News posted in January 2013
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Jan 1
The final results of ZCT137 and the 2012 season are now available. Congratulations to the winners, and welcome Friker to the hall of fame! Of course huge congrats to Duplode for another season's victory and CTG for the great 3rd place overall!
Update will be continued most likely tomorrow. -
FrikerHappy new year!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, confirmed.
Jan 2
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones a Friker por esta gran victoria, luego de una gran batalla con CTG...
CTGAlthough I have several strange thoughts in my mind, I won't be like Akoss Poo. Friker: you had a strong lap time, congratulations. However, once you will also face a seriously fighting opponent - if you can win that battle, you will earn your first valuable victory. This one was an X-mas present from Duplode, Gutix and Biker.
Renato BikerViva o Friker!
Zak McKrackenI will attempt to perform a site update now, but due to the rule and car changes I may not be able to finish today. You may experience some downtime. DO NOT post any replays until I officially announce the update has finished.
Krys TOFFCongrats Friker, and happy new year to everyone !
Jan 3
Zak McKrackenTechnically the update is complete and the track is available. Official announcement tomorrow - feel free to test and report any bugs meanwhile
dreadnautThe new cars are fun!
FrikerThanks for gratulations. I was suprised by dreadnaut's line.
Keep going. Now, I am very unsure whether introduction of two PG cars and one super fast car will not ruin this season for me (6 PG + 3 fast :-/).
DuplodeHappy new year, Stunts world! Internet connection troubles have kept me away for the last several days. So, where do I begin?
DuplodeCongratulations Friker for an eagerly-awaited and well-earned victory!
And now, on to 2013
DuplodeOh, and @Friker (03:40): it is not so bad - none of the newly introduced cars has PG.
VaralicaAre the car bonus levels confirmed?
VaralicaThe croatian word 'varalica' means 'cheater' anyway, while 'twyll' is the 'cheat' in Wales.
CTGStunts-free holiday, forum ignorance. Will be back when I have the mood. 11 completed races were too much for a year.
Friker:O what was I driving?
ok so "only" 5 PG + 4 fast. Still, nothing for me.
dreadnautFun: the Melange can accelerate up a cork u/d without crashing horribly. The McLaren felt a bit too powerful, but it might have its place on the right track. That said, I only drove a handful of laps, I might change my mind. The bonus system should prevent them from ruining the season.
Alan RotoiCongratulations to Friker and Dup! And thanks to Zak for using Melange this year!
dreadnautLM002 is very relaxing
Jan 4
ADPunkPipsqueak is back!
dreadnautPipsqueak is welcome back!
Jan 5
Farewell, 2012!
We had a great season at ZakStunts. Despite the relatively low number of constant participants, we had races with considerable activity and great battles. We have elected our first triple-champion, who also did what nobody before could: win the championship for two years in a row. Congratulations, Duplode!
We also had two new race winners, the first ones since 2009. Congratulations SuperBrian and Friker! Extra grats to Friker for the overall second place - good job!
We have also soon Cork's Crew rise again and win the championship. Congrats too!
We had some bad rules, some bad decisions, some small flamewars but also a lot of fun, including long time not seen live races. Thank you all for your efforts and participation!
And now we roll onto 2013 with some changes.
The ruleset has changed from 2012, keeping some of the changes introduced last year in a refined and hopefully better approach.
We also have some new cars! Three, to be precise. I expect this to bring some new life to the races and encourage car designers to create other nice cars soon.
We also have the first track available and already several racers participating... a promising start!
I don't expect ZakStunts ever to reach again the level it had 10 years ago. But I do hope that we will have a handful (maybe even a dozen) of active racers, who enjoy battling and having fun with the greatest game ever created. :) And I also do hope to see another Stunts competition to cater for the needs of the more active. Its not good to be alone.
But whatever happens, you can count on me keeping the spirit alive. Long live Stunts - enjoy the 13th season of ZakStunts! -
AbuRaf70Hola Chulk...!!!
Alan RotoiHi ADPunk! Welcome back!!!!!!!
ChulkAudi Quattro test... not bad
ChulkZak, can you add some way to add penalty time in RPLinfo Online?
DuplodeChulk: unfortunately that's impracticable, as an .RPL file contains just the keystrokes and other info needed to generate a lap; penalty time is calculated on-the-fly by Stunts.
