News posted in March 2018
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Mar 2
dreadnautAnd now it's Dosbox92's turn! Happy birthday too
I find March is always dense with birthdays, at least in the northern hemisphere. What about on the other side?
Mar 3
Shoegazing LeoThere is a lot of birthdays in november in Brazil. Effects of the Carnival.
afulloHappy birthday, lost mate.
dreadnautOne week left to go... and then track 200!
Shoegazing Leo200... We are ALMOST THERE
Shoegazing LeoThe track is suitable for GAR and nobody did it...
Mar 4
CasOne little improvement....
CasI think the problem with GAR on this track is the uncertainty on the first jump. Before it, there's a corkscrew, which forces me to choose if I'll go GAR (execute the corkscrew) or freestyle (skip it). When I get to the jump, the chance is not great I'll make it to the other side, but if I've chosen GAR, I'm bound to restart if I fail. I can't just turn my RPL into a non-GAR one. So I tend to just choose non-GAR at the corkscrew.
afulloLet's write some Nation Standings, in the spirit of Leo's LOL competition (by considering for every race the best pipsqueak of the country). After the first track: Brazil 12, Italy 11, Germany 9, Argentina 7, Hungary 5, Sweden 4.
Mar 5
Seeker1982I'm back with a new time, new computer, and my Dosbox-VideoCaptureButton is finally working again
Seeker1982and improved by another sec
btw: my video capture button always was working, but not the shortcut ctrl+alt+f5 - i have a realtime recording of my GAR-lap on C198, however it's not edited etc and includes quite a bit of my previous runs on that track
Seeker1982beat that - a driven 1:41.30
afulloPopulist parties won the Italian elections, and the Germans are quite ready to superseding us ahahahah
Seeker1982I've improved my GAR-time quite a bit, however I'm not sure it's still according to rules. Might one take a look around 0:57 I can't remember i allowed to drive on the curbs
Mar 8
afulloSo, it seems that I will get the +2 LTB for this race...
Mar 9
BernieRCome on, pipsqueak!
afulloI would like to kick some asses, but my Pokemon games remember me that it would be ineffective against a... Ghost-type...
Mar 10
DuplodeIt seems I can't kick this habit of leaving everything for the final day...
Seeker19821:36 in the Lancia Delta?! - really like to see the replay of that one... grats to duplode
DuplodeThanks Seeker -- but, as we know, it ain't over till it's over
afulloI expected it earlier... today around midday CET, I was wondering about time either in Manaus and on the coastline, 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock were likely too early in the morning for playing, but when the sun over Europe set, it started to be a bit weird not to see your name on the scoreboard...
DuplodeThat's not far off, actually. I happen to have a rest day today. Weren't that the case, I would have to leave for work at 12:00 on the dot, and so any racing session would have to end at ~11:00 i.e. 15:00 CET...
Mar 11
dreadnautRace over, quiet replay published. Well done Seeker and Duplode!
Closing time for 199
Planet Earth spins once more, and it's the last day of ZCT199, the last track of the "100" series. It's been more than 9 years since ZCT100, I wonder how many kilometers (and miles) have the Stunts cars been racing—time to check oil and brakes!
It's been a quiet start of season, which until now has seen a few fights for the podium positions (hello Seeker1982!) ended on the last day by Duplode's winning replays. We don't know if he spends the whole month coming up with tricks, or if he just drives one relaxed replay on the very last day—and just happens to be 5 seconds faster than anyone else :)
Duplode is not running too far ahead though, because his late replays have left all the LTB points to other racers!
To the next hundred
And now it's Sunday, and soon will have a new track up: the first of many other to come. What will it look like? Come around tomorrow and you'll see :)
Duplode(Before we move on to the next century of races: LTB points for ZCT199 have not been assigned, though I forgot whether that is actually supposed to have happened already at this point of the race cycle.)
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, replay ZIP now available, and LTB bonus assigned
Next track up this evening, or early tomorrow.
afulloCongratulations to the podium steppers, while I finished one step closer
Just a note: season and team standings are still not updated, if I haven't done wrong any calculation, they should show as: Duplode 24, Seeker1982 and Dreadnaut 22, afullo 19, Cas 15, Shoegazing Leo 14, Imperas and Motig 11, chenlei 5, Svenne and BernieR 4.
afulloTeams: Rolling Stunts 40, Slowdrive 29, Cork's Crew 24. Nations: Brazil 24, Italy 21, Germany 20, Argentina 15, Hungary 11, Taiwan (or Taipei Chinese for diplomatic reasons) 5, Sweden and Czech Republic 4.
dreadnautUhm, indeed something is off with the season score calculations. It will have to wait for a bit longer though, no time to look at it this week
Shoegazing LeoI lost a chance to try a better lap because I had a fucking headache on friday and spent my saturday out of home.
Mar 12
Hello Pipsqueaks!
Your humble admin is back to celebrate an anniversary. 200 tracks on ZakStunts.
I remember ZCT100 in 2009. ZakStunts was 9, I was 27 years old. The community was behind its golden years and past the first real crisis of 2007, Facebook was about to explode, forums were very much alive. I recently started my second job, and my first son was about 1 month old. And what a celebration ZCT100 was. Racers (and ghosts) from old times joined us for a race, to celebrate Stunts. It was a pinnacle, a point after which I really could not expect more from ZakStunts.
Years and seasons went by since. ZakStunts is now 18 (an adult in most countries), I am 36. The community is way past its heydays but still alive. I have three wonderful kids and plenty of thing to keep me busy. ZakStunts accompanied me in half of my life. Racers and generations came and gone, we had our ups and downs, celebrations and scandals.
