News posted in March 2015
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Mar 1
CTGHappy birthday, Böllér Jani!
MarcoI think that 3 points between 1º and 4º positions, between me and Duplode, are too few points.can I ask you why this scoring system 1+1 and not something like 20-17-15-14-13-12..or similar.?. Duplode is leading 2 races but CTG has the same points. What is LTB?
MarcoAnd what is ... bof ? ))
DuplodeLTB = leading time bonus. The two racers with most hours leading the race get +2 and +1 bonuses. It is a good way to ensure people send early replays rather than wait for the end of the month. Given the linear scoring system, it can indeed have a surprisingly large effect on final results - for instance, check the 2013 season standings. As for böff, I think CTG can cover that
DuplodeBTW Marco, some of us are (informally/just for fun) racing NoRH during the first half of the current USC race. You might be interested in trying it
Mar 2
CTGAbouf b-ö-f-f: Stunts Wiki: B
CTGDuplode is the never sleeping South American.
Shoegazing LeoVeCTGor
CTGI'm happy to know that all newcomers are me, at least according to you.
Mar 3
CTGError message for tonight: "nemconnect: (proxy) all backends are down"
Mar 4
VectorCan someone else make a download of Stunts (Zak version) without music?
CTGpress CTRL-M and please shut up, you are annoying
Zak McKrackensecond try
UsrinVector: use earplugs!
Mar 5
afulloReminding of Stunts in a certain way...
Böllér JaniHello Alan!
Böllér JánosPROTEST
Rokker ZsoltPROTEST
Shoegazing LeoPRAISE
Shoegazing Leo
CTGforgot some passwords...
Marco L. RiversPROTEST!!!
CTGAnd still protest...
Shoegazing LeoLet's continue:
dreadnautEr... are you guys doing alright?
Mar 6
Zak McKrackengoodbye
CTGare you going somewhere?
MarcoM. L. R.
CTGLOL, Mingay and Alain were also deleted.
Zak McKrackennobody was deleted.
Akoss PooMeeeeeeeeeeeeow! :-)
Zak McKracken
CTGPoo: Laura is a mú!
CTGAh, so they also have secondary name(s).
CTGBtw don't make a half-work, some other accounts ahould be also treated like that (e.g. Dragonfly).
Somebody ElseOr Somebody Else!
Zak McKrackenSorry, I simply love doing unfinished or sloppy work.
CTGme too
VectorMy record: don't be angry, i'm still a newbie. No Replay Handling.
VectorHappy birthday to you! Hi!
Ghostie GhostW H E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Böff dampening: 63.4dB
Shoegazing LeoHolly shit! WTF!?
Mar 7
MarcoIt's a strategy to let you forget that some days ago someone said that 1:05 was a kidplay lap time ... but at the moment there's stil only one kid ))
DuplodeMaking the opponents forget there is a race going on... that's well worth an entry on the next edition of the Handbook of Racing Tactics
CTGWhen you have a real life work, it's hard to find time and energy for racing. Mocking others is a lot easier, it doesn't need any special.
CTGAnd yes, it is a kidplay.
CTGAnd why don't you delete Vector? He's an obvious, but weak imitation of my ghosts - probably made by one of the "entente cordiale" racers (or Usrin).
CTGBtw ROM nationality is a nice pick to annoy me even more. Congratulations!
DuplodeThere is a quaint picture in Vector's profile. I can only figure out "28º grupa mica" at the end of the caption; the beginning is garbled by JPEG/rescaling/poor contrast.
Mar 8
Shoegazing LeoI found this grupa mica:
Shoegazing Leobut "grupa mica" means "small group" in english. Not conclusive.
Shoegazing LeoRomanian words.
VectorDuplode, that is the first photo- named adrian.gradinita. I had adrian.gradinita.editat (edited, better image)
VectorWhen i download the car pack, and then extract it to folder STUNTS, they were all invisible and once the screen becomes black with a lot a messed up red polygons. I need to reinstall BB 1.0 from, because the game doesn't open anymore. Thanks for trouble.
VectorGrupa mica actually is translated small group, but really is about "class I" at kinder-garden.
DuplodeVector: the car pack only works with BB 1.1, which is the one you should use to race here anyway. I recommend you to download "Stunts - ZakStunts 2015 Edition" (first link at the downloads page) - it already includes the official car pack.
Mar 9
UsrinVector: how old are you?
VectorMS or BB?
Vector32 years, check my profile.
VectorCan i use Competition Car 0.9? Please?
