News posted in May 2018
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May 2
afulloAbout the time limitations, I'm trying with MS1.1 and I can go past the 10 minutes replay limit (with the correct displaying of the truncation message):
Note that the replay starts at 0:30.00 and ends at 10:20.30, so the older recording is progressively discarded. Now I'm going to proceed through the 25 minutes limitation, and to see what will happen...
afulloI just hit the 25 minutes limit, and the game simply returns the replay screen, like pressing ESC; trying to continue driving from the menu, which is still an active option (written in white and not in blue, differently from "save replay" which becomes inactive after 10 minutes), will result in the replay screen disappearing for a fraction of second, and then reappearing still stucked at 25:00.00... Maybe it has something to do with possible overflow errors: you can theoretically complete a track with a time higher than 25 minutes if you collect proper penalties, but I remember at least once to have seen a minus sign in the total time (elapsed+penalty), which was with all chance caused by a low number of bits for the integers involved...
afulloIndeed, in this example (units are 0.05):
I skipped 898 tiles, so I was charged with a penalty of 2694 seconds, or 53880 units. Modulo 2^16 = 65536 this equals -11656 units, or -582,8 seconds, or -9:42.80. This is consistent with the limit: 25 minutes are 1500 seconds, or 30000 units; 16-bit signed integers range from -32768 to 32767, so it would be possible to reach safely 27.18:35, I guess 25.00:00 is simply the nearest "sufficiently rounded" lower number.
afulloJust a minor remark: with the terminology used in Stunts Wiki: Penalty_time , I skipped *896* tiles, it is the chain to be 898 elements long.
By leaving the track on tile 1 (I count them from 1, don't knowing whether there is an internal counting starting from 0), i.e. very close to the start/finish line, I rejoined it on tile 898, i.e. the one in position (3,30) on the grid; so the tiles from 2 to 897 were skipped, tile 898 is the re-entry element, and tile 899 is the element coming immediately after it, closing the penalty chain. Note that intersecting another nearby tile, e.g. tile 58 which is one step east to the s/f line, does not result in the chain interrupting, since (by quoting directly from the wiki) if, after performing a penalty-inducing shortcut, one returns to the track and then leaves it immediately, without closing the penalty chain, penalty will be calculated as if all elements between the first leaving of the track and the final re-entry had been skipped, even those crossed upon the temporary rejoining of the track.
CasThis is very interesting. I think it would deserve a good forum thread so it can be accessed easily. I hadn't sat to think about when the 32767 cycle limit would be exceeded. I think I never drove that long. What calls my attention is that the "last minutes" are kept instead of the first. We know Stunts records the key presses, not the physical status, so the only way to conciliate these two facts would be that Stunts uses an inverse function when going backwards, but this seems to contradict the fact that you can immediately warp to the beginning of the replay. Maybe this is only the case when it's not truncated, or maybe Stunts does memorise the replay initial conditions. Then if the replay could be saved, we'd see an additional field in it, but the key presses are clearly saved right after the track data in memory.
dreadnautI copied the messages below to a forum thread, please continue there for posterity
→ Replay recording and limits
CasThanks, Dreadnaut!
afulloAlso here: thanks dread!
May 3
GTAManRCRMy PC was broke for 4 days, but it's finally good again. I can play again
May 5
CasI updated (and posted) Bliss a couple of days ago. You guys can get 2.5.4 from -- "No kidding" is almost over!
afulloI intended to do some tests on 2.5.4 this evening, but I was more busy than expected. As soon as possibile I will test something...
GTAManRCRWhy can't i edit my profile?
afulloDo you have difficulties to access the Edit Profile paga?
GTAManRCRAfullo, i accessed it, but when i overwrite the letterboxes with different text, then it will restore to the previous version For example: My background text now: background My comment text now: comments Expertise: 0 Joined in competition: 0000-00-00 Height: 0 Expertise: Problems: If i change this, and click edit profile, then it restores to this
GTAManRCRI mean when i click to modify, it doesn't modify things at all. When i click send, it also does nothing
afulloIt's quite strange, I have just modified my expertise, and the data has been stored correctly into my profile...
afulloWhen in Brazil it's 11:45 of the final day of the race, and Duplode hasn't posted his replay yet...
Alan RotoiI'm sure this is the right way but I didn't have time to make one single lap. I sent a replay with "the trick" with penalty time and the crappy ending just to stay in the scoreboard. Sorry.
dreadnautCan't wait to see "the trick" !
