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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Sep 1

  • HunterBoy344
    Having some issues with Replit, Stunts Online is down along with most of my projects. I don't know why. They're all returning 429 Too Many Requests, and I can't open any of my projects on the site. I'm going to assume this isn't on my end and that Replit will fix it soon. Hopefully everything is back online sooner rather than later!
  • HunterBoy344
    Replit has confirmed the issue! Their Evaluation API went down for a few minutes, but it's recovering now.
  • HunterBoy344
    Stunts Online is back online! Replit has solved the issue and everything is back to normal.
  • Daniel3D
    Thanks for trying Overdrijf. He only sees what fits his expectations. He does not understand the game and the community well enough. He didn't see that he found friends who really appreciated him and his work. In my case be has lost all that. I don't know if he is really 40 something like he claims or just a spoiled 14 year old kids like he seems to be. I any case. I don't care anymore, i am grateful for the good things created, i regret his shift in behavior. But that is his choice and nothing we say or do will change that. So i don't bother anymore.
  • Daniel3D
    @Ryoma, I thought long about writing this, Because (although I mean well) you may not like it if you are unaware. Someone closer to you should have said it sooner. If you honestly feel this way, then you show traits of a personality disorder that we as a community cannot facilitate you in. I strongly recommend that you seek professional help. We can accept you as you are, and we do respect and appreciate you, but we will not bend over backwards to make you feel better.
  • Alan Rotoi
    @dreadnaut the shoutbox activity stats doesn't works.
  • Akoss Poo
    Chürműű! :-)
  • dreadnaut
    And the Forum is back online! 🎉
  • Overdrijf
    Nice! Also, woah. My eyes may need a few days to adjust to the new look. i don't suppose the old look was a simple theme that can be added to the options? I grew fond of that look. EDIT: I see there's a post on the forum about this, "are the dark themes working?" Put me down as one vote for no.
  • dreadnaut
    I think the theme you are seeing is the default one, but so was the old one. It evolved over the last 10-15 years or so. I also preferred the previous look, so I'll see if I can tweak it here and there.
  • dreadnaut
    @Alan Thanks for spotting that, the shoutbox stats are working again now.
  • Alan Rotoi
    No problem @dreadnaut. Also the forum stats are disabled Smiley

Sep 2

  • dreadnaut
    Finally I get to drive!
    Jaguar 1:32.49 A
  • Daniel3D
    @dreadnaut, thanks for the work you did. It was probably a good amount of more work than you planned for. We can do without wiki and chat a bit longer. No worries.

Sep 3

  • dreadnaut
    No problem! If it has to do with computers, it always takes more work that one has planned for Grin
  • Alan Rotoi
    Is Jaguar better than Lambo? I hope!
  • Stan 286XT
    Work in progress... I burn w98FE to SE nathing I can't acess site whith 586
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday @Mingva!

Sep 4

  • dreadnaut
    @Stan286XT - with this upgrade, old browsers will not be able to access the website, sorry 🙏 It's not something we can control.
  • dreadnaut
    Time to start organising! The next live race is coming, on the 1st of October! - One Thousand and One Laps (2022-10-01)
  • afullo
    @dreadnaut: thanks for getting the Wiki back online, I just guess we have still to restrict edit access again, since various spam emerged in the very first hours after the restore... :|
  • dreadnaut
    D'oh! I thought I had carried over the same permissions 🤦‍♂️
  • afullo
    Lap raced while listening to: reminding of the old Gran Turismo 2 good days...
    Jaguar 1:32.49 A

Sep 5

  • Stan 286XT
    WHOOO 3.08KB!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lancia 1:49.64 A

Sep 7

  • Motig
    Multiplayer? Yes!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Wow! O_O
  • Frieshansen
    @Motig Amazing - what a great job!
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Melange 1:34.67 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Lambo 1:31.37 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Skyline 1:38.79 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The fourth... hmmm... I believe that this is a Countach race...
    Jaguar 1:34.35 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Hmmmm... The two ways are almost the same thing...
    Melange 1:34.24 A

