles. For instance; the results of Böller and Rokker on the last track doesn't appear on the racer profiles. 3) The car is replaced with a text in the newbie league. 4) The car graphics under the scoreboard overlaps. CTG's car has three wheels. ;-)
CTGHmmm... it seems I'm faster on three wheels than Akoss on four.
Alan RotoiI'm away for a weekend and a ghost appears :O Call me Peter Venckman
CTG"Latest replays" box disappeared.
dreadnautMore website updates. If you get strange errors, they should disappear after a logout.
Feb 11
CTGAh, my 4th wheel is back.
Feb 13
Akoss PooHappy birthday, Lupuszka!
Rokker ZsoltiWhoever you are, happy birthday Lupuszka!
Alan RotoiHappy birthday We want a pic!
Akoss PooCheck my Facebook account, she is my friend as my sister.
Alan RotoiI can't see her
Show some pics in Hot Chicks thread
Alan RotoiJust kidding. It's ok
Tell me what you think about the new pic for Stunts Community facebook group.
Feb 16
Böllér JaniManual gear ugly
Böllér JaniManual gear ugly again, disznóölés mode anyway
Feb 19
afulloSo, at the end of the story, BULLSHIT!!! was recognized as a real new player, rather than an alias of someone already registered? Just because I'm borderline in the places guaranteeing points...
CTGBullshit is obviously a ghost.
afulloA ghost of some other player? If we are sure of that, can I ask to get him removed from the scoreboard, or at least to skip him in the assignation of points, in order to gain a place for the standings?
CTGi'm supporting the idea
CTG(I hate every non-CTG ghosts!)
afulloOk, thanks, otherwise in the future a player could be theoretically able to register many accounts specifically in order to make an opponent lose points. As far I can see many of you are playing here since the beginning of the 2000s (10 years and beyond) so I am sure this is not case, but, new players register themselves with a certain frequency, sooner or later a dishonest racer could emerge from the mass...
afullo*this is not the case
CTGActually I am one of those dishonest racers with ~40 ghosts in the past.
afulloHave you ever used one of them in order to assure for yourself an higher difference of points between you and another player?
Alan RotoiNot only for himself, but seems nobody cares too much.
CTGAfullo: in ZakStunts - no, in other competitions - yes (USC is another story, irrelevant at the moment). My first ghosts were created to make a longer list behind my name (in 2002), 'cause I didn't want to be last in the first few races. Later it became rather fun. My top ghosts never positioned between me and my main rivals, do it didn't gave me that kind of advantage (except ZCT77, but it resulted only a single point - my advantage at the end was a lot more than that). I had no top ghosts since 2009, only some new names at the bottom of the scoreboards, completing one or two races in overall. Since I'm working, I don't have enough time to keep up such an army.
CTGBtw it's quite time consuming to produce a second / third / fourth replay, if you want to take at least middle class positions for fake characters. Looking at the current scoreboard, 9th-14th place could be reproduced in 10, TOP3 at least >30 minutes.
CTGnah, partly lost message: 9th-14th 10 minutes; TOP3 >30 minutes.
CTGwhat the fuckin' hell, the 'top8' part is lost again... 9th-14th position max. 5 minutes, 4th-8th min. 10 minutes
Alan RotoiI guess you "forgot" 2002 Track Design Contest, when you voted under several names and made me lose the contest.
CTG12 years and still mad... calm down doggy, life is life, Stunts is only Stunts.
CTGBtw I was thinking on races, not subjective "art" contests.
CTGBtw your memory is crappy again. Alps (Akoss Poo) got 44 points, while your Dover Island had 42. Let's see the votes: Alain 5-1, Mingva 4-5, Zak 4-5, Akoss 5-4, Bonzai Joe 4-4, CTG 3-4 (!!!), Ukyo Katayama 4-3, Alan Rotoi 3-5, Krys 5-5, Bolo Yeung 5-4, Argammon 2-3, Usrin 5-4. I voted with 3 different characters and gave 12 points for Alps, 11 points for Dover Island. Without my votes, Alps was still the most successful track (32-31) - especially if we remove the "own votes" of Akoss and you (24-22). What's more, if you check how many points you gave on your own tracks compared to other's tracks, your votes seem to be quite "strange"... Your track would finish second even without me, so shut up.
