News posted in March 2012
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Mar 1
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unconfirmed. Confirmed results and new track out in a few days...
Zak McKrackentrack prepared, update tonight or the day after
Alan RotoiToday is La Popis Birthday, the only real person that has a birthday today.
Bonzai JoeThere are some great cars coming up in the bonuses now. I guess I'll have to race again.
Frikerwow i am looking forward to see Duplode's replay
Mar 2
An awesome battle on ZCT127, great activity, battles, smoking tires and drama. That's the way I like it!
And at the end something special - a time warp? A leap jump? What did Duplode do overtake all the rest by almost 4 seconds? Well, check out his replay and you will know - a replay truly worth to enter the ZakStunts hall of fame and a real proof of a double champion who should not be messed with!
Our veteran, Bonzai Joe came on the second place - bringing undisputed virtue for Cork on ZCT127.
CTG finished third, but again dominated the battle for the leading time - so is close to Duplode in overall classification.
And Friker is also close, with clean lines and good performance! Will he be soon able to earn a place on the podium?
Maybe on ZCT128! Spring is here, speed is here. Make sure to wear your helmet, 200mph and above is not a joke! The car - your choice again. I think this time the choice depends on your skills. Experiment and decide. And don't forget to have fun!
See you on the scoreboard in April! -
Bonzai JoeThat's a great, classic, end of the month Stunts feeling. I've had some exhilarating moments with winning replays, especially Ayrton's. Sometimes it's been like watching unreal acrobats throwing firesticks to each other.
Zak McKrackenlet's update!
CTGOne of best races in the last few years. The track was weak mediorce, but I liked the battles very much. Friker is getting more and more dangerous.
DuplodeYeah - flaming, provocations *and* hard racing; that's how a month should be like
And BTW: Long Live Cork!
Bonzai JoeWho knows what Friker could have achieved if he was in a good team. Maybe we should take a look at the team structure here... :-S
Zak McKrackenupdate done, track available!
CTGErm... Damage Inc. is a better place for Friker. On one hand, Super Brian is a strong and friendly teammate. On the other hand, Töff brings us Frech virgins every week.
Zak McKrackenthere is no better place the backroom of than Cork's private mansion, the place where we usually rest after races like this
CTGGTO track
CTG(with right corners, fvck off Zak
Alan RotoiBefore every track I "read" it and I try to find what's the best car. I just say: "Those buildings" xD
GutixExcellent replay Duplode! Congratulations for the z127 victory, and congrats for the podiumers too.
CTGDAMN, this one was an unfinished... no problem, still no LTB counting.
Bonzai JoeGood job Duplode! About number 128: it sure looks like a GTO PG-exercise. But who will have the stamina to go through with that on such a long track?
CTGPlease delete the former one.
Alan RotoiI think the same BJ, without any test. Lancia seems a good candidate, but I'll try PG first as always
Frikerok.. how is 2:03 with P962 done? O.o what about upload it to stuntschallenge?
CTGFriker: easily.
Mar 3
CTGBut you mustn't waste your time on P962...
Frikeri know it will be GTO, that's why i'm asking for it.
DuplodeThanks guys! On 2^7 & P962: 2:00-ish is not difficult; my opening lap was done with small amounts of RH (for such a long track, and for someone allergic to IMSA) and nothing really fancy save for a minor lucky moment in one of the cuts - discount that and you get your 2:03.
Duplode(Oh, and thank heavens for such considerations being merely academical. I do feel much more comfortable with delegating IMSA racing on such a track to stuntschallenge...)
DuplodeLOL, same corrected time with P962 and Lancia o_O
Gagarinvery long way, i not like it
Alan RotoiDon't give up Gagarin, you are a very good racer. I Already saw dup's zct127 replay, very nice trick in the ice corner. I never thought about such a trick. Congrats again!
Frikermy poor try
Mar 4
GagarinA lot of corners, it struggled with it
DuplodePublic service announcement:
Mar 5
Shorty0.1 pts. I'm coming -_-
ShortyYou should stop when it is best...or how ever this is said in English
I'm a noob
Bonzai JoeA question for CTG: Why do you make ghosts? You don't have to answer publicly, just think about it for yourself.
Bonzai JoeAlso, if Gagarin is a ghost, and he does not stop "racing" right now, I will advocate a permanent ban of CTG from Zakstunts, and of installing newbie registration procedures to determine racer identities.
Mar 6
Frikeranother fail.. seems i am sitting in lancia this race :-/
DuplodeFriker: I would understand you if we were on the final week, but it is way too early in the month for that
Have you ever raced in a PG speedway before?
Frikernope, but i think i'm missing something, probably some knowledge which shortcuts i can do and which i cannot. another fail; every car is new for me because i've never raced before (ok 2 tracks in 2009) - so this race isn't "a GTO PG-exercise" but "a big school of a PG technique". i'm quite desperated.