Sep 8

  • HunterBoy344
    Incredible work @Motig! Would more than two players be possible using this, or is it limited to 2 by the opponent system? If it's possible, then maybe I could try adding it into Stunts Online!
  • HunterBoy344
    Speaking of which, Stunts Online 2.1 is officially posted to GitHub, in case anyone else wants to host the client!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Welcome @Kaweashkar!
  • Stan 286XT
    Kaweashkar Hello from Pordenone!!!!!! whot version of stunt use?I 4DS21 BB11 feb 12 1991 wrote on option is the same mindscape 4d sport driving 11.On line tere are same bb11 you can not use car from varius version becouse they become more handle. This a game run cga nec v30 and 8087 I use a 286 whith 640 kb of ram and ms dos 3 30 hd 20MB Run fine in a pentium 486 ... 386 4dx100 Whit 586 and W98SE I can hear saund blaster aew64!!! Can run on win XP command prompt dos box and I can't change stunt.exe you can change stunt.exe?
  • Kaweashkar
    Hi all, I'm using Stunts-ZakStunts 2022 edition BB 1.1. on DOSBox, standard config except for the 4:3 aspect ratio and 12000 cpu cycles to reduce lag. Finaly playing this game in full color! Thanks to Alan for posting this competition on YouTube, which got me here
  • dreadnaut
    Upgraded profile pictures! You can now upload both JPEGs and PNGs, they'll be cropped square, and we'll keep a larger version. Go upgrade yours 😎

Sep 9

  • dreadnaut
    Happy birthday to @Sergio and @SuperBrian! Hope to see them back on the scoreboard sometimes 🎂🎉
  • Alan Rotoi
    I'll ask Sergio in Facebook 😀

Sep 12

  • Alan Rotoi
    @Usrin do you hate Countach too? 😆
  • Stan 286XT
    Cuntach is fast but do not have supercharger and the tachimeter in difficoult to read and is not handle like Lancia Stratos inferior Ferrari GTO!!!!!
  • HunterBoy344
    Hey, I found someone on YouTube who plays Stunts, so I’m sharing the link to Stunts Online here for them: I have to post it here because YouTube is super restrictive about link sharing. The server code is here: and when it’s online the official server is here:
  • Akoss Poo
    CUNT-ach, OMFG!!! :-D
  • GeeTee
    Thanks for that @HunterBoy344, I'd actually already found the site, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right. I was able to get connected to the official server I think (tried the secure method but got an error, so went for the unsecure which seemed to work - no error msg anyway). When I checked the Tracks option however, no tracks were listed. I was expecting exactly one custom track in there? I ran a lap of the only track available to me - Default - and at the end I was prompted to insert disk B and then got a message that the high scores table is not available so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯... ...Also, hi everyone! Cheesy
  • Usrin
    @AlanRotoi Life is too short to drive boring/annoying cars.
  • HunterBoy344
    @GeeTee Yeah, the official server isn’t online very often. It’s hosted on Replit, meaning that it is automatically shut off after a short time. I do host events using that server, and given the release of version 2.11, I definitely plan to do another playtest soon! As for the errors, I have no idea why the connect unsecure button didn’t throw an error; the server was offline, and it also uses HTTPS. The issues after that point were caused by the automatic deletion of tracks and high score files on connection to a server; DEFAULT.TRK was only drivable because it was already loaded into memory. The “Insert track disk B” error occurred because the game attempted to load DEFAULT.TRK after it had been deleted, and the “high score table unavailable” error happened because the game can’t generate a high score file for a nonexistent track.
  • HunterBoy344
    These issues wouldn’t be present if the server connection had succeeded, so you don’t need to worry about seeing them again. Additionally, the game is completely playable before you connect to a server, including all of the default tracks, so until I announce the next playtest (which will be soon) or another community server is hosted, you can still play the full game entirely in the browser!
  • dreadnaut
    Hello @GeeTee 👋
  • Alan Rotoi
    Hey welcome @GeeTee I guess many us watched your videos Smiley Glad to see you here!

Sep 13

  • KyLiE
    Welcome @GeeTee and @Kaweashkar! Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    @Kaweashkar, is your nickname a game of words between "Kaweshkar" and "wea"?
  • Kaweashkar
    @AlanRotoi Yes! Aside from that its just a nonsense nick I use since I was a kid
  • kurtis2221
    Hello everyone! I see some of you found my multiplayer mod. @HunterBoy344 It only works if the opponent is active, can't add more players sadly. 128 bytes are transferred at 25 FPS (~3kb/s). Car's destroyed state is not synced. Now it should work with all versions with and without the loader. Optimized it for DOSBox 0.74-3. Would have done it sooner if I knew DOSBox had a static base pointer address.
  • Frieshansen
    Driven: 1:23.45 Smiley
    Jaguar 1:17.61
  • dreadnaut
    What a battle there at the top!

