News posted in September 2021
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Sep 5
RyomaNews Lancia out
Sep 6
Stan 286XTWhot is mean?
RyomaI made the Lancia Phedra, Lybra and Delta 2
Alan RotoiCongrats Ryoma and thank you! I don't know how do you build so many cars in a little time. I only built one car in 19 years
There should be a Ryoma challenge/event to race with this cars.
Sep 7
Stan 286XTVery Cool were is Download link?
Sep 8
afulloYou can find most of the cars there:
RyomaLancia Hyena soon....
Sep 11
Stan 286XTVery beutiful Lancia Fulvia!!!!!!!! a lot of interesting car! But tere isn't FIAT 131 ABARTH sorry
Alan RotoiIf you want a Fiat I'm building a Fiat 147 Spazio
RyomaSomebody for doing the Multipla ??
Alan RotoiAccording to the hackers declaration a multiplayer option is quiet impossible. Trivia: kevin Pickell said in the interview made by zak that multiplayer was an option at the beginning (other games of those time had it) but the directives pushed because the lack of time.
Sep 12
OverdrijfI think Ryoma is talking about designing a Fiat Multipla. Although I would definitely be up for doing the multiplayer!
Also, I'm slowly on my way back to the competition. I moved just before this month, new house, new job, new physiotherapist. And all of those things are working out really well, so my RSI really feels like it's getting less.
Alan RotoiGood to know you're getting better about your RSI. Is Multipla a car? Haha they didn't sold it here and they have a factory here.
RyomaYes I think about Fiat Multipla... What is RSI?
Overdrijf"What is RSI?" A pain in the ass. Well, okay, a pain in the wrist and that general environment, stemming from overburdened sinews and small muscles due to (in most modern cases) using a mouse and typing. It's also my excuse for only doing hidden days runs the past few months. You might know it as a mouse-arm or something similar. It is, from my experience, a lot less immediately hindering than having an overworked major muscle, but also a lot slower to recover from. I started doing some independent contracting in IT around the turn of the year. It payed well and was in hindsight a pretty good move for my CV, but then both of my arms stopped working like they're supposed to around late June. Last week I was treated as if the main problem is in my back, and that really helped. (You can tell how much by the length of this reply.) I also managed to move back into education, which was kind of the plan all along, so less computer work helps too.
Sep 15
KyLiEHappy birthday @Cas!
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @Cas! Cuando vamos por unas birras?
The distance between Córdoba and Buenos Aires is almost the same as Budapest - Berlin.
CasThank you, guys!!
CasSorry that I've been busy. I'm posting a replay now
dreadnautHappy birthday Cas!
Sep 17
dreadnautAnd Happy Birthday, Renato! ??
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @Renato!
Alan RotoiIs @Renato friend of @DarkChaser or @vamologocomisso?
OverdrijfI've got a good feeling about this race. I figure I'll finish about 10th or higher.
Sep 18
OverdrijfOkay, maybe like 12th or higher, but that should be it.
Alan RotoiYou'll get points at least.
OverdrijfI like points.
Alan RotoiMercedes DTM is the only car used in zakstunts that never had a 1st place according to the Car podium stats.
OverdrijfYou're right, it lost out narrowly on both 225 and 241. We quite possibly only still have a few months to fix that. (Or write the fact onto the wiki.)
Sep 19
DuplodeOkay, let's reveal the quiet replays! (The full update will happen as soon as I have my track ready to go, which should be before noon if all goes to plan
RyomaAgain only 2 people close the newbies League.....
OverdrijfYes! Someone did find a way to jump from the final cork back onto the mainland! Thanks Alan, nice run! I didn't design this track with powergear in mind, but from the moment you posted that first run it seemed something like this was going to be the winning replay. (Although I honestly didn't know if someone might be able to get the Corvette into powergear to beat out the Acura.) The short powergear run in the first section is a nice bonus on top.
dreadnaut@Ryoma it could have been three with your replay! But let's talk newbie competition, I'm sure you'll have some good ideas → Newbie scoreboard and progression
Ryoma@dreadnaut I said 2 months ago that I'm not happy with the définition of newbies. Until a change, I don't want to participate...ok I will finish 3rd...what a challenge !!! I want to challenge people of my level...and maybe after the next level... The results in newbies league since 2 races proves that I'm right....
OverdrijfYou finished 6th out of all 21 racers, new to super experienced, in ZCT238. If those kinds of results aren't good enough to keep you motivated you may in fact be too competitive for joining competitions. I don't really know what else to tell you. If instead of the newbie league we had a system of tiered scoreboards where you compete against people of similar skill someone with results like that on their resume would be racing in (something like maybe) the silver league. You would still be compared to some pretty strong racers. Yes, KyliE would (could, might) have bneen promoted to gold league with his third place finish in ZCT239, and Zapper would have joined him with the second place one race later. Is that the difference you're going for? The super league (Stunts Wiki: List_of_ZakStunts_race_winners ) would all be people who aren't elligible for the newbie league anyway. You know what, my whining might be on to something here. We could try marking racer's names on the scoreboard for "has won a race before" (super league, or wait, do we need an ultra tier for season winners?), "has placed on the podium before" (gold league), "has finished in the upper one third of the board before" (silver league) and "everyone else" (bronze league, or do we need another distinction within this one?). That might actually help newer drivers judge who they should see as their competition quicker. KyLiE would have won gold league this round and Heretic would have been this month's silver league winner, as an example. And I think Cas would have won bronze league, but I did not check all his results for whether they fell on the top 1/3 of the board or not. It might also chase people away because it smells like elitism though... Another alternative might be that you always start in the lowest league and are promoted based on internal end of the year results, but that honestly sounds like it has too many moving parts.
