News posted in June 2018
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Jun 1
SwotlHello Chacan : ) (Suggestion: The best way to make better times is using a car with a good bonus percentage in the monthly track)
SwotlSorry, I posted twice accidentally.
Jun 2
GTAManRCR@Marco That's the FM Towns version of this game
GTAManRCRZCT202 - Ketiranyu is dead
afulloThe last day can always reserve some surprise...
ChacanStill learning.
DuplodeThe following remark is late to the point of uselessness, but anyway: I'd say there is nothing problematic about dual way line in e.g. Seeker's replay. My remarks on the forum (cf. Z202 - Ketiranyu ) suggesting there might be an issue were made thinking of something much more sinister.
DuplodeActually, "nothing problematic" is a bit of an exaggeration, as it does involve wrong way driving. We might want to clarify the rules about this kind of shortcut after the race. In any case, that cut is very unlike the one I was concerned about.
afulloI'm off until tomorrow evening and so I can't see the replay. What is it about?
Duplode@afullo: Two tile switching -- turn back after the first jump and go straight to the end of the track.
afulloOk, thanks. In the sense that you take a path after the bifurcation, and then with an U-turn you reach the end of the other path, thus technically switching without penalty?
arturbmallmannmany wrongway replays? heheheh i think by seeing how the fork problems on stunts works and is explored there is not many difference between driving on grass or wrong way. If the game don't gave penalties that is a valid move.
afulloValid unless striking. In my opinion doing a short wrong way isn't, but repeating the same section of the track in both ways could be.
afulloI mean, the first one isn't striking so it can be done, the second one is striking so it should be forbidden.
arturbmallmannuhmmm, good point, make the same section is a little bit ugly.
Duplode@afullo: "In my opinion doing a short wrong way isn't, but repeating the same section of the track in both ways could be." -- This might be an effective way to codify it without ruling out too much stuff (in particular, it accounts for Arthur's point about driving on grass, which is also worth considering). By the way, your description of the shortcut a few comments ago is correct.
DuplodeOn another note, the activity on this track has been lovely indeed. I really wanted to send a GAR lap as well, but I couldn't find the right state of mind in the ~10 minutes window I had available for doing so.
afulloYes, at the end it has been in fact more debated and raced than the 200th track.
GTAManRCRIt seems, that Duploade, FinRok, and Seeker1982 will be on the lead
Congratulations for them, i really didn't think, that this track will be that successful, it was just a first try, but anyway, thanks for the records, and anything.
GTAManRCRAnyways, this track's name needs to be spelled, and said as "Kétirányú", but the accent letters aren't allowed as track name, which is funny, because this site uses the .hu domain, which means, that this site is Hungarian, so why don't use "á, é, í, ó, ő, ú, ű"
GTAManRCRIt means "Two wayed" rightly
GTAManRCRCongratulations to FinRok having the 255 leading time bonus! He has on the lead for 255 hours. It means 2 weeks
afulloI think it is better not to use non-ASCII characters, for example for displaying in external applications (e.g. Bliss) while retrieving championship data from the site...
GTAManRCRI used only the in-game editor
afulloOther editors allow to insert and retrieve metadata, I don't know how special characters are handled...
CasThis analysis about the dual-way switching controversy is really interesting. I like the idea to explicitly forbid driving twice on the same section on the road in two different directions. Other than that, I believe the best approach is for the track author to always have the final word on whether DWS is allowed or not in their track. About ASCII: currently, Bliss can only handle ASCII, but I think I should definitely make it support Unicode. Also, a few tracks back, my track "Abusái" did carry an acute accent and it did show in the track title.
Jun 3
arturbmallmannoohhh, just now I made a good gar lap and the time got up
arturbmallmannMy gar video:
dreadnautQuiet replays published!
arturbmallmannby 1 minute i lost this replay upload :/ ehhehe
dreadnautOh my, applause! Alan did the obvious thing that nobody could see
arturbmallmannohhh lord..... it was on my face and I don't tried! kkkkkk congrats alan!
FinRokHaha i didnt even test drive Lambo! Congrats Alan!