Sep 14

  • Alan Rotoi
    @Kaweashkar haha clever mix of words. Only people of our region would know Smiley Are you from the south? @dreadnaut a hard battle ideed!
  • Kaweashkar
    @AlanRotoi I used to live in the south but moved to the capital long time ago
  • HunterBoy344
    Whoa, nice time @Usrin! Wasn’t expecting an Audi on the leaderboard!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Me neither -_-
    Jaguar 1:17.05
  • HunterBoy344
    Tried the Jaguar!
    Jaguar 1:39.70 A
  • Overdrijf
    Holy karp, that's fake right? April first came late this year? Actual "drive each other off the road" multiplayer? In Stunts? Whoaohw! That's insane!
  • Overdrijf
    Wait, why 25 FPS though? Might it run better at 20 FPS, because that's the native calculation speed of Stunts, steps of 0.05 seconds?
  • kurtis2221
    It's not fake, did a proper playtest with a friend: You only need to select the same track and the player's car for the opponent's car. 25 FPS was reused from my other multiplayer project, but kept it, since I couldn't disable the AI movement.

Sep 15

  • Frieshansen
    Happy Birthday @Cas!
  • KyLiE
    Happy birthday @Cas! Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday @Cas!
  • Overdrijf
    I kind of want to do a cooperative event now, where you have to produce a replay where the time of the second car past the line counts. ... Preferably on a really simple track. Although... Does replay handling work in this mode? *Evil smile* Also, happy birthday Cas!
  • Usrin
    Happy BÖFFday @Cas!
  • HunterBoy344
    Happy birthday @Cas!!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Dynamic graph of ZakStunts race winners. Enjoy the ZakStunts history! Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Happy birthday, @Cas!

Sep 16

  • Frieshansen
    Thanks for this great video @Alan. Was fun to watch and very interesting.
  • Overdrijf
    Happy birthday @Friker! Cheesy Former teammates forever.
  • KyLiE
    Great video @Alan! It's interesting to see it shown that way.
  • afullo
    Happy birthday mate!
  • Daniel3D
    Happy birthday cas, Smiley

Sep 17

  • Marco
    WOW la timeline historical my friends. beautiful
  • HunterBoy344
    Hey @Cas, I know you've mentioned a few times not being able to run Stunts Online well... have you tried using a library computer by chance? Checked out my local library today, and their PCs seem to be able to run the game pretty well! The computers at my library do have the escape key blocked for some reason, so I'm adding a shortcut that binds the backtick key (`) to escape in game just in case that's also a problem for other library hardware. I'll be pushing the changes to Stunts Online; feel free to try it out and let me know how it goes if you do!

Sep 19

  • Cas
    Hey, guys! Sorry about my absence from the shoutbox. Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. I've had a good time. @HunterBoy344 - I think the problem may be browser related. I use browsers in the Firefox family. I do not trust Chrome and its siblings and prefer to avoid using them. But I'll try different Firefox based options to see if one does it.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Welcome @ErikBarros!
  • HunterBoy344
    Good luck @Cas! In case tweaking Firefox settings doesn't work, I was able to find this version of Chromium that has all of the Google stuff removed:
  • KyLiE
    Hey @ErikBarros, welcome to ZakStunts! Smiley

Sep 24

  • Kaweashkar
    Is manual transmission faster per se? Or its just the greater control of the gears what lets drivers achieve better times?
  • Stan 286XT
    More fast is 5th gear take 5th and go fast sometimes a jump go to 5th gear
  • dreadnaut
    @Kaweashkar Manual transmission lets you shift when you want, multiple times if needed, and gives you more control. Auto will often shift a bit too early or too late, slowing you down. That said, there are often strong Auto replays on the scoreboard, so it depends on the track as well!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Strange absence of @Heretic and @Duplode. They usually don't miss a race. I hope they did in the quiet days.
  • Usrin
    It's very unfortunate that @BöllérJani and @RokkerZsolti are also absent.
  • Erik Barros
    Thank you @KyLiE and @Alan Rotoi, I learn a lot watching the replay of all you guys.
  • afullo
    @Kaweashkar: it is not like Sega Daytona where, indeed, manual transmission is faster (apart for allowing downshift to the 3rd gear in the last curve of the oval, avoiding either to lose grip by braking or to bounce against the wall Cheesy)
  • afullo
    @Usrin: Agro Motorsport FTW! They both beat me in the 2014 newbie league, or at least it appeared so at the end of that year... Tongue
  • Duplode
    @Alan It's late indeed, but here I am Smiley
    Jaguar 1:13.38

