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Jul 1

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Thank you all!
  • afullo
    An ancient prophecy said that the world will end during ZCT666.
  • Seeker1982
    lol, a three-way-tie in the main comp Cheesy
  • Seeker1982
    my first serious laps in the main/rh-comp, GAR will follow shortly
  • Seeker1982
    Is it just me or is this track really that GAR-friendly? Dispite of just a bit of cutting and no other tricks I have atm the fastest time in the main-comp
  • Overdrijf
    I think the super split roads are cramping my style. I have a bunch of Indy laps (not quite fast enough, but lots of fun) that refuse to let me finish. I think it loses where I'm supposed to be.
  • afullo
    "Confused by early errors, bailing out"
  • Seeker1982
    first below the 1min mark Cheesy
  • dreadnaut
    Let's join the Rolling Stunts podium Tongue
  • Seeker1982
    nice Cheesy
  • Cas
    Guys, just letting you know you can race a DEFAULT-ish track in Race For Kicks with the DTM pack this month! Cheesy

Jul 2

  • Marco
    It seems we have a new rival for Risto
  • Seeker1982
    who or what is Risto?

Jul 3

  • Marco
  • FinRok
    @Marco just use FinRok callsign cause nobody here knows Risto Cheesy
  • Stan 286XT
    Tere are News from ZackStunts Crew? Smiley
  • Marco
    Everyone know Risto (Cit Inglorious Basterds : "Everyone in Germany know Hugo Stickliz")
  • afullo
    Stan, I was in doubt whether to call this track "Riverside" and not "Countryside". But, if you are from Pordenone, you would probably know the existence of a Riverside Club on the SS 13 near Ponte Della Delizia (just before if you are going from Casarsa to Codroipo), which would have given the track a parental advisory explicit content... Cheesy
  • Overdrijf
    This LTB battle is great entertainment, certainly way to good to get involved. Give it all you got!
    Marco vs Seeker hahaha
  • Seeker1982
    hard working here, wonder if we'll see a 0.56,x Cheesy
    Hey Seeker! 0:52,04?
    Now I'll do a GAR too
  • Seeker1982
    with 0:56 i meant row/driven time in the P962
    It's 0:57.20
    Does 1:10.00 raw driven time count bad if I play Stunts rarely?

Jul 4

  • Stan 286XT
    This post was deleted by @dreadnaut
    Is this really needed here, Stan?
  • dreadnaut
    No, I don't think it was. Nothing particularly offensive, just not the kind of monologue that we do here. I have replaced the comment for the moment, but kept its contents. I'm open to suggestions on how to handle moderation in a more transparent way, so that inappropriate content is "gone", but those who want can still go and read it, to have an idea of what was moderated away.
    Is it just me, or cutting the loop is really hard?
  • Marco
    I missed the Stan deleted post . Where is it possible to be readen
    Don't worry Marco. It was about a war in the history between Vietkong and the USA (In Hebrew language)
    Marco's ready to get LTB bonuses again
  • Seeker1982
    @Marco I see you took my line through the loop; since I can't control my slides (let alone sliding through the wall) and can't yet do a few other tricks as well it's pretty much impossible for me to improve my time
    So @Marco will get the most LTBs again
    @Marco I like it, that you post your replay directly in public time, FinRok never does it
    I mean, your BEST replay
  • dreadnaut
    You know, during the public days he doesn't really have a choice Smiley All replays are public during the first half of the race. Still, he could keep it hidden until later!
  • Marco
    Hi Seeker, Well, to be honest , you have taken my loop line watching my first fast lap Smiley)). With the sliding tecnique I had to move on the outside line at the first trial then I found the way to close on the inside keeping valid the lap. It's at the very limit so I understand that it is difficult to achieve in the same way. Try to find a different way to be faster .
  • Marco
    Hi GTA, FinRok is a super racer but also a super administrator ... a computer. He is able to win chosing always the right decisions at the right moments. I'm leading this championship because he didn't want to keep fight again. He entered in this championship because i was here, he did 3 races and won 3 races. He lose a little bit his control only when he is in competition with me and in that case he discovered in public his laps . Anyway, to keep the best laps hidden, is part of the game.
  • Marco
    Well and sorry, I'm also leading because Duplode is in "vacancy" and Renato not present, etc.etc.. I'm curious about Over, he started to go very fast and maybe he can get me but i think he need ltb as well. Seeker, if you cannot gain the sliding trick , try the other cars and let me know if there's one better. I have no time, job, family, son ... Smiley))
  • Seeker1982
    Actually I've found a faster line, but it's with penalty Cheesy . And I have to say I can't remember anytime where I did a controlled drift (stopping sliding at will etc)
  • Marco
    Faster line with penalty ... no good Smiley
  • Seeker1982
    just for fun a fast lap in the Audio Quattro, ~3sec faster than my previous run in the AQ but no competition for the P962
  • Marco
    Try the bmw
    Let's try it out
    I know, that this car is slower than P962, but anyway, i'll upload my replay
  • Seeker1982
    Driven time in the BWM is ~2,5sec slower than the P962s but with less time bonus -> useless
  • dreadnaut
    It's not very useful, but I can't leave this unposted Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Oh, 0.02 worse than my P962 lap Tongue
  • Seeker1982
    my last hurrah in the BMW DTM - with 0:59,65 it's raw/driven time is ~2sec slower and since it got less time bonus it's useless
  • Overdrijf
    A while ago there was the idea of car cards. I want to go design some, and use them as quick-start guides on how to drive that specific car, written by experts and specialists. So that next time a car comes up that you haven't used much yet you can start learning the ins and outs of the car a bit quicker and stay super motivated. Right now I don't need writers yet (although I will be asking for those later), but I would very much like input on the basic design. See post 11 of this topic: Car cards! Thanks!

