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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Jan 1

  • CTG
    Happy birthday, Andrea Sacchi, Bolo Yeung, BULLSHIT!!!, Das Fass, Dottore, dstien, firefoxie, Geovani da Silva, Mark Nailwood, phoxetis, Pitman, Quanto, satanziege, tgm and Xianthi!
  • AbuRaf70
    FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS a todos los que en un día como hoy, PRIMERO del año, comenzaron su vida también....

Jan 4

  • The 2015 season is expected to start in the coming weeks. Please come to the forum to discuss the proposed rule and system changes.

Jan 6

  • dreadnaut
    Afullo, we need feedback from you too! Cars and rules for 2015 Smiley
  • Akoss Poo
    Something is wrong with the 2014 seasonal scoring, I have 8 pts less for both the sum and real scores (123, 97) than the originally collected values (131, 105). I did not check the others'.
  • CTG
    My score is lower, too.
  • Alan Rotoi
    It's not the score.
  • CTG
    Doggy is preparing a Z category joke again...

Jan 8

  • Shoegazing Leo
    The winter is coming...
  • CTG
    Happy birthday KHR and Tirgen!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The USC is hot like my bedroom this summer
  • afullo
    Dreadnaut, sorry if I'm late, but I had a lot of things to do in the last days. I've read the topic, as soon as possible I will reply... Wink

Jan 10

  • CTG
    Happy birthday, Gagarin!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Is Gagarin gazing some stars?

Jan 11

  • dreadnaut
    Testing the new submission code, feel free to submit replays and break stuff. Let me know in the forum! → New replay upload
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Testing the system
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Viva Senna!
  • CTG
    stig's carrera lap
  • CTG
  • CTG
    ANYÁD! Cheesy
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Akoss sent without drive
  • CTG
    Really? Shocked
  • Shoegazing Leo
    CTG, please send a replay with a crash on the first seconds to test the system.
  • Duplode
    Fooling around with the Niva...

Jan 12

  • dreadnaut
    I wonder if they kept the helicopter trick.

Jan 13

  • Duplode
  • Duplode
    ...and private.
  • Alan Rotoi
    A single try with BB 1.0 Cheesy
  • Alan Rotoi
    BTW Dup, how did you do to race with a car it's not allowed by the system? I have a lap with Contest Car 0.9 but I could't upload it. :S
  • dreadnaut
    Alan, I have fixed the problem with cars out-of-season, sorry! Tongue

Jan 14

  • CTG
    Feliz cumpleaños, Anelio!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Feliz, cumple, Abuelo!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    I made the worst comma use of the history Tongue
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, AbuRaf! Smiley

Jan 15

  • dreadnaut
    A very happy birthday indeed, AbuRaf!
  • dreadnaut
    Now, someone test the quiet and non-quiet replays Smiley
  • AbuRaf70
    Muchas Gracias a todos por los saludos por mi 81 cumpleaños....
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Coming soon: Stunts LOL Classics
  • Duplode
    Talkin' replay.
  • Duplode
    Silent replay.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    But the irregular lap without finish counts.. ops...

Jan 16

  • Shoegazing Leo

Jan 17

  • CTG
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Waiting the new season B6R-QFcCEAEgAC8.jpg
  • Zak McKracken
    I am way behind schedule but will try my best to start the season this weekend.
  • Zak McKracken
    cars and coefficients set (pictures for new cars missing), missing replays and track archives uploaded. Still to be done: document new rules, create the new track.

Jan 18

  • Well, hello!

    Apologies for the lack of news lately, changing the country you live in is demaning even if you move back to a country you know very well. ZakStunts was down the priority list for a while.

    But not forgotten! And neither are you - so first, let's congratulate to the winners of 2014:

    • CTG joined to exclusive club of double champions with 120 points with stable performance throughout the season. Well done!

    • Second place: Akoss Poo! Participating on all races and increasing his race victories from one to three. 105 points. What a comeback! Congratulations, Akoss!

    • Third place: Duplode, 95 points, with a missed season finish due to some community arguments. Nevertheless, nice job!

    And the team title goes of course to Looping Warriors, with a huge margin over others.

    Thank you all and now let's start the 2015 season! Quite a few changes - see the next newspost for details.

  • The site management team is proudly announcing the 15th ZakStunts season!