MarcoWe have 2 in the kidplay zone
CTGhey, judge dread, you forgot to delete my z161 and z162 results!
CTGI mean 162 and 163, sorry.
CTGLTB should be also re-calculated for 2014.
Mar 10
UsrinVector: considering your mental skills and your pic with the kindergarten group, you don't seem to be older than 6. Hm... 32 years... what a coincidence that it's exactly the age of CTG!
Usrin(OK, just almost exactly - to make it less obvious...)
CTGIf Vector is me, please ban him. But you won't, sneaky youknowwhats. Because it's your creature.
Zak McKrackenCTG and Vector are now banned from the competition and the forum for an indefinite time.
fuckSzeretnék hozzáférni a privát üzeneteimhez, úgyhogy jó lenne, ha csak a fórum üzenetek küldését tiltanád le. (USC ezek után érdekes kérdés. Szólj, ha költöznöm kell másik szerverre, mert bizonyos versenyzöknek ESETLEG számít valamit.)
CTG.From now, I would llok behind, Mr. Ács.
Zak McKrackenYou were asking me to ban you and now you complain. A ban is a ban, not a partial restriction. Please move your stuff from the server by the end of Thursday this week.
Zak McKrackenI looked behind and saw beautiful snow-covered mountains and an eventful day with a huge business win. Greetings from France.
Shoegazing LeoThe Forum is down. There is some problems. This is the message: . Not Found The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server at Port 80
xxxxZak said I have to move my stuff. Pressed CTRL-A, delete, but realized that it's not the unskilled folder, but the whole server. Stopped immedately when I discovered the mistake.
dreadnautDigging as deep as possible? :|
Shoegazing Leo:\
Shoegazing LeoI have only the two folders what are mine: StuntsLOL and StuntsLOL Classics. But, the priority is recovery the other folders. Several images from the main portal are broken.
Shoegazing LeoThe first step is know what was lost. Then, create a plain to recover.
Shoegazing LeoIRC, Feel The Thrill e Southern Cross may be afected too.
Shoegazing LeoIRC: maybe Mingva will have the backup. Feel The Thrill: don't know who is the manager. Southern Cross: Duplode.
DuplodeSouthern Cross is OK, I have an exact copy of it. Feel The Thrill is online at . The deletion was stopped midway through "S", so ZakStunts and the Wiki were unaffected.
dreadnautWe'll have to wait for Zak, as there might be a backup in place which is easy to recover.
Shoegazing LeoThen, I'll see the folders now and recover with my folders, if it's possible, to make it easy.
Mr. StuntLost parts.... still in my memory.
Shoegazing LeoReuploading Stunts LOL Classics. The second step is Stunts LOL.
xxxxBelieve me or not (actually: not, because it's the default setting), it was an accident, as I got nervous and pressed delete befonre entering USC folder. I hope you have a backup.
DuplodeForum messages are safe, but forum avatars and attachments were deleted. As dreadnaut said, Zak may be able to recover those from auto-backups.
Mr. StuntDon't forget about Unskilled Stunts!
Shoegazing LeoReuploading Stunts LOL (maybe correcting some broken links of the version). The website is bigger than Classics.
Shoegazing Leoreuploaded.
Zak McKrackenDon't worry a full backup is being arranged. And an FTP password change.
Mar 11
Shoegazing LeoThe two Stunts LOL's websites are recovered with my local backups
DuplodeSouthern Cross is now back as well. I also put a 503/"back soon!" message where the Forum should be.
Bonzai JoeOkay, I'm going to have a cup of coffee here at Zakstunts then. How's everybody doing? I'm writing an article about an art exhibition, but as you can see, right now I'm writing this instead. It's sunny in Copenhagen, but the wind is still a bit cold. Champions' League with the dudes tonight.
Alan RotoiNice. I already woke up (7 am) Yesterday Racing lose a match against Sporting Cristal (Peru) for Libertadores Cup 1-2
Alan RotoiRacing lose because a wrong penalty Stupid referee.
Alan RotoiFortunately today I'll only go to work and then come back here. Stunts at afternoon? Maybe
Alan RotoiBTW Obama declared Venezuela is a national security problem for USA... Venezuela? a threat for USA? Why? Hmm wait... Venezuela has a lot of oil... ooh I see. They're comming. Are we witnesses of the last decade of USA as a controller and country destabilizer? They are getting more aggressive. Only in XXI century, only in 15 years: How many international issues they had? How many interventions? How many "national security problems" they had OUTSIDE their country? How many invasions?
