News posted in July 2018
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Jul 1
Seeker1982Time's up: my first win in the main event \o/
For quite a while I was sitting on hot coals
dreadnautQuiet replays published!
afulloFrank, don't say cat if you don't have it in the sack
DuplodeOnly afullo and I have sent quiet replays? I am genuinely surprised o_O
Seeker1982damn, i postest as the time was already up but appearantly the quit replalys wern't yet published. So congrats to Duplode
arturbmallmannCongratulations, Duplode! That last tunnel turn was very well made.
Jul 2
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed! Congratulations to Duplode, Seeker1982 and Alan Rotoi! The new track will be in about 24h
Shoegazing LeoThank you all!
Alan RotoiCongrats Dup!!
dreadnautAnd the new track is up! Thanks to Afullo for ZCT204 - Evasive maneuvers.
Jul 3
GTAManRCRMy first replay to ZCT204 is instantly a GAR replay, i followed the OWOOT rules
Jul 4
CasFirst attempt!
Alan RotoiI made a thread about the zct202 dual-way concept. I smell a wiki article of this
ZCT 202 - Dual-way concept
Alan RotoiI don't know how to put the link of the thread
I'll put the map here.
CasI've just posted in Alan's thread. Here it is: ZCT 202 - Dual-way concept
CasUh-oh. I see what happens. It's a bug in the site. Because the thread name starts with a track name, ZakStunts does not properly create the link and links to the track instead. Let me see. What if I put it between quotes? ""
CasWell, that kills the link, but at least, the address is visible
dreadnautLink detection fixed, I was converting them in the wrong order
CTGProbably the worst World Cup ever: VAR, own goals and Neymar...
Seeker1982my 1st time; anyway/fyi I'm on holiday from 7.7.-20.7.2018 so I can't participate for a while
Jul 5
CasI already have a track for September. I just need to give it a few touches, but today, suddenly, I got the inspiration and I have to say I have created a monster, ha, ha
After a few tests with different cars, my conclusion is that it's feasible
It'll just be kind of hard for GAR, but that is possible too, especially for the experts here
DuplodeHave a good holiday, Seeker! And Cas: sounds promising
Duplode@CTG: I don't think this World Cup is all that bad -- in particular VAR has been less dreadful than I feared. In my eyes, 2010, for one, was clearly worse than this edition. The main problem this time is perhaps the lack of truly outstanding teams (I feel the tournament is a little bit, as we say in Portuguese, "nivelado por baixo").
Jul 7
Alan RotoiDark Chaser will be away for 14 days too...
GTAManRCRThere is a bug in the beginning of the track When you go to the chicane, then you can go straight to the end, because the car still accelerate in the grass, and thanks for that, it's faster
afulloThis is a well known bug of every track with at least one chicane: Stunts Wiki: Fast_grass
Jul 8
CasYes, I figure it was too difficult for the engine to calculate the shape of chicanes on the fly, so they just made the four tiles physically asphaltic. Chicanes also have another special bug regarding terrain: when on water, the primary tile will behave like it's on grass whereas all tiles will look like on water. This is contrary to other multi-tiled track elements, which will have their primary tile look like it's on grass but behave normally if on water.
Jul 14
dreadnautBuon compleanno Afullo
CasHappy Birthday, Afullo!!!
CasA little upgrade
Jul 21
Shoegazing LeoHappy Birthday, Krys Toff!
CasYes, happy birthday, Krys Toff!!
Seeker1982Since yesterday evening I'm back from (sailing) holiday, now my 1st GAR-time on this track: a driven 2:03,55 in the Ford Ranger
Jul 22
dreadnautSailing holiday sounds great, but welcome back
Now on to improve my GAR time...
Jul 23
Zak McKrackenLook who's here
dreadnautUhm, Cork's Crew is getting too many points! Afullo, we need to work hard!
Jul 24
Half-way there
It's July, and we have turned the mid-season corner. It's summer in the northern hemisphere, with many racers on holiday, or just lazy :)
The race on ZCT204 is almost over, but with only 4 days left we still don't know which car will be on the podium. Is it the Ford Ranger with a huge 41% bonus, or the Porsche 962 which can exploit a small dual-switch trick?