Sep 25

  • Stan 286XT
    And quite days .rpl WERE ARE?
  • Usrin
    Very good question, @Stan286XT! Whatever excuse the race organisers find for not displaying the quiet days' replays automatically at 00:00, this does not help the average racer to trust them, mildly said.
  • Overdrijf
    Totally forgot to come in for last minute racing. Glad to see @Duplode defended the team's honor! @Kaweashkar "Is manual transmission faster per se? Or its just the greater control of the gears what lets drivers achieve better times?" In my experience a big difference is made on the jumps and speedups. The automatic transmission will not shift on jumps (that would probably just make it go mad and shift too high up), but if you're already high-ish in your gear it often really pays to shift up ones either just before or during the jump, you'll land with more speed. Another thing that can help, depending on the car, is shifting down to brake. In some cars it's just plain faster, shifting down will slow you down better than the brakes do. In other cars it's mainly nice to have the reference points, if you know you can do this (type of) corner high in 3rd gear you just shift back to third before the corner and you're good. Learn to use these two mechanics and it'll probably save you a few seconds on the average race. It's not a lot compared to the total race length, but it is a lot compared to the differences between racers. I know someone like CTG often starts scouting a track in automatic gear and only switches to manual when things get serious. Me? I just always drive manual. Mostly because I just like how the racing feels. So different people make different choices there. But yes, driving manual is faster, even if you don't get all your shifts right. Final tip: Know what the maximum rev point is on rpm'ometer of the car you're driving, and know what it sounds like too. Most of the time you'll be looking at the road and shifting based on the engine noise.
  • Overdrijf
    On a separate note: did anyone manage a big slidey jump from the second loop to the bridge? That looked like a potential sick trick on this track.
  • KyLiE
    @Overdrijf, from the top 3 replays that have already been published, I can see that @Alan did.
  • Overdrijf
    Nice. I'll have to watch that. And Duplode's run too, if he found a way to beat that.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Meanwhile there are two more competitions to race today: Race for Kicks and Custom Car Championship
  • Alan Rotoi
    BTW in Medal Table of the Statistics section automatically added a gold medal to Kylie, a silver to Frieshansen and Bronze to Overdrijf. Take a look. But since @Overdrijf says he missed the quiet days it may be wrong.
  • dreadnaut
    Quiet replays published, and track open for ratings!
  • Overdrijf
    Ah, right, those weren't even the quiet times yet.
  • Stan 286XT
    and the yellow blink were are?
  • Stan 286XT
    Is on oll table Found!!!!!
  • dreadnaut
    @Usrin Zak and I could in theory see every replay, quiet or not, at any time. No need to delay release to cheat. You already trust us to enjoy running the competition more than winning Smiley
  • KyLiE
    Congratulations to @Alan, @Frieshansen and @Duplode! Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    All replays verified, and scoreboard confirmed. Congratulations to all on the podium, as mentioned below, and to @KyLiE and @Usrin for collecting most of the Leading Time hours. @KyLiE brings an extra point home, while @Usrin carries almost 200 hours over to the next races.
  • dreadnaut
    Next track up later today, but most likely tomorrow 👀
  • Alan Rotoi
    Thank you guys! Congrats to @Frieshansen and @Duplode as well. Also congratulations to the amateur league podium, @Heretic, @Cas and @Kaweashkar who reached the podium in his very first race!
  • Frieshansen
    Yeah! My first second place Smiley I owe this ranking to Alan´s tips and motivation. Congrats to @Alan and @Duplode Also to @Heretic for taking the lead in the Amateur league! @Usrin: really enjoyed your Audi-replay - so well driven and three magic carpets in a row!!
  • Duplode
    Congratulations to @Alan and @Frieshansen! And indeed, make sure to watch @Usrin's Audi replay as well!

