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Sep 1

  • Cas
    ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Gutix!
  • CTG
    Sure, I'm fond of auto trm.

Sep 2

  • dreadnaut
    Uhm, I'll have to give it a try tomorrow...
  • dreadnaut
    Re the guest tracks, happy to book you for January 2019! But do check with Cas, his OWOOT competition might need a track or two Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Filler, more than a filler
  • dreadnaut
    Maybe I prefer manual, it helps with my bad cornerning Tongue
  • CTG
    2:03-2:04 might be possible with auto gears.

Sep 3

  • dreadnaut
    Notice: I fixed the track end date, which I originally set on a Sunday. Now the track closes correctly on Saturday 22 September.
  • Overdrijf
    Manual shifting feels better, like I'm playing something more than an arcade game for dirty casuals. Hard moding to the max out here, using all of 6 buttons like a champ. I also like using the max speed of the gears as reference points for how fast I can enter certain sections.
  • Seeker1982
    I managed to improve my time quite a bit but I still can't reproduce the stuff CTG does - that loopcut/jump in the very beginning and driving through non-banked corners in 5th (latter naturally without the revs being very low)
  • dreadnaut
    That kind of loop cut is annoyingly difficult to get right Sad

Sep 4

  • CTG
    Sure, it is. But at least it's at the beginning of the track. Do it once and you are ready.
  • CTG
    Btw manual gears do not make significant difference on this track (maybe 2 seconds or maybe even less), since you don't have to break down below 170 mph during your ride.
  • CTG
    slightly better
  • Overdrijf
    Crap, I'm going to have to work for my third place here. That's not what we agreed on.

Sep 5

  • Seeker1982
    this has to be the hardest fight I've ever fought with you guys but I managed to improve my time once more

Sep 6

  • Cas
    Overdrijf, do you have the track you had been working on for the SuperKart? Is it good for OWOOT? PM me on the forum Smiley

Sep 9

  • Seeker1982
    new GAR-Replay; slightly slower but without issues - in ther faster one (driven 2:25,80) I was for 1Frame off track in a chicane
  • Seeker1982
    forgot: I still say this is the hardest track ever since I joined you guys

Sep 10

  • Cas
    Thank you, thank you XD Hard, but enjoyable, my little monster, ha, ha

Sep 12

  • Cas
    People, I want to announce that I have reopened Race For Kicks! The new track is the work of Overdrijf and is to be played with the Super Kart Smiley The ones who were registered on the site will have to re-register, since I've changed how the thing worked. Give it a go: Cheesy
  • Overdrijf
    I'm actually having quite a hard time making any significant improvements right now. The corners in my previous replay were pretty good it turns out. I'm going to have to race ever harder.

Sep 13

  • Duplode
    Yup. There seems to be less fat to burn in my first lap than I had expected...

Sep 15

  • Cas
    I'm finding it hard to even approach my own lap. And this, even though I am able to see the replays from much better laps.
  • afullo
    Happy birthday Cas!
  • Cas
    Thank you!!!

Sep 16

  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, Cas! I'll try to sneak in another R4K replay tonight :-)
  • Duplode
    And happy birthday, Friker!
  • arturbmallmann
    Happy birthday, friker. about the October's track. I will done it this week.

Sep 17

  • Cas
    Happy birthday, Friker and Renato Biker! Guys, don't forget to pass by Smiley Duplode: I've been busy today, but I'll verify your RPL tomorrow!

Sep 18

  • Overdrijf
    I wonder how long it will be before Seeker and CTG start/revive a team together.
  • CTG
    Thanks for the great idea, but I'm still the member of the mighty Looping Warriors.