Frikerbtw CTG where is your analysis?
Bonzai JoeBasically if it seems like it might be possible somehow to get through a track part in power gear if you do some strange turns, that means it's a power gear part. Generally the only thing that can stop your PG-rampage is water.
CTGIt wasn't as tight as expected, so it's useless to make it. And I'm also quite busy now.
CTGBtw this one will go to Duplode for sure. GTO, powergear... Not my cup of tea. And thinking on the job interviews of the next few weeks, it's very likely to finish only 8th or worse.
DuplodeTrying to remember which was my first race requiring non-Indy PG madness. I think it was Visegrad, which was nearly a year after I joined... Back then Indy races were far more common than nowadays, so the PG learning curve was a bit different (and maybe less steep).
GutixPG-rampage , LOL
Mar 7
CTGWhatever happens, I'll use the IMSA.
Mar 8
CTGIt's nice to see Usrin as a regular racer again. Argammon and Akoss Poo should also come back.
Mar 9
UsrinAn Indy lap, just for fun (& for testing what happens if I send a worse time to scoreboard).
CTGIndy and fun in the same sentence?!?!?
UsrinBtw, I miss Mingva from your list of racers who should come back.
DuplodeBut Mingva is still around! He races as "Paradisio" nowadays
CTGIt wasn't a full list. I should say a lot more names: the Dutch Alcoholics (wheeeee ^_^), Bismarck, Diesel Joe, Juank23, Pershing II, Leo Ramone, Roy Wiegerinck, Ben Snel...
UsrinDiesel Joe is probably drinking.
Mar 10
CTGQuick test lap with Lancia.
Bonzai JoenoRH...
CTGquite a good one
Mar 11
Thanks to Duplode's hard work the updated version of the Stunts competition archive is now available on ZakStunts. It contains 643 tracks and 569 replays - quite awedome, isn't it?
Head to the downloads page to fetch it, or simply click here :) -
DuplodeHey look, a NoRH scoreboard
CTGDUP: Thanks for the "advice"! The first 25 seconds of my noRH lap is faster than my hotlap on ZCT128 scoreboard.
Mar 12
DuplodeYou're welcome, I guess. Facepalm
Frikerexactly - one facepalm for you duplode
Frikerare these best you can do? O.o
Bonzai JoeOooh, hello there!
Friker/flame flame/ CTG's style: an academic BÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖFF
/stop flaming/ hello, i hope ill last until midnight at least
CTGShall I let him lead?
Mar 13
DuplodeYeah! Ride the wave, Friker! [And of course, brace yourself for the next big one
Mar 14
Alan RotoiHi
Frikerauch.. i am officially opening the hoping competition 2012
Bonzai Joe:-D
Mar 15
ShortyThere are a few seconds left
Mar 16
DuplodeAnd Shorty joins the pack
Duplode...and now, your turn, gentlemen.
Mar 17
Frikerdo you think it's good enough? /paraphrasing pink floyd
DuplodeNot bad, not bad at all!
DuplodeCome in here dear boy have a cigar / You're gonna go far -
Frikeryou're nearly a laugh, but you're really a cry
ShortyThanks Duplode. Now I have that song in my head again. I'm proud to drive my times without great shortcuts, but I'm not fast with this strategy
Mar 18
Bonzai Joe1, 3, 9, 10, 13, 16, 26, 32, 36, 45, 52, 53, 57, 63, 74, 94, (128?)
CTGNew winners?
Bonzai JoeCorrect, Mr. 45
Bonzai JoeBy year: 3,3,2,2,3,1,1,0,1,0,0
Mar 21
CTG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Böff dampening: 63.4dB
Obvious Ghostdrunk,,, again
Mar 22
DuplodeIt's news to me that ghosts can get drunk! But then it might be just CTG's ghosts =D
Duplode(...though there was an old custom here of, when drinking cachaça, leaving "a sip for the saint". That's another class of spirit though
Mar 24
Frikeri think you should not post your replays to before deadline.. BUT after deadline's bells ring it could be nice to store them in that place.
Mar 28
Alan RotoiI miss the times I was barely superior of Skid.
Mar 29
dstienList feeler.
Frikertalkin' about "good old times" - this replay is driven as well as we can with our (i & friend) version of stunts and our rules - we cannot change a car or an opponent's car because of a bad version of stunts (corrupted car's files) and the only stunt that could be ommited was that wierd elevated cork. also we race NoRH (because of scoreboard driven times count). aha - one mistake - we raced with an opponent (usually Skid). you can see this replay at stuntschallenge.
Mar 30
SuperBrianDue to lack of time; here is a listfiller. Maybe I can improve tomorrow, but I don't think I have the time. I'll try to be more active next month.
Mar 31
Frikerat least ill gain LTB points
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