News posted in February 2012
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Feb 1
Frikerthere are some wierd bugs around.. i dont remember them from time i was racing back in 2009..
DuplodeBugs - Countach is a weird beast, even if it is a bull and not an oversized insect --
Duplode1. Guys, if any of you have replays from Roy's WMCS '09 please let me know, I'm looking for them... 2. happy birthday Overdrijf!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Overdrikf...!!!
Gutix1. Dup: Im surely have rpl´s from WMCS 09. BTW, what are you doing?
DuplodeGutix: preparing the biannual update of the Competition Archive. Since Roy used to mail the replays to the active racers rather than uploading them to the site, I'm missing the ones from rounds 6 to 11. If you have these, I would be most grateful if you post them (or at least the winning laps) on this thread: Competition Archive updates , or mail them to the Southern Cross address...
Duplode(actually, it would be nice to have all laps from everyone if possible - for some of these races we can't even figure out the full podium...)
SuperBrianDamn, I couldn't make it before today. I'll do my best to gather some more points in this race, beware! ;-) DUP: I have all replays from the WMCS 09-races 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 and all tracks: 1-11..
SuperBrianAnd happy birthday Overdrijf!
Feb 2
We had a very nice opening for the 2012 season. Thanks for everyone who joined!
Active racers, lots of replays, small gaps, and Countach - signs of a good race! Three racers on the podium finished within one second - quite unusual from a Countach race!
Our 2011 champion, Duplode was the fastest, followed by CTG close behind. As CTG won +2LTB and Duplode only secured +1 (almost zero due to the small number of leading hours despite the frequent replays sent), in terms of points we have a draw. Argentinian magic performed by Gutix was this time only enough for the thrid place.
Congratulations and thanks!
Also thanks for all those who returned to the scoreboard after a hiatus - hope all of you will stay with us for the whole season!
For February, we have a track provided by CTG and interesting bonus points. Hope we will have a race similar to ZCT126 in activity!. Remember, leading time calculation only starts on the 4th of February, but you are permitted to send replays earlier. What are you waiting for? Pedal to the metal! -
CTGDuplode, Friker, CTG podium?
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed! Update most likely tonight.
Zak McKrackenscoreboard confirmed, update in progress
Frikerwhat the hell?! this track is horrible
CTGYes, it is. We are suffering because of our so called "leaders", now also I gave you suffering...
Zak McKrackenStunts is not only about powergear, banked corners and jumps
CTG...and you also have the faster and longer option.
can i have a stupid question - are there possible shortcuts? i am happy to see some slower track but dont like them with imsa cars
Feb 3
DuplodeCool track - I missed this particular style a bit
Alan RotoiBecause Stunts is a way of life...
DuplodeOn Z126: I had toyed a bit with the 270° cut but couldn't get the spin right. Nice to see Gutix did it and had it recorded for the posterity!
SuperBrianNice! I love that kind of tracks. Prepare to see the smoke..
CTGScoreboard is really colorful at the moment.
CTGI would be satisfied with the current scoreboard as a final result.
Frikerme too
Alan RotoiHey no! Wait for more replays from me!
Frikerhey! :-/ not a single hour of leading time i'll got :-/ (mr. yoda ftw!
Feb 4
DuplodeFor anyone perplexed by the array of car choices, there is a nice analysis by CTG on the forum : ZCT 127 - Credit Risk Also, happy birthday, Oscar!
CTG4 cars will have a chance, that's already clear. Which one has the hidden power? I bet on Lancia.
FrikerI think it's that stupid p962..
Feb 5
dstienCelebrating track 2(8-1)-1!
Bonzai JoeOops, dual-way alert.
Bonzai JoeYou shouldn't have added the long way :-(
FrikerOOOOH - i was thinking about shortcuts when i was doing lancia lap but i cannot find anything :-/ it's a pity that a shortcut exists..
CTGBJ: perfect timing to kill a race.
Zak McKrackenshould we restrict way-switching on this track? If we have a consensus on it, I am ok with the ecision.
Bonzai JoeWould you have preferred February 29? Or only the old racers finding out?