Duplode seems confident in the lead, and has set aside more than 400 hours of leading time. Seeker1982 is just back from sailing, and in second place might be just warming up. Should we expect quiet replays?
Alas, I will not know until later! I'll be travelling for a couple of weeks from this Friday, so probably offline until mid-August. But the next track is ready, and Zak will be around and kindly take care of you, and your replays!
Now back to ZCT204, there is still time to improve that lap!
Elsewhere on the website
If you are still curious about Alan's dual way trick in ZCT202, check the forum thread with the explanation.
Travelling? Tell us how far you've gone
Feeling inspired? Send us an article about you and Stunts.
Jul 25
afulloHe he I'm seeing... I will have something special for you...
Jul 26
Shoegazing LeoI'm too punk for a long dance music...
afulloI will listen to that. Btw, yay, I got +1 LTB this month!
Seeker1982I think I have maxed out the Ford Ranger on this track (Freeplay/RH that is)
MotigHi. So i need some help. Last time i play stunts work perfectli but after a win 10 update the dos box is dead af. I try reinstal but this dostn help. any idea what i need to do?
CTGwhatever... 2-3 weeks and CTG will become Darth Vader. Leia Organa will be born soon. Luke is not there.
CTG(actually, her name will be Liza)
Jul 27
Shoegazing LeoDarth Varga
Jul 29
DuplodeThat's great, CTG
DuplodeOn Alan's sharp dual-way cut in Z202 we were talking about a while ago: check the ZCT 202 - Dual-way concept forum thread for a track map with the car path overlaid on it.
Seeker1982When are the quite replays posted? I had posted at least 2 where I improved my time quite a bit
afulloMotig: did you try to reinstall DosBox? If it has failed or fails, you can set up a virtual machine with another operative system, like a Linux distribution.
afulloSeeker: they are still to be published. Then, if there is nothing wrong with any replay, the scoreboard will be confirmed, the LTB assigned, and the new track made available.
Jul 30
CasSorry that I've been kind of absent. I bought a new computer and I was having trouble setting it up. My previous computer has a BIOS and this one has a UEFI. Because I wanted to run FreeDOS in one partition, I had to use MBR mode, but I couldn't find the way at first. Also, I don't have a DVD drive on the new one and there's no space for it. I need it. I have lots of stuff on DVD. I'll have to solve that. I'm ready for the next track
Well, hello hello! It's your fellow pipsqueak, Zak here :)
Not counting ZCT200 I have not been around for almost a year. I am so happy for dreadnaut doing such a great job and all of you keeping the Stunts spirit alive! I promise to be back more often / more regularly, now that our new house is finally done and occupied :) Still busy with plenty of stuff but I do miss you guys and miss Stunts too. The break did well :)
So I came back to do a site update (what a wonderfully smooth and easy job it has became since what it was 15-18 years ago... wow! and did mess up of course - ZCT205 was designed by dreadnaut not Duplode. ~~I don't have my SQL pass at hand so I let him correct it later :)~~ I did realize we even have an edit button for newsposts - amazing!b
Duplode on the other hand (and not dreadnaut :)) did win ZCT204 along with a confident +2 LTB! Seems he is shooting again for a championship title? Can anyone stop him? Anyhow, an amazing jump from one elevated road to the other, pleasure to the eyes of any Stunts racer. Seeker1982 finished second, driving the Ranger and dreadnaut finished third. Nice job all!
Happy to see some oldies and newbies on the scoreboard alike. Beneit from the winter in the southern hemisphere and break away from the heat in the summer of the northern hemisphere, and hit the gas on ZCT205. It seems to be promising a lot of fun, so I may join as well. Enjoy!
Jul 31
afulloCas, I hope that at least Secure Boot was easy to turn off...
Motigafullo: yes tryed but this dosent work
afulloOk, so you can try to setup a virtual machine.
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