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Jun 1

  • Stan 286XT

Jun 2

  • dreadnaut
    Quiet replay published! I'll check them tomorrow morning Smiley
  • Cas
    Wow! Now I'm going to watch and see how you guys managed! Smiley Hope you've liked this track. Hey, and Race For Kicks has just started a new race with the P962, by the way.
  • Seeker1982
    Hello guys, I just wanna say why I wasn't realy active this month: first I had a lot of stuff to do (real live issues), then the for me very important European/EU-elections, and probably the greatest timesink for me was that for the first time in years I've spend quite a bit of hours per day on a somewhat modern pc-game - Dungeonmans, which is a modern Rouge-like which for a rouge-like is easy to get into but hard to master (for me it took 15chars to get one as far as char-lvl 13 - my current rangerman). It was released in 2014, but it's still updating. Also Dungeonmans has hilarious descriptions for items, monsters etc. It's a unofficial successor of Castle of the Winds (the Windows 3.x game), but it also reminds me of old Heroes of Might&Magic. All in all you guys might like it if you like oldschool games in general and not just stunts Wink
  • Overdrijf
    Congratulations Finrok! Beautiful jumpturns. That's one more trick I'll need to add to my repertoire to stand a chance next time. Also well done to Marco for defending your +1 LTB so late in the race.
  • Overdrijf
    (By the way: look at the LTB graph. It travels back in time.)
  • Overdrijf
    O, and congratulations to Stan as well. At the beginning of this race it looked like you were close to giving up, but instead you really punched up your driving. I bow to perseverence.
    Also, say thanks to Marco, for saving the last DOS release of Stunts, which is 4D Sports Driving v1.1 Feb-25-1991
  • dreadnaut
    Scoreboard confirmed, some impressive laps in there! Well done everyone Smiley The LTB chart, clearly has some trouble dealing with the 99th of May, but I double checked the numbers manually Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    The next track, by @GTAMan15, coming up later today! Enjoy your Sunday ☀
  • Marco
    Congrats my friends. Risto is on another planet with Ayrton, Biker, Bonzai and Duplode. Nice 2nd place Overdrijf !!!
  • Marco
    I remembered to have done a 1:25.30 but i lost it. I didn t care too much because i thought that .65 vould be enough. Anyway also the .30 was not enough against Risto and Over too
    @Marco I added 10 points to your favorite car Lancia Delta HF Integrale Your reward for restoring 4D Sports Driving v1.1 Feb-25-1991
  • dreadnaut
    However evil dreadnaut my take away some of those points and give them to other cars. We're trying to avoid single-car races Smiley
    Thanks for putting the new track up earlier, than you said Also, whatever what you do to other cars
  • dreadnaut
    Ice ice, Kart!
    LOL I didn't count with the fact, that the kart beats the ice, but whatever
    BTW, I designed this track directly to be GAR. And the reason, why is the curves fulfilled with ice, is to make you slow down
  • dreadnaut
    Don't worry, the Kart is fun on ice, but it's not the car for this track! Wink
  • Feel the heat on the icy track!

    Hello pipsqueaks, how do you feel about a slippery track surrounded by water? This time, you'll have to stick to the road!

    I have just uploaded ZCT215, GTAMan15's track for the next four weeks. There are quite a few cars that could make it to the top, and two ways to reach the finish line. Which one will be the fastest?

    A note before we start: we have a new, recently unearthed build of Stunts around, and don't know exactly which changes it includes. To avoid any replay troubles, remember to race with the version included in the ZakStunts seasonal pack.

    But do try the new version, we need to investigate if there's anything interesting!

    Dread, don't forget to upload the rare 4D Sports Driving version here, too, if you wrote in your latest article about the "unearthed Stunts build". I know, you're talking about this version. Also, then it'll not "die". This version only works with stunts_k.exe Link to download:
  • Duplode
    Congratulations to FinRok and Marco, and specially to Overdrijf for the very strong showing, not to mention for carrying the team this month Cheesy
  • Cas
    My first try on the track. Posting what I achieved on the very first time I race on it... and it's a GAR time Smiley
  • Cas
    And a Superkart non-GAR try Smiley

Jun 3

  • Stan 286XT
    is too close 286 don't work good too much poligon near
  • KaoS
    Look at this! A Awesome Game just 50 MB big... lock at some waste Games that takes a lots of GByte.... XD

Jun 4

  • Duplode
    @Seeker Looking at the screenshots of that game does reactivate some memories Smiley Maybe I'll give it a spin eventually.
  • dreadnaut
    @Stan286XT, why are you adding penalty time, now that your replays don't have any? Smiley

Jun 5

  • Seeker1982
    My first laps in a while - feeling a little out of practice Cheesy

Jun 6

  • Seeker1982
    getting back into shape - improved GAR-Lap by ~3sec

Jun 7

  • Marco
    Why my replay is not on the top ... I lost 1 hour ltb Smiley
  • Marco
    Hi to all ... the replay I sent this morning is 1:15. I tried to slowdown a bit to save a different replay but I receive always the notification that the replay is the same already uploaded with a strange laptime of 1:36.7
  • dreadnaut
    If I open your replay in Stunts, it says the time is 1:36.70, the same which appeared on the scoreboard. Maybe you uploaded the wrong file?

