News posted in January 2018
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January February March April May June July August September October November December
Jan 1
FinRokThanks guys! It was a nice year and set of tracks! I also want to inform that i'll retire from 2018 championships or seriously racing, maybe i'll do a track or will visit or give a spin on some tracks.
Jan 2
MarcoHello my friends ... my new house is almost finished. It took me one year of tears. I want to still congratulate with my great friend Risto. I ported him here on 2016 , he didn't know what it was the tricky ZAK Stunts or the RH and in very few months he has demonstrated to be able to reach the best of all the best ... able to discover new tricks and the limit of the cars by himself (while I was basically only a copier of Duplode and Renato performances). Zak and Dread I wait for your comment on the main page. Risto, you entered the History. Congratulation also to the new Seeker, new GAR champion of the World ... and you know that i consider the GAR the real Stunts race
)) WOW
Jan 3
Shoegazing LeoI'm back from my travel!! Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!!! Congratulations to FinRok!!! Congratulations to Slowdrive!!! We are the champions, my friends!!!!
dreadnautLet's start the new year with new statistics! (refresh page if it doesn't appear in its full glory)
CasHappy New Year, guys!!! :-D
Mr. BÖFFmanCabaret, really... do you really intend to call this a competition? Even Suckoss Poo is faster than that. B-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-Ö-F-F!! Yeah, I'm CTG and I'm not welcome here. However, I'm still faster than any of you, except Bonzai Joe!
Mr. BÖFFmanSuck my Indy... erm... Melange!
Mr. BÖFFmanBtw shall I get back my forum access for a moment?
Mr. BÖFFmanpleasepleaseplease
Mr. BÖFFmanThis is JIREN!
Mr. BÖFFmanDiesel, Diesel, Diesel Joe's still drinkin'!
Mr. BÖFFmanHey, you BLÖTTY vazzes!
Mr. BÖFFmanChili, chili, chili beans in pina!
Mr. BÖFFmanAnd shitty Alpenmilch!
Mr. BÖFFmanWSM 2018?
Jan 4
MarcoHI CGT !!! You have become a living legend !!!
Shoegazing LeoC200 is coming. How we do?
Jan 5
afulloHe is back... and he is angrier than ever!
_______________ (i) happy new year all!
_____ (ii) I'm still here... not really strong, but usually always present, so if any team would like some extra points for that championship...
Jan 6
Old enough to drive
Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! Holidays are coming to a close, hope you had a good time off the track :)
Summing up 2017
So, what's up? First thing, the 2017 season is over and we have a fresh new champion lifting the ZakStunts trophy. FinRok joined us mid-season in 2016, took a moment to adjust the side mirrors and learn the tricks, then showed us how to win a ZakStunts championship: strong replays, tons of LTB hours, and really good driving! Congratulations!
The newbie scoreboard is almost split in two, with the first half of the year lead by Imperas and artur, and the second by Seeker1982. Imperas however covered and won most races over the season, becoming Newbie Champion for 2017.
Congratulations also to Slowdrive, the winning team! Coming just 2 points ahead Cork's Crew, and completing the impressive feat of all four racers bringing in points over the season. If they can keep that up in 2018, it's going to be tough for the other teams!
Last, the GAR competition rolled in parallel through the whole year, seeing good participation and impressive results. Marco led the scoreboard for most of the season, but didn't submit a GAR replay for the last race, allowing FinRok to sneak on the tallest step of the podium by one point. In third place, Seeker1982 —we expect great things from you in 2018!
Life on the island of Stunts
And so the multi-year Renato-Duplode-Akoss domination was broken, in a season that saw a number of drivers distracted by that thing called "real life", but also some strong new arrivals on the scoreboard. Beyond the leaders of the newbie competitions, good results came from Motig, KaoS and last-minute entry Smrtka! Maybe it's time for them to think about teams ;-)
Zak and Marco have both been busy with new houses, Friker's got family, and Duplode said something about "navigating transitions" —which sounds cool, but also time-intensive. MeganiuM dropped from the radar in spring, and I can't forget the sad event that marked the beginning of 2017, the loss of AbuRaf.
Stunts and its bugs might stay the same, but the planet keeps turning at high revs, and us with it.
The next season is starting soon!
We are then at the start of the 18th ZakStunts season, which is planned for January 14. And with March comes an important milestone, with track number 200.
The race number and duration should follow the usual format, but cars and additional rules are still open to changes! So join us on the forum to discuss the old and the new season, and maybe to form a team, pick up a task or design a track. All feedback is welcome!
Jan 7
dreadnautHello Afullo, and welcome back! There's a thread for teams on the the forum: Teams 2018
Jan 13
dreadnautNew track up tomorrow, almost ready!
Jan 14
dreadnautNew track up, welcome to the 18th ZakStunts season. Pipsqueaks, start you engines!
dreadnautBetter choose a fast car for this one
Jan 16
Shoegazing LeoMaybe, a LTB may be possible...
Jan 17
dreadnautMaybe, maybe not
Shoegazing LeoScheisse! I can't beat this lap now!
Jan 18
CasA little timey. I don't have the McLaren. Is it included in the latest pack?
dreadnautI haven't updated the pack yet, but you can download the new cars from the Southern Cross website:
Seeker1982lets see that I can manage
Seeker1982this should be good for a while - 1:34,10 with GArules
Jan 19
dreadnautA bit unexpected, but this track is quite nice with GAR rules —bar those two building jumps
Seeker1982getting close in RH/Freestyle..
Seeker1982aaand we got a new leading time \o/
Jan 26
Motigstupid question: where can i finde the McLaren Honda MP4/4 files?
dreadnautAll custom cars are collected on the Southern Cross website: —I'll add them to the Stunts download too.
dreadnautDone! The ZakStunts and Cars packs for 2018 are now available in the Downloads page
Jan 29
Seeker1982managed a new gar-time - a driven 1:24,50 in the McLaren - but I'm still having the issue of the shortcut to record movies in dosbox not working so I don't have a real time/live recording I just tried the shortcut for doing screenshots and recording wave: those both work..
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