News posted in January 2010
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Jan 1
AyrtonHappy 2010 to all !! I can´t forget this community. Sorry for my absence. Be good !!
CTGHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to satanziege, dstien, tgm, firefoxie, Pitman, felomh, trev, Dottore, Geovani da Silva, Mark Nailwood, phoxetis, Quanto, Andrea Sacchi, Argammon, Bolo Yeung and sagspambubs, happy birthday to you!
Bonzai JoeHappy easter everyone! Hello Ayrton.
Bonzai JoeI think it's interesting that Geovani da Silva has an account here.
ParadisioHappy New Year!
ParadisioThe season standings should be sorted by SUM.
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday all...!!!!
ReigerCongrats! Thanks for the congratulations too :-) I had a nice birthday! WMCS final results of december are online! WMCS3 is online!
Jan 2
Sorry, but the bonuses for the Lancia and the Lamborghini LM002 were changed in the database by mistake. The correct valued are set and the sent times also corrected.
SuperBrianHappy New Year to all! Still proud of beeing af part of this great community. Late happy birthday for all the pipsqueaks having birthday on january 1st and congratulations for Renato on the last track. Great replays! And last but not least congrats to Duplode for the 2009 season.. Now, first try - great track and my beloved car..
SuperBrianSomething happened with the car bonus percentage for Lancia. Is it correct now or before?
ParadisioWhy was changed Lancia bonus from 28% to 20%?
Zak McKrackenI made a mistake during the yearly update and the bonuses for LM002 and Lancia were substituted. The bonuses are OK now, and the previously sent times were also corrected. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Zak McKrackenbtw this was announced in the main news today morning.
Jan 3
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Navras and Michael...!!!
SuperBrianYeah, happy birthday for both of you..
Alan RotoiHappy birthday CTG!
Jan 4
SuperBrianhappy birthday cweie14!
CTGRotoi: LOL that's what I call bad timing, exactly 6 months before my birthday.
CTGAh I got it... Happy Birthday Rotoi!
Jan 8
BJ with a listfillerZak had doubt about it but I'm alive.
Jan 10
SuperBrianWellcome back Fredmen67!
BJ with a listfillerhihetetlen öblös böff?
Jan 12
ParadisioWill SuperBrian earn his first ever leading time bonus point
Jan 13
GutixThat and this These and those No one knows
SuperBrianWell, I really hope I'll get my first LTB-point, and maybe if I can keep up the defence I can get them both?
Jan 14
GutixFeliz Cumple Anelio!
SuperBrianHapy birthday AbuRaf!
AbuRaf70Muchas gracias a ambos...!!!
Jan 15
Jan 16
Alan RotoiExcellent track!! I'll try harder! (and watch teammates rpl later) PS: Feliz Cumple Anelioooooo me acabo de enterar !!
AbuRaf70Gracias, Pato... y contento de verte presente en esta pista...!!!
Jan 17
NubarowI am from czech republic
SuperBrianWelcome Nubarow! It's nice to see some new faces. I can't remember we had anyone in the stunts community from Czech republic..
Zak McKrackenwelcome Nubarow!
AbuRaf70Welcome, Nubarow...!!!
CTGSuper Brian: HonzaX, ICEman von CB, Kert Ritt, Stanley, Takenhoe, Thorgal, Vasilij Orlov, von Spek. All of these guys are from the great beerland...
CTGI'm also waiting for the first Rotoi/Bonzai comment about "CTG's new ghost".
SuperBrianI see, but they were all your ghosts. Nubarow isn't..
Bonzai JoeICEman von CB was not CTG's ghost. Who were the Czechs who once ran a Stunts site? I think there were two, and they ran a competition together, maybe 2 years ago.
Jan 20
SuperBrianI know, just kidding. But I can't remember the czech-site, sure it was only two years ago?
CTGHappy birthday, Filipe NitroMonteiro!
Jan 21
CTGHappy birthday, Piowlywoona!
Gutixwhat represents?
Jan 22
Jan 24
ReigerWMCS is back! found the lost date back :-) The race for the trophy continues!Greetz, Roy
CTGHappy birthday rottgoomy! (who the fuck are these guys?)
SuperBrianPeople like Nubarow, maybe they send a replay some day..
Jan 25
CTGHappy birthday, MugwerGrieDge!
Jan 27
SuperBrianHappy birthday arripseIrraph!
Jan 28
Cheersto that..
CTGHappy birthday kRafTelhoCKenBöFF! And Cheers!
Jan 29
CTGHappy birthday Another Birthday!
Jan 31
Moderate interest accompanied ZCT103 - unusal for a season starting track. Still, the we can see several magic carpets and cars flying around on the podium - and something offroad right beyond.
Duplode, the champion of 2009 proved that he must be taken in count in the new season too - and secured the first place. Former champion Gutix came second with another beautiful replay - and on the third place, someone from Denmark: No, not Bonzai Joe, but Superbrian! The master of the automatic transmission was also the most enthuasistic racer, and secured +2LTB. Really huge congratulations!
So currently three racers lead the seasonal board, all with 12 points, the next racer is 3 points behind - a nice start for the season!
Off we go to Febrary, ZCT104 where I invite everyone for a travel back in time. Yes, its time to race onZCT14 aka. ZCT41ZCT22 again. My decision was motivated by the fact, that in the pastsixseven years we have seen not one but several generation of racers growing up and it would be nice to see the results on such an old track again. Another motivation was the lack of time for designing a new track. :)
Of course it cannot be guaranteed, that the car will be the same - but it will still be interesting to race in the skidmarks of the past - I hope you will enjoy it! You have 28 days to rock the scoreboard - fasten your seatbelt! -
CTGHappy birthday Lise!
dstienAnother soulless list-filler...
DuplodeHappy birthday Lise!
Zak McKrackenupdate will be delayed a bit...
Zak McKrackenor not.
scoreboard final, unconfirmed
CTGNice podium for Super Brian!
DuplodeAnd with +2 LTB to boot :-) Hope to see him climbing even further this season ;-)
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, confirmed
Zak McKrackenupdate finished. congratulations to all!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Lise...!!!
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