Duplode@afullo: It turns out I'm not at work today
Duplode@Alan: Though I didn't have time to try Vette, I think I know what the trick is. If I'm right, it will be fabulous
May 6
afulloDuplode, you are brave. What if your connection went down from 18:45 to 19:15? :O
dreadnautQuiet replays published!
Alan Rotoi@Dup Yeah, when I said "the trick" I didn't mean the loop trick to reach power gear but the river jump
Duplode@afullo: I once had to rush to a cybercafé on the other end of the neigbourhood. Today, though, I don't think I would have gotten there in time
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, congratulations to FinRok, last-second Duplode, and CTG
And wow, just wow, for Alan's Corvette replay!
CasGTAMan, before I forget, I had your issue to save the profile before. The problem has to do with the apostrophe. Don't use apostrophes in your text! Don't remember if same thing happened with quoting marks. Alan, wow! Great trick. This is the kind of thing I have to get used to seeing in my mind. Also, I have great difficulty with loops. I usually just end up doing them and that's it. Otherwise, it takes me ages.
CasHere goes my first replay for the new track
Great track, by the way!
GTAManRCRThank you, Cas! I edited this by editing one letterbox/textbox for once, to be sure, and i could do it now
GTAManRCRCas, the Nissan Skyline was dropped a huge for some reason. All i did is just to add 10 points to Lamborghini LM-002, but i didn't modify Nissan Skyline. BTW: Ketiranyu needed to be spell "Kétirányú", but i understand, that accent letters aren't accepted, so it was called Ketiranyu. It means "Double way"
Alan RotoiI guess it's on the rules about the winning cars and its % value.
May 7
GTAManRCRBut what's the point of this? xD
GTAManRCRBut no penalty time, it's WTF?
afulloIt's called dual-way switching: Stunts Wiki: Dual
CasOK. Let's start playing dirty, ha, ha XD - Honestly, I didn't know that dual-way switching could be done wrong-way
May 8
Shoegazing LeoIn english we say "What a trick!". In portuguese we can say "Puta que pariu! Que chuncho do caralho, porra!"
CasHa, ha... well, in Spanish (at least in Argentina), it'd be very common to say "Un truco de puta madre"
GTAManRCRAnyway, will/can they beat Cas, and Shoegazing Leo? (The racers that didn't race in this track)
GTAManRCRWhen Afullo is slightly better than Cas
afulloMaybe one day a race will show a tie, like in Jerez de la Frontera in 1997, when in the last F1 Grand Prix of that year, Schumacher, Villeneuve and Frentzen qualified with the same time, up to a precision of 0.001 seconds...
GTAManRCRThe same time, but 0.001 seconds more
GTAManRCRAnyone in GAR competition?
GTAManRCR0.06 second from Cas to Afullo now
CasAh... guys, you're forcing me to do my best very early, ha, ha.... I'll have my tea and then come back for a try XD
dreadnautHere's a GAR one
GTAManRCRWhy isn't this Garfield competition instead of GAR?
CasHa, ha... true.... When racing GAR, the track becomes a GAR-field
May 9
GTAManRCRCas is unbeatable
GTAManRCRMaybe the 6th gear?
CasHa, ha.... The big guys will soon start posting and I will be finished XD
GTAManRCRI'm playing with a Fidget Spinner
GTAManRCRYesterday there was thunderstorm in Hungary
GTAManRCRDoes anybody has those cars backed up? Dodge Challenger Skoda Felicia Kompressor Coconut Car Coronet Subaru Impreza WRC I'm trying to download them, but i didn't found it For those people, who doesn't know about this: Stunts Wiki: Category
afulloYou can find some custom cars here: , though not the ones you were searching for. I should have the Skoda somewhere in my HD, anyway.
GTAManRCRIt hasn't here
Duplode@GTAMan15: The Skoda and the Coconut Car are in the "Cheat Cars" package available from the Downloads page here -- . The Challenger and the Impreza are two of the custom cars created by CTG that were never actually released.
May 10
GTAManRCRAlan, your car got 30 percent bonus in negative way
GTAManRCRBut anyway, the Melange XGT-88 has a good handling
GTAManRCRThis is the best of me, i can't repair my score
But maybe in GAR
CTGThe good old two tile thing, huh?
