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Aug 1

  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D no compétition like zakstunts, CCC, racefirkick, live, unknown and future compétition for Ryoma's cars. I made the mistake to be realistic and compétition does not give the good bonus to compensate my mistake.
  • Ryoma
    Again a great track congratulations
    Jaguar 1:01.25
  • Daniel3D
    Dear ryoma, You didn't make a mistake in making your cars realistic. Most cars are not made with that level of attention but merely to what feels right. So that you managed to create realistically tuned cars are a welcome addition. The Stratos entered the competition on a unfortunate moment with not much bonus points to distribute. Balancing the bones in ZakStunts is difficult but it's a self fixing system when given time. The bonus system also only applies to ZakStunts. The other competitions have single cars where they shine in their own right and in the CCC points are also given per car. So your argument only applies to ZakStunts in short term. there is room for your cars in competition, they have unique features that are refreshing and a good balance to the other cars. I wouldn't care about persuading you if it were not so..
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D so waiting for a good moment to have enough bonus. Until this moment, no competition.I think you dont understd how it was (is) painful to see that the only new car which did not won was mine.... And don't speak about probability..I made about 100 cars.
  • Ryoma
    Why for your live event, you don't want to use the Impreza Huh? Instead of making confrontation about the Stratos ?
  • Daniel3D
    Well, Ryoma. It may surprise you that it wasn't the intention to make the difference this big. We didn't balance the new entries well enough. But we rarely did before either. But we also never had a car tuned for realism. We didn't know it would have so much trouble shining with the starting bonus. We didn't know you would put so much value on this. Neither did we know it would hurt you this way. We like your cars, including the Stratos. It would have stayed in the competition if you had let it. We try to give your creations the honour they deserve. Nobody wants you to feel hurt or left out. Nobody did anything intentionally to hurt you. I understand you feel hurt, and I wish I could do something about it. But I don't know how. Your refusal to let us race and compete with your cars outside ZakStunts makes it even more difficult. You have made more than 100 cars, and many are fun to drive and race with. I drive them often. They inspire new tracks and tricks, and I designed a competition around it. And we want to drive them in competition alongside all others where they belong.

Aug 2

  • Cas
    My two cents to @Ryoma about Race For Kicks. In R4K, we do not use bonuses and most of the time, only one car is allowed per race. This means, there isn't an advantage or disadvantage for any particular car. We only allow more than one car when in a pack made specifically for that, like the DTM pack or when they actually have very similar performance. We have no problem to avoid using your cars for R4K, but I think it's important for you to know this bit. Thanks
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D I cannot say in one hand "no" to zakstunts and "yes" for other compétition. So I prefer to say no at all. Alan and others make very good can use its. @Cas I am agree, I quote your compétition because Daniel wanted me to be more precise. I remember 2 races between Stratos and Delta and it was fun....
  • Daniel3D
    Dear Ryoma, I meant my question in a more general way. Because I think we can work something out. If you can accept a middle ground. I would like your opinion on this generalized statement ###### Cars create only by Ryoma *Can be used in single car races or competitions. *Can not be used in a multiple car races or competitions that uses a system to balance the cars artificially. ###### at the moment this does exclude CCC because, although it is made like several single car races simultaneously and the difference between the cars is not a factor. It is kind of a popularity contest with the most driven car giving the most points. So there is an imbalance. I need to find a way to remove that factor. Can you accept these terms?
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D I have to think about this. I don't want to make the same mistake. But, it's unfair to authorize one event and not another one. For the event of this weekend, it's definitively NO because I don't know which version you will use (The body and dashboard changed lightly) and because I'm feeling forced....and I hate that.

Aug 3

  • Erik Barros
    Happy birthday @Dreadnaut, my best wishes to you!!
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @dreadnaut! Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday Dreadnaut!!!!
  • KyLiE
    Happy birthday @dreadnaut! Smiley
  • Daniel3D
    Happy birthday dreadnaut
  • Frieshansen
    Happy birthday, @dreadnaut! Thank you for all the work you do here to keep everything running for us.
  • Argammon
    Happy birthday @dreadnaut. Hoping you are enjoying the day. Smiley
  • dreadnaut
    Wow, thank you everyone! 😊 The sun is up, the mountains are green, and there's cake coming up. Birthday achieved ✅
  • Daniel3D
    Ryoma, I understand your reluctance in making a distinction between competitions. But given the fact that you made your cars as realistic as possible, it is not an unreasonable restriction to exclude multi car competitions from using your cars. That is why I made a general rule that can be applied to all races now and in the future. With the extensive number of total cars going in the direction of 200 we will need a better way to catalog and present them. Your cars and others that are close to real will be labelled as such (besides brand an other characteristics.
  • KyLiE
    Losing-Grip-Logo-01.png Losing Grip (2023-08-05) is this weekend! Come and join us for the next scheduled live Stunts race!
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3d I don't know...for the moment, it's a pity to see that the only car which didn't won a race was mine (exclusion of the mercedes)...
  • Ryoma
    @KyLiE I expect sincerely you will not use the Stratos for your event...
  • Spoonboy
    Enjoying this nice little track, even if it's in the Lambo truck! Taking my usual place in the midfield XD
    LM002 0:54.70
  • Daniel3D
    Ryoma, like I said, it wasn't the intention to make it Stratos start with such a unfortunate bonus. But this is how it has happened. I can't change that anymore. But we can take care that it doesn't happen again. We didn't ignore the Stratos, we used it and tried it in several different races. we like the car. With 16 cars in 12 races ther are always cars that don't have a chance, but those always come through the next season.
  • Alan Rotoi
    It's a pity because I really did my best to win the race with Stratos. So I get a ban because of what?