Sep 26

  • Usrin
    Congratulations to everyone who is happy with his/her result! That was an exciting race, it's a pity that the Audi did not have a bit higher bonus. Smiley
  • Usrin
    @dreadnaut: Only you know why you took it as an accusation of cheating. I only brought up the fact that the system is not transparent. So, what's the reason for not displaying the hidden replays automatically when time is up? All replays have to be "verified"? That would be a very poor argument... (1) Has it EVER happened that you found an invalid replay during the "verification"? (2) If all replays were published at 00:00, we could immediately watch each other's replays and see if there is any problem with them. That's the best possible way of checking. (3) In the very unlikely case when a replay is found invalid, it is still possible to modify the result. Can you imagine that you have to wait one day for the medal ceremony after a Formula 1 race or an Olympic final, just because there is a chance for car irregularity or doping?
  • Alan Rotoi
    @Usrin if you come more ofter you would find those questions answered. Besides the drama, I wanted Audi as the car of the month too but seems Jaguar was faster or at least better handy. Maybe zct255 is for Audi but Lambo is still an option because of the bonus.
  • Usrin
    @Alan & @dreadnaut: So if someone doesn't come more "offer" (often?) for any reason, should he just shut up? Is your message the same to any newbie having these natural questions in the future? If the questions were really answered in the past, please give a link to the answer or repeat it for dummies like me. And last but not least, try to be less arrogant.
  • Alan Rotoi
    @Usrin you are trying to get it wrong every word. Take it easy. What I wrote is literally. Telling you "if you were more often" is an invitation to you to stay and race more often. Maybe is a language /chat issue, but don't get it wrong please. If you were here for example in the last race with Corvette you would find your questions answered. Now I also remember in the last years Corvette race (zct245?) we had another validation replay issue. I guess dreadaut stated as invalid my final replay. Now a side question, was it by chance or Corvette is a car that tends to be buggy?
  • Usrin
    @AlanRotoi, thanks for the kind invitation, my goal is to give a chance to all tracks and race if I find it fun. But still, you have answered only my first question, and seem to ignore the rest. So again... *** (2) If all replays were published at 00:00, we could immediately watch each other's replays and see if there is any problem with them. That's the best possible way of checking. (3) In the very unlikely case when a replay is found invalid, it is still possible to modify the result. Can you imagine that you have to wait one day for the medal ceremony after a Formula 1 race or an Olympic final, just because there is a chance for car irregularity or doping? (+1) If the invalid replay was not sent as hidden, it needs to be removed manually from the scoreboard ANYWAY, even with the current "verification" method.
  • dreadnaut
    There might be some "lost in translation" at work here. For example "find an excuse" is quite a strong negative expression, while maybe I should have read it as "explain the motivation". So I might also be taking things the wrong way, sorry about that @Usrin. Regarding the 00:00 quiet replays, the reason why it doesn't happen automatically is purely technical: ZakStunts does not have a "clock" that can change the state of a race. It can show different information at the right time (e.g., the race is open, is closed) but it cannot say "it's midnight so I should go and recalculate X and Y". All those things happen when someone uploads a replay or when we press an admin button.
  • dreadnaut
    There is no verification before publishing replays either. Zak, Duplode and I can see a "Publish quiet replays and recalculate stuff" button, and the first of us who visits the website after closing time presses the button. We have discussed a few options to make this available to others, and maybe that's one way to go. Or actually adding that "internal clock" so that things happen on their own.
  • Stan 286XT
    4D Sport Driving Mindscape dsi is incredible have an beutiful 3d grafic and run on a PC286 becouse have funny poligon grafic.I enjoi too much compete at ZackStunt whit my beytifoul dinosaurs 286!!!!
  • dreadnaut
    And the new track is up! 🏁
  • afullo
    Is it "overflow" because 255 is the highest 8-bit unsigned integer?