Jun 8

  • Motig
    Ok so i miss 2 race. Now i try to get back. >make a water and ice track Why you hate me this much?
  • Seeker1982
    today as a cheap bundle: fresh laptimes for the main-competition and GAR-insanity Wink

Jun 9

  • Marco
    Found the problem Smiley
  • Seeker1982
    damn, I have improved my time compared to what I uploaded yesterday evening, but I don't think it will be fast enough to beat Marco's new time

Jun 10

    Marco's the best DOS gamer
  • Marco
    Best Dos Gamer but here I'm maybe 2nd on the GAR and maybe in the last part of the top ten in the MAIN. If you write this, Risto FINROK and the others will never permit me to win another race in this championship !!! Better to keep a low profile, the competition here is too strong in the top of the screen Smiley))
    Yeah, I can see that Even I tried to make a track, which is hard to beat, but that's too easy actually
  • Overdrijf
    Congratulations Duplode!
  • Overdrijf
    (As in: Happy birthday. This clarification is here to prevent the comment from becoming confusing when the site turns over to tomorrow.)

Jun 11

  • Cas
    Happy birthday, Duplode!

Jun 12

  • Duplode
    Thank you! Cheesy

Jun 19

  • Seeker1982
    just improved my GAR-time in the Lancia Delta by over 2secs, let's see if its final time is faster than the current time in the P962

Jun 20

  • Seeker1982
    and a improved GAR-time in the P962
  • Seeker1982
    My last hurrah in the Lancia Delta for the main comp - I finally managed to nail that jump on top of the vertical corkscrew and in parts I'm even faster than Marco yet the final time is slower and I have no clue why. I'd love the get my lap-replay reviewed by one of the top drivers in the main comp to see what's to improve. To be honest my teammates are not of much help
  • afullo
    Seeker, sorry but I have little time to play these weeks for various reasons, one of which is that my wife is pregnant, so I have to be more present in her business...

Jun 21

  • dreadnaut
    Ah, we didn't reply within 24 hours! Sorry about that Smiley
  • Seeker1982
    It's a general problem, not only this particular race..
  • Seeker1982
    I'll make a post in the team forum to properly explain the issue, but it's not about answering my post within 24h or so..
  • Seeker1982
    my post's

Jun 22

  • Marco
    Hi Seek, You have my replay so you have all the answers to my laptime directly on your hands. Simply study the replay
  • Marco
    Send me your replay and i check
    Don't worry Marco! You lead my track by 12 days, and there are 9 days to pass by. Just looking at the LTB table, FinRok will not win this race, even, if he can do a better time
    I mean, 7 days only
    And you lead this track by 13 days. Sorry for miscalculating
  • Seeker1982
    @Marco Of course I downloaded your replay and did check speeds and lines at critical points (e.g. how fast you were at the tunnel-exit before the loop-jump to the top of the vertical corkscrew). I do this with virtually every replay that I can download and is faster than what I managed so far. So where/how can I send my current replay to you? And isn't my Lancia Delta main-comp-replay free/public anyways?

Jun 24

  • Marco
    I have a page on Facebook named MArco Plays Dos Games, send me a private message there or to my FB profile Marco Giglio

Jun 25

  • Marco
    Hi Seeker, as I have written you by private message, i have checked your replay. At the end of the very first turn you are already losing 0.75 seconds. You must work on every point of the circuit to match at least or better the same performance if you want to reach the first place. There are no tricks but experience and knowledge more than skills. The skills are measured more on the GAR and there you are the leader.
    Don't worry Seeker! Maybe July track will be easier

Jun 26

  • afullo
    Maybe... Cheesy

Jun 27

  • Marco
    Consider that Risto would be much faster than me. Perfection doesn't exist but Risto is able to be very very close to perfection.
    Whatever You won already, because of your LTB amount
  • Marco
    I must finish at least 2nd ... otherwise I can lose too