FinRokNice alternate path taken with Lambo i wonder how Vette would manage in that path.
Alan RotoiThanks guys! I wonder why everybody used corvette instead of countach when it is faster in grass and on roads.
Shoegazing LeoI lost the chance to improve because I had problems with my PC last week. Anda saturday is a day for my sports website coverage. But, I perform better with Corvette than Countach. It's strange and I am usually the pipsqueak who tries more different cars by track.
Shoegazing LeoThe next track is ready since three or four weeks ago. It's not a dual track, but a track with a visual concept of built.
I'm amazed! Nobody else saw it! How is it possible? Still, it's also surprising how much could be improved without using this, much better, shortcut. This is definitely a track to remember!
DuplodeMy first reaction upon seeing Alan's replay was "How in the world is this possible? This is a dual-way cut into the same path!" I watched it twice, and even opened the track on Bliss... then I noticed exactly where the car was on 17.55
Congratulations Alan -- as Cas says, this is memorable!
afulloI will see your replay asap. For the moment, congrats, Alan.
DuplodePSA: There is an ongoing discussion about how to best handle the problem of two-tile dual-way shortcuts. Cf. the Z202 - Ketiranyu forum thread, as well as the shoutbox messages from yesterday.
GTAManRCRWe wait for ZCT203 for such a long time. The waiting time wasn't that much during changing tracks from ZCT201 to ZCT202 And now, ZCT202 and ZCT203 waiting time is too much
afulloRest a bit and don't complain hahaha
DuplodeNice to see you can hardly wait for ZCT203
While revealing quiet replays to make the preliminary results available is largely an automatic process, starting the next race requires some extra time and manual intervention (watching all replays to make sure they are legal, writing any update posts and double checking everything has gone right); that why they aren't usually done at the same time.
Jun 4
dreadnautAlso, Leo sent me the track weeks ago! How am I supposed to remember where I put it?
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, new track uploaded!
dreadnautThis is good fun
Shoegazing LeoI'm not high now...
Shoegazing LeoI'm faster with a Ranger than with an Acura... Maybe I would be a mad trucker...
CasOh! New track ready!
Time to test it
GTAManRCRYes! Finally the new track is here! High as Shift (Magas, mint a váltás?)
GTAManRCRBy "Magas, mint a váltás?" i mean that's the Hungarian title of the track. HUN: A "Magas, mint a váltás?" alatt azt értem, hogy ez a magyar címe a pályának
SwotlBefore I screw it again, in GAR, this section can be passed by the side or you must drive in the roof?
GTAManRCRPass it by going on the right or the left side. The roof is a huge fun, but be aware of crashes. And don't crash to the bumpers/stones comes out from pipes.
GTAManRCRAnyways, sorry for my huge inactivity
Seeker19821:3x should be possible with RH/Freeplay
Shoegazing LeoThe track name is a pun with the expression "High As Shit".
GTAManRCRGauges, shift, and wheel? Is this anything i should know about? Sergeant Cross xD
Seeker1982And the 1st GAR-time - a driven 1:51,85 in the NSX Acura
GTAManRCRThe Acura can curve on icy road when i press the gas button
GTAManRCRWithout leaving a huge drift
GTAManRCRLeo, maybe the Ranger gives you 3 more percentages, but it's slower than Acura
Seeker1982Ford Ranger seems to be useless on this track - MUCH sloweer than the Acura
Jun 5
June catch-up
Previously on these pages
ZCT201 came and went without much drama. It was a nice and fast track by Cas, but with the Skyline at the top of the bonus ranking with a huge 43%, the race didn't fire up with exciting speed. I know it's past time, but you should give it a try with faster cars (IMSA!) to appreaciate Cas' trackmanship :)
Dual way madness
The month of relaxed driving was suddenly interrupted by ZCT202. The track was designed by GTAMan15, one of our newest pipsqueaks. It featured a pair of interwined paths, and some water that yours truly added to reduce chances of dual-way switching. I clearly failed.
I took less than 24 hours for the first DWS replays to appear, with Afullo, Cas, Leo, Seeker1982 and GTAMan15 himself battling for the first position, shaving second after second with tighter and tighter trajectories.