Jul 5

  • Marco
    I red the deleted post ... sorry for Stan but yes, absolutely needed to be fast removed and i hope he will never write something like that again. I did the same for the first time in my fb page too this morning. I placed a Civilization picture from Dos Nostalgia with the American faction building a city and an italian follower placed a like love to the picture and then wrote this comment :" This love is for the game, not for America" . What ?!? Fast Removed the post without justify to him anything. How can you think to write something like that in an international peaceful and loving dos games page ? Smiley)) By the way and returning to our real business ... come on do you really want to leave me again 400 hours of leading time ? To the oldest racer of the site excluding the great Abu that will live forever with us ... I propose a 1 LTB point plus each 100 hours of leadership Smiley))
  • Marco
    I know Seeker is racing to find the lap , his determination is very high in the style of Finrok and he can reach what he wants.But this time i must admit that this sliding effect is very hard to achieve . With a different angle, it could be still better but to pass the wall in skiding mode is very very very hard to find. Need a sort of lucky too. Finrok what do you think ?
    YAAAAY! I'm in the Top 3 now
    I can't go to the 2nd place, because @Seeker1982 and @Marco are very great Stunts players. They're challenging
  • FinRok
    @Marco You want me to come show how it's done? Just one track! Smiley Yes the wall is hard to pass but can be done after few tries while skiding but same as facing it frontal you need to have 100% correct angle and right speed to pass the wall glitch!

Jul 6

  • Overdrijf
    Yes, show us. Let us see how it's done.
  • Overdrijf
    Make us see how everything is done...
  • FinRok
    Ok @Overdrijf here
    This video was made by Pau A. R.
  • Overdrijf
    Working on a semi-quick and dirty way to represent the handling of cars. I'd like some snap judgements, does this list (with all original cars and a few customs) sound reasonable at all?: Countach, GTO, Corvette 34%, Acura, LM002 37%, Carrera 38%, Lancia, Audi 46%, F40 70%, Superkart 82%, Jaguar 83%, P962, Audi DTM 84%, Mercedes DTM 86%, BMW DTM 87%, Indy 100%. I mean, it does show the gap between slow and fast cars pretty well, and it does show how the DTM cars manage to make up time in the corners compared to the IMSA's...
  • dreadnaut
    Sounds reasonable, although the percentage number make me thing of "science", and this is all but Smiley What about 1 to 5 stars instead, or half stars at most?
  • Overdrijf
    The numbers are based on the car length divided by the handling modifier, and then divided by that number for the Indy. So they are sort of science. But yes, the percentage does sound a bit too precise for the still pretty rough comparison it is, it promises a degree of accuracy it can't deliver. (That's also why I made them whole percents rather than further splitting them out after the comma).
  • Overdrijf
    Wait no, the other way around. Handling/length, and then divided by that for the Indy. I want an edit button.
  • Overdrijf
    The kicker is: I experimented with something like this before, but it seems like I was looking at the handling stat wrong for at least some of that experiment as well as part of the development of the DTM pack. In hindsight I'm kind of glad with the end result.
    Fun fact: This map is easier to do in Stunts v1.0, but slower
  • dreadnaut
    @Overdrijf, did you say edit button? There is now an edit button for recent posts! Smiley And if you change anything, there will be an extra marker next to the time, like here, which you can hover for more details.
  • Overdrijf
    No, I did not say edit button. Let's try this out. EDIT: Oops, I mean yes, I totally said edit button!

