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Dec 1

  • Three and a half years... The time needed to put someone new on the list of ZakStunts race winners, proving this is still not an easy job to do. But now we have a new winner, who did a wonderful job steering his Acura around :) the track: SuperBrian! Huge congratulations!
    Another rare event: we have a draw on the top of the scoreboard, because Duplode had the exact same time - but different driving line - as Brian, both securing 12 points - but SuperBrian taking the +2LTB clearly identifies him as the real winner of this track.
    CTG came as third - also in the Acura, as everyone else.
    Despite the low number of participants, the race was intense throughout the month - thanks for everyone taking part!
    Now on to the last track of the year... The proposed rule change was rejected so some racers will have a good chance to win a lot of extra bonus points on the last track of the 2012 season, designed by Duplode.
    Enjoy the holiday, and don't forget to fasten your seatbelt!
  • Friker
  • Zak McKracken
    upload started, validating replays
  • CTG
  • Zak McKracken
    scoreboard final, validated, site updated, newspost in progress Smiley
  • Duplode
    Congratulations Brian, you have made it! This is a special moment, and it was great to be up late in the night to see it live Smiley
  • CTG
    Corvette powergear alert
  • CTG
    Btw I can't wait to see Brian's replay (sorry DUP, but your co-victory is not that exciting from the aspect of the expected results Cheesy).
  • CTG
    (I can't watch them because I'm at work)
  • Duplode
    Small "bugs": 1. In the Z136 replay pack there should be two replays labelled "01" Smiley 2. Krys should be listed as a member of Damage, I suppose 3. Z137 is not in the scoreboard page combo box.
  • CTG
    Suggestion for the next season: draw should be decided by the time the replay was sent (earlier "priority date").
  • dreadnaut
    Let's put an upper limit.
  • Zak McKracken
    thanks, all bugs fixed!
  • Friker
  • CTG
    Let me arrive home and I'll fuckin' kill you all!!! Cheesy
  • Anonymous
    this has some potential...
  • Friker
    Show us your Corvette Wink
  • SuperBrian
    Thank you very much. Thats a nice comeback after a summer with no motivation. I knew I had a pretty good time, when I entered the quiet days as the leader, but with so many hidden times I wasn't sure if my 50.35 was enough. I will also like to congratulate Duplode, next step must be to win alone. ;-) Right now I only have an old laptop to play on at my parents place, but here's a testlap.
  • CTG
    The easiest 3 points of my Stunts career.
  • Krys TOFF
    Congrats Brian, well done !!! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy As for my time, it was a 10-minutes-made one. Stunts works better with DOSBox 0.74 than 0.7, but fine tuning of cycles and frameskip remains to be done properly for my current computer.

Dec 2

  • Alan Rotoi
    Congratulations Brian!! Smiley)))
  • CTG
  • Friker
    CTG, don't be a coward. Wink SuperBrain - congrats Smiley
  • CTG
    I checked the dictionary about the word 'coward'. It said nothing about people having real life, plenty of work and serious medical problems.
  • Friker
    I am sorry if it was insulting for you. I was thinking that you have 1:25.00 in your pocket (I still think that).
  • CTG
    Not yet. I have an easily improvable 1:29.85 (---> 1:28.00)
  • Friker
    So improve it easily.
  • CTG
    Why? LTB is not running at the moment.
  • Friker
    I want a peaceful christmas time. Smiley
  • CTG
    Btw 1:25 seems to be a weak time. Skyline is good for 1:10-1:12 (Ayrton mode).
  • Friker
    I think 1:22 will be a winner. Ok, maybe 1:18..
  • CTG
    TOP5 will be able to cut the bridge corner part by a huge bug jump.
  • CTG
    Friker: please come to Stunts chat for a minute, I would like to ask something.
  • CTG
    (not about the track or tactics)
  • Friker
  • Friker
    I go ice skating, I will be back around 19:30 so I'll come there
  • CTG
  • CTG
    I won't be here. But see PM at the forum.
  • Friker
    congrats dreadnaut - you break my noRH time Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Thanks, although my replay is full of RH —we shouldn't compare the two Smiley

