News posted in October 2013
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Oct 1
CTGPrediction: Zak will announce that 5415235498566 replays arrived during the quiet days...
SuperBrian:-/ Didn't got the time to improve.. Btw why is the function of the shoutbox (older/newer post) removed? Now you have to click a couple of times and choose a month to read. I often used the "older posts" button to quickly read a bit backwards..
SuperBrianHere comes ->
SuperBrianPost no. ->
SuperBrian400! and I have equally made 400 replays for Zakstunts.
CTGBeer cake for the oldies!
Zak McKracken3 replays arrived during quiet days for ZCT146. Validation and site update in progress...
Zak McKrackenwrong, I cannot access my replays mailbox due to a system error -> cannot validate replays -> update tomorrow.
Alan Rotoiouch
CTGSo it means I am 4th or 5th. Cool!
CTGPrediction: Duplode, Friker, Poo.
CTGOr Don Rotoi?
Alan RotoiLet's see
CTGOkay, it's time to press refresh.
DuplodeHappy birthday Usrin!
Akoss PooHappy birthday, Usrin! BÖFF!
UsrinThanks to everybody! Only moderate BÕFFing is going on, as we had wine instead of beer for celebrating.
Oct 2
SuperBrianHappy birthday 2 minutes ago, Usrin!
CTGI can't wait to see DUP's track.
Alan RotoiSooner or later Zak will come today. I hope!
CTGCheck Shanghai local time...
Oct 3
CTGi had to try
CTGtrack, track, track!!!
dreadnaut@CTG did it work as expected?
CTGActually it's rather a very long BÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ... Btw I like the huge warning icon!
CTGAnd still: bööööööööööööööööff!!! Böff dampening: 1.5dB
CTGhey, it's working!
dreadnautThing is, I'm not sure what you're testing
Böffs are working as usual here, and reduced in the archive.
dreadnautStill bothersome though :-p
DuplodeYup, that was the Böff reduction compromise - reduction only in the archives.
CTGTesting my böffing ability!
CTGOkay, let's spam it away.
CTGAny informations about ZCT147? Or Zak McKracken?
CTGI'm hungry for a new track.
CTGEspecially if we have Melange!
CTGOr Jaguar, again!
DuplodeI am eagerly awaiting it too. The anticipation of your own track being unveiled is a very peculiar feeling
dreadnaut(css cleanup, don't panic the website looks awful for an hour or two)
Oct 4
There goes another month... and ZCT146. Sorry guys for the lack of activity on my end - I was promoted recently which means (even) more work and spare time goes for the kids and some sports.
Anyhow, life goes on and so does ZakStunts. We have seen some Carreras and Jaguars on the track, and everybody identified the right way to choose. Very tight finish at the end, worth a section time analysis. Anyone? :) CTG was fastest with .05 sec ahead of Renato, who finished second but with +2LTB. And LTB is what has already secured him the champion's title this year. awesome feat, though CTG still had a mathematical chance in case Renato stops racing now.
Third place in September: Akoss Poo! Good to see him in good form and constantly on the scoreboard. Way to go!
And on we go to October, with a guest designer: Duplode. The track is called Eroica. Enjoy! -
CTGOh, those beautiful Chinese evenings...
Zak McKrackensite update is ON
Alan Rotoiyay!
dreadnautRefresh refresh refresh!
Zak McKrackentrack is up and update almost complete - still working on EB and news announcement.
Alan RotoiI just love that terrain!
Zak McKrackenupdate finished, track available. Small present: season's standings now display correctly
Alan RotoiThank you!!!
Alan RotoiWow! A happy and unexpected 5th place! Nice!
CTGWheeeee, Melange!!!
Duplode@Alan: Hehe, thanks; I hope you'll find driving on it as enjoyable as looking at it
CTGThis is the track of dirty little tricks...
CTGLancia is not as hopeless as it seems to be.
Alan RotoiJust like zct17... be careful
CTGI missed that one.
CTGAlain won 3 from the 4 Melange races. Will he come back? (With another gh...?)
Akoss PooQuick shit lap - just to have something on the scoreboard.
Oct 5
dreadnautHappy birthday Poo!
CTGAkoss Poo is an old piec of crap!!!
CTGRotoi? Who? SLOW!!!!
CTG/me is drunk!
AbuRaf70Happy Birthday, Akoss...!!!
DuplodeHappy birthday Akoss!
FrikerHappy Birthday, Akoss.
Akoss PooThanks for all!
Alan RotoiHappy Birthday Akoss!! I'll invite you a beer in that small and crappy metal disco you told me ten years ago. I can't remember the name
Oct 6
CTGThe inventor of "Okány Driving Style" is 31 years old. Congratulations!
Duplode"Test" lap
Oct 7
Zak McKrackentestrun
CTG1:05... pfffffffffffff... come on!
Oct 8
CTGmuhahaha, poo is the last!
Akoss PooSince I'm not good enough to earn LTB, I'm shitting on the inter-month results in a ballistic arc.
Oct 9
Alan RotoiAvoiding race because you may not win is worse.
Akoss PooI'm not avoiding race. In quiet days, I'll post my time. Now I'm focusing on Jesenice - a very good track.
Alan RotoiI didn't talk about you.
ChulkHi there! I'll drop this around here and leave silently
ChulkJust to be on podium
Alan RotoiWell, now we know who is the real master in Looping Warriors...
CTGWho is behind who?
CTG2 CTG Hungary 0:55.27 (-6.58) +02.14 Melange XGT-88 manual 1:14.70 10-06 18:50 11 3 Akoss Poo Looping Warriors Hungary 0:56.16 (-1.63) +03.03 Melange XGT-88 manual 1:15.90 10-09 11:20 10
CTGAnd who is avoiding the race? I guess it was me who sent the first "realistic" laps on this track. So shut up, doggy!
Akoss PooOuch, it seems Rotoi really upset CTG...
CTGRotoi means no danger for the mighty Looping Warriors!
CTG(okay, maybe for Poo
Alan RotoiI was talking about me. I did it. Stop acting like a paranoid bitch!
Oct 10
DuplodeThere is too much action around here for me to just stand by the sidelines and watch
ChulkDid I mention I like being on podium?
CTGHey Alan Chuyrtix, step higher - if you can...
Oct 16
Akoss Pooböff
Oct 17
CTGVisual analysis... It was a great match, Renato!
CTGWhat the hell happened with the YouTube video size?!?!?
CTG(fuck Win8 Movie Maker...)
dreadnautImpressive video! However, I wonder why at the end youtube wants me to look at apartements for sale
Oct 18
Alan RotoiSomehow I can't load the video after 2-5 secs. But everything else on youtube is possible. I'll watch it later :S
DuplodeA nice duel that was!
Alan RotoiI already saw the video. Very nice! Congratulation to both!
Oct 25
CTGstill böff
CTGNo replays in the last 9 days...
Alan RotoiYeah
. It's one of the best tracks in the year (if not the best) but I can't find time for race.
CTGBad news for Chulk.
CTGstill kidding
Oct 28
Oct 29
dstienThese pretzels are making me thirsty.
CTGIt's Melange time!
Oct 31
DuplodeI am confident you won't let me get away with this
CTGFor those who don't know Duplode's Melange skills: Veresegyház (USC 2007/08); 1 DUP 1:30.50, 2 CTG 1:30.65.
Alan RotoiWhat is USC?
CTGA championship surviving 4DSL.
CTGIt's time to publish.
CTG1:10 is so close... :-S
CTGfinally #2
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