Jul 7

    No edit button in Opera I mean, yes. There is. But why only the shouts can be edited?
  • Overdrijf
    I don't know what you've been changing since yesterday, but take a look at the site on your phone. Over here it looks trippy.
  • afullo
    Thanks for the edit capability, though I have now issues on mobile too.
  • dreadnaut
    Sorry, I made a mistake yesterday evening, should be fixed now. For small screens, remember we also have the mobile pages, that you can add to your homescreen!
  • afullo
    It's ok again now, thank you!
    Another fun fact: Three years before, but the same month (July of 2016) the same car was used for better lap times, which is used now

Jul 11

  • Cas
    I've created this topic in the forum about Race For Kicks and login systems, after exchanging a couple of messages on this topic with Seeker and Dreadnaut. Everybody feel free to comment: Race For Kicks, login system and other details

Jul 14

  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, afullo!
  • afullo
    Thank you! Now we tie, again. Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Happy birthday pal!
  • afullo
    Thanks, ntsc (or secam)... Cheesy

Jul 15

  • Marco
    I must go in holiday, no chance for me to improve in the last days or to place a hidden. So this is your target my friends.
  • afullo
    You would have been able to upload from mobile at the proper time...
  • Duplode
    That is a delicious way to win a race Cheesy

Jul 16

  • Cas
    Happy birthday, Afullo!
  • Marco
    No possibility to win in this way against you but, with the ltb points, i m covering a bit Smiley).
  • Marco
    Seeker, have you been able to reach the point ?
  • afullo
    Thank you, Cas!

Jul 19

  • Duplode
    I have updated to include the fourth DOS version unearthed by Marco and GTAMan15, as well as a Speedgate zip with correct filenames, fixing a mix-up you folks had reported a while ago.

Jul 20

  • Seeker1982
    @Marco I havn't played stunts in a while since I've basically given up improving my current time. If I want to become any faster in the main-comp I'd need some hands on training - e.g. I still can't to controlled slides (esp. stopping slide at will) or inner loopcuts. However I'm training for an old challenge of yours: Grand Prix 2 (Geoff grammond) - Imola/Italy - 3laps quick race from last position at ace difficulty with keyboard and without any aids (well except auto-gearchange for me, can't control GP2 without remapped keys)
  • afullo
    I remember playing hotseat multiplayer with that game, and beating a friend of mine in Monaco full race (78 laps) after an error by him at the last curve while only few laps remained... Wink

Jul 22

  • Duplode
    Fun fact: As it stands, Seeker is set to win a 20th consecutive GAR race. 20th!
  • dreadnaut
    Marco is too much into the main competition to drive GAR now Shocked
  • afullo
    Just a question which I think is rhetorical: magic carpets are allowed in GAR, aren't they? Because the pipsqueak has no control over them...
  • Seeker1982
    I think they are allowed as you can't really control them
  • Duplode
    Yup, they are allowed.
  • dreadnaut
    @sd4000 Seeing your profile picture, do you actually go skydiving?
  • Marco
    Hi my friends from holiday hotel. Yes I m focused on the main championship but to beat seeker on a gar race there s need of a very big lucky condition
  • afullo
    Ok, as I thought, thanks.

Jul 23

  • Duplode
    I might as well try my luck Wink (For a charm, I have driven this replay with the MS '91 version.)
    4D Sports Driving v1.1 (Feb-25-1991) works like a charm, because of the compatibility with Stunts v1.1 (Feb-12-1991)
  • dreadnaut
    Is this compatibility assumed, or based on any extensive tests or comparisons between the two versions?
  • afullo
    Maybe tests like these: would be useful.