    Stunts is turning 25 this year. What an oldie. :) We hope to see many racers this year - oldies and newbies as well. In order to keep things interesting, we are shaking up things a bit. Let's see how:

    • 3 custom cars were rotated. Way say a sad goodbye to the Lotus, the McLaren and the GT3. Say hello to our old friend, the Speedgate and two newcomers: the Porsche 911 Turbo and th Xylocaine XF. Hope you will like them! If you don't have these cars installed, you ca fetch the car pack on the Downloads page

    • Partially due to the late season start the track duration interval was cut to four weeks (28 days). Each track will finish on a Saturday, hopefully enabling harder battles during the last few days

    • A huge change: replays sent during the first two weeks of each track are made publicly available for download. This radical new rule was made to encourage more drivers to aim for the podium. Surely you can hide your cards or ignore the fun early days of the track experimenting with cars - and likely lose the chance to win the leading time bonus.

    • We also had a not so sad goodbye from the controversial Endurance Bonus. So now you can only earn points either by racing hard, or through earning leading time.

    • Some other minor rules were also modified. Please make sure to go through the Rules page at least once to make sure you do not miss anything.

    About that's it in a nutshell. ZCT162 - Homecoming is out and available. Who dares to send the first official public replay in the history of ZakStunts? Oh and please help spread the word - let's bring as many racers here as possible.

    See you soon on the scoreboard

  • Zak McKracken
    rules are up
  • Zak McKracken
    track is up!
  • Zak McKracken
    ZakStutns 2015 is now officially on the go! Smiley
  • Zak McKracken
    ZakStutns 2015 is now officially on the go! Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    And here's the first replay of the season! Grin
  • Zak McKracken
    My first replay this season, and first replay with this computer. Smiley
  • Shoegazing Leo
    First attempt with the Porsche \___________
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Trying all cars. ZCT became a very tactical race.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The is now active! Take a look!

Jan 19

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Opponent near
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Where are the newbies?
  • The Newbie
    Here I am.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Good joke, CTG, but I'm forgot to laugh...

Jan 20

  • CTG
    It would be less funny to create random name ghosts, like Neil Armstrong, Cyrax, plejkavica or d'Artagnan.
  • CTG
    Pljeskavica, damn... I'm hungry Cheesy Pljeskavica.jpg
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Bolo Yeung is a hunger name, because Bolo is Cake in portuguese
  • CTG
    Bolo's password is lost.
  • Varalica
    However, Varalica's password is "varalica".
  • twyll
    While twyll's is twyll. (Alain's is Alain, Mingva's is Mingva. Strange coincidence.)
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Luch time. But don't have the "costelão" here: costela_defumada_01.jpg
  • CTG
    Sorry, I don't like bone-in meat. Dunno why, but I find the bones disgusting and feel sick to see them on my plate.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    My password is **********
  • Zak McKracken
    you wouldn't eat much meat then in China Smiley as for me, I prefer meat with bones - but rarely eat meat.
  • CTG
    Leo, we have the same password! You must be my ghost!
  • Akoss Poo
    I love meat, but I also prefer meat without bones. But there are some cases when I like meat with bones, too, e.g. my grandma's rabbit stew. :-) Btw I also prefer low-fat meat, red meat; my favourites are veal and game meat. I also prefer it to be roasted/grilled/fried instead of cooked. :-)
  • CTG
    I would like to read an article in this topic - from JTK! Cheesy

