News posted in November 2018
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Nov 2
CasGuys, remember R4K is open with another track in which you can first try the new car set by Overdrijf! Any of the three cars can be used. As usual, both RH and NoRH are allowed
dreadnautHappy birthday Motig!
CasYep, happy birthday, Motig!
CTGB Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö F F ! ! ! Böff dampening: < 1dB
CTGJust because you are so inactive these days...
Nov 5
CasHappy Birthday, Alan Rotoi! Hello, CTG! Yep, looks like we're sleeping this month...
Nov 7
Alan RotoiHi! Thank you Cas!! Wow magic carpet with this car?
Nov 11
dreadnautLast week for ZCT208! I'd better get a new lap started, I don't think I'll keep that third place for long...
Nov 12
DuplodeAll right, time to come out of hibernation
OverdrijfWaah, Dreadnaut is clairvoyant.
dreadnautWant to design a track for the next season? Guest tracks 2019
CTGUsrin's car:
dreadnautLove the Hello Kitty details! Do we have any "heavy machinery" cars for Stunts?
Nov 13
DuplodeCTG: A while ago you asked about guest tracks. Now that the Guest tracks 2019 calendar is up, feel free to pick a month
Nov 14
Seeker1982First time in ages since I managed to cut the spiral which sits right before the finish line. I have to say you guys use way more tricks/bugusing than in the wiki+driving school documented.
afulloAs rappers from ghettos say, the real school is the street...
Nov 15
OverdrijfWhich is kind of a given in racing. Where else would you learn it, in a field?
GTAManRCRHere i come back with something rare Thomas the Tank Engine intro in Stunts The title is written in Hungarian language, and it means: Thomas the Tank Engine intro Stunts version, and this is the original Thomas
Nov 16
OverdrijfBy the way, the quiet days section of the "Where in the race are we bar" is only around one day long. And at the very least at my resolution the last s falls off, leaving us with a quiet day. This message brought to you by nitpickers united.
GTAManRCRHappy birthday, AMG
CasIn my case, it's "quiet da" XD Also, while I can see the warning saying "QUIET DAYS!!!", the bar shows like I still haven't reached the quiet days portion of the race.
CasMy guess is that the bar does not use the same time zone as the counter. Could it be?
afulloAlso, maybe the number of pixel gained every day is rounded down, so the total is lower than the actual length of the bar. Or, alternatively, the bar is set for 30/31 days...
Nov 17
CTGhint for mrs. móricz
dreadnautI think the track time bar does not deal well with daylight saving time, so it's off by a day.
Akoss PooDue to very busy past week I could not find any time to play this track.
dreadnautLast minute filler?
CTGPoo translator: I won't play, 'cause CTG would kick my ass.
Nov 18
dreadnautTime's up for ZCT208, quiet replays are out!
dreadnautAh, sorry Alan
DuplodeCongratulations, CTG! Now let's see what kind of track you'll give us for the next month.
GTAManRCRWhat's wrong with the bar which shows the track's lifetime? Shouldn't it be from the beginning of the month to the ending of the month, or is it just changed?
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, congratulations to CTG and Duplode! New track up in a minute
Last track, already?
Are you having fun? Because time has been definitely flying, and we are already at the last race of the season!
Lambo Mambo, number 002
ZCT208 was a twisty track, designed with the Ford Ranger and the LM002 in mind. Indeed it was an LM002 race from the beginning to the end. A car surprisingly agile, but slow, oh so slow.
CTG took the lead in the first days, and there he sat, racking up all the LTB hours, while at the same time improving his times and keeping Duplode in second place until the end. Most of his replays were public, but even so few found the dedication to catch up with him. And that's how you put 14 points in the bag in a single race! Congratulations then to CTG and Duplode. I sneaked in in third position at the last moment, having spent most of the month away from Stunts. Job-hunting is hard.
CTG also brings us the next track. ZCT209 is also a twisty one, full of jumps and probably hidden shortcuts, but this time there are several fast cars in the usable pool. Will the end of the season give us an exciting race?
