News posted in October 2010
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Oct 1
Hello, hello!
Perhaps the tightest scoreboard in years was done on the latest track. I really enjoyed the battle. Gutix won by the smallest possible margin over Duplode, CTG at third position.
Dup and CTG got exactly the same amount of LTB, so they both get +2 points and Aburaf barely missed his second podium. Nice, racers! :)
I assumed you will have a bit more time in October, so the new track is a bit longer. In face, it is very long compared to ZakStunts standards - hence the name "Hihetetlen" - which means unbelievable in Hungarian. It is the favourite Hungarian word of JTK, so hopefully this will convince him to join too ;)
Three months to go from this season - let's see the standings:
Gutix can secure his title this month, and his performance this year is almost identical to what Ayrton did two years ago - flawless, except of one minor mistake in January - can or will anyone stop him?
We may see a great battle between Duplode and Renato Biker for the 2nd and 3rd places - only 4 points between them. Go, Brazilians!
As for the teams, MeganiuM seems to dominate again. Unbelievable what these guys can do year after year!
But after them, three famous teams within 6 points! Exciting, huh?
So lot of things will happen in October and the same applies on my personal life too, I will most likely return to China for 1-2 weeks, after a 2 yr long hiatus. Looking forward to it! I will let you know in time if this affects the site update schedule.
Oh, and I fixed the ZCT111 archive with the ZCT110 replays. Make sure to check them too.
Have fun and race hard! -
Zak McKrackenupdate in a bit of delay (Barni is sick
((() but will take place until midnight.
CTGNad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú, Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú, Zastavme ich bratia, veï sa ony stratia, Slováci ožijú, Zastavme ich bratia, veï sa ony stratia, Slováci ožijú. To Slovensko naše posia¾ tvrdo spalo, To Slovensko naše posia¾ tvrdo spalo, Ale blesky hromu vzbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo, Ale blesky hromu vzbudzujú ho k tomu, aby sa prebralo. Už Slovensko vstáva putá si strháva, Už Slovensko vstáva putá si strháva, Hej rodina milá, hodina odbila, žije matka Sláva, Hej rodina milá, hodina odbila, žije matka Sláva. Ešte jedle rastú na krivánskej strane, Ešte jedle rastú na krivánskej strane, Kto jak Slovák cíti, nech sa šable chytí a medzi nás vstane, Kto jak Slovák cíti, nech sa šable chytí a medzi nás vstane.
Zak McKrackenfamily resting, bike repair ended, update started!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed
CTGDamn, that was tight!
CTGlet's get ready to lambo
Zak McKrackenscoreboard confirmed, update pending
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available
Oct 2
AbuRaf70Zak... espero que Barni se recupere pronto...
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones a Gutix, Duplode y CTG...!!!
DuplodeNice racing! And I'm not complaining this time - in fact it would be a bit too anticlimactic if I actually won. Three more shots
DuplodeOh and @Zak: The newly added rpl folder in the Z111 zip pack appears to be empty...
DuplodeGimme a minute and I'll add a third car, guys
CTGWho you gonna call?
CTGFaundu is down!
DuplodeWelcome Faundu
DuplodeP962 is fun - but Renato's lap appears to be good already...
DuplodeOk, next one...
DuplodeGuess for which car I don't have a clue on how to drive properly here?
Zak McKrackenZCT111 archive now really fixed
Oct 3
FaunduI'm too slow.
FaunduI'm too slow :[
CTGWell... there's a solution for that: DRIVE FASTER!!!
AbuRaf70Hello, Faundu . . . !!!
Oct 4
DuplodeAnd don't be intimidated by the scoreboards - every one of us has humble beginnings to tell of
FaunduI wan a team!!!
satanziegeFirst round on this track, completed without RH :-)!!
Oct 5
DuplodeHappy birthday Akoss
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Akoss...!!!
Oct 7
Overdrijf@Faundu: I heard Crashper's Domination has an opening (or 4).
But seriously, if you really want a team, try to contact some teamless drivers who have driven recently...
DuplodeIndeed - and by the way, don't give up: stick around here if you want opportunities to show up
Faunduhey.Satanziege i want your team.
Faunduhey.Satanziege i want your team.
Oct 9
AbuRaf70Feliz cumple, NicoPelu...!!!
Oct 12
Overdrijf*Fills list, for now.*
Oct 13
A vote has been started about the cars to be used in the 2011 season. Your opinion is appreciated! Cast your vote until the end of October in the forum
Oct 14
OverdrijfThere should be at least 4 new cars. (Otherwise I'll never get my kart in there.
Oct 25
Duplode*Frame by frame / Death by drowning / In your own, in your own / Analysis*
GutixWow! The battle for the first place is HOT
Oct 26
DarkChaserGood night (in Brazil, not in Europe, of course), my partners...
DuplodeHello DarkChaser! I received your convocation, BTW, sounds pretty interesting
DuplodeAnd welcome Xianthi - seems we need a new flag for the scoreboard
Duplode@Gutix: I wonder by how much you will further raise the temperature
DuplodeAnd I still remain quite impressed by how far Renato is taking the Carrera to...
Renato Bikerhahahahahaha... maybe latter
Oct 27
OverdrijfHa, this weekend I'll finally have a bit of loads of time. So let's see if I can make it a sprint.
OverdrijfBy the way: wow, good newbie. Are you sure we haven't seen you before?
Oct 28
OverdrijfOooh, a powerlap. That changes the race quite a bit.
DuplodeOh skid...
Oct 30
DuplodeNow, theoretically speaking, there are three ways of going under the minute with the Ferrari:
DuplodeThe first one means I'm screwed; the second looks easy but very unlikely to work and the third might mean some hope...
Oct 31
Zak McKrackenupdate until midnight
Zak McKrackenupdate done, scorebpoad final and confirmed, new track available!
OverdrijfWel, at least I won the porsche championship.
Those cars lined up nicely together.
OverdrijfJaguar VS ranger VS carrera, I already like this race.
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones Renato, Duplode y Gutix...!!!
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