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Apr 2

  • FinRok
    Wow i didnt though GTO!!!
  • Alan Rotoi
    noob ^_^
  • FinRok
    Yes! I had forgotten that GTO had powergear!!!
  • Marco
    Unexperience Smiley))
  • FinRok
    Yep! Im a 4d Stunts n00b since '1990 when it came out... \,,/
  • Duplode
    Promptly caught up! This is going to be fun.

Apr 4

  • Alan Rotoi
    Fin, I only said it to make you race harder Cheesy. It would worked for me in the opposite way Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    I mean if I was in your place Cheesy
  • FinRok
    In fact i had done my races even before you said noob Tongue
  • FinRok
    Noope sayings wont affect me. I just ignore them, that wont make me race harder or lesser, i would continue to race anyway or it's up to my decision. You are weak person if you let insults get thru you.

Apr 5

  • Alan Rotoi
    Hmmm... maybe it's because the language but "noob" is not an insult. Also it's not hard to understand because the " ^_^ " emoticon... it's a happy/funny face. don't be alarm you haven't been insulted. Wink
  • FinRok
    Don't worry no i didnt "alarm" Cheesy I got your emoticon! but it's just being old gamer since late 80's back then you didnt hear much or got called slang like "noob" or noobie it's the millenials who bring it on! Haha
  • FinRok
    Although i'm still "Newbie" on ZakStunts Smiley
  • Duplode
    Spreading the word about this call-up: Writing article about Stunts - interviewees wanted! -- I encourage you all, newbies and old gamers alike, to take part Smiley

Apr 7

  • Cas
    I just sent Oliver a very long text about everything that's between me, Stunts and the community. He'll have a lot of info there. I hope many of you guys also can write to him. I have things to say, but I'm not precisely "iconic" in the community. I've just put my grain of sand.
  • Friker
    Well, speaking of iconic, where's CTG? Cheesy
  • Cas
    Ha, ha... a controversial, but certainly iconic racer Tongue

Apr 9

  • SergioBaro
    Hola a todos! Con un tremendo dolor y muchas lágrimas estoy escribiendo estas líneas mientras veo que se ha recordado a mi padre en la pista del mes pasado y han rescatado una pista de él de hace 11 años!! Muy emocionado estoy al ver cómo lo recuerdan! Muchas gracias a todos !! En nombre de mi papá Anelio (AbuRaf70) que seguramente estará siguiendo esta competencia desde algún lugar. Cordiales saludos a todos! Sergio A. Baronetti.
  • Alan Rotoi
    Me emocionás. Abrazo grande Sergio!

Apr 10

  • Alan Rotoi
    I have been the oldest racer since a while. I started in may 2002. :O Of course Zak doesn't count because he's the manager Cheesy

Apr 11

  • Cas
    ¡Hola, Sergio! ¡Claro que sí! Yo también organicé una carrera OWOOT en una pista con un récord de Anelio. Definitivamente, él siempre será un ícono de esta comunidad y una leyenda, para los que no lo conocieron. Nos encargaremos de que igualmente, sepan sobre él. Alan Rotoi... ¡Quince años! ¿Y cuándo tuviste el juego? Yo lo conseguí en el 93, tres años después de que saliera.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    I started in august (!?) of 2002. But, I got the game around 1997 (or maybe 1996, I don't remember) from a neighbour.
  • arturbmallmann
    I got the game in 1997, it was installed in our first PC. SergioBaro. Nice to see you here, i don't meet your dad, but i got impressed with his history and felt sad to know one amazing man like he passed away just before i knew this site.
  • FinRok
    @SergioBaro I'm sorry for your loss. I'm also new in Zak's (2016 debut) i didnt get to know him much, but i was able to race with AbuRaf till the end. It was a great honor!
  • FinRok
    I got Stunts 4d in around 1990-91 when it was just released. I i played it a lot's with my 386 and friends. So my most active Stunts years was around (1991 - 1993)
  • SergioBaro
    Hola a todos! No recuerdo cuándo comencé a jugar Stunts, pero recuerdo que entonces tenía una XT monitor monocromo con tarjeta Hercules y lo iba a jugar a la casa de un amigo que tenía una 386 con monitor color VGA. Era todo un suceso para mi !

Apr 12

  • Cas
    Mi primera compu fue una 386DX 60MHz/40MHz con 4M de RAM. Por lo tanto, Stunts volaba. Pero a veces iba a casa de un amigo que tenía una 286. Stunts corría en esa compu, pero si no le bajaba un poco los gráficos, se cortaba bastante y era incómodo de jugar.

Apr 15

  • Shoegazing Leo
    SHIT! All files lost...
  • Marco
    Leo, very sad ... could this be your first victory ?
  • Shoegazing Leo
    No chances. I'm experiencing problems with hardware for two weeks. Maybe, it will cost me one or two positions...
  • Duplode
    Ouch. At the end of last year I lost six months of data with no crucially important files in it, and it was annoying enough already...
  • Marco
    Leo, very sad ... could this be your first victory ?
  • Marco
    Sorry I inserted the same post as a mistake. Unfortunately I had no time to run the GTO on the Main race ... very bad. I close with the F40
  • FinRok
    Remember you guys dont forget to backup you precious data, i have lost too many of my brain cells for drinking with Le Chuck and noone em i could get restored, bu rhum. Hhar har har -Guybrush THreepwood
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The problem was a foolish mistake by my brother-in-law. I'm tying to recover it.
  • emandrada
    Big fan of Stunts! I read a note about this site and I wanted to be part of AbuRaf's race.

