News posted in April 2009
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Apr 1
CTGtesting leading time graph
CTGNot working... :-S
DuplodeNo, it looks working - most likely it'll rescale in a few minutes...
CTGRescaled but shows no points.
CTGI mean data points
DuplodeWell, it is a line graph with no points... the display looks very clear to me.
Zak McKrackenyou need javascript enabled for the graph. it works perfectly for me
CTGStrange, javascript is enabled here, maybe the browser... (IE7)
satanziegeJust to be on the board - and with the only car that has style.
PitmanDas Kompetenzcenter has reclaimed the 3rd Place of the Team ranking! :-D
OverdrijfCongratulations, for now...
OverdrijfJust to let you know, you might stay on 3rd place for the next week, I just gave AbuRaf70 something to do in FTT.
DuplodeSpeaking of FTT: show up there folks! It may make Krys happier for reappearing...
DuplodeAnd too bad IE users can't see the leading times graph right now, it is looking cool - like an hyperbole branch dropping down to minus infinity...
CTGToo bad there was a grey car ahead for an hour...
CTGFriker is licking the ass of my Acura...
CTGjust installed firefox to see the graph... COOL!!!
Frikerim in your asshole !!
OverdrijfNot a cork, still getting screwed.
Frikerskip it
3 seconds worth it
Bonzai JoeDon't worry about CTG, Acura is a crap car for this track.
Frikeri cannot drive (especially new ones) so it doesnt matter
and - acura fits me
CTGAcura is not crap. But still having rest, without Stunts, so...
Apr 2
DottoreWanted to taste THE GAME again...
FrikerDottore.. a newbie?..
tottaly cut off from the league..
welcome back? hello im Friker.. .. sleepy thoughts.. good night.. nightmare.. :-!
CTGWOW!!! Welcome back, Doc! See you in USC too!
CTGFriker: he's not a newbie - he's a three times USC champion!
Bonzai JoeTime is moving backwards!
CTGBJ: bring Alain back somehow, you two were soooo good friends (and even better "friendship" between Argammon and Alain)! That would be fun!
CTGBtw damn, Friker's nose was in my ass and now Zak's Skyline is almost totally in the rectum...
CTGGraph modification
SuperBrianA vtestlap, and ouch I'm drunk..
SuperBrianAnd congratulations to BJ, I wasn't able to send my replay cause of internettroubles, but my time wouldn't have been much better.
SuperBrianThanks, always nice with some alcohol to drive on?
CTGThere's the point!
DuplodeVery, very good to see Doc is still around!
OverdrijfSuperbrian drives on bioethanol, is that cheating?
CTGNo, Diesel Joe and I do the same!
OverdrijfGood. *Plop*
OverdrijfWith Satanziege al the way at the end there it looks just like we're having an incredibly exiting mass sprint here.
Apr 3
Frikerit could be so nice...
pink floyd ftw
Frikerdottores time is really strong with LM-002 for me
btw - dottore: why you dont have champions title from zakstunts?
CTGsatanziege should improve...
CTGAnd Friker is behind my car again...
OverdrijfI should improve... And I will.
OverdrijfHTE should also improve, and all the others we are still missing too.
satanziegeHm, thought about leaving the gap until the end ;-) But submitting is easier than comparing times by hand.
CTGThanks for saving my ass!
CTGThe fact is that we'll have a Skyline vs Acura race this time. Jeep is good at the current level but it has quite strict limits. Maybe Corvette with Ayrton or BJ...
OverdrijfBut as long as many of us are still ten seconds away from that limit, it might be faster for some to stick with the jeep.
Bonzai JoeFriker: did you spend 1 hour and 10 minutes improving your ending from 1.11.30 to 1.11.05?
CTGBJ: nope, I was sleeping... erm... bad login, sorry!
Apr 4
thanks CTG
i think name of our team will be 'ghost racers' definitely (after this night)
... BJ it seems redicilous but.. yes i did..
- because i couldnt push my time down and i had to redrive the passage around 1:24 and i was tired :)especially that final loop took me very long time to do..
DuplodeFriker: If you're going for "Ghost Racers", why not mutate it to "Ghost Riders"?
Frikerhmm maybe 'ghosty' is more acurate
Apr 5
Frikersomeone wants to teach me how to ride skyline?