Bonzai JoeAfghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iraq again, maybe Ukraine. Any others? I don't think this is unusual for America. By the way, South America really needs to make a EU (SAU). That would be so good for you guys. It would stop tensions between Venezuela and Colombia and between Chile and Peru and Bolivia, and it would prevent the USA from making any overt interventions in your continent.
Bonzai JoeBy the way, why didn't you call your team "Racing Club"? It's a good name for a Stunts team.
Duplode@BJ: That would make it hard work to convince any Club Atlético Independiente supporters to join them :-D
DuplodeAs for the latest "unusual and extraordinary threat", the doublespeak is truly extraordinary. Perhaps the White House felt the need for some bullying of their own to compete with the Republicans after that Senators' letter to Iran...
CasA Union in South America wouldn't be possible now There are a few market agreements among some countries, but that's it. The problem is that (and I'll stay neutral) a big "neo-socialist vs. capitalist" clash is going on in the region. Not only the countries think different, but also people within them are very angry and there's a lot of confrontation Hope things calm down soon.
Alan RotoiActually there are several organizations (Mercosur, ALBA, etc) and a continental UNASUR. They are still soft but have a couple of big achievments such in 2005 we stopped ALCA (Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) because it was an strategy to USA's products to have an advantage and kill the local industry (in short).
Alan RotoiUNASUR has several projects in progress like a continental bank, commerce facilities, even a common currency. Remember our countries has a lot of pressure from USA (political, economical and military) so it's quiet hard if they are mining every idea of continental union they dislike.
Alan RotoiBTW Racing Club is a nice name for a team. We could change the name after almost 15 years Now it's an "ítalo-argentino" team! I'll make a poll with the guys.
Alan RotoiOf course we will choose between several names not only Racing Club
Shoegazing LeoEstudiantes de La Carretera
Alan RotoiCurvitiba
Shoegazing LeoCuritiba have a fantastic mark who explains what is the people of the city: two pipsqueaks from almost neighbour towns, with common friends, what don't know personaly.
Alan RotoiWho's the other, Renato or Dark Chaser or Vamologocomisso?
Shoegazing LeoRenato Biker. Dark Chaser is from Santos e Vamoslogocomisso is from São Paulo or Santos too.
Shoegazing LeoGrêmio gave onion rings to present Cebolla Rodríguez. Everyone relieved by Milton Caraglio was not hired.
Alan RotoiBrazil is pentacampeão in Stunts too
Shoegazing LeoWhere are Gutix?
Alan RotoiHe's from Buenos Aires.
Bonzai JoeI ran into SuperBrian on my very first day living in Copenhagen, and I haven't run into him since.
Alan RotoiHe should fly to you if he is "super"
Mar 12
Alan RotoiDamn! I did a lap but then I give another failed try and saved over the previous lap. So my frightening 1:13.65 is lost.
Shoegazing LeoA good topic when the forum returns: driving styles. Duplode and Akoss Poo are different schools. Alan Rotoi is one of the pioneers of the Duplode's style.
Alan RotoiDo I? How is Duplode's style?
Shoegazing LeoDuplode likes magic carpets and a little longer trajectories to gain speed.
Alan RotoiI've never understood how the people can interpret a driving style. I have this conversation about 10 years ago too. About Duplode I didn't watch his performance I don't know anything about racer's skills after Alain, BJ, Argammon, Roy, Ben Snell or my teammates. But if you ask me about Duplode, Renato Biker, the "new strong CTG", Mark's driving skills I can't answer. Dup, do you have a "winning replay selection" you like from your own harvest? Please send me them in a ZIP by email or facebook!
Bonzai JoeI can't forget Duplode's 270 degree jump on ZCT89. It was a trick we all imagined as soon as we saw the track, but even Ayrton was unable to do it. Duplode did it but unfortunately threw two seconds to Ayrton on the basic racing parts of the track and finished 2nd.
Zak McKrackenAnnouncement: the forum is back. Any file-level changes submitted in the past two days (FTP commits) were reverted.
Mr. StuntDid someone see my replay? You can guess my style?
Alan RotoiOk then add zct89 replay on your zip selection Dup
DuplodeLeo is definitely on to something with the trajectories thing. Not so sure about carpets, though: the true specialists come from farther south (that also includes Renato - check his ZCT138 lap, perhaps the strongest losing replay ever).
