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Oct 1

  • SuperBrian
    I want the first leadinghour on this legendary track! Cheesy
  • Duplode
    I must publicly thank Renato for ensuring I had to drive the best lap I possibly could Smiley And the replays on this track were classy, full of imagination - both the GTO and the Audi ones. Good job guys Wink
  • Duplode
    I am actually kinda busy right now, so for the moment just a quick run on this sumptuous track Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Firts lap, not bad jajaja. I must say this track is excellent. Thank you Zak!!
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Usrin, Ursin y XTorres...!!!
  • CTG
    Official news: (hopefully) I'll have an internet connection at home in two weeks. BEWARE!!! Cheesy
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Maxouting the final is not enough... probably even maxouting the start...
  • SuperBrian
    Happy Birthday Usrin & Ursin. Cheesy Happy birthday XTorres.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    I think I can't maxout anymore my current final...
  • Mark L. Rivers
    I was wrong... Smiley
  • Mark L. Rivers
    OK, let's start to maxout the start... Wink
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Re-drove the whole track, Indy quite near to its limit, time to try another car...
  • SuperBrian
    Audi is still working.. Tongue
  • SuperBrian
    Hi Zak, I think something is wrong with the newbie-league results on the scoreboard and seasonal.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Thanks Zak, even only for the illusion... Smiley
  • Mark L. Rivers
    First Audi lap without sound. It seems that the scoreboard is going to be populated by many light blue cars...
  • Zak McKracken
    Superbrian: I think there's no problem. Pavekillers newbie status is over, he registered in 2008-03 + 18 month = 2009-09. He will receive 0 newbie points for the remaining tracks of the season.
  • SuperBrian
    Ah, didn't know that. That makes sense.. ;-)
  • Reiger
    So, here is the first Skyline on the scoreboard ;-)
  • Reiger
    Nice times from the Indy..... Should WMCS be an Indy competition or not? Please vote in the Forum.

Oct 2

  • Mark L. Rivers
    Found some time to maxout my replay realized yesterday, at last... Again without sound and just to keep awake Superbrian... Wink

Oct 3

  • Friker
    to keep myself alive..
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Happy to race again beside you, BJ! Smiley I just want to try how I'm able to stay near to the top of the scoreboard in this exciting beginning... Wink
  • Bonzai Joe
    Hi Mark! Good to see you again on the scoreboard. We're in for a great race here...

Oct 4

  • Paradisio
    At last, a big jump to leading position!
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Nice time, Mingva, I hope you found time to race for the 3rd round of The Southern Cross Trophy too. Wink

Oct 5

  • Bonzai Joe
    I'm still not sure how you can go so fast with the Audi...
  • Paradisio
    I'm still not sure how you can go so fast with the Skyline... Smiley
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Very fast times guys... Smiley Well, I think I have to pass this week using my time, dividing it very carefully for 1) knowing the real limit of the Audi and 2) starting my test with Skyline... Not a so easy job...
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Akoss...!!!
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Found another second in the middle, but... it's more and more hard...
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday Akoss Smiley
  • Chulk
    Just a no crash RH warmup lap... HB Akoss!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday Mr. Poo

Oct 6

  • Mark L. Rivers
    Maxouted last 10 seconds of race...
  • Paradisio
    Mark, show your the best time! Don't play cat-and-mouse game Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    I think we can safely say now that all cars except Audi and Skyline are out of the race, and that next month we'll have a Speedgate race with a small chance for Countach.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    I would like to be able to play cat-and-mouse game! But I have not other marges with Audi in this moment, I should re-drove the entire race with. My time on the scoreboard is my current best time, you can trust me, Mingva. Smiley

Oct 7

  • SuperBrian
    Wow, a lot have happened while I've been gone and drunk this weekend on a school-trip. Nice to see some fast times and people appearing, I'll have to re-drive the track for sure. I'm also happy with a third-place in your contest Duplode, I'll drive the new track tomorrow.
  • Usrin
    Best wishes and a bit late, but large BÖFF to Akoss Poo for his birthday!

