Johnny Alaska 
Joined on March 2021 (Amateur)
40 years old
Not part of a team
Straightaways, banked curves, jumps.
Corkscrews, those 2 cement block things in either lane.
Started playing Stunts in the early 90's on a bootleg floppy disk that my parents got in their software trading circle. It was the European "4d Sports Driving" that I grew up playing. Rediscovered it all this years later. Ready to go fast again.
Burn some rubber!
Seasonal activity
Johnny Alaska | 2021 | Average |
Sent replays | 3 | 3.0 |
Active days | 2 | 2.0 |
Participation rate | 8% | 8.0% |
Final/Current position | 31st | — |
Best position | 20th | 20 |
Average position | 20 | 20 |