Overdrijf*Mounts Casper*
Overdrijf*Dumps Casper, mounts flying buck.*
Bonzai JoeWell Friker, good news for your opponents :-)
Frikerthat doesnt mean im not able to learn it
whats up with your replay?
Bonzai JoeMaybe think about it this way: maxing out the ending of a non-final replay is a bit like putting fuel in a car with no engine. I will start racing later...
Frikerwho said it was ending and who said it wasnt the final replay?
if i cannot ride skyline i cannot send any better replay
but generaly - i agree
Bonzai JoeThe Skyline is new to everyone... It's just about trying it out and learning it. I'm looking forward to that myself... Still never raced with it :-)
CTGSkyline? :-S I'm not happy about that...
Frikeroh fuck! this will be hard-learning
CTGDon't cry, Friker! You can do at least 1:07.66 with Skyline. That's sure!
Frikerill see it about 1:42 driven time.. we will see
Apr 6
Duplode...but Skyline was never supposed to be a difficult car in first place, so c'mon guys
DuplodeOops, invalid submission, sorry! Zak, could you please cancel the 1:05 lap?
CTGToo bad, I would prefer a Acura race. But mission is a mission, whatever the car is.
DuplodeFrom the Statistics>Sent Replays page: CTG C94 6:11.31 auto 2009-03-31 21:27 o_O...
CTGYes, it was a lolish replay.
CTGNext race: I'll start with a 9:59.95 Indy replay ---> 13 minutes.
CTGLucky you, I have no time to beat you now. I have to play with F1 2003 mod.
CTGWeak one...
CTGDamn it, too slow! :-S
Apr 7
HTEoverdrifj or friker have slots for the new team? or it's to late, my conection is crash in 5 days ago and now I fix
Frikeri suppose you are spammed by Overdrijf then
no new activity - tou should get in contact with us (some IM protocol) - thats all - maybe choose some team name
HTEIM ok, add me!
CTGi hate centiseconds war
DuplodeThe power to stop it is in your hands
CTGI know.
DuplodeOn the other hand I need to vent my frustration at hardly getting any sleep due to several failed attempts to compile a QM/MD calculation suite... =X
HTEvery very baddd, don't like this car, nsx! oh shame (first time in the ztc94)
CTGQM/MD sucks, far from my field.
Apr 8
DuplodeYes, and don't even get me started about thermal analysis and mass spectrometry! (j/k naturally
CTGI wonder where it stops. I don't have such a huge braking part at the end left...
SuperBrianTestlap with the Skyline. I can't remember I drove the other one, but I can see I was drunk..
CTGThis one was my best lap. Of course.
DuplodeDamn! I won't be able to stop you from getting this hour...
CTGThen try it in the next hour.
CTGI have to re-drive it... :-S
CTGYou will do it in the next hour. I won't. Enough for today.
CTGI suggest you should take the lead when I'm sleeping...
CTGBtw I still say Acura has a chance. I see the way to 1:02 with it.
Frikercould you explain the way to us?
CTGOf course I can. Fly!
Apr 9
DuplodeHigh!fly, touch the sky -
CTGBack to hiding mode?
Duplode(Whatcha gonna do now the well's dry?)
CTGNothing. Waiting for somebody kicking my ass.
SuperBrianHmm, not bad first lap with the LM I think..
SuperBrianBut still far away..
CTGDamn, forgot about the team! I'll send my replays in the evening.
DuplodeGood!time, feeling fine - whatcha gonna do now there's no wine?
Frikeri dont have time to do it under 1:12 with skyline :-/... i love my girlfriend soo much... maybe tommorow
Apr 12
Apr 13
OverdrijfGo Friker! I'll try to get some serious racing done this week.
IceDarn i race to fair, following the road and stuff
OverdrijfLook HTE, a target. If you try to beat eachother a few times both your times will improve.
IceTesting the other car..
Iceanother little test
Iceclosing in!
Frikeryou can earn the most at the start of this track
try to do first passage (from start to jump to water) under 34:00
Frikerim sorry - 33:50
Icethis is frustratingly fun
FrikerBJ: now you can see im not only one who can spend 1 hour to push his time about 0.40 down
DuplodeWorry not guys, it sometimes happens that I find myself spending well more than half an hour to improve... 0.00
Bonzai JoeI see, Friker :-) For every new time Ice posts, we know his final time will be a bit slower. Unless he/you enjoy maxing out your endings on inferior beginnings so much that it will make you race more on the track later... Then it's just an investment in the next replay :-)
Frikersomeone might enjoy racing trough whole race not only at the end
still - i dont have a team so i have to do some replay that i can beat later..