ChulkI know that. But maybe the same way we add it when submitted was usable
DuplodeOh, I see - so that we get the corrected penalty as well. That would be nice, indeed.
Jan 6
Dexter MorganChulk won't ever win ZakStunts.
CTGDamn, I fucked it up with the nicks, please delete Dexter Morgan!
CTGnot bad from a drunk one
ChulkI may not win Zakstunts, but I'll sure kick your ass this month! Remember I got my first 2 podiums with Audi and Lm002...
CTGYou have to eat more spinach to beat me.
ChulkDare to bet?
CTGWhy not?
UsrinIt's worth to try it when you're sober.
Jan 7
CTGCorrection: I'm not a Damage Inc. member, went back to Looping.
CTGLet's see how fast Usrin is.
UsrinExtremely. That's the least you can expect from a Slovak.
UsrinBtw, I'm also a Looping Warrior this year. Further correction: as I saw in the forum, Friker and dreadnaut became Yellow Fleas.
ChulkRustying off lap by lap. Still a long way to go to RB's time. Enough to beat CTG for now :b
CTGI always knew that Usrin is Friker.
Chulk: beware!
Akoss PooBÖFF!!!
Zak McKrackenit's good to see the scoreboard full of team - and I have not yet sent out the usual yearly spam
Akoss PooWell, I opted for being a member of 'Opponent Near' team last year, but I just wanted to ask you now to put me in the good old Looping Warriors team (after seeing CTG's and Usrin's status). Thanks. :-)
CTGA Stunc-buzi jó édes... WELCOME BACK!
CTGHey, Yellow Insects! Where is your team logo?
Akoss Pooslight improvement in the last sector
CTGPoo: what will you do if I publish 1:21.xx with Audi?
CTGMr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
UsrinAzt a 7 meg a 8-át! Erm... what a race! I'm grabbing a beer for that! Cheers, and of course BÖFF!
CTGtime travel to 2003
UsrinFuelled by the beer.
CTGwhat kind of beer?
UsrinBorg Pilsner. Unfortunately not a Slovak one, hence not enough for top performance...
Jan 8
CTGNot bad.
UsrinI agree: not poor, but Poo(R)!
UsrinYay! I've made my worst linguistic joke ever!
CTGMeanwhile Poo made one of the best (will be quoted in the team forum).
Akoss Pooorgasm :-)
CTGguess who will destroy your time in the evening
UsrinPerhaps Bonzai Joe?
UsrinOr maybe Argammon.
CTGProbably me.
UsrinYou bet wrong.
UsrinLook at the graphical scoreboard: Looping Warriors push RB off the track.
Renato BikerOh no, that seems a bit obscene.
CTGUsrin is too strong...
Jan 9
ChulkStill a long way to go, but better than expected so far
ChulkI'll take the outside line, far from you, sexually deviated loopings!
ok, so audi is the car. RB, you rock!
UsrinPfff, I'm afraid it's not my category from this point.
Frikerbtw, RB, we are looking for a third member for our team. wanna join?
CTGArgie, Argie...
Renato BikerFriker, I think that it`s a good idea, it would be a good contest between teams. Did you accept me?
Frikerwow! this week is awesome!
i passed a hard exam in Monday and now this apcceptance. i accept for sure!
Renato BikerHehehe. Thank you. Just wait a minute until the members of Average Joe give an answer for my e-mail.
Renato BikerHehehe. Thank you. Just wait a minute until the members of Average Joe give an answer for my e-mail.
CTGAnd what did Mr. Hat say?
CTGFrbiker in action
CTGadmit the existence of replay generator, mr. dickhole (=Frbikergammon il Riverssore), yes, i'm drunk
Frikerand you know we love you despite all of your insults
CTGdon't be that gay
Jan 10
Alan RotoiI hate the big drunk CTG's ass
Jan 11
CTG1:33.56 won't be enough, Doggy!
Frikerwhy do you call Alan Doggy?
Jan 12
CTGcheck it and you will know
Jan 13
CTGping again
Jan 14
Alan RotoiFeliz cumpleaños Anelio!!! Que la pases muy feliz con tus seres queridos, pero dale unos minutos al vicio del Stunts!!
DuplodeHappy birthday, Anelio!
CTGHappy AbuRaf78-day!
FrikerHappy Birthday, AbuRaf!
