News posted in October 2022
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Oct 1
OverdrijfHappy birthday to @Usrin, as well as four other people who might have been slightly less active lately.
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @Usrin! Join us in the live race tomorrow! (today for Europeans)
FrieshansenHappy birthday @Usrin!
HunterBoy344If anyone is available, I will be running the Stunts Online server for its second playtest today at 3:00 PM EST! If that’s not possible for anyone, just let me know so I can pick a better time and date!
KyLiE@HunterBoy344, unfortunately I won't be available then. If you end up going ahead with that time, I hope the test goes well!
Alan Rotoi@HunterBoy344 Thank you for watching the streamming! If I'm at home I'll be available for the test!
UsrinHappy birthday @Imperas, @Motorhead86, @sd4000 and @Straycat! (WTF...)
HunterBoy344Alright, 3PM EST it is, but I am going to see if a more permanent server can be made such that @KyLiE can give Stunts Online a try. I don’t want anyone to miss out, and the next playtest event I‘l plan much further in advance to ensure everyone can participate.
HunterBoy344T minus 4 minutes until the playtest is live! The server IP, as usual, will be posted when the event starts. The client is located at
HunterBoy344Aaaaand the race is on! The server IP is ""! The event will run for an hour, but I will only be playing for about 30 minutes. Feel free to use chat to communicate!
HunterBoy344Well, that's all the time I have. The server will run for another 30 minutes, but I won't be online because I have work to do. Join if you can!
Oct 2
DuplodeI couldn't be around for the the playtest again yesterday. Third time lucky, I hope
Oct 4
HunterBoy344It would appear that my time zone frequently does not align with when you guys are available... so I'm going to let you decide! Just suggest a time and date for when you want me to run the server next week, and I'll run it at that time! I'll check what your suggestions are this Friday so I can set alarms and such to know when I should start the server. I may not be there myself other than to just start the server, but I've already played my fair share of Stunts Online; it's about time you guys are able to give it a try at a reasonable time.
Oct 5
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @AkossPoo!!!
Akoss PooThanks!
dreadnautHappy birthday! 🎂
HereticHappy birthday! @AkossPoo
Akoss PooThanks!
Oct 6
Alan RotoiWelcome @Lisolet! Manual transmission? Good choice!
KyLiEWelcome @Lisolet!
Oct 9
dreadnaut🚨 One-off rule change 🚨 - After reviewing the track, to avoid the risk of another "oh, it was powergear all along!" race, The Porsche March Indy is banned from ZCT255.
Daniel3DWould have been brilliant though. Winning a race with the most unfavorable carbonus.. 😅
Oct 10
Shoegazing LeoFirst
1:43.20 A
Shoegazing LeoSecond
1:44.07 A
Shoegazing LeoThird
1:44.32 A
Shoegazing LeoFourth
1:40.87 A
Shoegazing LeoFifth
1:45.48 A
Oct 11
Alan Rotoi@Kaweashkar is you avatar a Peugeot 505?
Oct 12
ZapperFirst try
Oct 14
Shoegazing Leo- Once more - Curitiba (it's a joke for portuguese speakers)
1:40.33 A
Alan RotoiWhy @Leo?
Oct 18
Reporting on ZCT254
In my experience, tracks that have the least amount of planning involved usually end up being the most engaging. Of course, there are exceptions, but this certainly ended up being the case with Island Run, my second ZakStunts track. There was a diverse line-up of cars fighting for the lead, so let's review what went down, shall we?
I was the first to hit the tarmac in the Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R. My time was competitive, but it wasn't long before Zapper waded into battle with the Jaguar XJR9 IMSA and took the lead. I managed to overtake him in the Skyline, but then he switched to everyone's favourite car, the Lamborghini Countach. I really don't know why there is so much hate for the Countach, I actually enjoy driving it! Anyway, I was able to maintain the lead by switching to the Countach as well. Frieshansen also had a chop in the Countach and managed to take the lead momentarily. A few hours later though, I was back in front, but not by much. Still, I managed to hold my position for quite some time, enough to gain another LTB point!
Eventually, Zapper regained the lead in the Jaguar. This started an impressive battle with Usrin whose car of choice was the Audi Quattro. With so many different cars fighting for the lead, it was anyone's guess as to which one would be victorious. As I shared with my team mates, my money was on the Jaguar. But where were Alan Rotoi and Duplode in all of this? Alan Rotoi was present throughout most of the race, albeit holding back for the most part with only 28 leading hours. Duplode on the other hand was MIA until the very end of the race, submitting only a single replay.