CTGBtw some other unreleased, unfinished (60-80%), non-airplane (
) projects: Top Fuel Dragster, Knight Industries 2000 (based on Pontiac Firebird Transam), Skoda 120, Trabant 601, Ikarus 260, Rolls Royce Phantom, Porsche 550A Spyder, Bugatti Veyron, Ferrari 156 F1...
GTAManRCRI downloaded Ikarus 260 BTW: Kőbánya-Kispest xD
GTAManRCRWill you release them in public?
GTAManRCRWill you release them in public?
GTAManRCRThe Ikarus 260 was on The Southern Cross competition, and it works very well
GTAManRCRIs the Knight Industries a cheat car? (See the car's fasting, or what, i'm not a natural english speaker)
GTAManRCRAnd the Top Fuel Dragster?
May 12
CasYou made it, Afullo! I'll have to try once more
afulloEh eh...
I think there are still some maneuvers that could be improved.
CasSorry that I couldn't do something more original. It's really hard already, so I just added up your tricks to mine. It's getting very, very difficult. I want to see what the professionals can do on this track
GTAManRCRI reinstalled my PC (I know, that nobody is interested about it, but i'll post it)
dreadnautWe're only interested if you installed an unusual Linux distribution and themed with the Stunts colors! Stunts Wiki: Shape_materials
Seeker1982Hi all, I just wanna post that I had quite a lot to do in these days and past few weeks, so i missed uploading my best freestyle/rh time on C201, however place/position-whise it wouldn't have made a difference
GTAManRCRSeeker1982, i have a challenge for you Beat Cas
Seeker1982@GTAMan15 - already happened
Seeker1982My GAR-time, however I will upload another one asap since my Dosboxed crashed during saving of the realtime recording etc
afulloIt seems there is little space for strong improvements by now. But we know that surprises often wait for us behind the least significant corner...
May 13
CasWow, you see? Told you I'd soon be doomed, ha, ha XD My last lap cost me a really whole lot, so I don't know when I'm going to be able to get a faster one
GTAManRCRBook for one again, Cas (If this still possible today) And you'll have another track in the 2018 season
CasGTAMan, I already posted two tracks and I have a pending one. I think December should go to somebody else. Of course, I've no problem to build as many tracks as necessary. I like doing it.
May 14
afulloI guess that, apart from jumping in the most efficient way from the bridge ramp, it will resolve all in pushing the car to the very limit.
May 15
SwotlI'm surprised that Stunts still has a community like that
I have not played since the 90s, so I am a real rookie, but I hope to enjoy learning all the new tricks. See ya!
dreadnautHello and welcome Swotl! Have a look in out Newbie Guide (menu on the left) to learn about the competition, and under the "All results" section of the current track to download some of the submitted replays for inspiration
SwotlHi : ) My first replay.
GTAManRCRHello Swotl You can receive more bonus uploading a replay with the most rated car of the month's race It means car bonus percent. Higher positive percent is better (Now the Corvette ZR1, and the 25th Anniversary Lamborghini Countach are on the top, with 41%)
SwotlThanks GTA, I know, but to me make a good record with those cars are more difficult even with the bonus. I tried several times but I can't manage to do, xD. Later will try again.
GTAManRCRSwotl, can we see you also in GAR competition? In GAR competition, you aren't allowed to make shortcuts, and just the first two tire can leave the road, the other two need to stay
May 16
GTAManRCRBut NO shortcuts, so your GAR is invalid And you cut the two corkscrew
GTAManRCRFor example, watch my or Dreadnaut's GAR competition replay
SwotlOh, sorry, I didn't know that about the corkscrews. But the path I choosed is ok?
SwotlSorry about the last one. I hope this is fine.
GTAManRCRAlright, but it would be better doing straight path (I mean no curving on road crosses)
May 17
MarcoHi, I'm the maker of the GAR rules . what has happened ?
) There's a little mistake in the video regarding the replay check at 5:05 . I say to press, if you want, the R button to remove the replay bar but tthis is not to do . only press F3, 3 times right button, 10 times up button and then check the replay leaving the replay bar actived. I will change the video as soon as possible.
MarcoSeeker on Gar race is almost a robot
Marcoi red the GTAMan15 indication :" In GAR competition, you aren't allowed to make shortcuts, and just the first two tire can leave the road, the other two need to stay" . This is not completely right. To be valid , it's enough to have only "one pixel" of the car to touch on, over or contacting the road.