DuplodeYou guys (Friker, OD...) are entangled in too much bureaucracy to get the team going, it almost looks like you're dealing with Brazilian public services in order to submit your application...
Apr 14
OverdrijfI beat my time with skyline!
OverdrijfAnd now I'll get back to maxing out section by section...
Zak McKrackeneaster replay
Frikerit seems like someone wants to annoy me..
Apr 15
Icehmm is this time even better..
OverdrijfI like the looks of the newbie board and all, but from a patriotic point of view I'dd rather see the two LM's in front of the two skylines...
DuplodePatriotic? Don't you like Japanese cars?
Zak McKrackenI guess he was referring to the flag colors of Holland
Frikerfor me its two skylines before two lms
it would fit to me & our team best i think
Frikerok ZAK, WHERE ARE YOU? our team: me, Overdrijf, HTE, Ice (if he wants to) name: "Crashper's Domination" (since we are all ghost) logo: will be done later
pls update my joining date to community - 1st of January 2009 & your age counter in profile pages
JoSiHope I did it not too bad...
OverdrijfO hé, we have a name. I like names...
OverdrijfBy the way Zak, it's the flag of the Netherlands, not Holland. I'm a dangerous fundamentalist on that terrain.
OverdrijfAnd even more by the way: Look HTE, another target!
JoSiHello Everybody! How do you enter the penaltys? "6,00" "6.00" or simple "6" ? (without quotation) Maybe i made a mistake posting my last time?!
OverdrijfI entered them as just numbers so far, ("6", so to say), but perhaps the rest works too...
Apr 16
JoSiGuess i did something i was not supposed ...
JoSiI just tried to post my second time with the LM002 when i hit 'Enter' to confirm my 6 seconds of penalty (same shortcut as with the Audi) before i selected a replay. I am sorry for the trouble this will cause.
DuplodeJoSi: No problem, Zak will cancel your non-lap when he gets to see it (just confirm your 1:22.92 was sent with the correct penalty). And welcome
OverdrijfCrashper is barely out of his box and the scoreboard is already haunted...
CTGCrashper team did not exist during Z91-Z93, so we shouldn't add the points of the members from these 3 races to the team competition...
OverdrijfThese are the rules CTG, or are you affraid of us?
OverdrijfNote: I didn't mean that personally, I just really like the idea of people being affraid of us.
CTGQuite a stupid rule.
OverdrijfI just send my (bad) time for the unskilled track, so will you agree with the rule in return? [/should have asked that before sending]
CTGWell, I can't disagree with it - I accepted these rules when registered to ZakStunts. Just forgot to read the team section, so this one surprised me...
Link doesn't work for me, please send it via e-mail! Thanks in advance!
OverdrijfThe ending is a bit crappy on this one, but I just wanted to see for myself that I'm back in the race.
Frikerthis looks very dangerous to me :/
Bonzai Joe2005-09-04 CTG It seems that people like to make love in November/December. Happy birthday, Super Pursuit Mode! Who you are? And who is H-bomb? Roy and Ben? XDude and Doelloos? Nice to see you back whoever you are!
Apr 18
CTGSomebody online?
JoSiIm on...
Frikerwtf? active all day long!
DuplodeBÖFF too!
This was a suspiciously quiet day here.
CTGToo bad I couldn't drink tonight...
Frikerwhat is the reason?
CTGMedicines, as usual.
Apr 19
CTG7 and a half hour left from Szerencs race, come on guys!
Apr 20
ChulkThis Warmup lap seems more of a Cool down lap...
CTGBetter than nothing...
CTGGraphical scoreboard: the three racers at 1:09 are forming a wall - seems like nobody can really crash it.
Apr 21
OverdrijfI'll hit it, just give me some time, like untill the deadline or something.
OverdrijfNot that that will really matter, these 3 can probably have a very interesting sprint of there own quite a bit ahead of where they are now.