Ryoma@Overdrijf I finished 2nd of the newbies League face to people who is not newbies.... For this race I spent a lot of time. You can count my replay which represent a third that I do for this race. During this period, I did not made any car.... All these sacrifice to have an unfair 2nd place. Now it's easy, I would come back with another pseudo...and at one moment win the race .... But I prefered stop this ..and maybe erase my méga and do anything else.
DuplodeThe track is ready! Now I'll check the replays, decide on bonus adjustments, and complete the update...
DuplodeReplays checked! Congratulations to @AlanRotoi for pulling off the proper line through the final sector!
OverdrijfI'm sure it will look differently in a few minutes, but the 0% modyfier for each and every car looks weird.
OverdrijfAm I looking at a Brazilian airport here?
DuplodeAll right, the track is ready to go! Hope you'll enjoy it! (@Overdrijf: while there indeed is a tiny landing strip in there, the location is quite far from Brazil
dreadnautThanks for the update @Duplode!
dreadnautWell done @Alan, nice lap and impressive full leading-time there!
dreadnautSorry Trueno, not this time either
Sep 20
Alan RotoiThank you guys! That wasn't a race for Mercedes either. Maybe this month! Let's see.
KyLiECongratulations to @Alan, @Duplode and @Overdrijf!
Shoegazing LeoFirst
2:07.64 A
Shoegazing Leosecond
2:07.10 A
Shoegazing LeoThird
1:56.88 A
Shoegazing LeoFourth
1:53.33 A
Stan 286XTThis is an INDY.TRK
Duplode@Stan286XT Indeed -- with different bonuses, I think it would have worked fine as an Indy track.
dreadnautI might even get a second hour of leading time
Sep 21
Amateur scoreboard
The ZakStunts Newbie League has existed in its current format since the 2009 season. That's a pretty long stretch of time, and lately there has been discussion on whether it was actually helping to encourage newcomers to race. Aiming at a more engaging side competition, we will try out a new format. Here's how it will work:
Participation is voluntary: if you are a beginner, are learning the ropes, or just feel like racing casually, mark the Amateur competition checkmark in the replay submission page, and the replay will be added to the amateur scoreboard.
Replays posted to the amateur scoreboard will also show up as usual on the main scoreboard, and count as a proper race entry.
Performance criteria for graduating racers out of the amateur competition will be decided upon in the near future. In the meantime, individual entries to the amateur scoreboard will be reviewed if need be.
If you want to discuss the new format or make suggestions about it, meet us on the forum thread about the changes.
Sep 22
RyomaOk you try to change the rules, I try to change my mind too...
Ryoma***** for the track before the final corkscrew ...* because of that lol
Stan 286XTWhot is AMAT?
Stan 286XTNice Ryoma243.rpl but whot are AMAT?
Ryoma@Stan 286XT it's for people like me who will not have the skill to win and it's following my stolen victory. More information here : Newbie scoreboard and progression Again an issue with the mercedes, I cannot save the replay with dosbox-x
RyomaI use enother exe than stunts_k ? is it correct?
Duplode@Ryoma It is okay -- all that matters is that you are using 1991 Stunts. Just to be sure, I checked your latest replay, and it loads fine here.
Stan 286XTMy 286 is 8mhz 640Kb of RAM go Fast!!! I run very fast but the car some time go right
dreadnautI have renamed "AMAT" into "AMATEUR", so it's clear. By the way, I have also seen the "car goes right" bug sometimes. I don't know what causes it
Alan Rotoi@dreadnaut it happened to me after crazy jumps. Also is a visual bug you can check with INDY the front wheels and car front axle are in a different position than normal.
Sep 23
Daniel3D@stan. We made a version of ReStunts that is equal or better than the original. It saves computer resources and loads faster. Could you please test it on your 286? Download from: More info: Stunts 1.1 Mod project 4 | A new original | an STUNTS 30 years edition.
Stan 286XTno is from 86 HD miniscrebe I use it careful
Sep 26
1337haxorytlol i need to start racing again
RyomaYes @1337haxoryt come on in amateur. @GTAMan15 come on too. I think this championship is for you. The same for @Igor.
RyomaWhat about the request for GAR championship for @KaOS on August 22nd?
Ryoma@KaoS not official : GAR championship
RyomaWelcome back GTAMan15!
GTAManRCRI'm very noticable of suddenly being inactive even for months, but when I'll get back to Stunts, I promise, I'll come back here. BTW, I have a new, external sound card. My earphones are twice as loud with it. Yup, I'm talking about external vs. onboard audio chip (Realtek ALC1200) BTW it's a C-Media CMI8738, which has some reputations for being a great card
DuplodeHi @GTAMan15! This reminds me I should begin thinking about a good enough replacement for my trusty harman/kardon speakers, which are showing signs of fatigue after many, many years of service.
RyomaAlways a gap of 30 seconds....
dreadnautThat 30s compared to an experience gap of about 20 years though.
Alan RotoiBlame Duplode if the tricks video is delayed. I must race now
Kidding, I was visiting my mom
Sep 27
DuplodeLemme try a timely reply now
Alan RotoiNo more replays on stock... I must redrive.
Sep 30
Alan RotoiI don't have any replay. Maybe I can race after diner
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