Sep 20

Sep 21

  • Overdrijf
    I just noticed the download page says "Stunts - ZakStunts 2018 edition - This is the official package for racing on ZakStunts in 2016." and "This archive includes the three official additional cars (Ferrari F40, McLaren MP4/4, Melange XGT-88, Nissan Skyline, Ford Ranger)" Wink
  • dreadnaut
    Fixed Tongue
  • dreadnaut
    And since I was there, I refreshed the whole Downloads page

Sep 22

  • Cas
    Dreadnaut, congrats on the updates! I'm going to take a read at the forum topic now Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    All through this race I've had the feeling that maybe, just maybe, it could be possible to get the GTO to powergear. And now we are close to the end, and Alan has not poster a replay... at least a visible one. Mmmmmmmhh... Shocked
  • Duplode
    I was going to test the GTO, but had simply forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder, Dreadnaut! Cheesy
  • Cas
    OMG!!! You got it under 2 minutes! At the last moment! With the GTO! Cheesy
  • dreadnaut
    You missed a great 'quiet replay' chance there!
  • Overdrijf
    Ouch. Let's see how many people have been paying attention and/or racing tonight.
  • CTG
    It was predictable with DUP behind the steering wheel. He's the undisputed master of GTO.
  • dreadnaut
    Even if I can see it's possible, that does not mean I can do it myself Tongue Even less in half an hour.
  • dreadnaut
    Wooo, I got to the end Smiley
  • Duplode
    I don't know if this latest GAR replay is legal: I might have left the track in one of the chicanes.
  • dreadnaut
    Just slightly worse than my current result.
  • Duplode
    It isn't legal: I have left the track at 1:47.80 Sad

Sep 23

  • dreadnaut
    Which of the last two Indy?
  • Duplode
    The latest one, 2:21.45. I'm pretty much sure the 2:27.10 is legal, though I didn't review it.
  • dreadnaut
    -sigh- Just so difficult to slow down at the very end with the GTO. I was so close to 1'25" Sad Sad
  • Overdrijf
    The upside is: another jaguar race soon. Wink
  • Duplode
    @dreadnaut: Yup, that was surprisingly tricky. As was the third bridge crossing on GAR. (Not that the latter has anything to do with the former, but I desperately need to whine about it!)
  • dreadnaut
    GAR tag removed from the last Indy replay. I had a OWOOT try with replay handling, and it was still a giant pain. No GAR for me this time.
  • dreadnaut
    And the quiet replays are out!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    I tried to improve, but I didn't. It was a very busy month and I raced onl to fill the score.
  • Duplode
    Well done to CTG, for making me push with the Jaguar as hard as I could, to dreadnaut, for the podium, to Overdrijf, for a strong showing that got us the team victory, to Seeker, for keeping it together and winning the GAR race, and last but not least to Cas, for the very good track.
  • Cas
    Great race, guys! I really had fun playing and watching this one!
  • Duplode
    In other news, I have started a Cars and rules for 2019 topic at the Forum, so go there and tell us what you want to drive next year Smiley

Sep 24

  • Akoss Poo
    Chürműű! :-)
  • Overdrijf
    Akoss in da house!
  • dreadnaut
    Scoreboard confirmed, congratulation to Duplode and CTG! And the new track is ready, any complaints to be addressed to Leo Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    And hello Akoss! Send a replay, and we can sign-up Looping Warriors for the season!
  • The Fast and the Unexpected

    Now that was a good race! ZCT206 is over, with a last-moment plot twist that saw the Ferrari GTO take the first spot, after four weeks of Jaguar battles between Duplode, CTG, Overdrijf, and Seeker1982.

    CTG held the first position for most of the month with a sequence of improvements on a lap which, to the untrained eye, looked already perfect. And even if the replay was public, we all had quite a hard job to close in in his rear mirrors.

    However, the victory went to the GTO, which had been hiding in plain sight on the bonus chart. Full-speed powergear on a track as long as this one can beat even IMSA cars by several seconds.

    Only two entries on the GAR scoreboard though. Cas' track was pure evil for OWOOT rules, with high speed chicanes and tight corners following double jumps :)

    Community news

    Although the race was quite intense, people found time for more Stunts magic!

    The water rises

    The next race, ZCT207, will be on a water-and-pipes nightmare track by Leo. Good luck, and keep your car out of the sea!