CTGBtw I think we can celebrate a new ZakStunts winner at the end of the month.
firefoxienice weather, what are you folks doing here??
CTGI'm at work, waiting for the apparatus to cool down and change the sample.
ChulkA bit better, but still a lot to go.
ChulkMmmm. No.
ChulkBest so far but not as much potential as Nissan...
DuplodeAs for me, I'm currently proving that the particle-in-a-box solutions are orthonormal...
Bonzai JoeHi firefoxie! Nice weather indeed. The summer sunsets are the only prize the weather pays you for living as far north as I do. Light blue, yellow, orange, red, purple, pink, dark blue, black. Our evenings have it all. I just came inside and already want to go outside again :-) See you on the scoreboards, and outside!
Bonzai JoeThe winner car for this track will NOT be the Corvette
Apr 22
DuplodeI just realized Stunts is a perfect simulation of racing in submicroscopic scale according to Quantum Physics. See, every time you hit a wall there is a finite probability of tunneling past it...
CTGGetting through a virginal membrane is a lot more fun than hitting a concrete wall.
Apr 23
ChulkBut it's much harder to achieve and you can't use RH...
OverdrijfYes, faster again! Something wrong hunny?
CTGWho needs RH for that? Maybe Töff with the small blue pills...
CTGVery close to the limits of Lamborghini LM-002...
CTGBtw I suggest LM-002 for all the less experienced drivers, because it's extremely easy to handle in "high speed" corners(muhahahaha, 110 is nice with that). 1:10-1:12 with this car is EASY!
OverdrijfBut what's a quick time on one race worth anyway. I might just have bedome the definitive record holder for high jump.
Apr 24
firefoxiewell 1:10 in the lambo isn't easy at all. You still need to drive pretty close to the limit and make no mistakes.
CTGHmmmm... I think the limit is ~1:07.50-1:08.00 with LM002.
Overdrijf@Firefoxie: most of us use RH, gone mistakes.
ChulkCTG "Who needs RH for that? Maybe Töff with the small blue pills...
" I meant even if it was perfect, there's no way you can rewind it and do it again... Nissan serious shot coming soon...
Frikerseems like i never achieve good final position
CTGFriker: I don't believe your crying, you'll beat me this time.
Frikeri think ill beat zak but i dont believe i can beat you - im not so good racer and i hate skyline
CTGWell... I'm a bad racer too and I also hate Skyline. Oh and I forgot: I'm not playing.
Frikeroops - im sorry for screwing scoreboard - bug found - dont log out from "posted replay" page.
Apr 25
OverdrijfSo the first four places are for duplode, BJ, CTG and Doc, then there's Friker and Zak and behind that come all the rest, including but not limited to Aburaf70, Chulk, Pittman and hopefully me.
OverdrijfO, and I see I'm skipping SuperBrian...
Frikeri know its nice to be 3rd but can you delete that 0:00.12 entry? LTB is not correct now..
Apr 26
DuplodeI don't care, LTB+2 is already mine (insert very evil laughter sounds)
OverdrijfSo, not that easy...
okey i will not beat zak also..
DuplodeOh. My. God. FTT0205 must have had the tightest finish EVER. Aaaaargh... anyway, congratulations Chulk!
Frikerim happy i didnt join FTT in January
i cannot do FTT0205 under 1:30
Apr 27
CTGIs it abnormal to post at 4:13 AM?
Frikerhmm.. i dont think so
CTGGood to know.
Duplode@CTG: what a question - obviously not!
CTGWhat if I change it to "Is it abnormal to send 1:04.73 at 4:13 AM?"...
Frikerno it is not.. and you have not sent it yet
Apr 28
CTGAnd I won't. Probably the time on the scoreboard is my final one.
Bonzai JoeCork's Crew's emergecy level has just been raised to code orange.
CTGAnd I don't really care about this track because I hate it.
CTGRed code?
FrikerL O L
Apr 29
CTGBÖFF!!! Because I said so!
CTG3:52... The Never Sleeping must have been a ghost of mine.
CTG4 Friker Crashper`s Domination 1:09.56 (-0.00) HAHAHA, hidden replay sent by him!!!
Frikerare you afraid of me? ]:->
CybermanSay what? There's something wrong, I think.
CybermanYes, that looks better. Sorry, apparently I uploaded the wrong file...