Sep 27

  • satanziege
    Audi 1:59.89
  • dreadnaut
    LM002 1:44.57 A
  • Usrin
    @dreadnaut: Strong negative expressions? Erm, sorry... but ZakStunts without flamewars is like beans without chili. Tongue Anyway, I think the internal clock would be the clearest solution. If this clock can already change the status of the race from public days to quiet days, it may not be impossible to use it for publishing the replays... That's really something which could make the race more attractive in 2022.
  • Daniel3D
    Dreadnaut his hidden message. 00000000 11111111 00001111 00001111 00110011 00110011 01010101 01010101
  • Daniel3D
    As i understand it is, the primary verification is if the replay can be played. That's usually only an issue with pg replays. That can be checked as a community. The other is penalty time, that seems to be trickier, but most of us can see where penalties are likely given. So releasing the replays automatically based on time could benefit the community.
  • Daniel3D
    An other benefit of releasing the quiet replays automatically when the race is over is that we can meet in chat to discuss the results. I like the live reveals, and this way they don't need one of the admins to be present.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Hey @satanziege welcome back!
  • Stan 286XT
    I convert Zct255.png in Zct 255.jpeg then I centered picture and I print whit BW laser and I can see brown road and I marked whith a red marker and well done I see all ZCT255.trk!!!!
  • HunterBoy344
    By chance, would October 1, 3PM EST be a good time for a Stunts Online playtest? I need to check my own calendar to see if I can make it, but I also want to know if you guys are free then before I set up anything.
  • Stan 286XT
    C255 - Overflow (by dreadnaut) Car Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Vette (Gold, automatic transmission) Time 2:08.90 + 54s = 3:02.90 — Note: the lap is not complete
  • dreadnaut
    @Stan - drive the last few meters again, wait for the grey results screen to appear, then save the replay. Pressing "Esc" early sometimes cuts the replay short.
  • dreadnaut
    @Usrin - Public and quiet days are not on a clock: nothing actually changes at midnight. But the next uploaded replay will have a different visibility. I'll have a look at adding it though, I had not realised it was so important.
  • dreadnaut
    @Daniel3D - Correct interpretation, wrong direction. I'm just counting from 1 to 15 Tongue
  • Overdrijf
    The replays for 254 are very nice, but I ended up being mostly impressed by the ways everyone found of keeping their jumps as small as possible on that last elevated corner. I'm so going to try and steal those moves.
  • Overdrijf
    @Hunterboy344: I'm not here this Saturday evening (European time), but it sounds like the sort of time at which people in general could be available.
  • dreadnaut
    Let's see if I got those coefficients right this time. We should have a few cars close to each other Smiley
    Stratos 1:36.12
  • Stan 286XT
    GAR TOOO!!!!!
    Vette 2:31.56 A
  • Daniel3D
    This car feels really slow for a rally car.. but it is a decent time.. Smiley
    Stratos 1:52.48 A
  • Daniel3D
    feels faster but no grip..
    Lambo 1:52.39 A
  • Daniel3D
    keeps getting better Tongue
    Skyline 1:52.39 A
  • Daniel3D
    3 cars driven and 3 times almost the exact same time. Safe to say, it's not the cars. It's me Smiley
  • Daniel3D
    Finally.. Guess this is the car for me this time..
    Lancia 1:50.38 A
  • satanziege
    Thanks @alainrotoi ! I hope I find time for better attempts! :-)
  • Cas
    First try on this track!
    Lancia 1:43.95
  • satanziege
    Starting to get the idea of this track
    Audi 1:51.65

Sep 28

  • Alan Rotoi
    Skid Vicious' time with Lambo is 2:29.70. If we add the bonus his time is 1:46.99.

Sep 29

  • Stan 286XT
    Track C255 - Overflow (by dreadnaut) Car Lancia Delta Integrale Lancia (White, automatic transmission) Time 2:28.50 — Note: the lap is not complete! Stunts version 1.1
  • Stan 286XT
    zct255 Skid 2 29.70 I 2 29.95!!!!!
  • afullo
    As already said, don't press Esc before ending the second after crossing the finish line, because pressing it would not result in having 20 final frames without inputs, which is required to deem the lap as complete.
  • Daniel3D
    Pressing ESC at the end of the race cuts your replay and makes it invalid. The time after finishing is always the same and has no inputs, this is automatically corrected. If you upload a replay that is cut short, too much is corrected and that results in a lesser and incorrect time on the scoreboard.
  • Daniel3D
    This is a cheated replay to prove a point.. (added 45 seconds penalty time to compensate)
    Lambo 1:48.13 A
  • afullo
    Hmm, but in the case the platform would not have any mean to recognize it as invalid, since it does not run the lap to verify that the finish line has not been crossed...
  • Daniel3D
    @afullo. Indeed, it can not verify if the finish has been crossed. That's why verification has to take place. Check my replay below (i apologize for polluting the replays) I just stopped driving half way and saved. This is off course useless as a cheating mechanism because it is very easy to see.

Sep 30

  • Erik Barros
    Audi 1:45.22
  • Stan 286XT
    02:32.05 zct255.trk whit FIAT131 ABARTH!!!
  • Alan Rotoi
    @Stan Abarth was used in Custom Car Championship few months ago

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