Oct 8

  • Mark L. Rivers
    Really an interesting car, but... searching a bump with Skyline is becoming one of my biggest frustration during a Stunts race... :/
  • CTG
    B Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: 1.3dB
  • Bonzai Joe
    Nice böff. But it would be better if accompanied by a replay.
  • CTG

Oct 9

  • Duplode
    Welcome back CTG! If you happen to find a little bit of extra time I suggest you to check Southern Cross' Round 4 - I think the car/track combo suits you very well Smiley
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, NicoPelu....!!!
  • SuperBrian
    Yeah, happy birthday NicuPelu. Celebrate it with a replay. ;-)
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Finally, I'm learning something about the way to drive the Skyline... Before the fight for the first place becomes too much hard, let me stay again a bit on top... Wink

Oct 11

  • Mark L. Rivers
    Next step...
  • Paradisio
    Further step...
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Oh, so many steps!
  • Paradisio
    Thank you, Mark. Now it's easy to choose a correct winning car Smiley))
  • Mark L. Rivers
    If you say so... Wink

Oct 12

  • Duplode
    Interesting fight guys Wink

Oct 14

  • Alain
    because lambo countach is the favorite car of all stunts unabombers

Oct 15

  • Alan Rotoi
    Welcome back Smiley
  • Duplode
    All hail il Professore!! Wink
  • Zak McKracken
    welcome back, Professore!
  • Zak McKracken
    only Gutix, Ayrton and CTG are missing the have all the ZakStunts champions on one scoreboard Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Aburaf and I sent emails to them (Ayrton and y Gutix) but they didn't answered Sad
  • Alain
    double kill

Oct 16

  • The stars return for ZCT100... From the 17 former ZakStunts race winners 11 are already on the scoreboard, including former, long-disappeared champion: Alain, who also joined the Average Joe team. (does this remind you of something? :)) Who will win this prestigious race?

Oct 17

  • Alain
    My place is in a museum, not on a podium.
  • Alain
    dodge dive duck dip and... dodge
  • Bonzai Joe
    Drive, die, dream, drive, dominate.
  • Alain
    multi kill

Oct 18

  • CTG
    pArAnO is a potato and Diesel Joe is still drinking!
  • Chulk
    So many comebacks! Great! I'm racing too, as I promised. I'll send a replay as soon as I think its at least acceptable.

Oct 19

  • CTG
    waiting for alain's first insult... Cheesy
  • Overdrijf
    Mmh, we're not very present at this point. I'll see what I can do about that in the last week.

Oct 20

  • Ayrton
    It seems that I´m missing something.
  • Alain
    I know what you are missing. Renato biker is on average joes team.
  • Ayrton
    Jeje. I´ll be back ...
  • Chulk
    Acceptable, considering I'm probably still missing a shortcut...
  • Chulk
    Funny thing. 8-11 are MeganiuM Aces High drivers, all together. That's teamwork!
  • Paradisio
    One more Skyline on the scoreboard.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    At last! Cheesy

Oct 21

  • Alain
    The Daily Stunts titles "Ayrton + Mark L. rivers not enough vs Average Joes". Please don't spam the news. This is my territory. Spam the scoreboard, you'll all be remembered as time hiders.
  • CTG
    Star Wars
  • CTG
    second episode
  • SuperBrian
    Welcome aboard again Ayrton!
  • SuperBrian
    Hey CTG, talking of Star Wars (nice anyway) when was the last time you updated the RH Racing Statestics since 1997? Maybe I'm the only one who used to check them from time to time, and the other month I wondered when my own race no. 100 would be.. Cheesy
  • Ayrton
    Thanks, good work Brian !!

Oct 22

  • Alan Rotoi
    Maybe my last replay.
  • Duplode
    Duplode is back! Well, at least technically.
  • Duplode
    Closer to the real thing...?
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Duplode seems to adopt the same position that usually a sprinter chooses in cycling while he approaches the last kilometer... Wink
  • Alain
    This is the strongest RH race ever, the strongest quiet days ever, and the strongest podium ever. Don't get paralyzed, fight for history.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    About me, I think to have animated enough the scoreboard in the first half of The Race. Eleven leading times (more than 300 hours), with 3 different cars, is a quite good level of engagement. Now it's time that other starrings keep hot track and tyres... Wink
  • Bonzai Joe
    I'm itching to get back on the track. It will happen on saturday. We must all push ourselves to the limits into the quiet days.
  • Zak McKracken
    and I am also here, even if only with a listfiller Smiley
  • CTG
    I promised not to participate. From now I have to push... :-S Cheesy
  • CTG
    2009-10-15 12:32- Zak McKracken only Gutix, Ayrton and CTG are missing the have all the ZakStunts champions on one scoreboard Smiley only Gutix Cheesy
  • CTG
    tell me a number between 1 and 8
  • Alain
  • Anonymous
  • Alain

