News posted in November 2009
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Nov 1
dstienCongratulations everyone and a special welcome to the new Average Joe team members!
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones Ayrton, Renato y Gutix (también es MeganiuM) por este memorable Podio...!!!! Felicitaciones a Duplode por este maravilloso Skyline...!!! Y felicitaciones a todos los grandes campeones que se dieron cita en esta memorable ZCT100...!!! Y felicitaciones también a Zak, por haber conseguido reunirlos...!!!
CTG#10000 böff!!!
Renato BikerI have to thanks and congrats all for the incredible race! It was so funny to participate in. To watch the replays was a good intertainment, because the track gave the opportunity for all drive with originality, including the decision of the winner: two best time were done very differently, that’s great for the competition. This race was strong, we improve the times whole the intire month and the best tricks was discovered at the lasts days. Thanks and Congrats for the set of factors that propitiates this wonderful race: 1. The effort and great enthusiasm of the all racers; 2. The good car made by Duplode; 3. The consistency, the dedication and the profissionalism of Zak along of the 9 years (That constructed a big history of stunts, what permit that us say: the great champions on the scoreboard...); 4. The extremely well succeed Zak’s track for the centenarian race. I can not forget the Average Joe’s victory on the newbie competition with dstein, congratulations! Well, I just can say that is a big honor to participate of this well structurate community: STUNTS RACERS !!! Thank you !
DuplodeWeak Indy warmup. Have to agree with Alan: the track looks fabulous
SuperBrianHey all! I also want to thank you all for the most exciting month of stunts I've been a part of. I realized somewhat quickly that I couldn't stay in the top, but it didn't make me lose my motivation, just the opposit. I really enjoyed seeing your replays, they were faboulus! I also want to say congratulations for Zakstunts in general, for dstien in the Newbie Leage, for Meganium Aces High and last but not least Ayrton with a well deserved win! The new track seems interesting, here is myt first test lap..
Zak McKrackena little bit too low top speed to compete with the Countach.
Renato Bikerwow, you did miracle with ranger!
CTGZak did miracle with the Ranger? CTG 0:50.73 Ranger 11-01 02:47 1 1
Renato Bikero.O That's true, I didn't see... How can you do that?! It's almost the same time with countach.
CTGIt was a crappy Ranger rpl. Really crappy.
Nov 2
SuperBrianI like the teamscore right now. 17, 17, 17, 17 for the first four teams..
OverdrijfSo the zero on the newbie board indicates your days are over? Means position 2 is secured for me. Will try to find time and motivation anyway.
Mark L. RiversAnalysis of ZCT100 available on the Forum!
DuplodeWe are a mere 240 replays from the overall record of replays in a season reached in 2005... c'mon, we can do it! :-)
Nov 3
AlainStrength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Mahatma Gandhi
Mark L. RiversComing soon: Coming soon: Do you like this Stunts Promo?
Mark L. RiversComing soon: Coming soon: Do you like this Stunts Promo?
ReigerWMCS in flash! Check it out on:! It has an interesting race going on right now! SuperBrian is on fire with the Indy on the new track! Who can beat him? Some WMCS features: - Every day updated (with race report) - You can win digital awards each month - Winner of the season wins a real trophy home send. So, if you have time, you are more than welcome!!
Alan Rotoi"Suck my Indy." - Alan Rotoi
Renato BikerThanks Reiger, WMCS is really interesting, I just sent a first replay.
Nov 4
SuperBrianDon't forget Duplodes championship either. The last race is on the way this month. Only me and AbuRaf have joined so far, and I only have time to race from friday or so..
Nov 5
Renato BikerHey Zak, I sent you an replay for permanent tracks competition (skid's closed) some years ago and you didn't update it yet
hehe. Can I send again? Which mail?
Zak McKrackenRenato: sorry! Use the online form for sending the permanent replay, just change the track from Z101 to permanent before sending.
GutixFeliz Cumple Maestro!
SuperBrianHappy birthday Alan! And Meganium Aces High?
Renato BikerOk, Zak. So, I sent a replay in Joe's track, it was a mistake, forget this
The right replay is on Skid's Closed
Alan RotoiThank you guys ^_^.
