News posted in December 2009
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Dec 1
ParadisioErrors with leading time points. Renato's +2 is visible on z100 scoreboard and not z101.
Mark L. Riverstestlap without sound before beginning to work for ISM start..
Renato BikerObrigado, Duplode.
Zak McKrackenLTB corrected!
Zak McKrackenjust rangin' around...
ParadisioYou're very active this month, Zak
ReigerI'm gonna race too... I have more time this month... WMCS2 is online! Hope you will join! ;-) Award is online too ;-) Okay enough spam ;-)
Dec 2
SuperBrianFirst try! C'mon guys..
Mark L. RiversNews from the Forum --------------- International Stunts Master 2010
DuplodeThis can be a cool race
Dec 3
Mark L. RiversStill without sound, but a bit more pushed...
Zak McKrackenyeah, a battle! My bet is on the Ranger...
Mark L. RiversEffectively it's bloody faster than I thought after the tests...
Mark L. RiversAnyway, first try with sound...
Dec 4
CTGNot racing at the moment. Later.
SuperBrianDamn, finally I had a replay in the pocket, but useless. I'll see if I can get time to answer the race in the weekend..
DuplodeSeems I was slightly luckier than Brian...
ReigerTestlap! :-)
Dec 5
GutixWalker Testlap Ranger
Zak McKrackenexcellent linguistic joke, Gutix
Mark L. RiversBye bye Speedgate...
Mark L. RiversImportant news for ISm 2010: due to a mistake, if you have downloaded the track before the 5.30 p.m of today, you have to donwload it again. The correct version of the track is downloadable from that hour. Sorry again for the trouble...
Dec 7
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Alain...!!!
Alan RotoiHappy birthday Alain ^_^.
SuperBrianHappy birthday Alain!
GutixFeliz Cumpleaños Alain
Paradisiowheee, Alain has a birthday party ^_^
Mark L. RiversNever thought it could be possible going so fast with Speedgate on this track... If Gutix won't send very soon another Walker "testlap" Ranger
, maybe I can start to hope that Speedgate is not so out from the challenge...
DuplodeI still believe that Speedgate will take this race. And happy birthday Alain!
Dec 15
SuperBrianWell maybe you're right, but personally I still lose too much time on the crazy off-line track.
So I think my choice will be the Ranger..
Dec 17
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Zak...!!!
GutixHappy Birthday Manager!
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday :-) I hope you have some time for celebrating! I hope you feel lots of warmth in the midst of this December, and always let the music keep playing.
ReigerHappy Birthday Zak!
Dec 18
ZakStunts 2009 holiday schedule:
Please note, that as usually, the last track of the year ends on the 30th of December instead of the 31st.
The new season is expected to start at the moment the new year starts in the GMT+1 zone, so you can start the new year playing Stunts right after midnight. :)
Unexpected technical problems might postpone the start of the 2010 season. In this case racers will be notified here in advance. -
Zak McKrackenThank you all for the wishes! We got the first snow of the year on my birthday, so I could go biking in the fresh snow - it was wonderful, and so was the rest of the day too.
SuperBrianLate happy birthday Zak! A lot of snow here in the southern Denmark too..
Dec 19
ParadisioOne more late happy birthday goes to Zak
Dec 21
Mark L. RiversOnly 49 hours to the end of ISM 2010 qualifying: I can only say it's going to be really an exciting final...
Dec 22
Mark L. RiversStill 26 hours to see, maybe, the most striking result ever for ISM...
Dec 24
SuperBrianHappy birthday teammate! And merry christmas everyone..
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, DieselJoe...!!!
Dec 25
ParadisioHo Ho Ho!!! Merry Christmas to All!!!
AbuRaf70Muchas Gracias, Paradisio... retribuyo...
Dec 28
Renato Bikerhahaha, speedgate is a crap to this track!
Dec 29
Renato BikerWell done.
Zak McKracken:-O
Dec 30
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Roy...!!!
GutixHappy Birthday Reiger!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard updated to final, but unconfirmed. full update is expected until the end of this year
CTGSo... I couldn't find the motivation.
SuperBrianDamn, I went shopping this morning for the New Year with my friends, but we ended up buiyng too much liquid and too many beers, so I was home too late to make a real effort on this track.. :-/ Anyway, I had a better seasonal standing than any other years, so I guess my promis to myself 2010, will be more manual-driving and more driving in general..
Happy New Year, all!!
SuperBrianHappy birthday former champ Wiegerink!
SuperBrianBy the way, Zak: Something is wrong with Renato's leading time counter..
DuplodeI planned to do a new Ranger lap but couldn't pull it off. Not that it would make a difference at this point but oh well. Waiting for the final update and Renato's lap ;-)
DuplodeAnd happy birthday Roy!
Dec 31
December passed with low activity. Too bad, as Mark's track deserved more attention. An unique choice of the Ranger on the road or the Speedgate offroad, controversial to what these two cars were designed for.
Everyone made his own choice. But only Renato Biker made the right choice, and drove offroads with the Ranger - where this car is supposed to be driven. His award is a clean victory. Congratulations for thinking outside the box, Renato! Well done!
Gutix silenced the scoreboard for two weeks with an astonishing time. He also chose the Ranger, but stayed on the road. His replay is worth to be checked, and so are the others too.
But its time to close a season now. I consider 2009 a success. We have seen some great races, average to superb activity from the racers, and perhaps the best ZakStunts race ever: ZCT100.
And we can also announce a new champion: DUPLODE! Congratulations for being the 8th champion of ZakStunts. It is a true honor, and hopefully you will not just sit and admire your trophy in 2010 but defend it with style. On the podium former champions follow CTG from 2007 on the second, and Bonzai Joe from 2002 on the third place.
I should also note Paradisio on on the 4th place, who achieved this great result only racing on 7 tracks - a contestant for next years trophy perhaps? Also lets not forget about Friker, who dominated and won the newbie league. He disappeared in the last months, but hopefully only to rest and gain strength for the new season.
The reestabilished team championship was won by Cork's Crew, followed by Damage Inc. and MeganiuM Aces High. Our "Newbie" team, Average Joe only missed the podium by one point, but I am certain the team championship will be more fierce in our next season.
Now go, rest well on the last day of 2009 or party - decide as you wish.
I would like to thank you all for joining ZakStunts in 2009. It was great fun for me - and hopefully to all odf you too. We'll stay here for you, ZCT103 is starting on the 1st of January. Polish your car, prepare you seat belt and lets meet on the scoreboard the next year. Cheers for 2010! -
Got nowhere to go on New Year's Eve, just as Bernie Rubber? Fear not! The first track of the year, ZCT103, Windowbreaker is set active and available, but leading time is only calculated from the first second of 2010 GMT+1. Enjoy!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, confirmed
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available
Zak McKrackenlistfiller to reset database for 2010
dstienCongrats, everyone! My late listfiller made it through. In good tradition I thought the deadline was still one day ahead. First submission recorded in restunts?
ParadisioZak, why did you reset database to 2010 so early?
Zak McKrackensee the news with Skid's face for the reason
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones a Renato, Gutix y Paradisio...!!!! FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2010 PARA TODOS...!!!!
DuplodeWell, it was a great year here with you folks. Happy New Year to all!! =D
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