Apr 16

  • Wow, what a finish! a margin of 0.05 seconds! The biggest congratulations of course go to Rok for winning the track and maxing out the LTB not allowing anyone else to secure an LTB point. That is a three point margin over the second-highest scoring racer, and a clear indicator of Rok shooting for the title this year!

    That second-highest scoring racer was no one else than Duplode, who is credited for finding the winning car and publishing his replay early :)

    Third was Marco, who maxed out his F40 lap, but this was by far not sufficient to compete with the GTO. Congrats to all!

    On we go to ZCT189 - a guest track from Leo - and he did his fair share of modifying the car bonuses - so make sure you think twice before you select your vehicle. :)

    Enjoy the new track!

  • Duplode
    Welcome to ZakStunts, emandrada! This is a special race indeed; thank you for joining our tribute.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Good news: all will be recovered monday night.
  • Marco
    At least, i won the GAR ... Very bad for the main !!! Sorry Slowdrive
  • dreadnaut
    Quiet replays published, waiting for Zak to confirm the results Smiley
  • Marco
    At least, i won the GAR ... Very bad for the main !!! Sorry Slowdrive
  • Marco
    WOW FINROK !!!! Congratulation !!! Super congratulation for the Duplode return too !!! I won the F40 competition Smiley)
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The next track maybe will ring your bells if someone raced Riobamba in Stunts LOL (only about the terrain).
  • Zak McKracken
    Thank dreadnaut! Smiley I'll publish the new track now so you can race it on Easter Monday Smiley
  • Duplode
    Congratulations FinRok. What a turn of events! In any case, I'd say no conclusion would be more appropriate for this race than a powergear photo finish.

Apr 17

  • Cas
    Congratulations, FinRock! Smiley
  • Cas
    FinRok! My rocker self just couldn't help that "c" in, ha, ha.
  • Duplode
    Better late than never: here is a Z187 (Anelio's) analysis
  • FinRok
    Thanks guys! Happy easter, Muchos gracias por ser en parte esta carrera conmemorativa all hail Aburaf!!!

Apr 18

  • Shoegazing Leo
    I forgot how to drive it...

Apr 19

  • dreadnaut
    So many windmills! :-o
  • Shoegazing Leo
    The windimills are a trap to make the pipsqueaks lost the point of the turn.
  • arturbmallmann
    Ohhhh, i completely forgot zct188, i would had improved my GAR time Cry . To late! hahahaha

Apr 20

  • Duplode
    It's been a while since I last tried GAR, so I'll begin with that.

Apr 21

  • Alan Rotoi
    Damn I missed it too. I had a very good replay to submit Sad Is there a possibility to get the email reminder enable again?
  • Alan Rotoi
    Hey! This track looks good!
  • Imperas
    yeah, same for me about zct186, if there is a chance to enable again it would be good

Apr 22

  • FinRok
    @Imperas Wow very nice time with automatic gear! Cheesy I must say my weakness is to do loop jump from right angle and land it! and oh this track too Sad but it sure looks great love the scenery Smiley
  • FinRok
    i meant was loop jump from right angle from "left side"
  • Imperas
    eheh thx finrok..I'm getting practice with each trick of the game..but I cannot use manual gear yet.. It's very hard for me..I hope I will learn it as well

Apr 23

  • Cas
    This is a very good track! It's tricky and there are many different ways of approaching it. Sometimes, what looks like it's going to be slower actually takes less time.

Apr 26

  • arturbmallmann
    Yes, Cas! I noticed the same. I'm not good with tricks like replay handling and cuts, but this track makes the GAR time and actually competition very very close.
  • arturbmallmann
    Nice track, Leo!!

Apr 27

  • FinRok
    Haha @Duplode nice score i have 1:25:55
  • Duplode
    @FinRok: Does that mean I get 66 LTB hours? Not so bad, then Wink
  • FinRok
    Yes, you can gain some LTB, i'm not so intensive mood right now i got that record time in weekend and i though i'll save it for later Smiley

Apr 29

  • dreadnaut
    Small update to the upload form, it should now list only replay files!

Apr 30

  • Marco
    4 days ago you had 1.25:55 ? Smiley))
  • FinRok
    yes, i had, but i did better race at 2nd race started from beginning two days ago, but now 1:22:15 is my final for the moment, you broke my barrier damnit
  • Marco
    1:21:50 is my barrier too !!! I decided to place it hoping to pass your best lap for the ltb ... but don't know about duplode ! I have checked Duplode Gar replay, what an amazing lap . You exited the double corkscrew with only 1 or 2 pixel in the right place ... Very perfect

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