JoSiThere has to be a shortcut somewhere on the track I did not get...
ReigerCongrats to you all!
Bonzai JoeUsually it's many different shortcuts and really fast driving that's missing. The "main trick" is an obsolete notion in Stunts. It happened a lot in 2002...
SuperBrianActually not, I realized a year and a half ago that I could improve about three seconds on each track I had driven to that date if I did not use the breaks.
So I would say, the main trick is to not use breaks and cut different obstacles with the most speed you can. ;-)
SuperBrianBut I agree with you that it's normally not one trick that's missing..
AbuRaf70Feliz Cumple, Capo Alan...!!!!
Nov 6
DuplodeInteresting discussion this one... it seems there are still lots of big race-making tricks around (Z95's dual-way long jump, Z100's hill-to-air-90-turn...), but in general you can't rely on them to save the day and have to work on the overall handling... like Brian just described having done ;-) And late happy birthday, Alan!
Nov 8
Alan RotoiThese are quiet days
Alainyeah, good old times when Orion silenced all opposition are back.
Nov 9
SuperBrianHey Zak, I like the new overview or statestics of the drivers, but the profiles have been unavailable for a while..
Nov 10
ReigerIf anybody has a little free time, check out the 2 other active competitions on and
Nov 12
Mark L. RiversNews from the Forum --> International Stunts Master 2010
Nov 14
CTGcountach sucks
Nov 15
DuplodeThis is a token lap...
DuplodeSomeone should really try and make a challenge less half-baked than this lap.
CTGDUP: there's Biker, beat him.
DuplodeYeah, I know - someone should try, myself included. BTW, my previous post did sound a lot like CTG...
Nov 18
CTGBut this time I won't be in the match.
Nov 21
SuperBrianSo, I think it's time to race this track again in the nearby future..
Mark L. RiversNews from the Forum ---------> International Stunts Master 2010
Gutixfighting for second place...
DuplodeAll this frustration / All this frustration / Who gave the leopard spots and taught the birds to sing
Nov 25
CTGIndy is not as crappy as the Countach, too bad it doesn't fit this track.
Zak McKrackenand it will neither suit the next track if people in the top12 use it
Nov 26
Mark L. RiversISM 2010 Qualify preview ----> International Stunts Master 2010
Nov 28
DuplodeFirst race in a long while with no pipsqueak being worthy of LTB+1...
Zak McKrackencountach rocks
Nov 30
655 leading hours. A lot of time. And that is the amount Renato Biker gathered on ZCT101 totally securing all of the LTB not even leaving one extra point to anyone else. Nobody could approach him until the very last days. Duplode tried, but his try was too late. Renato won the race with the small margin of 0.15 seconds in front of the other Brazilian racer.
Gutix from MeganiuM Aces High was the third best driver in the world driving the Countach - barely surpassing Paradisio on the fourth place.
The activity was quite low on the track - which was partly a surprise as I expected more from the track, but on the other hand I was sure nothing could compare zo ZCT100.
Anyway, here is the last race of the year - on a fabulous track designed by one of the best racers and track designers: Mark L. Rivers!
A true challenge to let all of you bring out the best of your skills.
The podium is already set for this season - but the battle between the 4th to the 7th place is still on - and the same is the situation a bit lower on the scoreboard. Its all up to you where you finish!
So fasten your seatbelt and hit the road - but... which road? Go find out! -
SuperBrianDamn, haven't spend much time on this track because of the Countach and now I don't have any time, on this last day. :-/
Bonzai JoeI'll be doing a round with the Countach sometime within the next few hours...
DuplodeNow it's too late for conjuring a ghost...
Zak McKrackenupdate will take place with a little delay - around 30-40mins
Bonzai JoeOh FFS I was too late. I'm sorry. Anyway I was against this rule from the beginning, exactly because of situations like this one.
Zak McKrackenupdate started!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, confirmed. update in progress...
DuplodeOh FFS [2] I had resigned to losing by three seconds or so, but this difference is way too small!! In any case, major congratulations to Renato for, after exactly three years, getting himself and *his team* a new victory! ;-)
DuplodeAnd it had to be Mark of all people to save the day at the eleventh hour :-)
Zak McKrackentestlap
ParadisioFirst try...
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