GTAManRCRSeeker1982 now takes the lead away from Cas
Shoegazing LeoSeeker is a Time Destroyer
afulloAFULLO wants to learn TRICK ROOM. But AFULLO already knows four moves. Should a move be forgotten to make space for TRICK ROOM?
May 18
GTAManRCRIt seems, that Afullo will take the first place, but within a week, it will reveal
Seeker1982my revenge time of 1:13.x I reserved for the later quite days, but afullo's time urged be to react immediately
GTAManRCRSo, now let's see, if Seeker1982 will be on the lead again
CasI don't think I can beat that. With very hard work, I could be able to reach Afullo's current lap, but that's it and it wouldn't be easy at all.
afulloAFULLO uses ENDEAVOR! ( )
afulloOuch, it seems that he doesn't like brackets in links, anyway no problem:
May 19
Seeker1982I still got something left
May 20
CasTiny improvement. The amazing thing is that I'm seeing how you guys do it, but when I try, it simply proves impossible
GTAManRCRHappy Birthday FinRok!
GTAManRCRCas, you need to repair only one second in your time, and you will be on the lead again
SwotlI' really impatient to see your replays and see how you done that times xD
GTAManRCRClick to Scoreboard: ZCT202, and all results Select the first five replay, and download them
SwotlAh! I didn't know that! Thanks.
afulloReplays are public if posted in the first two weeks of the ongoing race, while can be left as private if posted later. Anyway, at the end of a race, all the replays are made public. Furthermore, you will see something strange in the route we followed: we made use of a trick called dual way switching, which allows to change path after a bifurcation without taking penalty, even if this allows to shorten the route.
GTAManRCRThe Dual-way Switching is a bug
afulloIt was with all chance not intended by the authors, but like the powergear, it has been widely estabilished as a characteristic of the game.
CasOne second is a lot of time. I've been observing that my time up to the point of reaching the first corkscrew appears to be optimal. Everybody is getting there at second 51. But then the difference is made in the last portion of the track. Actually, the icy straightway is more or less always finished at 1 minute, so it's only the last 13-15 seconds where the difference is made.
DuplodeHappy birthday, FinRok!
May 21
CasFinRok! Happy Birthday! And Mark L. Rivers, happy birthday too! Hope he'd return someday
FinRokThank you, everyone! And for celebrate my birthday i decided to run one race for victory!
afulloHappy birthday Rok! You gave your present by yourself haha
CasWow! I want to see that replay, but I'm going to have to wait XD
May 22
Seeker1982damn you FinRok
I was hopeing for my first P1 in normal/RH style
May 23
SwotlThere is a part in the slalom when my car touch only one pixel of the road in the top down view, I think it qualifies for GAR, but I'm not sure. Anyway, hi
Seeker1982@Swoatl - in GAR you drove much faster than me,which why I curiously watched your replay: simply said at 0:30,00 your cutting the track resp. didn't follow the yellow line which in GAR is not allowed -> disqualification watch this and follow the outlined rules
Seeker1982at 0:48 Swoatl also cut the track, and in GAR its also not allowed to jump on or off the screw
Swotl@seeker , while I admit that the thing with the screw is not allowed in GAR ( Sorry, I didn't notice, again ) and therefore I'm disqualified, what is the problem with 0:30 and 0:48? In the rules textually says: "At least one pixel of the car chasis or of the wheels must be on, over or in contact with the road surface". If you look my replay, that's the case. 0:30 ->
0:48 ->
SwotlWhen you erase my last replay, I will upload a new one, this time without infractions, I hope, xD ( sorry again )
Seeker1982@Swotl: you cut the track resp. didn't follow the yellow line in 0:30 and 0:48 - a crossing is not a corner you can follow in GAR-laps...
SwotlJust to be sure, the problem is that I took this path...
Instead of this?
May 24
afulloHmm, the first path you posted leads to a wrong way...
Marco4d Sports Driving GAR (Gentlemen Agreement Rules) RULES OPOOT At least one pixel must be on or over the road surface . Check the replay from a sky view (press F3 camera on the replay page and press 3 times the right button and 10 times the up button to match the right camera postion, don’t use the zoom). Different cam positions can affect the result. Don’t press the R button to remove the replay bar ,This is a mistake I did in the video. Only the road surface is valid. For example the red and white side corner bumbs are not valid and not considered as road surface. Follow the yellow line without cut the circuit and pass the elements as they are without taking advantage by voluntary speedup as for example jumping out the corkscrew to increase speed. Only unvoluntary speedup are accepted (just apologize to other racers as for toughing the net on a tennis match) as they randomly happen entering banked roads or after jumps. REPLAY HANDLING STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Start your run and finish it in one shot without saving , tricking, etc. Be fast, Be honest … This is GAR race.