Jul 24

  • Seeker1982
    improved my GAR-time due to competition from Duplode - actually this was supposed to be a safe lap, but turned out a quick one Cheesy

Jul 26

  • Cas
    If you guys participate in R4K, you may want to read this post: On Dimioca site and free hosting ...where I explain an issue I might have with the hosting site. Thank you!
  • Overdrijf
    I got inspiration for another car I could make, and I have yet to find a good reason not to do that one. ... Crap. (Don't hold your breath, already doing the car cards project.)
  • Heretic
    I've been away for a few days, but I can still post some lap before it's over Cheesy
  • CTG
    B.Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Use a powergear car... Böff dampening: 2.8dB
  • dreadnaut
    @CTG show us how it's done! Smiley

Jul 27

  • Duplode
    @dreadnaut and @afullo: I believe they are compatible because my MS '91 replays play correctly with BB 1.1, and the handful of BB 1.1 replays I have tried on MS '91 also play correctly there. I haven't done very extensive testing, though. (There was one really strange incident not related to compatibility during my MS '91 racing session, which I will likely write about on the forum later, but I suspect that has more to do with DOSBox than with the game version.)
  • Duplode
    While I don't think I'm going to overtake Seeker, it would be nice to at least get below 1:06 Roll Eyes

Jul 28

  • Overdrijf
    I'm kind of curious as to what kind of madness CTG has sent in now. Wink
  • Duplode
    Update starting: quiet replays published!
  • Overdrijf
    Slightly disapointed now. Experimented with the Indy a bit in the beginning, was sort of hoping CTG had actually made it work.
  • Overdrijf
    Marco congratulations for defending your lead is such super fair fashion!
  • Duplode
    Results confirmed. Congratulations, Marco!
  • Duplode
    Honourable mention to afullo, who snatched the fifth place with the only dual-way cut of the race. Steward note: Stan's lap doesn't actually have 18s of penalty (standings are unaffected).
  • afullo
    Thanks! I risked 27s of penalty every time I tried, probably if I didn't cross one or more pivotal tiles while dual-waying...
  • Duplode
    And ZCT217 is on! Let's see if I got this one right. A note to GAR racers: both paths around the pond are legal, even though one of them is technically a shortcut.
  • afullo
    I will race asap! Again: it should end on Saturday (day 24) and not on Sunday (day 25) Wink
  • Duplode
    Fixed, thanks!
  • afullo
    And so begins...
  • Marco
    Oh i discovered few minutes ago that I have won the 216. Thank you my friends. Tomorrow i will return home from holiday and ready for the new race
  • Heretic
  • Duplode
    @Heretic: Now I'm wondering what's the trick to post an empty message to the shoutbox Smiley
  • Duplode
    Hello, Alessandro! Welcome back!
  • dosbox92
    Thank you @Duplode!
  • Overdrijf
    Editing? (Edit: nope.)
  • Heretic
    @Duplode I also want to know since it was unintentional! hahaha
  • afullo
    Maybe with a NBSP?
  • Duplode
    Good catch! That is one way to do it.
  • dreadnaut
    Not anymore Tongue
  • Duplode
    Does this mean that, from this moment onwards, I will no longer able to forcibly squeeze a needlessly long statement into the confines of a solitary line of text within a ZakStunts shoutbox message? Ammendment: Upon closer inspection, it becomes flagrant that I did read too much into your previous message, to the extent that the correct display of nonbreaking spaces is not a bug which needs to be fixed, and therefore it is entirely appropriate that you did not alter the website behaviour to disallow it.
  • Duplode
    Sorry -- my pet mouse likes exercising on horizontal scrollbars Smiley
  • afullo
    It seems that in the archives new lines are forced anyway...

Jul 29

  • Cas
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Edith? Piaff?
  • Stan 286XT
    I can't send replay!!!!!!!
  • Overdrijf
    What exactly does it say when you try it Stan? Are you doing anything different from previous months?
  • Stan 286XT
    I uset the dos pc from last mont ms-dos 3+floppy and said:Sorry, your lap ends with a crash. Did you submit the wrong replay?
  • afullo
    Try to repeat the very last second, sometimes it happens also to me, I don't know why.
  • Duplode
    Yup, redriving the final tenths of the lap should do it. Just make sure to let the game reach the high scores screen -- if you pause and save before that, you'll get the "ends with a crash" message.
  • afullo
    Uh, that's the trick. Never connected the hurry of saving with the failure.

Jul 30

  • Seeker1982
    Nice track for learning how to stop slides at will Smiley But I'm amazed by Marco's time/replay - when I watch my own current replay it looks anything but slow, but compared to Marco's one it's worlds apart Shocked

Jul 31

  • Stan 286XT
    I can't send replay Sorry, your lap ends with a crash. Did you submit the wrong replay?
  • Stan 286XT
    Thi evning if is not too hot I can push gas!!!! Is 40° I have problem whit old 286!!!!!
  • afullo
    Stan, prova ad aspettare che compaia la schermata di fine giro, prima di salvare il replay...

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