Bonzai JoeI'm fine with a restriction. It seems like an interesting track.
DuplodeI'm fine with a restriction. It seems like an interesting track.
Frikeri'm against the restriction - let's keep shortcut(s) possible - you could use this track whitout the longer way for another race.
Frikera problem will arise when some ayrton-like racer comes with super-replay on 29th whitout knowledge that way-switching bug is forbidden in this race.
DuplodeUnderstandable concern, but to me that seems an acceptable risk to run, as anyone pulling off such an arcane dual-way cut in all likelihood wouldn't miss a main page announcement.
CTGI'm neutral in this question.
Frikeruff.. seems this will be interesting even with way switching bug
Feb 6
CTGWe should not add the restriction. It's my fault, because I was a little bit off from track designing (damn, never learn, ZCT85...). But I suggest everybody should make another lap too - without the bug.
CTG*for fun (the bug-free lap won't count)
ChulkI'm fine with a restriction. It seems like an interesting track. Switch is too obvious and will kill the track spirit.
Feb 7
SuperBrianI don't know. I'm a bit ambivalent about this shortcut. Normally I love to find shortcuts and approve of them, but this is pretty obvious and ruins the otherwise good track. But I guess my opinion must be that the track designer should have seen the trick and therefore its part of the track.
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Lene...!!!
Feb 8
DuplodeQue sera, sera.
Feb 11
GagarinIt is forbidden change ways?
Gagarin1. replay: no change
Gagarin2. replay: include change
Feb 12
Dual-way switching is forbidden on the track. You either go on the short way or the long way, but cannot switch between the two. Replays with way-switch are considered invalid and will be deleted. -
Alan RotoiThis is sick
Zak McKrackenOFFICIAL NEWS: Way switching is NOT ALLOWED on ZCT127.
GagarinBonus calculator is bad or no? Have many mistakes and 1st place? Impossible.
CTGNope, but current lap times are really weak (most of them with auto trm). 49 is strong.
Feb 13
CTGHappy Lupuszka-day!
Feb 15
CTGI have no mood to race.
Feb 18
Frikerprobably the last step i can hold with you.. but still should be enough for 4th place
CTGAnother +2 LTB.
Frikerhmm.. too late. CTG, could you let the fight for another LTB point?
FrikerGagarin, you should show us some sick drive
CTGI know that you have even better in the pocket, Slovak!
Feb 19
DuplodeYup, show us your mad skillz Frikster
Frikeryou are so mean! :-/ only 5 hours of leading :-/ probably my best is around 1:10 but i have not time to do that.. (i need twice amount of time as you to do good rides plus every single car is new for me) some experienced racers should drain your next good replays
i think i am done..
FrikerBonzai Joe should definitely send some replay..
CTGSo the F40... I'm not very happy with that.
CTGYeah, BJ's time is annoying on the visual scoreboard.
CTGI just see: Friker = Duplode.
Frikeran interesting thing - i've sent the 52.45 replay at 0:50 not at 0:05.. at Duplode's place i would take F=D as an insult
Duplode@You two: You get what you ask for
CTGHahahaha, you did it. The inner loopcut with Carrera. Yeah!
CTGOkay, you wanted.
CTGEnough for today. Dup: go under 50 seconds!
CTGOkay, a last one.
Feb 20
CTGNow sleeping...
Frikeryou know what? F U guys!
this is completely nonsens.. happy racing..
CTGYou should a race bit more instead of crying.
(motivating insult, again)
CTGrace a bit... (50% resolution sucks but this is the only way to use ZakStunts without getting F'ed)
Feb 22
Alan RotoiNow I raced with F-40 and I can say: "CTG, this is so obvious".
Alan RotoiI vote for a BAN permanently.
Frikerwhat are you talking about?
Alan RotoiThere is a rule here: "Any form of system abuse results in the banning from the competition".
Frikerok and what has he done?
Feb 23
Zak McKrackencan you please brief me what happened? I lost track...
CTGWhat are you talking about, doggy?
CTGAnd what is "so obvious" about this track? Did you find a new trick?