Jun 29

  • Seeker1982
    I learned racing from sim-games like GrandPrix2, GrandPrixLegends, Richard Burns Rally, or more recent Assetto Corsa - the last game I did with steering -wheels/Pedals - , but I'm starting to think what I learned there might not apply to the physics of stunts, which - at least compared to modern racing games - are strongly simplified, and might need a different driving style alltogether to be REALLY fast. Quite shocking when I loose almost 1sec just after 1 corner, but I'm still mostly guessing what's the cause..
  • Overdrijf
    In Stunts driving style is also pretty heavily car dependent. People tend to be faster with the cars they've driven a lot. We had the carrera a few months back where you had to learn to keep sliding in the corners. I haven't really found what works for the Lancia yet, but whatever it is, Marco is doing it.
    Lancia is Marco's favorite car
  • afullo
    Waiting for Duplode's happening... Smiley
    477 hours of leading the track, this is Marco's record
  • Overdrijf
    Duplode might still happen, I left him some tips... Wink
  • Duplode
    A 15-minute long way listfiller. The track was surprisingly pleasant to drive with the Lancia!

Jun 30

  • Seeker1982
    U have reason to can't wait for the final results Wink
  • Seeker1982
    I have..
  • Overdrijf
    A bit of text to go with my hidden replay which will be published soon along with everyone else's: I know I've hidden some pretty big twists before, but this one was honestly a pretty last minute attempt to just do the sick stunts I saw in this track with a car I liked and get a decent time out of it. I was so much slower than Marco even in just the first corner with the Lancia that I had been putting the racing off for the entire month, and decided on Friday to just yolo it. If I've been beaten: very well done. If I unexpectedly bagged my first victory with this thing: sick trick is sick.
  • Duplode
    I have, though it has little to do with my own lap Wink
  • Alan Rotoi
    I want to see that sick trick!! Cheesy
  • dreadnaut
    Drum roll and... quiet replays published!
  • Seeker1982
    damn.. congrats overdrijf, havn't tried that car as far as I remember my first time above Marco in the main comp
  • dreadnaut
    Ah! That is a good one Overdrijf! I tried a couple of times, and assumed it would be impossible, but you did it! Very, very impressive!
  • Overdrijf
    Nice, so sick trick ís sick. Awesome. Incidentally, I'm now officially the third Cork on the medal table. Your move Zak. Wink
  • Overdrijf
    By the way, it looks like including LTB we have a three way tie. We're all winners! Congratulations!
  • afullo
    We have also a team tie, congrats!
  • Seeker1982
    just watched Overdrijfs replay; I suppose the sick track was driving along the outside on the vertical corkscrew after the outer loopcut/jump, wasn't it?
  • FinRok
    Congratulations to all winners! I remember doing same trick as @Overdrijf in C183 Napalm by Cas Smiley -
  • Duplode
    Hell yeah! Congratulations, Overdrijf!
  • FinRok
    Ah that was without the loop jump i had to check just regular jump. That was some nice precision to jump from loop to outside of cork! Wow
  • Marco
    Congratulation my friends, never think that a good lap is enough, there s always need of much more. Congrat Over, very sad for Seeker. This could be your first victory. Next time
    Marco, why didn't you upload a better lap time? But anyway, you're the winner, because of your LTB
  • Overdrijf
    @Seeker: Yes, that's the one I meant. (Somehow I got an extra s in that post so it became "sick stunts", but I meant just the outside loopcut into invisibridge.)
    Happy birthday Leo!
  • dreadnaut
    What a race! Scoreboard confirmed, congratulations to @OverDrijf, @Seeker1982, and @Marco!
  • dreadnaut
    And the new track is up, race starts tomorrow Smiley
    My first replay. This map is greatly constructed, because it focuses on brain usage too, not only to race
  • afullo
    Should it end on July the 27th? Thanks for uploading and appreciating!
  • dreadnaut
    Oh yes, good spot!
    Why not July the 31st?
    That's the last day of that month
    Guest tracks 2019 Why is July, and late-July separated from each other?
    Guest tracks 2019 Why is July, and late-July separated from each other?
  • Heretic
    Feliz aniversário! @Shoegazing Leo
  • afullo
    Every race lasts 28 days, so two races do start in July. Wink
    It means, that this track started in Late-June
  • dreadnaut
    Probably because I copy-pasted the list of months from last year Tongue —Happy birthday @Leo!
  • afullo
    I thought it was in reference with LTB starting, which occurs on the 2nd day of the race. Happy birthday Leo!
  • Cas
    Happy birthday, Leo! Ah, I've been quite absent last race. At least, I managed to post a replay. I'll try to do better this time Smiley
  • Cas
    First attempt
  • Cas
    ...and a GAR
  • Duplode
    Feliz aniversário, Leo!
  • Overdrijf
    Fun fact: if we were counting in base 6/heximal, this race would be the 1000th Zakstunts race. But as we are actually counting in base 10/decimal, getting to 1000 races will take another 65 years and change.

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