AbuRaf70MUCHAS GRACIAS a todos, por los saludos con motivo de mi 79 cumpleaños... CTG: Sería AbuRaf79 entonces, pero prefiero que siga siendo AbuRaf70, ya que es una referencia para saber cuando me uní a esta familia tan linda del Stunts...
CTGEven better! Sorry for the mistake, the 'Racers' menu said 78.
Jan 15
Jan 17
Renato BikerParadisio has not answered my email. dstien yes and it's ok. Well, I want to start the teamwork. Zak, include me in the Yellow Fleas. Friker and dreadnaut, send me a e-mail:
DuplodeWhat a coup for the Fleas :O
CTGFriker: why don't you invite dstien as a fourth member? He's one of the greatest hackers in Stunts history.
FrikerYes, I was thinking about it. But I would accept him - he is one of a few active racers..
Jan 18
dreadnautWelcome among the fleas, RenatoBiker!
Renato BikerThanks, dreadnaut. Paradisio replied my e-mail, so now it's official, I am a Yellow Fleas member
CTGMingva le van fingva.
Jan 20
dreadnautDoes anyone have a hacked version of Stunts without the *Re-Start Driving* menu choice?
Renato BikerI also wish it did not exist, because we almost never restarts the entire lap. This forces us to be frenetically saving replays, or lose the successful attempts.
Alan RotoiThe story of my life...
Jan 21
dstienDisabling "re-start driving" and adding keyboard shortcuts for next/prev frame and continue racing have been on my restunts todo list half a decade. Any day now... :-)
Renato BikerI think that you will not have so many problems to do it.
Jan 22
dreadnautUhm, rssreplays seems stuck on the last race of 2012...
another bug on the site
making this page full of insects
Zak McKrackenone less.
rssreplays now fixed.
Zak McKrackenwhee I posted at 1337
Jan 23
Renato BikerZak, change my team.
Zak McKrackendone
Renato BikerThanks.
Jan 24
CTGAbuRaf, dstien: USC is running!
AbuRaf70Gracias por el aviso, CTG... ya me bajé la pista Alicante y la probé... es bastante difícil para mí, pero parece muy linda... lo que no entendí bien, por la traducción tal vez, es donde hay que enviar los replays... Explicame por favor como se hace. Gracias
CTGAbuRaf: replays must be published in Stunts Forum (for Alicante: Alicante (USC 71). Therefore we have quite high podium time bonus (similar to LTB).
Jan 25
AbuRaf70CTG. Entré al Foro, pero no entiendo que y como hay que enviar el replay
DuplodeAbuRaf: Debajo del cuadro donde escribes las respuestas en el foro hay un "Archivos adjuntos y otras opciones" link. Haga clic en él y un comando "Attach" aparecerá para adjuntar el archivo.
CTGThank you, Duplode!
AbuRaf70Muchas Gracia, Duplode... en castellano entiendo mucho mejor... y Gracias a CTG también, ya que mis 79 años ya se empiezan a sentir y tengo que preguntar cosas que tal vez Uds. dan por sabidas.. De paso, CTG, mi fecha de nacimiento es: 14-01-1934
CTGZak: please remove Dexter Morgan, ADPunk should get a point.
Jan 26
Bonzai JoeHey Friker, it's been a long time, but congratulations on your victory!
FrikerBJ: thanks
Zak: could you also remove about 3/4 of login names which are only products of CTG's frustration/phobia/paranoia?
CTGPlease start with Friker!
Zak McKrackendone and also created a stunts related programs subforum.
Alan RotoiWhere is Dexter Morgan's replay?
Alan RotoiOh, ghosts... fucker...
Jan 28
Alan RotoiSay hello to Goyo! He's a friend of mine and when he saw the web wanted to race and remember old times
ChulkHola Goyo!! Bienvenido! Cualquier duda, chifla!
Alan Rotoi?
Frikerhello goyo
Jan 29
UsrinYeeepeeee, another 0.1 second improvement !! [(C)Krys TOFF, 2004-11-07]
ChulkThis must be some kind of a record... what's the most Leading hours anybody has had in Zakstunts history?
Alan RotoiI guess when Gutix won sending a replay in the 2nd day of the month.
CTGI guess the biker is the record holder. Don't expect any "research", this is not the question I want to answer.
CTGZCT64: Biker 667 hours, that must be the record.
CTGZCT73: CTG 677 hours...
CTGZCT73 was the worst race ever for sure.