Oct 23

  • Alain
    wooohooo quoting bruce lee.
  • Bonzai Joe
    :-O is that a real time? It seems unrealistic...
  • Alain
    All warfare is based on deception. The art of war. Sun tzu. (Sorry zak, I messed up with rpl files)
  • SuperBrian
    Where is Argammon?
  • Bonzai Joe
    We must email him.
  • CTG
    Also missing Dark Chaser, Akoss Poo...
  • CTG
    Enough for today.
  • Alain
    you cant play CTG... try harder, you are fighting vs... the clock! Zackstunts is not a competition for you, many racers are better than you.
  • Alain
    Update: everytime you will send a public replay this month, I promise to send a replay one second faster on the same day!!!
  • Alain
    today's wanking
  • Alain
    lol took exactly twenty minutes...
  • CTG
    Alain: this is only 10 percent from me. Don't want to see 20... you won't be able to keep up with it.

Oct 24

  • Alain
    I'm not competing. I'm wanking. Playing for pleasure. That means your 10% is 1200% slower than my 1%.
  • CTG
    Ladies and gentleman: that's why I missed Alain in the last few years. Cheesy
  • Bonzai Joe
    I think Friker and dstien have not really fulfilled their potential on this track :-)
  • Alain
    You are nothing but a SHIT CANNON. Just go back robbing things like your parents did. Shut up deepthroat. Whats your problem with me? You dont deserve the attention you want. Your life is nothing. Save the world kill yourself...
  • Alain
    sucker. dont speak about me. I'll destroy your ass off.
  • CTG
    Waiting for your 1 second, Alanine! (your comments are too low to answer them)
  • Alain
    I dont need answers MF.
  • CTG
    Shut up and show your 44.07!
  • CTG
    Whohooo Mingva!

Oct 25

  • SergioBaro
    Hello to all !!! motivated by the race I number 100 of Zak, returns to the tracks! I leave a great greeting for all!
  • SuperBrian
    Nice to see you on the scoreboard Sergio..

Oct 26

  • Zak McKracken
    Welcome back Sergio, great to see you here!
  • Overdrijf
    *Takes the lead in the newbie league* Wow, what a hefty racing going on here, 3 entries already.
  • SuperBrian
    Crazy! After driven my second SCST-track yesterday. Z100 has become my own race no. 100! 36 Zakstunts, 30 USC-races, 15 SDR+ISM, 4 Olympics, 2 SCST, 3 WSC, 7 WRC and 3 Kalpen-races means 100 races! I must do something on this track..
  • Gutix
    Hi everybody!
  • Zak McKracken
    Welcome back! This is the most amazing race ever! Smiley
  • Bonzai Joe
    Hello Gutix :-) I've been expecting you... I tried to email Argammon but both addresses bounced. Don't know how to get hold of him.
  • SuperBrian
    Hey Gutix, welcome back. By the way Zak, what is the participant-record in your competition?
  • SuperBrian
    Hmm, it must be 26 on C63 in 2006..
  • Bonzai Joe
    There were 31 on ZCT55 in 2005, but I think most of them were CTG.
  • Duplode
    ...and last, yet first, Gutix! Top 8 within three seconds, this race is crazy!
  • Reiger
    WOW! Great race! Hope I find time to improve my time. But I'm also busy with the preparations for the WMCS competition starting 1 Nov. I want to make the site better looking. Also hope to see many racers battling with the then Indy :-)
  • Bonzai Joe
    You should definitely improve your time on this track :-) the scoreboard will not be forgotten quickly.
  • Bonzai Joe
    This is really a good track. No boring parts and lots of unusual combinations.

