News posted in April 2022
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Apr 1
Apr 2
KyLiEThe Purple Sunset Enduro (2022-04-02) starts in a few hours! Come and join us in the chat to participate! ?
dreadnautSorry pals, eyes visit took longer than expected, I'm not home yet, and my vision's all blurry ? Enjoy the race!
sebastianali302My first replay ever published on this website. It was a so long time i played Stunts for the first time, and im recently noticed this website. I hope im doing well.
1:18.02 A
Alan RotoiWelcome @Sebastianali302! I hope you'll enjoy the competition! Another Argentinian
I'm from Castelar, Buenos Aires, and you? Saludos!
Apr 3
sebastianali302Hi @Alan Rotoi! Im from Capital Federal. Wow, you did very good times. Did you know a video or something i can watch for practice a bit more? Thanks.
Alan Rotoi@sebastianali302 you can watch my youtube channel (alanrotoi) I submit replays frequently. The bes way for practice is downloading replays and watching ingame. Fijate en la tabla de posiciones a la derecha de todo donde está el puntaje hay un icono para descargar replays. El replay más rápido que es público es el de CTG que por ahora está en segundo lugar. Aparte entrar en un equipo está bueno porque recibís ayuda y consejos de tus compañeros. Cualquier cosa no dudes en preguntar acá o en el foro
Alan RotoiStunts news! Watch today's live race! Enjoy!
Duplode(1) Welcome to ZakStunts, @sebastianali302! (2) That video came out great, Alan! (3) A reminder that April's R4K race has just started at , and a GAR scoreboard for ZCT248 is also available there at
sebastianali302It seems that the bonuses really favored specific cars over others or is just my lack of skill? I tried using the Jaguar but not mather the amount of tries i cannot surprass my old time. Anyway, at least i made almost 2 seconds of difference with the Lancia.
1:16.95 A
Apr 4
afulloWelcome! Bonuses are not meant to make every car equivalent or so, but to invite using different cars throughout the season. If a car is used by the racers obtaining the best results in a race, then it receives a malus which usually make its use not convenient for a certain amount of time.
sebastianali302Oh ok, i didnt know that, thanks
Apr 5
CasWelcome, @sebastianali302! Hope to see you in Race For Kicks too! The rules are slightly different, but we can help you with any doubt. Also, @Alan, that video really looks great! I think a new era of Live Races has started with this one. The quality of how it's been organised and all the effort is establishing a precedent. Le Stunts will be something quite different from now on!
Great work, @KyLiE!
RyomaI can say goodbye to the first victory of the Stratos... But I don't want to use the seven like other....
KyLiEWelcome @sebastianali302! As others have mentioned, we'd love to see you at as well. @Alan, that video is excellent!
@Cas, thank you! It was a pleasure! @Ryoma, maybe the first victory for the Stratos will be in the Unicorn Rally.
Ryoma@kylie it is not depend of me....
Apr 7
HokuszpokFirst day on the track again...
1:18.20 A
Alan RotoiHey welcome #Hokuszpok!
Apr 8
ZdnBurnsSó consigo correr no câmbio automático, amador pra sempre mesmo... Mas ainda tenho esperança de aprender a fazer boas curvas pelo menos!
1:14.88 A
Alan Rotoi@ZdnBurns the car you chose is very good in corners. It has a very good grip. It is quiet easy to drive so you won't have any trouble using manual transm. (Hey I can read Portuguese!)
KyLiEHey @Hokuszpok, welcome to ZakStunts!
afulloWelcome @Hokuszpok! Btw, I just observed that, this year, also non-integer scores (such as 0.10 for 13th place) are considered for the team standings. Usually they were regarded as zero...
CasWelcome, @Hokuszpok!
Apr 9
ZdnBurns@Hokuszpok, chegou mandando bem! @Alan, você é o mestre! Tengo mucho que aprender!
OverdrijfAnother more casual drive for me this month. The Caterham is a strange car. On a more flat track it might actually be faster with automatic gears than going manual.