Frikerbroken gearbox? you could ride only at 1st gear?
CTG3rd gear
SuperBrianHello all. Late testlap here - I'll return tomorrow. Also late but huge congratulations to Friker on z136 and Duplode on the champion-title! Unfortunately I have been tied up by examns the most of december and january and in the middle of the process I had to exchange my keyboard with a new one because I spilt tea on the old. But now it is really hard to get used to this one when driving stunts..
Jan 30
CTGPitman used to be a type of language exams.
CTGBtw welcome back, satanziege!
CTGBonzai Joe should participate.
Jan 31
UsrinHappy birthday, Lise! (I was quicker than CTG.
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Lise...!!!
CTGUsrin! The only thing I say: this is the age of Facebook (I guess Lise won't read this messageboard)...
UsrinNo. This is still the age of spamming.
CTGIf this one is true, congratulations for Meganium, perfect car hiding!
Alan RotoiMad! ^_^.
ChulkI have a bad feeling about this anyway...
ChulkThe fleas have been too silent...
CTGluckily i have no time and mood to race this evening + my pg skills... well... they don't exist at all
SuperBrianInteresting with the corvette. :-o Hmm, maybe it's too late to get to know the track, especially with this stupid keyboard but I'll try to the deadline..
Frikerwell, I was too convinced by Biker's replay that I've stopped thinking about Vette.. (anyway I would try vette if I have some PG skill
Frikerconvinced and fooled.. audi = 180 - 200mph vette = 245 and that's a big difference
ChulkFRI: "I was too convinced by Biker's replay that I've stopped thinking about Vette" LOL! That's what actually got me thinking about Vette...
DuplodeThis race began like Z70 (impossible time early in the month)... and it seems it will end like Z70 too (MeganiuM Vette victory)
CTGFriker drove the Corvette, be sure
FrikerI thought that vette's bonus is not enough for the PG line..
FrikerCTG shut up! and change it to the "is driving"
CTGBtw how far is the deadline? 25 or 85 mins?
Friker"All times and dates on the site are in GMT+1, it's the official time zone of the competition" I hope it's 85 mins.
DuplodeI think there is some issue with the deadline counter. I vaguely remember seeing it wrap around to 24 hours and 59 minutes at the end of a day some time ago. We will see if that happens again in ten minutes...
CTGI think Friker pretends to race now, but he knew about Corvette for ages. But it sounds so cool, that "hey, I made this one in 10 minutes and won the race".
CTGI hate Corvette's powergear, I can't declare it enough times.
CTG(gave up trying right before the cork l/r + right corner + hillside + small left + bridge part)
Alan RotoiIron Maiden - Two minutes to midnight
dreadnautYup... countdown went from "2012-01-31 23:59 0 day(s) 0 hour(s) and 0 minutes left." to "2012-01-31 23:59 30 day(s) 24 hour(s) and 59 minutes left. "
Frikerok, CTG.. this is insulting. so shut up, please. I tend to ignore you, but now I have no mood for your paranoia. I've never lied about my state of progress!
SuperBrianI don't understand. As far as I know I live in GMT+1 time zone, but the time is 23:12!? I'm still struggling with the corvette power gear, but is it too late?
Alan RotoiSo it's Zaks time!
SuperBrianYeah, zak must be living in the GMT+2 time zone, damn. I didn't make it then..
Alan RotoiBTW The rules says GMT+1
CTGFriker is nervous. That's what I wanted to reach.
ChulkRules says GMT+1, so I would keep racing if I were you. Rules support your times for the next 40 mins.
DuplodeDo keep racing, Brian; evidence indicates this is just a bug in the counter (see my message and dreadnaut's just below).
Alan RotoiNo! Keep reading my messages!
SuperBrianDouble damn! I still miss half a lap!
CTGat least biker's audi time should be defeated...
dreadnautThe countdown bug is a bit annoying though, since I assumed I had no time to try a Vette lap an hour ago. Which I probably didn't have anyway, but! :-p
ChulkAll this last minute Vette racing will change car bonuses balance compared to a Vette podium and Audi for the rest
CTGyeah, it was a waste of time to design ZCT139 for Corvette...
CTGi'm out
CTGor a last try to improve the last corner
CTGStormy finish, isn't it? I don't remember any races with such a sharp end.
CTGsafety snding
CTG< 1:00?
CTG< 1:00!
CTGSorry AbuRaf!
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