Dec 3

  • Bonzai Joe
    I just noticed that SuperBrian on :-o (shared 1st place, but winner is the one who sent his replay first). Nice driving, Brian. Welcome to the history books :-)
  • Bonzai Joe
    Here's the missing w: "w"
  • SuperBrian
    Thank you very much. Now I must try to live up to the new expectations.. ;-)

Dec 4

  • CTG
  • Friker
    give me that 48 hours and i leave you alone Wink
  • Friker
  • CTG
    In normal case I would give you that 48 hours. But since Gutix wants both of us having less than 2 days LT... (btw since I can't/mustn't/won't play at work and I have many exercises and I go to sleep quite early compared to my old habits... maybe I shouldn't fight for LTB)
  • CTG
    But I guess you are watching the site fluently or at least in the last 2 minutes of each hours. I don't have time for this (this moment is an exception). What about a deal? You give me that 48 hours and I help you to win your first race ever. Cheesy
  • CTG
    (I have limited number of 0.05 steps on my pendrive)
  • CTG
    Now let's work.
  • Friker
    It doesn't have to be win - only make sure I'll finish before you Wink deal?
  • CTG
  • CTG
    it won't be that hard anyway
  • CTG
    ('cause you don't know my overcrowded list of programs for the next four weeks)
  • Friker
    ok so i give you 48 hours now, then 48 hours for me, then you'll take the lead and let me finish before you at the end?
  • CTG
    Sounds fine but you forget the Gutix / Biker / Duplode factor.
  • Friker
    btw - did you know that a finish line's pillar is not solid at their red part? Cheesy
  • CTG
    (or even Super Brian, he's good!)
  • CTG
    Is it new for you? Cheesy
  • CTG
    (hahaha, you made a huge jump at the end, understood)
  • Friker
    that's why i let you in the lead NOW. i need only 1 point difference between our LTB (so if you take your 48 hours and i don't it's ok) or to finish before you (to be honest i don't believe in that but i give you a chance to show that you're not such liar as you seem to be Wink ).
  • CTG
    I think the liar period finished in 2009, when I gave up the serious racing and ghost creation.
  • CTG
    Btw check the analysis at the Forum and you will see: you don't even need to finish ahead of me to catch the silver medal.
  • Friker
    hmm and another interesting fact - this skyline car is very hard to take off with a magic carpet - and in my replay it's done twice..
  • CTG
    /me: 0
  • Friker
    hmm.. i expect we'll finish 2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th - in that case you are one point behind - hence the 1 LTB point diff. in that case i will have the same amount of points even if i'll be 3rd in overall season ranking. so whole deal is for nothing - simply - i have to finish before you..
  • Bonzai Joe
    Jesus. I almost feel motivated to race now, just to prevent any of you two from getting any leading time.
  • CTG
    You can't overtake us, Bonsai Tree.
  • CTG
    Friker: check that table once again. There are many other possibilites. And I guess my final replay will be enough only for 6th-8th place.
  • Friker
    Ok, I always find pleasure in your replays, so come on. Wink
  • CTG
    Have I ever declared that Friker is my ghost?
  • CTG
    (if I say that, would you please disqualify him? Cheesy)
  • CTG
    Before I forget: Duplode and Gutix are my ghosts, too. Cheesy
  • Friker
    Well, now I am seriously thinking about some role-playing. Smiley
  • CTG
    You can't act like me, 'cause I'm a real asshole. Grin
  • CTG
    Duplode? Biker? Gutix?
  • Friker
    hey! slow down!
  • CTG
    Hey, don't move!
  • CTG
    The most annoying thing you can do now is to put 48.02 on the scoreboard, showing "look, I can still brake even less".
  • Friker
    yes, i can brake even less. Smiley every time you post something faster I have to do something faster too.. (btw I don't know how I overtake you after 48 hours of leading. :-/
  • Friker
    CTG - please, do not send anything better unless someone overtakes you. make it easy for both of us. others - I don't know how intentionally was this track designed for skyline but it is simple perfect - I would like to see BJ's and Biker's laps (maybe Duplode's - but I think he has his ~1:20 replay already)

Dec 5

  • Duplode
    @Friker: The main vehicle for the pre-release test was Melange Smiley
  • Friker
    So you have ~1:20 replay already, don't you? Smiley
  • CTG
    The only man on Earth having already 1:1x replay is you, Mr. Tomkovic.