ShortyOne more try?
Feb 24
Duplode@CTG, commenting on "What are you talking about": no clue either, but that 05:51 post will look awesome three years from now as an out-of-context random news highlight =D
Feb 25
DuplodeWill this ever end?
Alan RotoiUsual stuff. It makes me mad, but we can't against it... can't we?
Feb 26
CTGOkay then once again: what the hell are you talkig about, Ivan?
Bonzai JoeI think it's about that time when you made fake racers and put them on the scoreboards, blurring the results tables and taking points from real racers, and lying to us all the time.
CTGI think he wanted to say something about the track ("I tried F40 on this track and blabla"). I can't imagine how can I cheat with a track.
FrikerAlan: As far as I know I am a real person (unless we are someone's imagination
) I live in Bratislava and stuff about I am another CTG's ghost is insulting me. (along with calling me Fricker, Frikster etc.
) My name is Viktor TomkoviÄ, and you can google various things about me.. (mostly in Slovak)
Alan RotoiWTF?
Friker:O it seems this race will have nice ending
Bonzai JoeDoes anyone here know what anyone else, or themselves, are talking about??
Feb 27
Bonzai JoeMaybe it's not Friker but Gagarin. Friker is of course real. And yes, Gagarin seems like another ghost, and I think it's time to stop.
CTGLOL again... If I say no, nobody will trust in it. If I ask the experts to prove it by IP checking, you will say I used another computer. It's useless to fight against this opinion. Believe what you want to believe. Even if I am / if I'm not Gagarin.
CTGand of course böff
Danish ObserverWe usually call this a non-denial denial.
Argentinian AccuserUnbelievable.
Hungarian MediumScrew it! I'm leaving!
Brazilian PollyannaCut the crap, people! Can't we all get along?
Russian Cosmonaut(vanishes into the upper atmosphere)
Bonzai JoeThat is true. Your opinion is of no importance here. If Gagarin is not your ghost, I'm not sorry for saying he is. If he is, how shruggable.
Lithuanian Pootarget
Italian CrymachineKick and ban him, because he's the Satan. If you won't, I will retire! I mustn't be the member in such a community... (eating pasta at the moment)
DottoreBtw my password is 'Dottore'.
Feb 28
Alan RotoiStill here?
SuperBrianJust to the change of atmosphere: Im happy? to be back. It seems as if I should give the F40 a try.
About the track: I can see it is not allowed to dual-way-switching on this track - then be it - You should just remember that a ban on one dual-way-switching on a dual-way-track leads to the argument of saying that dual-way-switching is never allowed. Of course some tracks are designed to dual-way-switch, but some aren't and it can still be possible to do it. If we make a ban on this track it is the same to say that dual-way-tracks must NEVER be allowed unless it is the purpose of the track. I find this a bit disturbing.
DottoreNice, my password WAS Dottore - I thought it was a crappy joke CTG.
Bonzai JoeActually we had a poll about it in the forum and we decided it was just for this track - because it really makes the track a lot less fun.
NavrasMine is matrix.
CTGFrom now Dottore and Navras are not my ghosts anymore.
DuplodeBrian: IMO the proper precedent here is Z79 - the default ZakStunts rule is BAFAP
DuplodeI half expect to see a monster Porsche replay around here.
Alan RotoiI gave a try to porsche carrera, but I haven't a good result easy, so it was discarded xD
Feb 29
Alan RotoiBTW why you keep writing from your ghots? Didn't you hurt this community enough? You are a poor and sad clown, a looser, a forever alone meme.
CTG(those ghosts are inactive for ages - from the aspect of racing)
CTGLet me guess: BJ will be right behind Dup to give him the advantage, like Barrichello in Zeltweg.
CTGOr Massa in Hockenheim.
CTG"Daniel is faster than you!" said Cork.
dstienImproved my failure.
CTGBtw I did not improve. It's an unwritten rule that nobody should fight really hard on his own track.
Bonzai JoeI'm afraid this old pipsqueak doesn't reach near the heights of his teammate, the brilliant double-D.
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