Alright, enough with the commentary, who won? Well, congratulations must go to Alan Rotoi for winning the race with an impressive time of 1:08.26 in the Jaguar. Frieshansen amazingly came in second (which is his best position so far) and Duplode placed third with his eleventh-hour replay. In the amateur league, Heretic took a well-deserved first place, followed by Cas in second. To finish things off, newcomer Kaweashkar impressively placed third in his very first race! Well done!
Along with Kaweashkar from Chile, this race also saw Erik Barros from Brazil join us at ZakStunts. Welcome to the competition! There are only three races left for this season, and as usual, I'm keen to see how it all plays out.
Oct 21
HunterBoy344Here's a really bad run of 255.
2:14.10 A
Oct 22
OverdrijfAnother deadline evening "no look" (at replays) drive for me (posted quietly, because that's fun). @HunterBoy: Mine would probably be slower except I cheated: I practiced a few year.
Cool that you're picking your own car.
Oct 23
DuplodeQuiet replays published! The update will continue later in the evening.
UsrinCongrats Duplode, and thanks for the quick update! Silver medal shines, too. So it's time to open a beer and BÖFF!
Alan RotoiCongrats @Duplode and @Usrin! It's böffing time I guess
OverdrijfTop 3 with 3 teams, 2 cars and less than 2 seconds difference, that's how I like 'em. Congratulations pipsqueaks! @Zapper was also a contender for much of this month, tipping him for a victory in the first half of next season.
DuplodeResults confirmed! Plenty of good performances all over the scoreboard, including my fellow medalists @Usrin and @AlanRotoi, and @ErikBarros getting his first full point with the Stratos.
DuplodeAnd ZCT256: Metadata, by @Overdrijf, is up! Start your engines!
KyLiECongratulations to @Duplode, @Usrin and @Alan!
Even without the Porsche March Indy, @Alan still managed to slip in some power gear!
OverdrijfI didn't notice the Melange had a penalty last month. In the interest of making the choice as hard as possible I'd like to change the temporary bonuses to +3 (total 8) for the Melange and +7 (total 10) for the Cerv III. And you know what? Let's remove that -2 for the Stratos while we're at it, I'm being too hard on that car. The other -2's stay where they are. (@Duplode @dreadnaut)
FrieshansenCongrats @Duplode, @Usrin and @Alan!
Duplode@Overdrijf I have adjusted the bonuses. Due to a technical issue I haven't managed to fix the corrected time for Alan's CERV lap yet; that will be sorted out in due course. To make sure this won't lead to further confusion on the LTB chart, I'm taking the lead with a CERV replay
Alan RotoiHaha I get it. Should I re-send the replay? Or better, redrive the last seconds?
Duplode@Alan If you re-sent the replay I believe it would be rejected as identical, even though the corrected time would change. A slight change in the final seconds would work, though in any case I'll still get your current lap fixed ASAP for the sake of accuracy.
OverdrijfSo I'm driving a bit more seriously than in most races this year. Here's two replays, with 2 cars, on 2 routes. One that I think is not the final route, there has to be something more clever...
OverdrijfAnd one that I really, really, really hope is not the final route. (I went a bit more freestyle on the design this time, less thinking of everything beforehand. But if this turns out to be the winning line we might need a special rule against it.)
Oct 24
DuplodeYeah, I'd be happy with a rule against the cut in your CERV lap, @Overdrijf. If we all agree it's a good idea, how might it be worded? (Perhaps "it is forbidden to drive under the bridge across the western side of the inner part of the track"?)
OverdrijfThe red square is lava.
Admittedly, your description is a little easier to place in a nice textbox at the top of the page like the exception with the Indy last month.
Overdrijf"Pretend the map looks like this:"
Oct 25
OverdrijfMade a poll/forum topic about it: ZCT256: ban the grasscut?
OverdrijfAlso congratulations @Kaweashkar. Did you know that birthday months are some of the best months for racing? They're easily in the top twelve!
OverdrijfPlaying the game, playing the game, playing the LTB game.
ZapperLet's try again for a LTP point
CasFirst blind try on this track
Oct 27
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @Marco!!
DuplodeHappy birthday, Marco
Stan 286XTHappy birthday, Marco !!!!!! I installed ms dos 3.30 esactly your youtube video but hard disk fail better dos 5!!!!!
Alan Rotoi@Stan maybe MSDOS 3.30 accepts a smaller HD. About 40 MB for example.
HereticHappy birthday @Marco
Oct 28
afulloHere: it is stated that support for partitions larger than 32 MB was added only with the version 3.31. Happy birthday Marco!
Oct 30
OverdrijfA serious time from @Erik. That attempt alone should be good for about the placement he got to last month.
DuplodeICYMI: We have agreed on not allowing the northwestern bridge dual-way cut that was being discussed here a few days ago. I have added a note about that to the ZCT256 scoreboard page.
Oct 31
Shoegazing LeoNot allowed to drive it:
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