Alan Rotoi@dreadnaut will you make a live update tonight in the chatroom?
dreadnautI'll try to be there yes! Only three hours left ?
Alan RotoiOk I'm already in the chatroom
Apr 10
dreadnautTime is up, to the chat room!
dreadnautQuiet replays published. Confirmation and new track tomorrow
RyomaThis track was very fun except the tunnel uphill wich brake the rythm. I kept a version without this tunnel.
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, well done @AlanRotoi, @CTG and @KyLiE! And in the Amateur League, congratulations to @Frieshansen, @Ryoma and @Heretic ?
dreadnautAnd the new track is up: enjoy "Sewage Sludge Treatment", by @AkossPoo
Ryoma12% for my Stratos ;(
Akoss PooJust to see my name on the scoreboard.
1:37.96 A
RyomaNot fun, see you next month
dreadnautSeems quite enjoyable to me, I'll be here
1:28.65 A
Alan RotoiTo @Ryoma with love
. The first half of the track doesn't looks like an Akoss track but the other half clearly is.
CasFirst blind lap
Apr 11
afulloToo technical also in my opinion...
DuplodeCongratulations to Alan, CTG and KyLiE! As for the new track, it is pretty technical indeed; in any case, I'd say the P962 is an appropriate car for it.
Shoegazing LeoDevlish
2:20.96 A
Shoegazing LeoIt seens slighly easier with slower cars...
1:59.68 A
Shoegazing Leobut stills devlish
1:39.96 A
Shoegazing LeoNot the last (by now)
1:35.05 A
HokuszpokFirst ry. thats a hard one
Stan 286XTAnd the little course in the left whot is?
Apr 12
KyLiEThank you @dreadnaut and @Duplode! Congratulations to @Alan and @CTG!
Apr 14
Stan 286XTI made ZCT249 whit 131 ABARTH!!!!
Apr 15
Alan RotoiSeems I lost my replay so I had to download from here
Apr 16
DuplodeThe R4K GAR scoreboard has been enabled! (Can I keep a lead overnight there, if nowhere else? ?)
Alan RotoiAre you ready for the Rotoi Challenge?
Apr 17
RyomaI really don't accept that you reduce the Stratos at 12%...specially for this kind of fucking track!!!!!!
Stan 286XTIf I do this whit a 80286 I olways made a bad crash!!!!
Apr 18
dreadnautPlease keep it respectful, @Ryoma ?
Alan Rotoi@Ryoma I think @Akoss wanted a fast car race and it's not something against Stratos but against any car that had possibilities to match his race proposal. Stratos will win a race this year sooner or later. Only one car in Zakstunts history didn't won a race (Mercedes DTM). This month CERV III and Nissan Skyline had a nerf too.
Stan 286XTThe DSI guy are too bad!!!! Castom car are UGLY same care have same smoke The DSI guy are to much strong!!!!!
Apr 21
Apr 22
Stan 286XTIs the motorbike blue thander from 80 like kitt?
CTGKITT, StreetHawk... we miss only Airwolf!
Ryoma@stan blue thunder is another copter (tonnerre de feu in french). The bike is for Street Hawk (tonnerre mécanique). @ctg miss airwolf and blue thunder !!
Apr 25
Daniel3D@Ryoma, after reading your posts, I thought I would see an unfair situation after coming here. But I don't really see the unfairness. Yes, the stratos is downgraded for this race, but that should not be taken personally. The track designer makes the decision on what he believes will result in a good race. For next race the Stratos will be (without modifications) in the top 3 (LM0002 and the Ferrari) so its time will come. The competition is build so that every race has a different best car so that the cars rotate and not all races are won with the indy. So the stratos will be the best car for a race and recycle. That's how it works, noting more or less. Noting unfair is going on, and it makes me sad to read you feel that way.
Apr 26
RyomaLook the gearbox
Alan RotoiWow! What a day of innovations!! I love it!
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