Many times I was asked how long will ZakStunts run. I always said: until it provides fun for the racers. Or maybe sometimes more than fun - like for AbuRaf, who is sadly not with us anymore. When it came to numbers, I promised to be around until ZCT200. As you have noticed, I am not really around since almost a year now, but ZakStunts still lives, thanks to dreadnaut's hard work and the support of the community.
It is a natural transition, I guess. After all, ZakStunts is now an adult. It is time to let go of my child, let it live its own life, guided and supported by the Stunts community and motivated volunteers. Not that I am not needed anymore, but I simply have not got enough time amongst my other commitments to be a worthy host. I'll promise to hit the racetrack now and then - and surely will on ZCT200 as well.
So, in my eyes, ZCT200 is definitely not the death of ZakStunts, but rather a new milestone, the celebration of 18 years and the 28 years of a wonderful game: Stunts. The team was amazing enough to secure the most fitting guest track designer: the creator of Stunts itself, Kevin Pickell. The track is called Westwood.
Thank you for being such an amazing community. Enjoy ZCT200 and enjoy Stunts!
afullo38 for the justice, 40 on the field. Like someone else in a few years...
dreadnautMaybe it's not the right car for the track, but I'll start with Lambo like when you start Stunts the first time, and light blue because of Aburaf. Let's get ZCT200 rolling!
afulloBy the way, the seasonal standings corrected themselves (or you enjoyed more spare time than expected...)
MotigDont ask me how i do it! Its a miracel! Oh and happy ZCT200!
afulloPing, pong... Have a nice ZCT200 all, in memory of the old friends and for the new ones...
dreadnautHappy ZCT200 to you guys! And a giant *thank you* to Kevin Pickell for giving us such an important track!
Mar 13
DuplodeIn a similar spirit to drednaut's first lap, I will begin with a GAR attempt
Happy ZCT200!
Shoegazing LeoHappy ZCT200 Ho Ho Ho
Mar 14
afulloToday is not only Pi Day: exactly three years ago, I was declared newbie champion for the season 2014, after the final scandal which exposed the so-called Agro Brothers, Rokker Zsolti and Boller Jani, first and second in the newbie scoreboard at the end of the year, as ghosts of CTG. Motivated suspicions had been brought throughout that season (SuperBrian, which was my team-mate in Damage Inc at the time, inferred the fact several months before), but it was necessary to wait almost for springtime in order to have proofs...
DuplodeNow that was a scandal worthy of popcorn!
afulloLet us imagine a dystopian world like the alternative timeline of Back To The Future II, where a man named Böff Tannen, thanks to technology stolen from the future, is able to implant his conscience in multiple bodies, and so win every public tender, do good at every investment because economic trends involving several people depend in fact only from himself, and so on...
Mar 15
Now THAT is something for a Sci-Fi story!
CasMy first lap on this track
Mar 16
BernieRHi! I`m Bernie. As you may know, I`m not the best driver, but I can teach you two basic tricks, which are much important, than any other one, if you want to be a good racer.
DuplodeOne of them being how to move through solid objects, I presume?
afulloA wild GASTLY appeared!
Mar 17
dreadnautDum dum dum...
Mar 18
CasOne little GAR timey...
Mar 19
Shoegazing LeoSome leadership again...
Mar 21
afulloThis night is The Purge night! From March 21, 19:00, to March 22, 07:00, every crime is legal. Just I don't know whether I prefer to create a ghost, copy others' replays, or make some hard cutting without adding penalty time...
Mar 22
Alan RotoiHi!
dreadnautWooo, Alan on the track! Welcome back, stay a while
Mar 23
FinRokHello, competitors. I'm Back! I wanted to do one race for the anniversary track and no didn't want to wait hidden!
afulloOk, I missed LTB for nine hours... :|
BernieRLet the wheels roll!
afulloDid you forget a letter "t" at the beginning of the last word?
Mar 25
Seeker1982Damn, how did Fin managed such a uber-time?
Mar 26
Shoegazing LeoHe did a uber-time and we are with cabify times.
Seeker1982My 1st driven time below 1:32 - btw is cabify a word? - my usual quite exhaustive translator doesn't know it
Mar 27
Shoegazing LeoIt was a pun: Uber is a name of of a peer-to-peer ridesharing company. Cabify is the name of another one (it started in Spain).
Mar 28
Seeker1982almost below the 1:30 landmark
FinRokSeeker keep trying. I drive only one race and got @uber time
Seeker1982I will - btw I just did proof-of-concept-runs with the Countach, Corvette and Skyline: all were utterly useless in terms of final time
Seeker1982a driven 1:29,60 - I think I reached my talent-limit - I suppose the 1st half of the track is where I loose some time, but it's hard to tell where exactly. I already did numberous runs with alternating lines to see which is faster.
dreadnautOh hell, do I have to catch up TEN seconds? It's going to be hard work this weekend
dreadnautJust a reminder: people can start or join a team any time during the year, so you are still on time
The only thing, you can't change for the rest of the season.
Seeker1982since I think I can't improve my RH/freestyle-time I'm making quite a bit of progress with my GAR-time - 2,5sec faster than my old time
Seeker1982In my newest GAR-run in the Skyline - the driven 2:10,45 - I might have clipped the track for 1 frame/intervall - can anybody check if its still considered ok/GAR-worthy?
Seeker1982FIN managed a pretty much unbeatable RH/freestyle time, I just did a GAR-time what should be unbeatable - a driven 2:08,50 in the Skyline
Mar 29
CasI was needing an update here... There it goes
Cas... and I better start getting a track ready for the next race
I think it was my turn
Shoegazing LeoWhen Adoniram Barbosa made a samba in Italian:
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