CTGWhy should I be afraid of you? This is just a game. If I lose a match - nothing happens. So who cares?
Frikerive just realized i am not able to beat zak :-/ too bad 1 day before deadline..
Frikerok im giving it up..
OverdrijfAlmost free of this cheesy track...
Bonzai JoeNice try Cyberman, but I have 0:00.11 in the pocket!
Apr 30
So Cottage Cheese, or ZCT94 is over. We have seen a lot. We have seen heavy battle for the LTB between Duplode and CTG. We have seen lots of Skylines driven through the track. And then as a big suprise we have seen the Acura at the top of the podium, along with a new racer who entered the hall of fame, the ZakStunts race winner's club: Duplode! Congratulations, well earned victory!
Second came Bonzai Joe, securing Cork's Crew the maximal team points. The master of the Skyline was CTG this month, which was sadly only enough for the third place.
Taking a peek on the seasonal board we can see a strong competition on the top three steps - is it a coincidence, that the contestants of this race are the podiumers of ZCT94? :) One of them will win this season, thats for sure. But who?
And lets also mention we have seen some oldies coming back reappearing on the scoreboard with hot times. Welcome back, Dottore, Navras, and Chulk!
Well, lets move forward to ZCT95. The first guest designer of the year is CTG. Please blame him for the track if you dont like it, not me. It looks promising but hard. I have not driven it yet, but judging from the bonuses and the track overview, my bet is on the Ranger this time. So, a new track and perhaps a new car. That's ZakStunts in May, 2009. Enjoy, and see you on the scoreboard! -
OverdrijfI is the fastest!
OverdrijfUnless you believe the graphical scoreboard...
CTGDamn it guys, be careful with the sending form... :-S
OverdrijfThe sending form: I brokes it.
CTGSince I know Duplode sent a better hidden replay, it's useless to hide my final time.
ChulkHow did you do 1:36? Did you avoid penalty time?
ChulkYes, you did.
CTGI have two almost equal solutions for the final sector, one of them contains penalty.
OverdrijfI have two almost equal solutions too, but without penalty, and a lot slower then yours.
OverdrijfI'm just curious by how much Pitman will beat me this time.
ChulkA bit more according to what I know I can do, but there's still a lot to reach my best level... Maybe in a few months. I'll start racing seriously at Zakstunts again. Motivation came back, thank you new guys!
Duplode@Chulk: great to hear it! Guess we all should thank the new guys
OverdrijfYeah for the new guys!
NavrasHello-hello! Cool track with 3 different cars to pick, unluckily had no time to study Skyline. Just a "quick" & secret Acura lap for the scoreboard. Also completing a task for Doc: he's away for a few weeks and since there's no hidden replay sending mode during the non-quiet days, he asked me to send his time the last day. Little information about these times: Friker and Zak will have a tight match with us.
So good news: Silver Spirit is back!
OverdrijfSo that's 11th place for me then. But with a strong field...
Overdrijf*Hopes for not being lower than 12th, whole points for the win.*
DuplodeWelcome back guys - 6 teams, that's wonderful!
OverdrijfO wait, I counted Cyberman, perhaps I'll be tenth then. (No offense meant.)
Frikerzakstunts is getting another life? im happy to see all veteran racers here
(but maybe it would be better to see them finishing behind me
CTGFuck you Duplode, now really!
Working on the loopcut, I see about 20% chance to make it.
Zak McKrackenupdate on schedule!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, unchecked. update in progress...
Frikercongrats duplode!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final, checked. uploading track and replays...
DuplodeYes, yes, YES! Wooohooo! Wow!!
Duplode* "Thank you guys, the conditions today on the track were so difficult, but the whole team did an amazing job! *
Zak McKrackencongratulations! Go Cork!
CTGA good Akoss Poo is missing for me as an active teammate to catch Corks. That's already a fact.
OverdrijfI was planning on breaking the scoreboard, but I thought it would be with an easy to beat time...
CTGMake a slower replay!
CTGWow, the Ranger is good!
DuplodeNoRH test lap.
CTGRH test lap.
Bonzai JoeCongratulations to the 17th (or 16th) Zakstunts race winner, Duplode! Well deserved victory with a strong replay :-)
Zak McKrackenit took exactly two years to greet a new winner. So this is something no one should underestimate.
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