Jan 21

  • Shoegazing Leo
    World Stunts Meating
  • CTG
    Leo: this is not a new joke, see: Recipes and Useless messages - place for maniacs! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Nobody wants to mock Akoss Poo's superweak leading time...
  • CTG
    (motivating insult)
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Hellen Wheels is naked on the finish line... (motivating lie)
  • Shoegazing Leo
    A good idea for the designers and drawers: the opponents today. Helen Wheels is around the age of 49.
  • CTG
    Skid Vicious died in 1998, under mysterious circumstances. Rumours say he was suffering from serious cocain addiction and self-satisfaction.
  • CTG
    Cherry Chassis became a C-class actress in the late 90s. Her career started to rise when she participated in the 4th season of Big Brother Canada. Since that she lives the "average" life of stupid celebrity whores. The latest news reported her incredibly enlarged silicone boobs and her over-botoxed face. She's still fond of fast cars, owning a gold-plated Porsche Boxster.
  • CTG
    Herr Otto Partz retired from F1 classics series in 2009, when he was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease. He's still alive, spending his miserable life in a nursing home. According to his caregivers, he does not even recognize his own wife, and his physical condition is getting worse every day.
  • CTG
    Helen Wheels became the most popular female Nascar racer before the appearance of Danica Patrick - not only because of her beauty, but because of her fearless driving style. Her best result was a 5th place in Indianapolis, where she throw away the victory 13 laps before the finish because of a reckless defending maneuver against Jeff Gordon. When she retired from racing in 2000, she was elected the sexiest female car racer of the 20th century. Since that she's the ambassador of Nascar, popularizing the series in Europe and Asia. The latest Sports Illustrated magazine put her on the list of the 100 most beautiful sport MILFs.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Skid Vicious died in a RH overdose in 1997.
  • CTG
  • CTG
    And the other one: HELEN WHEELS IS NAKED!!!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Bernie Rubber Squealin' built a startup computer company, but lost everything with the Nasdaq bubble. Then, restarted and now work for Google.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Smoking Joe Stalin is with lung cancer.

Jan 23

  • Marco
    No Replay Handling, no cuts or tires on the grass, tricks,loops made in the real life way and ... fun
  • Marco
    Trying the original competition rules
  • Marco
    one sec better
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Zak will change the Newbie League name to Coppa Italia dello Stunts.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    PS: Avanti, Atalanta Bergamasca!
  • Marco
    another little improvement ... still far
  • Shoegazing Leo
    A little improvement for a man... a great improvement for me Tongue

Jan 24

  • CTG
    Well... böff?
  • CTG
    And böff.
  • CTG
    Triple böff!
  • dreadnaut
    I suppose it's Carrera then.
  • CTG
    Yes, a great Carrera track. I wanted to leave out a few races, but this circuit is an excellent one, I couldn't miss it. Whatever the result will be, and independently from the following 11 tracks, it can be a strong candidate for the "Best ZCT 2015 track" title.
  • Akoss Poo
    CTG needed only six days to relapse to his Stunts addiction.
  • dreadnaut
    Hey, at least it's a start! Tongue
  • CTG
    well, if you call 13 minutes of RH an addiction...
  • CTG
    (at least you have an opponent, the others are still cowards)
  • Duplode
    ZakStunts! It's good to be back Smiley

Jan 25

  • Shoegazing Leo
    58.05 on first attempt is vandalism, Duplode.
  • CTG
    Finally! I sent my replay just to activate one of the real top dogs, because Akoss Poo has to suffer for his next victory.
  • CTG
    Now DUP is here, POO won't win. Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • CTG
    hahahahahaha, yes, in the middle of february Cheesy
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Under the 2 min zone
  • CTG
    Btw böff!
  • CTG
    LOL, 22:41...
  • CTG
    dreadnaut: P911 and Xylocaine icons are not working.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The graph shows three groups of pipsqueaks right now.
  • Duplode
    CTG/dreadnaut: I have just supplied the missing GIFs.

Jan 26

  • Zak McKracken
    thanks for the icons! Smiley

Jan 27

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Monday was a quiet day
  • CTG
    We are waiting for the non-public days to turn into SSJ2.
  • CTG
    It seems that Slowdrive is not registered yet.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    RPLinfo is marvellous!

Jan 29

  • Shoegazing Leo
    Let's update it...

Jan 30

  • Alan Rotoi
    Leo, you wanted a teammate and suddenly you have one. He seems to be very good, you are lucky!
  • CTG
    Actually he has TWO teammates. Dstien also joined Slowdrive.

Jan 31

  • CTG
    Happy Birthday, Lise! Wink
  • CTG
    I guess Akoss Poo can't wait for the non-public days to take back the first position. Cheesy
  • dstien
    "Slow but steady wins the race".
  • Duplode
    Weren't it for Internet connection problems over the last several days this lap would have been on the scoreboard somewhat earlier on.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    United team make similar times...
  • The Stig
    Hello! Let me introduce myself: my name is Stig, and I am the new test driver of Broderbund. Once a month (from February: in the first few days) I will drive a public lap with one of the most improper (but fast) car, using auto gears and only 5 minutes replay handling. The aim of my work is to show some tricks to the newbies and re-starters.

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January February March April May June July August September October November December