New cars on the Stunts horizon
This season has been full of surprises. There were a couple of vague hints on the forum, and maybe some suspicious questions about car editing, but no-one was expecting Overdrijf to deliver three cars at the same time. But that's exactly what he did with his new Audi, Mercedes, and BMW set inspired by the DTM racing series of the 80s and 90s. And what an impressive work it is!
You can try them right away, and Cas has kindly made all three available for the current Race 4 Kicks track. All three are quite fun to drive, and I would like to use at least one for the next season, so please give them a try and let us know which one you prefer on the forum.
Nov 19
CasFirst try on this track!
Cas....and GAR
afulloPalindromic scoreboard.
HereticIt's a very fun track :´D
OverdrijfNow that's an entrance.
OverdrijfSeeker1982, ZakStunts needs you! You are the most active racer that's not on the track design schedule for next year yet! Guest tracks 2019
Nov 20
Seeker1982It's been 20+ years since i edited a track, and probably 25 since I've build one from scratch..
Seeker1982Is there a limit on how many tracks you can have in stunts? I've downloaded and put C209 in the right folder, but for some reason it doesnt get displayed in the track-selection screen..
Seeker1982forgot: I also restarted DOSbox AFTER i've put the C209 track file
Seeker1982after I've put C209 in a subfolder with less track files it gets displayed
Seeker1982and my 1st serious GAR time - a driven 1:30,45 in the Jag a driven sub 1:30 is my next goal
DuplodeSeeker: There is a limit of 256 files, including tracks, replays and highscores. Subdirectories are indeed a must. (I, for one, arrange tracks I race and my replays on them according to year and competition)
DuplodeWelcome Heretic! It is an interesting track; I like it too.
Shoegazing LeoIs Heretic a brazilian of balcanic ancestors?
HereticI'm brazilian of italian ancestors :´) And I am very happy to see an active community of this game, and also be able to be part of it. I already knew the site but for some weird reason I still had not registered and participated.
CasWelcome, Heretic!!
Nov 21
Seeker1982I just drove a incredible fast gar-time (driven 1:28,70 in the Jag) but couldn't save the replay due to some freak accident. But via DOSbox video capture I do have the realtime, the replay and the evaluation screen. Is it somehow possible to enter the data manually?
Seeker1982never mind, I managed to improve my time and save the replay etc
FinRokI see it's the last race of the year, so i gave it one go atleast!
OverdrijfBam, surprise first place out of left field.
Nov 22
DuplodeSeeker: Back in the days of video-validated NoRH competitions, I would fall in the opposite trap a lot: drive a nice lap only to find I messed up the DOSBox shortcut at the beginning and nothing was recorded. By the way, here is a GAR lap
Seeker1982wow nice one, where did you hide that? I suspect you may have race another line than me. Gonna watch your replay for sure
Seeker1982btw I still record all my GAR-Laps via Dosbox movie capture. Is it still is nessesary for a gar-lap to be valid?
DuplodeI don't record my GAR laps. With GAR being an unofficial scoreboard (as far as it doesn't count for the season scoreboard), and with the system not asking for a YouTube link or anything of the sort upon submission, I assume GAR here is raced on an honour system, and consider recording as an avoidable hassle. Note that I'm not sure Marco would agree with this assessment
DuplodeNice to see you around, FinRok!
Nov 24
CasUpdating my laps a little bit
Nov 26
OverdrijfHaving to work the recordings was always kind of a pain in NoRH racing. I'm kind of happy the community as a whole seems to have agreed we've grown up enough to not really need that. I don't even get tempted to cheat at NoRH at all, and I have cheated in Pokémon.
afulloNow Missingno. arrives and scrambles all the scoreboard.
Nov 29
Seeker1982the first time I've driven with my new glasses on - now i can see much sharper esp. in the distance
Nov 30
Shoegazing LeoSeeker became Finder with the new glasses.
OverdrijfI just found out RFK is doing the Xylocaine this month. And I already have too little time for this Jaguar track right here!
Jump to a different month
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