Aug 4

  • KyLiE
    @Ryoma, if the Stratos wins the poll and everyone who participates is happy to use it, then yes, I will. The Stratos is in the public domain and it's fun to drive around the track I designed. We're here to have fun, right? That's a rhetorical question, by the way.
  • Ryoma
    @KyLiE in that case, it's not fun but provocation. I prefer no at this moment as I say 3 times and which version will you use? We have some discussions with @Daniel3D and maybe find a solution. I have to integrate and think about what he said. @AlanRotoi thanks, in fact I don't know because last year, I was disgusted and stoped everything (this include I erase 3 interesting projects)@All which bonus can you give to the Stratos ? I'm afraid it needs the same as the LM002...I think it's not possible. And I don't want to make a 350 grip version.(not realistic)
  • Ryoma
    And did an event used the Impreza ftom @CTG? It's an about 10 years car. We finished it last year.
  • Alecu
    Finally played with manual transmission on this track. I struggle to win, but I enjoyed this track.
    Mercedes DTM 1:11.59
  • Alecu
    Found my old June 2012 replay, on the ZCT131 track. This replay dates from 17 June 2012. I posted it because it is my first race in the ZakStunts competition. Car used is Porsche 962 IMSA
  • KyLiE
    @Ryoma, I don't think anyone is provoking you. If anything, one might say that you are provoking anyone who wants to use the Stratos in a race. Also, if we end up using it for the live race, we'll be using the latest version.
  • Ryoma
    The last one had yellow wheels and a better look for the A of Alitalia
  • Marco
    When i joined this community, names like Argammon, Ayrton were no more present but considered the history of the greatest racers.
  • Daniel3D
    Sidenote for you ryoma. After looking back at the numbers. You keep nagging about how unfair it all was while you only raced 3 races. You left the competition after 249. The Stratos dominated 252 (safe for one powergear by duplode that surprised us all). But you were not there. It was you who didn't give it a chance. You quit on us after 4 races. So I actually don't know what the unfairness and hurt is about. You are unfair to us, I tried to reason, to see your side to find a middle ground. But I just realized that there is nothing to go to. Because we didn't do anything wrong. If you don't want to see your cars in competition, please look te other way. KyLiE was right, you created the cars for the community, so the community will use them in competition if they please. There is nothing we can do to make you feel better, you have to sort that out yourself. END OF DISCUSSION.
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D what a reversal, I think I was suffisient opened for a discussion and now you stop the discussion... You cannot reproach if you do the same... You know what, do as you want except to modify my carS as I see somewhere even for graphical issue... I prefer to have my carS on one single source instead have many versions everywhere ! I'm easy to join for graphical issue but the change shall be documented... As you say as a very bad negotiator (Bad joke : terrorist ? It's a joke) end of discussion

Aug 5

  • Marco
    It would be great to have a single repository with all the addon cars you did my friends. So many cars were done also recently that I have lost many of them.
  • Duplode
    Hello @Marco! There was some discussion about an unified repository of cars earlier this year, but the plans for that are still taking shape. Right now we're mostly using KyLiE's collection at , which you may have heard about already. For Ryoma's cars, you'll want to check his Mega folder for the latest versions:
    LM002 0:47.55
  • Daniel3D
    No ryoma, I had forgotten about 252, and when seeing a race where the Stratos clearly was dominating I just became very, very angry at you. Because you speak of unfairness and hurt while it is not the case. You have been a hypocrite all this time and I just had enough of it. I'm sorry Ryoma. I can't be your advocate anymore. Clean your own shit.
  • Ryoma
    @Daniel3D maybe I misunderstand your end of discussion....from my side no comment, no answer, no discussion...I said everything on the post before anf keep all I think.
  • Marco
    Thanks so much Duplode, there are also several Ryoma cars in the Kylie collection.
  • Marco
    I did a Lancia Competition , running 5 Lancia cars on the default track. Lancia Delta HF (default car) , Lancia Delta HF Rally version , Lancia Evo 3 Marco edition, Lancia S4 and Stratos. Evo 3 and Stratos are a little bit better than the default HF on the default circuit ... Evo 3 better than Stratos. But the Lancia S4 is on another grip planet, 10 seconds better than all on the default track. You can watch the live video on my channel if you want. Marco Plays Dos Games (FB or YT).
  • Ryoma
    Thanks @Marco for your test drive. Where did you get the Stratos ? It's not the last body I have done (the last have a bit red triangle on the side for Alitalia). Another thing, a version of Stunts have colorized needles. You forgot the 037 and ECV cars.