Shoegazing LeoRenato Biker is 3km southeast from here
Mr. StuntLol, i have just gotten Jump BUG 3
Mr. StuntIs that the Porsche 917K IMSA?
dreadnautVector/Mr. Stunt, you where also banned for a reason, do we have to close every account you reopen?
Mar 13
Alan RotoiDiscarded but nice trick from zct15
Mr. StuntBut who is Vector? :\
Mr. StuntAnd why you deleted Anghel Andrei? Or is my friend just lying
Alan RotoiAbout April 2018 will be zct200. Maybe guest track from Kevin Pickell?
Mr. StuntOr from me! I had a track which is simpistical but harder than the THE HELLWAY!
dreadnaut@alan: yes, we'll show him the new editor and ask for a track @Vector/Mr.Stunt: you can lie, or you can tell the truth, what do you prefer?
Mr. StuntTruth. And, i was finding this: Skip it at 2:06!
UsrinVector/Mr.Stunt, please stay away from this site. Whoever you are, your stupid childish posts are simply annoying.
Mar 14
Alan RotoiSo do you have Usrin's password too? You said time ago you have Akoss' pasword. How do I know when the real user is writing?
UsrinRotoi: WTF I have never seen any post with my name which was not written by me... It is me, Usrin who is 99.999% sure that Vector and Mr.Stunts are annoying ghosts, worse than the already deleted Böllér and Rokker. Don't you agree?
Mr. StuntNope
Alan RotoiIt's the same for me. BTW scoreboard lap I had to race again
Alan RotoiOh wait. Now I took zak's point
afulloAfter the ghost declaration of the two Agro Brothers, I was going to claim the 2014 newbie title, but then I saw that it was already done. So I'm officially a champion
Mr. StuntOk, when i open my MS 1.1 (i have all versions, except BB 1.1) there's something like "Red Sector". What i should do? :I
Mr. StuntThat's already stupid now (that video does not help me). Just when i open (MS 1.1) there's a red text "RED SECTOR"
Mr. StuntAnd, pls, i can't access the forum anymore so please make a new forum.
dreadnaut@afullo: indeed you are! well done for sticking through the season in face of the odds!
Shoegazing LeoFor afullo - Season 2014:
Alan RotoiCongratulations Afullo!!
afulloYay! And, even if Rokker and Boller seemed unreachables at the time, thanks to an undiminshed determination, Mameli plays for the third time in three years, if we consider dreadnaut's titles in 2012 and 2013. I will be a newbie only until August since then there will be 18 months of registration here, but maybe Marco could extend the chain to four rings...
Alan RotoiHey! Molto raggazzo italiano sono nuovo in questa competizione! I know it's not accurate but that's how we presuppose the Italian in Argentina
Shoegazing LeoAbout 60% of argentinians has at least one italian ancestor, including Rotoi. In Brazil, are about 15% (30 milions), including me.
Mr. StuntCan someone help me with the "Red Sector" text when i open MS 1.1?
Alan RotoiYes a big immigration came from Italy in the last decades of XIX century and first half of XX c. Anyway my last name (one spanish and the other italian) came already joined from Europe through my spanish line so they not belong of the big wave. I investigted and I guess my italian last name comes from the Lombardy Venetia area. I should investigate a bit more to be sure. BTW I sell stamps from there
Duplode@Vector: press any key.
Zak McKrackenanybody volunteering for a guest track on ZCT164? Already two tracks in row from me. Please send a track over if you volunteer.
Akoss PooWell, I have a raw track, designed by me mainly for a certain car. This car looks well available in the near future, according to the bonus coefficients, so if I can adjust car bonuses within the 10% limit and I can work on the track a bit and label it tomorrow, I can send it tomorrow. Of course if someone wants it more and already have a fully designed track, it doesn't bother me.
Mar 15
Alan RotoiBuilding
Marcohidden replays ?
Alan RotoiNot from me this time.
MarcoUhmmm ... so am I 4th , 5th ? This is very good because this means that if you understand fast where is your track limit, you can save a lot of time. I have played only 2 gaming session at the really beginning on this track and spend the rest of the month playing other dos games. It's not the best way to train or improve your skill level but you know, I'm 40 )). Anyway , I continue to do not understand how you can play with these rules ) AHAHAHAH. NORH NORH NORH !!!
Mr. StuntHow i can send a track? I can only through via gmail. (not outlook)
Mr. StuntAnd, i thinked files are sound-less. Lol, 4D Sports Driving is .com and has PC Speaker sounds (or Awful PC Craps sounds) Help me!