Dec 6

  • Friker
    Not really.. Smiley I think I'll stop at 1:22. I cannot think about better line that I have now (I think that buggy jump before ending section is impossible) and my estimation is that winning time will not be better than 1:18 (I bet on 1:20). 1:20 with Skyline means 0:57 with Corvette.. Ayrton/Duplode? Anyone? Cheesy btw I must learn working with trackblaster. Smiley
  • CTG
    I'll quote your last post at the end of the race.
  • Friker
    Ehm.. I should add: with Skyline. Wink
  • CTG
    Don't toy with me! (Almost published my current best... almost...)
  • CTG
    Theoretical question: what would you do if I publish something like 1:21.50?
  • CTG
    (I don't have 1:21, not even 1:22)
  • Friker
    I would started to hate you. First time a person betray me it's very crucial. I don't trust this person anymore and in this case it will be the end of any partnership with you.
  • CTG
  • CTG
    (But after your 48 hours, is it fair to do it?)
  • Friker
    After my 48 hours of leadership, yes, it is fair. Cheesy Still, there is a part in which you should ensure that I will be better than you but whatever.. I'd rather see a nice replay than my win - so BJ, Biker etc. where are you? Tongue
  • CTG
    Because 47.99 looks a lot cooler.
  • CTG
    Don't worry, the priority replay is yours from the aspect of LTB.
  • SuperBrian
    "The only man on Earth having already 1:1x replay is you, Mr. Tomkovic." What about the old dane ManOnMoon? Btw I cannot play Stunts on a computer before monday..
  • Friker
    CTG - I know. SB - That's only good news Cheesy 48 hours of LT ensured. Tongue
  • CTG
    Where is the biker?

Dec 7

  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Alain...!!!
  • SuperBrian
    Happy birthday Proffessore!
  • Friker
    Happy Birthday, Alain.
  • CTG
    Alain left several years ago...
  • CTG

Dec 8

  • CTG
    time is up
  • Friker
    what is your current best? O.o nice top gear Smiley
  • CTG
    I don't remember, but Stig has 1:23.70.
  • CTG

Dec 9

  • Friker
    very nice Smiley
  • CTG
    Hey! ZCT137 is not an exclusive Friker vs CTG battle, please send your replays!
  • Friker
    It should be said that this is not a battle at all. Cheesy But yes - send us what you have Smiley (ok not half-made vette replays.. Smiley )
  • CTG
    Friker: if you react on everything I say in less than 10 minutes, people will think you are: a, really my ghost; b, fuckin' addict.
  • Friker
    a - am I not your ghost? b - well, I'm an addict, I'm not fuckin' Wink
  • CTG
    Happy Birthday, Chicken in the oven! Cheesy

Dec 14

  • CTG
    Duplode, Bonzai Joe, Biker, Gutix and Rotoi should kick our ass soon - else this race will be incredibly boring.
  • CTG
    do it guys
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Yes, I want to force you all to beat me. Tongue
  • CTG
  • Friker
    I want to beat them. Wink Not to win in a race with no participants (or one - two). btw CTG what is your best now?
  • Bonzai Joe
    I just realized that the Union Jack is a mix of the Scottish, English and St. Patrick's flags.
  • Bonzai Joe
    What about Wales?
  • CTG
    Still the same, Friker.
  • Friker
    which is? BJ: ? Smiley

