News posted in September 2009
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Sep 1
Alan Rotoifirst try
AbuRaf70Felicitaciones, Duplode...!!!
Alan RotoiThis track is excellent for Indy
DuplodeThanks guys!
DuplodeNow, a glance at the track, another at the bonuses...
Duplode...and a mischievous smile illuminates his face.
ParadisioIt will be a month of Ferrari because of power gear. Yesterday I started with Indy but now it out of the race.
ReigerI think I'll take the Ferrari too
(BTW... take a look in the forum, a new competition is coming soon)
Sep 3
ReigerWow, every shortcut I take i get penalty time :-P This track is well designed!
Bonzai JoeHappy birthday, Mingva!
ParadisioThank you, BonzaiJoe
SuperBrianOh, happy birthday Paradiva/Mingsio..
Sep 4
DuplodeOh my, Paradiva is a good one
Happy birthday Mingva
ReigerLittle late... nice birthday!
ReigerJust wanted to see what the Indy could do on this track
Mark L. Rivers1.08.xx is quite easy to reach for Indy, under a minute is quite impossible...
ReigerI agree Mark, this replay was not my best one
Mark L. RiversI was sure about it. And it's really good you are here again after almost 10 years. You're an important "trait d'union" between the past and the present. Not only to compare old and new performances, but in order to keep strong and solid this community. Welcome back.
ReigerThanks Mark! I think I know wich shortcuts and how Duplode got the Ferrari in the powergear, but I can't :S frustrating ;-)
DuplodeSo Mark has driven at least a recognition lap on Z99
Sep 6
Renato BikerHello, guys!
Sep 7
DuplodeWhee, now it really seems this is getting somewhere
Bem-vindo de volta, Renato!
Bonzai JoeHello, Renato! I really need to race this month.
SuperBrianWelcome back Renato!
Zak McKrackenLook who is back! Welcome Renato!
Mark L. RiversIt seems that C100 is going to be the most exciting race ever, "The Race"... And if the designer will accord some chances for Indy, even more...
SuperBrianI don't agree with you there Mark. I think you're right about "The Race", many drivers are coming back these days, but why should it be an Indy-race? Because you would have a chance of winning? I mean, for my part I would rather see a small difficult track and some searious changes for Lancia-bonus. ;-)
Mark L. RiversMaybe you misunderstood my comment, SuperBrian. First of all, "Indy chances" doesn't mean "Indy race". Secondary, when I talk that some chances for Indy could make even more great C100, I don't think about my personal chances. I think that a track where Indy is not totally excluded between the winning cars pool, could bring more racers on the track (maybe establishing a new thunderous record about the number of participants) and making more battled the race, being Indy the most popular car and one of easiest cars to drive. "Indy chances" (and not "Indy race") would mean more drivers included in the fight, making really unforgettable "The Race"...
SuperBrianOh, with that in view I would agree with you. I do too think we could establish a new participant-record if no cars where totally excluded in the next race, also Indy of course. Sorry for the mistake, and I do really look forward for the next track.
Sep 8
DuplodeThe session used for submitting the last replay was as expired as my previous laps themselves...
Sep 9
In the following hours an experimental upgrade will take place to the ZakStunts 8.0 engine. Expect problems to happen...
The site is now officially v8.0beta. This means that the 2004-2009 data is available in tables merged with the current season. The 2001-2003 archives are accessible from the left side menu item "Archives 2001-2003".
This means we could finally get rid of the top menu.
Right now all the previously accessible features are present. Stay tuned for the best part - the new improvements! -
AbuRaf70SergioBaro... Felíz Cumpleaños, hijo...!!! Happy Birthday, Super Brian...!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday, Sergio and Brian!
ChulkHappy Birthday Brian! Feliz Cumple Sergio!
Zak McKrackentest
Zak McKrackentest2
Zak McKrackenthis seems to be working fine so far...
Zak McKrackenplease mind the graphic glitches, there is no photo editor available at my workplace
SuperBrianHey guys, thanks for the congratulations. And happy birthday Sergio!
MingvaHello, I'm back
SergioBaroHello ! ! ! Thank you very much for the congratulations of my birthday!!! Best Regards to all!!!! SergioBaro
Sep 10
Renato BikerZak, I can't send my replay, it is not working...
Zak McKrackenchecking!
Zak McKrackenfixed. sorry for the problem!
Renato Bikerwow, 5 minutes to check it, good job!