Aug 6

  • KyLiE
    @Ryoma, it may be from my website. I last updated the Stratos on 16/11/2022. At that point, you had taken your cars offline, so the most recent version I had was from 22/4/2022. I only became aware of your most recent changes a few days ago. I'll update the version on my website soon.

Aug 8

  • Alecu
    Now I went live on Youtube, playing Stunts right now! Here is the link if anyone wants to join the livestream:
  • Argammon
    Cool, I see that you raced on the default track. It would be brilliant if you could race live on some competition tracks also. That way we become more visible to people on youtube. :-)
  • Alecu
    Not only raced on the default track, also on opponents home tracks, also on some ported tracks from the PC-98 version of 4D Driving/Stunts, also on VANCOUVR track (the one from default replay in Stunts). Also the livestream end! It was a whopping 4 hour livestream! For anyone that didn't watched it, here it is the rerun of it. Link:

Aug 10

  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, JTK! :-)
    Indy 0:43.64
  • Alecu
    Happy Birthday JTK!
  • Argammon
    Happy Birthday JTK! @Duplode: That is a very impressive Indy time. I am looking forward to seeing that replay at the end of the quiet days! :-)
  • Overdrijf
    Happy birthday JTK!

Aug 14

  • Alecu
    Happy birthday @SimpleM!

Aug 19

  • Marco
    Hi @alecu, why you play with pc speaker sound and you do not set the sound blaster ?

Aug 20

  • Alecu
    Hello @Marco, I don't play with PC Speaker, mainly I use Roland MT-32 sound, but when the MT-32 emulator broke, temporary I played with Tandy sound (3-Voice). Also I played with PC Speaker at the time when I run this game on my old computer (that didn't had a DOS compatible Sound Blaster emulation). Now I play the game in DOSBox, but also I gonna play it with Sound Blaster on a old Gateway 2000 Pentium MMX laptop that have a Yamaha sound card with Sound Blaster/AdLib/FM emulation.
  • Alecu
    Also, I plan to drive on old competition tracks for fun and also for training for the actual tracks from 2023 season onwards, mainly to improve my driving skills. Is that allowed? I ask because I have nostalgia when I raced for first time in 2012 on the ZCT131 track when I drived it now in 2023 for practice to improve my driving skills. Also when I am not in a competition track, I drive either the old ZakStunts tracks, or my own custom tracks.

Aug 21

  • Shoegazing Leo
    LM002 0:56.55 A

Aug 22

  • HunterBoy344
    Decided I'd submit a replay for the first time in a while.
    Carrera 1:07.14 A
  • Stan 286XT
    Good 15 agoust PISQUEAK!!!!!!!
  • Stan 286XT
    I ate habanero Tabasco oll holidey holiday continues!!!!
    LM002 1:04.71 A
  • Stan 286XT
    I added DOS Game Club at my favorites!!!!!
  • Stan 286XT
    Alecu try Olivetti pc128s!!!!!!!!!
  • dreadnaut
    Nice to see you on the scoreboard, @HunterBoy344!
  • dreadnaut
    @Alecu "Is that allowed?" — Of course! Racing on old tracks and comparing result is one of the great things of having a large archive Smiley

Aug 23

  • Alecu
    @Stan 286XT I don't have a Olivetti PC128S sadly, so my oldest PC in my collection is a 1997 Gateway 2000 Solo laptop with a 150 MHz Intel Pentium MMX CPU. I played DOS games in it and it worked, also I have sound on DOS games due to the Yamaha sound card it have.
  • Alecu
    Today I drove the ZCT120 track (Marshmallow) for nostalgia reasons and for fun. Video of it:
  • Alecu
    Today I drove the ZCT121 track (Tabletops) for nostalgia reasons and for fun. Video of it:
  • Alecu
    Also I drove the ZCT119 track (Nightquest) for nostalgia reasons and for fun. Also in this clip you can see a trick I did for fun - jumping over a banked road and landing on the side wheels.

Aug 26

  • Marco
    Don't know Argammon age , but i would be the oldest one here but, there's Mark Nailwood 5 years more. 7 years passed since we have lost our great friend Aburaf , a very fast racer at the age of 82. It would be 89 this year. He finished the last race of the 2016 championship from the hospital.
  • Argammon
    @Maro, I am 41. So yeah, I am not one of the oldest here. ;-)
  • Alan Rotoi
    6 minutes? Live update? I can be there! (miracle)
  • Duplode
    One minute remaining!