  • Akoss Poo
    Hi! I was thinking about sending a replay on Saturday when I left at home ill (my wife: met his childhood classmate friends on an all-girl party) with a common cold instead of riding my bike on a 90 km long trip or taking a 25 km hike in the nearby mountains. But instead of playing Stunts, I listened to music (mainly Stratovarius and Indica) and watched sports TV programmes (ice hockey, football, cycling) all day. Maybe this month I'll try the track. :-)
  • Overdrijf
    As a reply to the annoucement: I am working pretty seriously on a new project, although it's not maybe technically a new car. :evil smile: It also gave me some new insights in 3D shape work, so I'm just too late with this for Race for Kicks, but if the kart returs to Zakstunts I can do a visual bugfix version 1.1. As a final aside: the season standings don't seem to be based on 206's final standings yet, but I'm sure that was still going to happen.
  • afullo
    As far as I see, seasonal standings do not update automatically when quiet replays are published, they will update only after the first replay of the following race is submitted...
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Yes, it's the reverse scenery of High As Shift...
  • dreadnaut
    Sorry about the missing refresh, I forgot to click on the "Refresh scores" button!
  • Overdrijf
    I tried to post a first time, but it says my replay doesn't match the current Zakstunts track.
  • Overdrijf
    And just because I can, the comment that would have gone with this time: "I had almost forgotten how slow that car was. No wonder I liked giving it to that friendly old man Otto as a kid."
  • dreadnaut
    Sorry about that, can you re-download the track? I forgot to remove the Bliss marker at the end of the file.
  • Overdrijf
    Ah, so redownload and redrive. Check.
  • Overdrijf
    Still does not match. I must have done something wrong while downloading. I'll try again tomorrow.
  • Overdrijf
    Because obviously it should work since your time is there.
  • dreadnaut
    DosBox is a bit weird sometimes, and remembers the content of files if you don't close it and re-open it. Or hit Ctrl-F4, I think.
  • Overdrijf
    I did remount every time. Anyway it works now. Got a bunch of seconds odf my time as well between attempts, and planted enough of a seed of hate to avoid this car/track combo for at least a few days. Interesting that at first glance there are at least two viable options.
  • afullo
    These days I'm having my house painted, so in the evening I have to help to prepare for the next day. Thus, I don't think I will be able to post a replay very soon...

Sep 25

  • Cas
    My first lap on this race!

Sep 27

  • CTG
    BÖÖ.ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖFF!!! Böff dampening: < 1dB
  • Overdrijf
    You can't time hide against the king. He knows... Sad
  • afullo
    Back on track!
  • KaoS
    Long time no see Smiley Im also Back hope for good Races.

Sep 28

  • Overdrijf
    Dreadnaut and Afullo are having a seriously close race.
  • dreadnaut
    Hello Kaos! @Overdrjft yes! we won't post new replays unless we both get exactly the same time Smiley
  • Duplode
    After months of delays, I'm finally able to post lap driven with my actual computer Smiley The old, failing laptop -- which at this point had become a Stunts-exclusive machine, as using it for anything else would risk a complete failure -- has been officially decommissioned.
  • Duplode
    On another note, KaoS' lap is a fairly good one!
  • Cas
    Hey, KaoS! You should try the SuperKart track at Race For Kicks: Smiley I better update my lap here. Once I finish today's work, I'll start giving some time to that.

Sep 29

  • KaoS
    Oh nice! I like it but where i get the Superkart?
  • Duplode
    KaoS: You can find it here:
  • KaoS
    Nice okay i try it right now Smiley and it makes fun! But where to upload the RPL?
  • KaoS
    Nevermind i found it xD

Sep 30

  • Cas
    Uhm... I think I should provide the download for the SuperKart on the site. Afullo, I checked your replay. There's a problem with it, though it's not the one you thought.
  • Cas
    An update on my lap Smiley
  • Cas
    And another... Cheesy

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