Oct 27

  • The tension builds up further... Already 13 of the former race winners are on the scoreboard, and the results are insanely close - 9 drivers within 3 minutes on the top and very frequent changes on the leading position. Only 5 days left to go, its time to improve your times.
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Well, I wanted to be a protagonist in this announced legendary race, and in a certain way I succeed to put a little sign conquering an unuseful but significative result, that is the first LTB. Now let me mark what I think it’s maybe my last trace at this majestic and unbelievable climax of Stunts history. Wonderful to be here...
  • Bonzai Joe
    I was planning on insulting you all this morning, but regrettably I went from 1st to 4th during the night :-) Oh well.
  • Alain
    All your base are belong to us. You have no chance to survive make your time ha ha ha ha
  • Alan Rotoi
    This track is crazy!
  • Alain
    It's in the game.

Oct 29

  • did I mention, that the quiet days bug was fixed? You may send your replays as you wish...
  • Chulk
    LOL! '9 drivers within 3 minutes on the top'. I guess you meant 3 secs... I realized today I have no chances to win, so I'm looking forward to be the best 'Non champion' at least...
  • CTG
    Chulk: Mark L. Rivers and Mingva are ahead in "ZSC non-champions" race.

Oct 30

  • SuperBrian
    And I lead the never-won-a-zakstunts-race-contest.. :-/
  • SuperBrian
    Cheers!! & BöööööööööööFFF
  • Ayrton
    No more bullets ...
  • Zak McKracken
    ZCT101 95% done Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Zak: Gutix is a MeganiuM Team member... Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    I know, but current regulations allow 4 racers per team
  • Reiger
    WMCS competition is opened!! :-D Because I have little time tomorrow I updated the site today! Download the first track, race and win monthly (digital) awards and the CUP/trophy at the end of the season! Site will be updated 1 november! Race quick because every day you can win 0.1 bonuspoints for every leading day!
  • Chulk
    I couldn't do THE trick necessary for the potential 1:19.xx I had... too bad. But I really enjoyed racing as I haven't enjoyed since a while... maybe Roy's competition will find me a bit more active.
  • Bonzai Joe
    If there's a trick in this track that saves 23 seconds, I think we should really start looking for it!!
  • Zak McKracken
    I do not want to finish this track in shame Smiley
  • Ayrton
    First and last re drive ...
  • Zak McKracken
    this seems totally unbeatable :-O
  • Mark L. Rivers
    "unbeatable" doesn't seem the right word. Maybe "insane" sounds better...
  • Duplode
    Ha ha ha ZOMFG... o_O

Oct 31

  • It is hard to find the right words after such a race, as ZCT100.
    A race, where almost the full elite of the past 9 years gather and pushes their limits to the edge.
    A race, where 8 people fought for the leading time bonuses, a race where the tension was extreme.
    A race, which will never be forgotten: ZCT100, Operators.
    I would like to thank everyone who participated, especially those who returned after a long hiatus. It truly moved me, how all of you love and enjoy this game and ZakStunts. Really, thank you, everyone. The work invested in the site in the past nine years was worth it even for only this single race.

    But let's see the results! All the former champions and 13 of the former 17 ZakStunts race winners paricipated. I think it is not an exaggeration if I say, this was the hardest ZakStunts battle ever.
    And the winner is the only one so far, who managed to get two champion titles: Ayrton!
    Once again he proved to everyone that he can win absolutely everything, anytime and that the two titles were not given by a coincidence. A shocking time, awesome driving. Congratulations, champion!
    On the second place, not so far behind another former champion resides, someone who disappeared for a long time and then suddenly reappeared in the last mont: Renato Biker!
    Thank you for returning for this race. You proved that skills and talent do not rust. This time you came only second, but there is nothing to be ashamed of. This was one of the hardest battles ever.
    A similar case can be seen on the third step of the podium. Another former champion, another long absence, another racer, whose driving is as good as he has never stopped racing for a moment: Gutix!
    Congratulations to you too. And also to everyone, especially to the top 10 - everyone here pushed those buttons hard.
    The team points show a different result, but the real team winner was MeganiuM Aces High this month - Gutix is a long time member, just currently not assigned to the team due to a limitation in the current system. Just when everyone thought their team is dead, they strike back, and they do it with a heavy punch. Congratulations as well!