Renato BikerOk, it's working, thank you.
Zak McKrackenI changed the timestamp of your replay from 16:00 to 15:59 because you would have lost 1 leading hour because of the system error.
ParadisioZak, could you please increase number of news posts in the shoutbox? Ten would be fine
DuplodeThat's actually a nice idea as it seems the shoutbox now takes less space. IMO 8 posts/page would work slightly better, but that's up for testing.
Sep 11
ParadisioHalf power gear rpl. Hope to learn to keep 245mph all the way till finish line.
Sep 12
Alan Rotoi¡Grande Mingva!
DuplodeRenato and I are working on a 36-hour shift
Renato Biker... oh no, Duplode, stop! I am tired!!!
ParadisioUnbelievable, will we see under 1 minute time soon?
Paradisiowoohooo, I did an amazing trick and my Ferrari flew over the track!!!
Sep 14
SuperBrianMaybe I should try the Ferrari, too.
Sep 15
SuperBrianHey Duplode, I've send you a replay for the Lucretia-track. But at first my email wouldn't send to you because your email "" doesn't contain an @, so I've send it to Please tell me if you have not got it, maybe I should have send to instead.
DuplodeBrian: the AT thing is just a way to avoid spambots grabbing the mail address. Please re-send it replacing the AT with @ (scrstunts@...) and your replay will be gladly featured on the scoreboard
ReigerHi everyone! The new WMCS competition will start 1 November. This gives me time to improve the competition! The trophy is a fact! What should this competition be like? Have your say in the Forum please! :-) Greetings Roy (Reiger)
Sep 16
SuperBrianSuper Duplode, I've send the replay again now. And good to hear Roy, I'll check it out tomorrow.
Paradisioahoy, Friker has a birthday today. I wish you a sweet cake
Hope you won't miss zct99.
SuperBrianHappy Birthday Friker!
no cake this year..
Sep 17
Duplode(Almost late) Happy birthday, Friker
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Renato...!!!
SuperBrianCelebrate it with a new leading time! Happy Birthday Renato..
DuplodeFeliz aniversário, Renato!
Sep 18
dstienHappy birthday, Pavekilla'!
DuplodeWow, quite a flurry of birthdays lately! Happy birthday Pavekiller!
DuplodeIt should be noted that dstien has quietly advanced to Stage 2.
SuperBrianTillykke med fødselsdagen Flemming! Dstien seems awfully close to me right now..
Sep 21
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Dark...!!!
SuperBrianHappy Birthday DarkChaser!
ReigerJust a quick try with the ferrari, hope I find time to do better.... Happy Birthday's'!
DuplodeI can sense the universal feeling of relief on seeing Roy spared the Indy from the scoreboard...
And happy birthday, Alexandre!
Sep 22
CTGsign of life now, sign of racing in october
Bonzai JoeAt least 3 of your ghosts have already confirmed that they will race in October, so you better get ready :-D
Sep 23
ReigerAnd now a quick try with the Audi, can't chose wich car to use ;-)
SuperBrianIf you can keep the powergear in Ferrari it would be the best choice, but I'm still struggling. Anyway, nice to see your approaching competition in the Stunts Portal.
Sep 24
ReigerThanks, i'm looking forward to open the competition in November. I allready designed the first track :-) I know Ferrari is the best choice, but can't get the car in the powergear in the beginning of the track:-(
Sep 25
ReigerNice battle for 7th place AbuRaf70 :-)
Sep 26
dstienYour turn, Brian. :-)
Sep 27
Frikerf*cking no time to race
and without team its even worse :-/
CTGBJ: only 3? Don't make me laugh. At least 8.
CTGMaybe I disappeared only because I hate GTO.
(nah really, that car sucks) Coming back in October for sure, seems like I'll have an internet connection in two weeks. Now I'm at the university in "illegal" mode.
Sep 28
ReigerHaha I can't get much faster Aburaf70
Must be a shortcut somewhere ;-)
SuperBrianAfter several trys with Ferrari (Sucks) I have agreed with myself. This track is going to be an Auto-Audi-track from my part.
Sep 29
ReigerMy fastest replay
(without big shortcuts I think it's a nice time for the Audi)
ReigerShortcut found AbuRaf70..... your turn ;-) Can't get much faster though ;-)
DuplodeQuiet days' replay submission is not available right now... anyway, here it goes.
ParadisioA miserable improvement.
Sep 30
So here it is... a milestone for sure.