MarcoHave you the replays of the "Permanent Tracks" records ?
Alan Rotoi@Marco ZCT79 was Default track, so you'll find the replays on Also ZCT118 was Joe's then you'll find the replays in
Zak McKrackenquiet replay published. Congrats, Akoss!!!!
MarcoWOW !!
Akoss PooThanks!
Mr. StuntZak McKracken, i would like to made ZCT164 (already made). Can i contact you via email? At:
Akoss PooNow I understand the +/- 10 thing. My correction can be read in the forum topic. :-)
Zak McKrackennew track is out!
DuplodeCongratulations Akoss!
Akoss Poothanks!
dreadnautNice track Akoss!
Mar 16
Shoegazing LeoA little start
Alan RotoiMy public replay
Alan RotoiOh well xD
Alan RotoiSkid's time is 1:38.22 with Acura and bonus calculated.
afulloFirst attempt, with a very brief powergear status.
MarcoOMG ... Alan lap with the Xylocane was a "Perfect" !!! There's an unbelievable trick in the middle ) Very sorry for the car bonus that's not enough... otherwise ...
Alan RotoiWhich trick?
Shoegazing LeoMarco, look the Team Talk topic. There is a thing what make you gain some seconds.
afulloWith two distinct (and longer) powergear stints.
Alan RotoiLeave auto trans! Manual is for men (kidding). I mean with manual transmission you could have a better performance. Just make this test: Build a track with a very long straight from the beginning, race against Skid first in auto and after try manual. You'll have two results: 1) Skid HAS auto trans performance, 2) Improve your shifting skills.
afulloYes, I know, but in order to take some confidence with the track. I do the very first lap with automatic, and thus every lap based on part of it is characterized by auto trm...
Mar 17
Bonzai JoeLet's start this party!
Zak McKrackenYaay! Induljon a Bonzai!
Zak McKracken
Akoss PooOh dear... you should have let me reach the 24 hr limit...
Bonzai JoeWhat's the 24 hour limit?
DuplodeWhat used to be the 48 hour limit (for LTB).
Bonzai JoeIt means you need 24 hours before you can get a point? Well, in that case: drive faster and deserve the point, Mr. official reigning Zakstunts champion :-P
afulloBreaking the (driving) 2 minutes wall.
afulloWith manual trm.
MarcoOMG !!! I give up
DuplodeWelcome to the Realm of Powergear! Here, immense gaps can be created and destroyed in the blink of an eye.
Shoegazing LeoThere is a thing faster than the powergear, the light and the thought. Do you know?
Alan RotoiChuck Norris
Alan RotoiThe podium is: 1) Javier Mascherano 2) Chuck Norris 3) God
Mar 18
Shoegazing LeoNo. Diarrhea. Everybody had at least one diarrhea what don't had time to think, to turn on the light, to call Mascherano, God or Chuck Norris, or get a powergear to reach the toilet.
Alan Rotoijajajaa!!
Mr. StuntWoot! I can't send replay.
MarcoI'm going to think that this will be my last Race ... sorry Leo. This is a great site, you are great people and players ... I'm very happy to have encountered you and learn a lot of things about Stunts and also a lot of new cars !!! ))... but I'm too old and I have still too many dos games to play again before pass away ).A competition like this one is too big. MAybe a noRH, noCut with time to play reduced if you will decide to establish it. )) GREAT !!!
MarcoI'm there with Bonzai and Akoss !!! )
dreadnautI think you need to find a balance It is possible to race here but not spend hours on it - you may not win, but it's still fun, and a great community!
Alan RotoiYou don't have to race but still visit the forum We need a classic games topic
Mar 19
MarcoWin or lose is not the main problem but if I join a competition I would like to try to do at least a good job due to my skills. I played 2 or 3 hours the previous race and 2 or 3 this one and only the first days (now i have finished with this one) . The Bonzai loop turn trick took me a half hour to be managed (how you understood that was possible ? )). 2 or 3 hours to catch a 1 minute laptime repeating the same sections several time is too much for my life. but it's not too much follow this site as suggested by Alan . I left the newby to Italy ... let's go Afullo
Bonzai JoeI think it's a good idea to race only for as long time as you think is fun. As long as you can handle not being #1, that works great. About the loop jump, it's just a question of knowing the car. I also experimented a bit with the loop before determining that this was the best way to use it.