The thing is, dual-way switching usually leads to boring races. But on this track there were just enough features to keep the path interesting. At the same time, there was also a lot of traffic on the clean way: one of the largest GAR races, including Marco recovering form injury!
Now, this would be enough for a good race, closing with FinRok in comfortable lead of about a second, followed by "last-minute" Duplode and a relaxed Seeker1982. But ZCT202 wanted to be spectacular! And from the box of the Quiet Replays pops out Alan Rotoi, who jumps in first position 7 seconds ahead of FinRok, travelling on a completely different path. A path that inches over the water between the two dual-ways, confusing Stunts to a point that Alan can dual-switch while staying on the same path.
You might feel smart exploiting a bug to cut the track, but Alan can find the bug in the bug, and leave everyone else dumbfounded.
Back to normal?
Of course not. We now have to drive on ZCT203, a pipe dream designed by Leo. I've only driven a lap at this point, but it seems to follow his signature slow-fast-slow pattern, and looks fun!
So grab the track, choose your favourite car and send us a lap!
SwotlMi Acura doesn't run, it's automatic, xD
GTAManRCRI doesn't SHIFT, because in this game I CAN'T SHIFT WHILE DRIVING
Jun 6
DuplodeGood vibes all around
Jun 7
Seeker1982getting close
Seeker1982Who's 1st when the times are identical?
Seeker1982Hell yeah - 1:33:80in RH/Freeplay (sorry for the spam)
afulloIn case of a tie, that is a good question. I usually avoided that situation by improving at least of a further 0.05 before posting the replay, but it is managed somehow by the system. In ZCT198 Cas and Leo tied and were rewarded of the same amount of points, 7 as they both arrived 6th, although Cas shows as 6th while Leo shows as 7th. I don't know how LTB is calculated if for a certain amount of time two or more racers are at the top with the same time.
afulloBy the way, I'm sure it is not the case of them (they probably didn't notice the thing at all), but this theoretically allows for teampoints maximization without racing the best performance.
I mean, had either Cas or Leo done a faster lap, provided that it would have been still slower than mine (I arrived 5th in that race), their team would have gained 13 points (7 from one racer and 6 from the another one), while they actually gained 14 points (7 from both racers). This is in contrast with the fact that the best you play, the more you should gain.
Jun 8
Duplodeafullo and Seeker: If there is a tie, the involved racers share the position. In afullo's example, both Cas and Leo were 6th in ZCT198, even though the "6" and "7" shown in the scoreboard suggest otherwise. Things are different when it comes to LTB: you have to actually send a faster lap than the currently leading one in order to get leading hours. (By the way, the situation with the team scoreboard is... interesting. Well spotted!)
Jun 10
dreadnautHappy birthday Duplode!
Shoegazing LeoFeliz aniversário, Duplode!
afulloHappy birthday! For a brief period you will be older than me
Jun 11
DuplodeThank you folks!
CasHappy birthday, Duplode!!
Jun 12
Jun 14
dreadnautI wonder if the GTO could do better than the Acura. Not in my hands, but I have that feeling...
Jun 15
Seeker1982@dreadnaut quite unlikely since the Ferrari GTO doesn't have a powergear that you can quite a while on this track
Jun 26
dreadnautHappy Birthday Bonzai Joe!
Shoegazing LeoHappy Birthday to Bonzai Joe and Daffy Duck!
Jun 27
afulloHappy Birthday!
Jun 28
CasHappy birthday, Bonzai Joe!
Seeker1982Happy Birthday from here too Btw: PLEASE let my have this 1st win in freeplay/non-GAR - I'd be really happy about it
- this goes esp. to FinRok
Jun 29
FinRokIf everyone would let someone to win for nothing then it would not be competition anymore!
btw i'm retired as i mentioned before/after 2017 season. Happy birthday to everyone who had recently.
Jun 30
afulloHappy Birthday, Leo!
DuplodeFeliz aniversário, Leo!
arturbmallmannparabéns, Leo.
CTGHappy böffday, Mr. Ramone! Bye-bye 10 Ballon d'Ors
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