Dec 15

  • CTG
    (just to pretend a race)
  • CTG
    the winner will be under 1:15 with skyline
  • dstien
    The winner will get more than 10 points.
  • Duplode
    The Welsh flag is too awesome to be remixed Cheesy
  • CTG
  • Duplode
    3625 bytes from duplode.powderfinger.zct ( icmp_req=1 ttl=52 time=244 ms
    3625 bytes from duplode.powderfinger.zct ( icmp_req=2 ttl=52 time=227 ms
    3625 bytes from duplode.powderfinger.zct ( icmp_req=3 ttl=52 time=233 ms
    3625 bytes from duplode.powderfinger.zct ( icmp_req=4 ttl=52 time=222 ms
  • Duplode
    (just to pretend I'm in a race)
  • CTG
    Nice time hiding!
  • CTG
    Friker: could you send in 46.8 or something like that? It would be cool to see you in this pretending game. Cheesy
  • CTG
    Btw Duplode: you are in a race! It's not a shame to be behind the two Central European superstars. Tongue
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Friker: do you live in Pozsony?
  • Friker
    :-/ No, I live in Bratislava. Wink
  • CTG
    So yes.
  • CTG
    Have you ever been in Györ?
  • CTG
    And where's your 46.8?
  • Friker
    I don't have 46,8. I have not been racing since the last time post. I've never been in Gyor. I was in Budapest in september 2011 (2 days trip, it was funny Smiley ).
  • CTG
    Forum is down. Or only from here? ("Bad Request Error")
  • Friker
    Too much spam from us. Wink Even forum cannot handle it. Smiley
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Of course you have 46.8 and even 43.8. Don't try to mislead the old CTG! Cheesy

Dec 16

  • Friker
    Here is 46.7. Could I have some leading time, pls?
  • Duplode
    Excuse me, but how do you win leading time without leading? Cheesy
  • Friker
    we have an agreement - according to that i cannot overtake CTG in this part of the month . Smiley (btw my question looks really silly. Smiley )
  • CTG
    Friker is Argammon.
  • CTG
    Btw yes, but not now.
  • Friker
  • Friker
    Hey, dreadnaut! Make another 20 sec leap toward us. Smiley

Dec 17

  • CTG
    Zak, you old bastard! HB! Cheesy
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Zak...!!!
  • Friker
    Happy Birthday!
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, Capitain!

Dec 19

  • CTG
    LT: 321, remaining time to deadline: 301 (quiet days: 253), advantage against Friker: 273. Take it if you want to - but I ask you to do it with your best lap (no braking). Wink
  • Friker
    Ok. I probably can do only 1 sec (+epsilon) better than this. So others - come on and race Wink
  • CTG
    Friker will finish under 1:15.
  • Zak McKracken
    Thank you all Smiley

Dec 21

  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Dragonfly...!!!
  • CTG
    He isn't here, but in his name: thanks! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Impressive time by AbuRaf.

Dec 22

  • AbuRaf70
    Gracias por el comentario, CTG...
  • Friker
    thanks for a skyline replay, Zak. Smiley

Dec 24

  • dreadnaut
    I'm on it Smiley -In other news, Merry Christmas!

Dec 25

  • Duplode
    Merry Christmas, ye good people!
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Banzai Joe...!!!!
  • AbuRaf70
    FELIZ NAVIDAD...!!! para todo el Mundo Stunts....!!!!

Dec 26

  • Friker
    Small steps for us, big leaps for you. Smiley Keep improving! (Actually 4 sec improvement is quite big one.)

Dec 28

  • CTG
    Hey Freaker, you spend too much time here! Tongue
  • CTG
    I won't improve my time.
  • Friker
    Sad really?
  • CTG
    Really. I won't give you the feeling that you won in a real battle. Tongue
  • Friker
    the worst win ever! Cheesy aaaaaa... Cheesy I will cry! Cheesy
  • Alan Rotoi
    dreadnaut now if from Italy...
  • CTG
    it's time to brake less again
  • dreadnaut
    I'm travelling Smiley
  • Friker
    thank you