Mr. StuntMan.... you people beated me just due to wrong bonus (0:00)
MarcoJoe , what impressed me is that it seems to me the there are only one or two possibilities to achieve the right landing position with that loop trick ... especially the right skid before to exit the loop ...Copying by you was easier but , understand for first that there was that 1 or 2 possibilities in a big house of posssibilities ... it is amazing. Ok maybe you have already performed a trick like this one in a similar track but anyway there was a first amazing time )) Yes you are right, it' s funny stay with you , it's funny play with you but the RH disturb me too much , more than the cut that is another point that disturb me ... Race 50 time a 10 seconds sector trying to lower of 0.05 ... ok someone could say that you can race the sector only 5 times if you don't want to race 50 but , if you are not at the first place... you will be at the last in a 30 days RH if you don't spend your time.
Alan RotoiI wrote a list of tricks in my old site. Were not all but the most important and few more. I uploaded them in the forum:
Alan RotoiClick in the baloon, the address is only the title of the topic.
dreadnautWhops, problem with the link fixed!
Mar 20
DuplodeHello again
Mr. StuntThe most used car is NSX? Why is it the NSX?
afulloBecause it has, for this month, the better bonus, compared with its specifics.
Mr. StuntOh, ok. And, lol, the P964
Mr. StuntOpps! I have been overtaken Akoss Poo! Sorry
Alan Rotoiawkward
Mr. StuntP962 record, not NSX record
Mr. StuntI think the car that would the best bonus next time is the Lancia....
Mar 21
Shoegazing LeoShitting bricks to do 1:48.00 Affffffffffffff...
SuperBrianTestlap. afullo told me Zakstunts finally got rid of the ghostbrothers, which was one of the reasons why I didn't race much last year. I also have some other Stunts-problems, but I'll try to be here with at least one replay each month.
dreadnautNice to see you on the scoreboard SuperBrian. Although... argh! just above me!
Shoegazing LeoSuperBrian is above us, dreadnaut, because he's super. I'm afraid when he'll become the UltraBrian.
Mar 22
Bonzai JoeMr. Stunt is also CTG's ghost and still racing. And being really annoying. But at least not taking points.
Mr. StuntI'm not CTG's ghost. Please stop, why i can't be even treated just like a normal user and not a piece of paper, shit and garbage.
Mr. StuntAnd BTW, why can't someone update the main page with news about ZCT163 was finished. It should be one with Herr Otto Partz.
dreadnautWell, to begin with, you lie about not being Vector. If you start by lying, how should we treat you?
Mar 23
Mr. StuntOh sorry, but i'm his ghost but not CTG's ghost. Plz i hate bans.
Mar 24
Shoegazing Leo
Duplode@Vector: "Plz i hate bans." So this is not the first time you are banned from somewhere? I wonder if there is a pattern...
DuplodeNew Indy competition to start next week! Join the challenge of becoming The Stunts LOL Classics champion !
Shoegazing LeoThe competition will have six races. The first four with four tracks and the last two with five tracks.
MarcoWhat is indy competition?
MarcoIn the early nineties, the magazine "The Games Machine" had an Indy Competition space using Indianapolis 500 the simulation ... by Papyrus 1989. The fastest lap won
DuplodeI meant "Indy competition" as in "competition using only the Porsche March Indy" (and not the Penske Chervolet or the Lola Buick )
Mar 25
Alan RotoiI'll be there!
AbuRaf70Por favor, Duplode... que hay que hacer para correr en la Competencia Indy...?
Duplode@AbuRaf: Declara que va a participar en el tema del foro, The Stunts LOL Classics champion. Las repeticiones se enviarán a través del foro, como en USC.
Alan RotoiWHat a shame, you write spanish better than me. When I type I declared myself accent free (´) to write faster. I should use them again
Duplode@Alan: No, not at all - I have used Google Translator for that (I can figure out written Spanish as it is close enough to Portuguese, but I definitely can't write fluently without assistance.)
AbuRaf70Gracias por el informe, DUP... ahora me voy a conectar y pondré que me anoto para correr con el Indy... espero hacerlo bien...
Mar 26
Mr. Stunt@Duplode: "Plz i hate bans." Late post, but, it's not the first time counting my banned acc. on Kongregate and on the Stunts Forum. And ZakStunts.
Mr. StuntDid someone remember that: "chili chili, chili beans in pina"
Mar 29
Alan RotoiPublic days are over! It's time to race
Mar 30
Shoegazing LeoThe Stunts LOL Classics started
CasSending my first RPL in.... I don't know... years!
Mar 31
Zak McKrackenI hate this car...
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