    And what about the current season? Altough the former champions occupied the whole podium this time, lets not forget about Duplode. He "only" managed to came 4th on this race, but with this result, he secured the title of 2009, and became a member of the most exclusive Stunts club. Congratulations, champion!
    Thanks again. I am certain the remaining races of the season will not be as interesting as this one - perhaps there will never be a similar race again. But still, enjoy ZCT101, enjoy racing, enjoy Stunts, but remember to fasten your seatbelt! See you on the scoreboard!
  • Duplode
    There is only one way I think something like that might be possible: Z88-like wizardry on the final third of the track. It goes without saying that it must be ridiculously difficult (at least for us others), above all considering that Skyline does not have much potential for pulling off such kind of stuff at high speeds...
  • Alan Rotoi
    My last replay
  • Duplode
    Don't think there's much to be done either...
  • Alain
    I'm not surprised. Ayrton and Renato Biker are the top best all time racers. One of them is in Alan Rotoi team and the other is in our team. Stunts dynasties.
  • CTG
    Agent Smith
  • SuperBrian
    Can't make that Skyline jump! ;-/
  • Alain
    Stunts Valhalla clearly overrated
  • Bonzai Joe
    You still sound like someone who is going to send the winning replay at the last moment...
  • Alain
    Don't try the impossible, do it. Stunts motto.
  • Zak McKracken
    update will take place on schedule
  • Mark L. Rivers
    Very bad week, no more time to race. Sad not to improve my time failing also (that's sure...) my declared target. But I'm satisfied about my race in order to the track/car combo. Congratulations to all of you to be here, it has been a great fantastic event: thanks, really thanks one more time!
  • Zak McKracken
    update started
  • Alain
    Zak, 0:10.75 Smiley congratulations!
  • Zak McKracken
    scoreboard final, unconfirmed. Please stand by until I confirm the replays (approx 20 mins)
  • Zak McKracken
    thanks Alain, you were quick to notice Smiley I was testing the quiet days system with that replay and forgot the delete - until now.
  • Alain
    lol sorry. Congratulations, Ayrton, you are a great racer.
  • Zak McKracken
    this will rather take 30 mins, many replays Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    scoreboard final, confirmed. continuing update...
  • Zak McKracken
    update done, new track available. Make sure to check the news on the front page.
  • CTG
    Duplode is close to be a champion but he's not the champion yet (mathematically).
  • CTG
    If he dies now (hopefully he doesn't), he'll finish with 120 pts. If I win both remaining races (muhahaha, not very realistic), I'll have 122 pts. Cheesy
  • CTG
    Nope, 116 + 2*2 LTB, 120 in overall. Okay, draw.
  • Bonzai Joe
    What an incredible race! Just look at the top 10. It is a dream race, that we might have imaginde in other times ("what if all the stars could face each other?"), and now it actually happened. The replays were as I expected: super strong replays all along, then the magic begins with Gutix, Renato Biker's replay carries the magic further, but neither of them had what Ayrton had: perfection in every detail. A well-deserved win. And a well-deserved 2nd and 3rd for two people who would have deserved to win in any other company. Thank you all... And I'm looking forward to ZCT101.
  • CTG
    Rotoi has to win ZCT101, you know, the little dogs... Cheesy
  • Mark L. Rivers
    5th place!! That's a very, very glad surprise for me, I had lost my hopes to be in TOP5 as I aimed since 30 days ago: great, really happy to stay between the biggest champions ever! Even my natural place is a bit lower, it's really pleasant staying on the step I reached. Thanks again to all for this wonderful show!
  • CTG
    B Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! (message shortened by admin)
  • Bonzai Joe
    This is noRH and my very first race on the track.
  • Bonzai Joe
    Not the perfect Indy replay, but I thought the Indy would be better...
  • Duplode
    A superlative match, indeed! One to make us proud of this community. The differences from #4 to #10 laps were oh so small! And congratulations to the returning legends who dominated the podium places. By the way: according to the home page counter this is news post #9995... :-D
  • Alan Rotoi
    Zak: I must thank you, this is another awesome track!

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