Dec 29

  • Planned year-end schedule:
    Final scores update: 1st of January evening GMT+1 New season start: until 4th of January evening GMT+1
  • CTG
    For what? No new laps for ages, using the old one.
  • CTG
    last lap
  • CTG
    (before quiet days)
  • CTG
    Friker 1:13.30
  • Friker
    congrats Smiley
  • CTG
    I don't buy it.
  • CTG
    Friker 1:12.50
  • CTG
    (Duplode 1:12.40)
  • CTG
    Or changing to Corvette/Speedgate?
  • Friker
    Smiley very nice, Duplode.
  • CTG
    Will you comment all the replays in 2013? Tongue
  • CTG
    (that's really annoying)
  • Friker
    hmm.. that could be interesting challange. Cheesy only your replays, ok? Tongue
  • CTG
    hahaha renata again Cheesy
  • CTG
    Friker: please don't! Tongue
  • Renato Biker
    Cheesy I couldn't play this month. So, let's go Friker! hahaha
  • CTG

Dec 30

  • Friker
    RB: I said - my (reachable) goal is 1:20.00 and that's not enough to beat Charlemagne the Great. Sad
  • Renato Biker
    Friker, you said something like that on C133, but you could make so better than me, let's go man! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Friker: don't ruin it in the last days! Cheesy
  • CTG
    Biker: I know that he has 1:12.
  • CTG
    Rotoi: you are a dog!
  • CTG
    (black tea overdosage)
  • Friker
    at this level the whole track is only one big quick lap without any space to "make art" so it is only about speed. and that is charles' great side. btw I've made similiar trick to that in zct133 but w/o any improvement. :-/ so i have my final replay waiting to send it.
  • CTG
    suck my mriya
  • dreadnaut
    So if my track is only *half* a quick lap after an initial dragging along, am I doing it wrong?
  • Friker
    CTG what does your nickname stand for? dreadnaut - I don't understand but definitely you are doing it wrong. Smiley I wanted to express - the track sucks at high speed - it is much more funny at mid speed (somewhere around 1:25-1:30). Smiley
  • CTG
    Crash Test Guy, Congrats To Gutix, CoTanGent, Czech Travel Guide, Connective Tissue Graft, Cytosine-Thymine-Guanine, Coupled ThermoGravimetry... whatever.
  • AbuRaf70
    Happy Birthday, Reiger...!!!

Dec 31

  • Friker
    hmm.. that is a really strong time :-/ congrats Tongue
  • Friker
  • Friker


  • Friker
  • CTG
    which one? Tongue
  • CTG
  • CTG
  • CTG
    b ö f f ! ! !
  • CTG
  • CTG
    Friker: when will you send your final time?
  • Friker
    if you send your final time unhidden, i post my final time unhidden too. If not, I post it hidden in 3 hours.
  • CTG
    final one, yours?
  • Friker
    What the f*ck?! I've had 1:19.15 when you posted 1.19:95.
  • CTG
    It's not your final time.
  • Friker
    It is. Smiley
  • Friker
    So, congrats, CTG.
  • Friker
    btw: -0.03 - what is that?
  • CTG
    A small time unit.
  • Friker
    ha.. ha.. ha.. .. 0:45.34 - 0:44.74 == 0.03? did you send 1:18.55 hidden?
  • CTG
    As you know, it's easy to find out the hidden times from the buggy -x.xx column (Zak should do something with it). That's why you don't send it yet.
  • CTG
    It shows the difference between your published time and your hidden one - in a not so tricky way.
  • CTG
    That's where I finish now, I have to go. Be proud, Slovak guy - Algammonato drove a nice lap for you. Cheesy (kidding)
  • CTG
    Happy New Year!
  • CTG
    Friker: keep it hidden, please.
  • AbuRaf70
    FELIZ AÑO NUEVO...!!! para toda esta Gran Familia del Stunts....!!!!
  • Friker
    I am sorry, CTG, but you did not send your best for first time, so I've improved my time (2 minutes work O.o).
  • CTG
    liar, i don't play in your muppet show
  • Friker
    what do you mean with "liar"?

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