SwotlOkay @marco, so, this is allowed or not? Because I can clearly see the car touching "at least one pixel"
And "Follow the yellow line without cut the circuit" means I can not do this? ->
afulloApart from the wrong way thing that I said before, for the second question I'm quite sure you can't, since a crossroad is not a bifurcation, but rather a point in which the track intersects itself without affecting the proper order of the elements...
Seeker1982yes you do touch the road, but it conflicts with the "No shortcuts allowed - always follow the yellow line"-rules so it isn't allowed
May 25
CasFor some reason, I cannot see the pictures or links Swotl is sending. What could it be?
Duplode@Cas: The images are on Imgur. I have been using Imgur as well lately, so let's do some testing. Can you see the images in the Z187 (Anelio's) analysis forum thread? And what about this picture?
MarcoHi my friends, sorry for the delay ... Swotl that's not valid because you turned in a crox (while Regarding the surface touched by a car pixel, yes that would be ok). If you create a simple track as an 8 with a crox in the middle and you turn at the crox you will receive a penalty. Have you not recevied the penalty ? Anyway , not valid turn at the crox.
May 26
CasDuplode: I can see both the picture you just posted here (F1 car) and the pics in the forum (track images) and now, for some reason, I can also see Swotl's pictures.
Swotl@cas, Weird... @Marco, thanks. Then, none of my GARs are valid, xD.
May 27
CasAlready found why I couldn't see the images and now again, but not the other day. I can see them in Tor, but not in IceCat, unless I disable SpyBlock. Looks like the FSF has it listed as spyware? Anyway, mystery solved!
CasI mean, hast "imgur" listed as spyware
May 28
MarcoHey Seeker, watch your mirrors
. I have problem with my right arm and fingers since i hit it on a furniture but I don't look for excuses. The first time I saw Seeker on a GAR lap I have understood that he was the new GAR champion. Anyway i would like to make a RACE OF GAR CHAMPIONS with limited time on my FB page MARCO PLAYS DOS GAMES . After shared an unknown circuit to the participants, we have only 30 minutes or 1 hour max to show our best laptime. Who accept? Finrok ? Duplode ? Seeker ? who ? I say that CAS must make the secret circuit and share it to us when the race start.
Seeker1982great time marco - but of course I will try to improve it once I watched your replay
MarcoYou can run 1.45 something ... I know that
)) Pay attention to your arms. I would like to have a competition playing the same time , a half hour or a hour maximun. I cannot play one month . I'm too old .
Seeker1982I just ran a 1:46:30, but I had to ReplayHandle 1x since my ZR1 understeered in the last corkscrew and smashed with with roof onto the road... - wasted PR
MarcoIt has no sense to complete a gar lap in rh to see what could be. You can run 1.45 but. Check my video on youtube. I matched a couple of very fast part but i have run many corner 3 or 4 mph under the limit
MarcoHow many hours you can play?
Seeker1982I have more free time than I'd like to have: due to 2 mixtures of psychical and neurological reasons I can't work - ever
MarcoIf i can ask.What are the effects of this problem you are talking about?
Seeker1982This surely isnt't the place to talk about this, and besides: all 3 neuropsychological diagnoses of mine are highly stigmatised, although one of them is quite positive This is my introductional post on my english facebook-page writing about me and how I create something before I got stuck with my 2nd/newer negatative diagnosis:
Seeker1982a new GAR-time of mine: 1:46,10 - quite close to the projected 1:45,x this time I also have a realtime-recording
May 29
MarcoWell i will read your post. One side effect is surely that your reaction time are unbelievable fast
. Great. I m sure you can gain the 1.45.
May 30
CasIt's amazing how much activity this track has brought, both the freestyle and GAR!
afulloOnly for fun, I just did a GAR lap...
May 31
MarcoWTF AMAZING !!!!!
ChacanHello everyone
Newbie here. First attempt
SwotlHello Chacan : ) (Suggestion: The best way to make better times is using a car with a good bonus percentage in the monthly track)
afulloWelcome aboard!
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