On that day back in March, 2001 I never ever imagined that ZakStunts will play such an important and long role in my life.
But here it is, the 100th track in the row. Amazing. But the most amazing are you guys, who are here, some of you every month, some of you disappearing for a while and then returning later, driven by the love for this fabulous game.
I would like to thank you all for being here and giving me lots of fun and motivation through harder times.
I can only return this to you by giving one thing: ZakStunts.
I started as a fresh graduate from high school, now I am a working man, a husband and a father. I wish I can still manage this competition having you around when I will retire.
So, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy ZCT100, Operators!
See you on the scoreboard!
Zak -
Lets not forget about ZCT99 in the celebration for ZCT100. I thought this track would attract more attention, as I think it was a quite nice ride. And then the Ferrari came, and...
...well, powergear sure is a wonder of Stunts. Some can handle it, others (including me) get scared. I can only admire the great drivers, who are able to control a car flying on and over the track. Be sure to check the replays of the top 4 this month - it is pure magic.
And it was a battle of generations too! Our 2006 champion, Renato Biker suddenly appeared, and his skills sure did not fade much! Duplode had to try hard to beat the former champion - but in the end he managed to do it, securing his 5th ZakStunts victory - straight on the way to become champion. Oh, and he just overtook Renato Biker on the medal table :)
Lets not forget about Paradisio, who finished a lot behind on the graphical scorebaord - but hey, thats still a third place! He also managaed to let his team, Average Joe earn the most points in September, together with dstien, who broke the absent Friker's streak in the newbie league - congratulations to all of you!
And off we go for a hopefully legendary race, its the time of ZCT100 called Operators - I really tried my best in designing a competitive and enjoyable track - please judge my efforts by driving a lot. -
Zak McKrackenupdate will take place on schedule
Paradisiowheeee, bugs bugs bugs
Zak McKrackenscoreboard final
ParadisioLTB is doubled for z99, and not counted in seasonal scores
SuperBrianLooking forward to see the winning-replay. Congratulations Duplode!
Zak McKrackenscoreboard confirmed, track available
ParadisioStill something wrong. Crashper`s Domination with 0 points (should be 2) and Kompetenzcenter got 1 points (but should be 0).
ParadisioAverage Joe is the best team on zct99!!! wheeee!!! =)
DuplodeCongrats to you guys, specially to dstien
DuplodeAs for the bugsw, it seems the system is taking results from before hidden times (see Carrera bonus on Z100, for instance)
ParadisioOh, it seems with team points is ok. Only Overdrijf somehow appeared on zct99 scoreboard. He didn't send rpl in September
)) So it needs to remove him from scoreboard and everything will be fine.
Zak McKrackenOverdrijf sent a late replay 35 minutes after the deadline.
Zak McKrackenI am very sorry but I'll have to consider Overdrijf's time invalid. Considering it valid would mess up the already announced coefficients.
ParadisioI'd suggest to put Overdrijf on zct99 scoreboard, on 13th place with 9:99.99 time (no car bonus will be changed). He took an effort to finish a track. Besides, "quiet day" checkbox was not working in last two days.
Zak McKrackenyou have a point there. I am ok with this.
Zak McKrackenand now I am off to finally have some dinner. See you tomorrow!
ParadisioHave a nice soup
And I will gonna test a new track.
ParadisioDuplode's rpl has two independent endings. It is insane
Watching from start it ends by flying somewhere between clouds
But rewinding to 0:42 it has different racing trajectory. Quaint
AnonymousFirst try. Nice track.
SuperBrianIt was me, still driving with Audi. Afterall I won the little Audi-contest on Z99
OverdrijfOops. I thought 'dd get a quick one in on the last day, I just forgot the deadline isn't the end of the day.
SuperBrianAbout Duplodes replay, I have tried it too, when driving RH and rewinding my own replay. I have also tried driving a track and called it "Default" to make it as a pause-lap in the game - and then it's a totally different replay when viewed as pause-lap than viewed as replay.
PavekillerHey all! My computer was luckily ready for number 100, after new motherboard two times, new battery, memory and hard drive. Hopefully I can continue driving now! Thank you for the birthday wishes, and have a nice race!
Mark L. RiversI don't think that Indy will be the winning car, but it's sure a pleasure drive it with this wonderful track.
ReigerCongrats Duplode! Wow what great replays! Superbrain... nice race with the Audi! I'm happy with 6th place
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