CTGAh yes, and CrazyDriver's votes were removed from the stats already in 2002. He gave 5 points on Dover Island and only 2 on Alps... I guess Akoss Poo could be mad instead of you, Mr. Second Place.
CTG(Don't lie for me, Argentina...)
Alan RotoiIf you do the math you'll see it's a draw between Akoss Poo's track and mine. You only have to deduct your ghost votes. BTW CTG, honesty doesn't have an expiration date.
CTGWho said I would give a "3-4", if I don't have three other characters?
Alan RotoiYou got mad but I didn't reveal anything new. I did something dishonest and you had it your own way.
Alan Rotoidamn google translate
CTGStill, it must be clarified.
CTG(Let's make a new TDC with clear rules: secret votes, nobody can vote on his own track and only verified racers can participate in the voting procedure)
Alan RotoiThings are going well for you don't feel threatened. You were dishonest several times in this community and nobody acted on it.
CTGBut still, I don't understand why you dig up old stories time to time...
Alan RotoiYou started writing about your ghosts here.
CTG'cause Afullo asked and I felt it's the best solution if I tell him.
Feb 20
afulloThanks a lot.
afulloHmm, just one another thing, Bullshit is still listed in the seasonal standings.
Feb 21
DuplodeSpeaking of standings, the team of Rokker and Böllér should be registered.
Feb 22
CTGthis one won't be a memorable race...
Feb 23
afulloThis reminds me of the very first games on Stunts back to when I was a very little boy.
Feb 24
DuplodeThis, in turn, made me think of another entry for my shortlist of track names
DuplodeTricky final sector...
CTGSuch a small gap, just a few days before the deadline... it means no good for us.
Feb 25
afulloThanks for fixing the seasonal standings (removing of the fictional alias Bullshit).
There are other tracks (in the sense of songs, not circuits) that could be nice names for ZCT entries:
CTGI have many track names in my mind...
Feb 26
Zak McKrackenI admit I started ZakStunts because I suck at powergear
CTGSo much for afullo's first ZSC point...
Rokker ZsoltiFamily biznisz
Böllér JaniYup
Böllér JaniHey hey hey hey!
Rokker ZsoltiFlat mouth.
Böllér JaniYou should drink instead.
Böllér JaniPlease write us in team race.
CTGBtw the displayed team scores are false.
Akoss PooI've told that more than a month ago, but the site management did not take care about that.
Feb 27
The 2013 edition of the Stunts competition archive is now available! A mind-boggling collection of 697 tracks, 627 winner's replays and some extra goodies for you.
Download, and enjoy - and praise Duplode for his excellent work.
DuplodeIt seems that the top 2 racers for each team are being picked according to Z150 results.
DuplodeAs for registering Böllér and Rokker's team, here is a more permanent reminder: Agro Motosport
CTGLW has 21 pts from ZCT150, not 16...
CTGIt seems Akoss' results are missing from the team scores.
CTG...and Chulk is missing from Meganium's...
Zak McKrackenseems the no1 racer from each team is not taken into account. must be a bug in the season update routine. Let me try to fix.
Zak McKrackenfixed. at line 689 $ps[0]=$pta[$k]; was missing - probably deleted by mistake
Zak McKrackenalso we have the new team set up!
afulloAs I wrote on the forum, if a team wants to complete his roster (I'm seeing here teams composed by only 2 or 3 drivers), I'm here...
CTGThis is my final lap.
CTGA last day challenge for Afullo!
Feb 28
Frikerwow! 4 new racers? i should start again.
CTGFriker: not your class of racers...
CTGBtw I would be happy if we get over with my crappy cars (Indy, Countach, GTO) in the next few months. 2013 was an excellent year without these wrecks, but with 3 IMSA races, Audi, Lancia - and now... you see what we have.
Akoss PooHappy birthday, Rokker Zsolti! :-)
Akoss PooHappy birthday, BeerBor! :-)
Böllér JaniSad birthday, bro!
CTGB_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_Ö_F_F_!_! Böff dampening: 17.6dB
Rokker ZsoltiSad?
CTGHahahaha Usrin in action!
CTGPÁÁLINKA!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
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