Aug 27

  • Duplode
    ... and quiet replays published!
  • Marco
    Congratulation Duplode and all. Hey, I'm the first in the Lamborghini truck category. Well, obviously, Indycar and Porsche are much faster Smiley)) ...
  • Overdrijf
    My apologies, I thought I had the October track, but I was confusing it with the live race. Race starts on Monday.
  • Alecu
    Happy birthday @Paleke!
  • KyLiE
    Impressive replays from the top two! Congratulations to @Duplode and @Argammon! Smiley
  • Argammon
    Congrats @Duplode for a very strong Indy replay. Congrats @Kylie for a podium finish. Crossing fingers you will finish on the bronze spot in the seasons standings too.@Erik Barrios winning the amateur race as usual, congrats to you as well. 👏
  • Duplode
    Thanks folks! Solid driving all over with the various cars. It was nice to see the different approaches with the Indy -- and Argammon's Carrera lap doesn't look not out of place among them!
  • dreadnaut
    Scoreboard confirmed, congratulations to @Duplode, @Argammon and @KyLiE!
  • Alan Rotoi
    Congrats guys! Also congrats @Erik for another win in the amteur league! Congrats to our legend @MarkNailwood and @Ryoma for completing the amateur podium. Also another month without @Heretic participation. Will the new track be available today? 🙂
  • Spoonboy
    Congrats to the winners! Actually really happy to place 5th in the amateur league ☺️ Some really creative solutions to this track. @duplode that's the biggest "wow" moment I've ever had watching a replay! Truly outstanding run.
  • Cas
    Great replays, guys! Amazing performance at the podium!!!
  • dreadnaut
    And the new track is up! Have fun on @Daniel3D's Crazy Valley — ZCT266.
  • Overdrijf
    That is one crazy valley. And it's always nice to see the "retry this a bunch of times" obstacle near the end.

Aug 28

  • Alecu
    I like this track, even it is tricky. Driven with the Jaguar XJR9 IMSA. It is a Crazy Valley.
    Jaguar 2:22.20 A
  • Overdrijf
    Let's see if I can ruin this race early. Actually, that isn't that much better than what's on the board, we might not have an LM002 race this month.
    LM002 1:33.21
  • Erik Barros
    Congrats @Duplode, @Argammon and @KyLiE!! Also @Mark Nailwood and @Ryoma!!
  • Alecu
    Did it even better with the Porsche 962 IMSA. ZCT266
    P962 2:10.17 A
  • dreadnaut
    Cruel but enjoyable track! Grin
    Mercedes DTM 1:46.31

Aug 29

  • Duplode
    It turns out this is a pretty interesting ride with the LM002. Well played!
    LM002 1:23.66
  • Argammon
    Do we really want to drive that tractor -again-? ;-) On another note, this is the first time in my career that I manage to finish a complete season of Zakstunts. Complete in the sense that I do not lose points because I missed some races. *Champagne*
    P962 1:19.88
  • KyLiE
    Nice work @Argammon! Smiley
  • Cas
    Blind test....
    LM002 2:00.05
  • dreadnaut
    🚨 After an exchange with @Daniel3D, in the interest of a fun an varied race, we have decided to leave the Porsche March Indy in the garage for this track.
  • dreadnaut
    @Ryoma, I plan to delete your test Indy lap, if you don't mind🙏See previous message.
  • Duplode
    I'm okay with a little bit more of tractor fun Smiley
    LM002 1:19.63

Aug 30

  • dreadnaut
    Happy birthday @Chulk! 🎉
  • Daniel3D
    I didn't take the full power of the Indy into account when designing the track. But it is a more balanced and fun race without the Indy.. I apologize for the late decision, had fun with the track.
  • Overdrijf
    Oh, wow, I hadn't even seen that. Yeah, if you get all the fast car moves right this is a brilliant powergear track! I kind of want to drive this with the Indy just for fun now.
  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @Chulk!
  • Argammon
    Happy Birthday @Chulk. We had some nice battles in the past. :-)

Aug 31

  • Ryoma
    @dreadnaut it's a pity, I was very proud of my jump into the stupid corkscrew lol. It's OK for me to delete my lap.
  • Spoonboy
    It would be great to see ryoma's lap after the race! 😎
  • Duplode
    @Spoonboy Replays posted in the first ten days of the race are public, so you can download it (from the "All results" page linked from the scoreboard), at least while it's still around Smiley
  • Duplode
    All right, maybe it's time to try something a touch faster...
    McLaren 1:17.64
  • dreadnaut
    @Ryoma: it won't be lost, I've attached it on the forum -

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