News posted in August 2024
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Aug 1
Ryoma@Spoonboy yes you can be proud! When will you release a car ?
Spoonboy@Ryoma hahaha that would require skills I can only dream of! I don't know how you create so many. The Spoon-mobile may have to wait - but never say never!
dreadnautNow I'm imagining the Spoon-mobile, and I want to drive it 🥄
SpoonboyThere is a creation of mine you can enjoy now - this month's R4K track! Head on over to where we will be using my track to drive the Mazda 787B made by @Zapper. Hope he (and all of you!) can join us for this race
Aug 2
RyomaThe last sector is very tricky....
dreadnautHad to improve just a little bit to get a nice colour pattern on the scoreboard
Aug 3
Erik BarrosHappy birthday @dreadnaut !!! Che tu possa avere una giornata meravigliosa
Alan RotoiHapppy birthday @dreadnaut!!
dreadnautThank you folks!
Gordon FreemanHapppy birthday, dear dreadnaut!
DuplodeHappy birthday, @dreadnaut!
SpoonboyHappy Birthday @dreadnaut!
CasHey, @Dreadnaut! Happy Birthday!
Aug 4
dreadnautThanks again
As a reverse present, I've dug through some old archives and recovered most of the replays from the 2008 season. They can now be downloaded from the respective track pages 🎉
FrieshansenLate happy birthday greetings @dreadnaut!!
FrieshansenSorry for the double upload of my replay - I got a blank page after the upload and then reloaded the page...
dreadnautClean up something in the back-end, could you upload it a third time? 🙏
dreadnautAll shiny this time, thank you! ✨
Aug 5
RyomaSorry @Spoonboy, you are always an
Spoonboy@Ryoma yes until @dreadnaut updates my points from ZCT276
Ryoma@Spoonboy but you are always quick...grrr lol Did you try Turbo Outrun Reimagined ?
afulloHappy (late) birthday, @dreadnaut!
Aug 6
RyomaGlups....when I see your
Gordon FreemanAlan an Zapper, you boys are just crazy 😄
ZapperJust racing the race!
dreadnautThank you @afullo!
dreadnautLook at that first-place battle, crossing the 1:00 barrier 😮💥
Aug 7
satanziegeGreat, that this competition continues! Definitely not my track :-D
Alan RotoiOoh! Welcome back @satanziege! Nice to see you around
FrieshansenWhat a spectacular fight for first place!
Alan Rotoi@Frieshansen indeed! @Zapper what color of car do you prefer? I mean for this wiki article:
Zapper@AlanRotoi, I have no specific color, normally I choose other color than car's default option.
Alan RotoiOh ok, no preferences for the article then
BTW what a nice track for a pleasent ride with Thunderbird. Anyway the pleasent ride was overwrited by the RH replay I'm sending now. I think it was convenient for the feeling of realism, to make a lower grip parameter for Thunderbird. Also the low acceleration of this car makes the feeling of this car is slower than LM002 when is about 20 mph faster.
Aug 8
Alan RotoiNew article! An interview to Argammon!
dreadnautLove it 🤩 Thank you @Argammon and @AlanRotoi!
dreadnautThere's also a new post on the homepage 😱
Mid-season update
Hello awesome inhabitants of the Stuntsphere! Better get this update out, before the mid-season becomes two-thirds-of-a-season 🤪
I'm staring at the scoreboard and the numbers look a bit like the Matrix to me. A table full of digits, but squint from the correct angle and you'll spot some hot battles and exciting races!
@Argammon has stepped back for this season, and left @Duplode and @Alan~Rotoi to fight for the title of champion. With five races left anything can still happen, but Duplode seems to have the edge. Can Alan catch up with the help of leading-time bonus points?
Just below them is where the scoreboard heats up! We have two old hands, @Zapper and @Mark~Nailwood, and two up-and-coming racers, @Frieshansen and @Spoonboy, all within a handful of points. The last one joined the prestigious Cork's Crew at the start of the year, the first new member in years and years! The prize of their contest might be the third step of the scoreboard, but each race shows how focussed they are. Together, they are also collecting chunks of leading hours and bonus points, affecting the battle at the top! Possibly an advantage for Duplode? Is it all an advanced team strategy?
Two of these racers have also been recently promoted out of the Amateur group, leaving space to the next generation. @Ryoma has lined up consistently strong results — not only for an amateur — but he's not alone: @Mortimer~McMire and @Gordon~Freeman might be new to the competition, but hey they drive fast! Ryoma will definitely land above Spoonboy's frozen score, but he might need to keep Mortimer in check to lift the Amateur trophy! Remember folks: worst three results don't count in the final score 😮
The double duel between Duplode and Alan, and between Spoonboy and Frieshansen reflects on the team standings, where Cork's Crew and Doubleplusspeed advance in lock step. These final races will be decisive, I've better improve my lap!
Plenty of exciting things happening in other competitions and the Forum, but I'll close here for today. Maybe the next update will come sooner that way :)
Well then, have you submitted your lap for ZCT277? Not yet? Now's the time!
Spoonboy@alanrotoi great article! These insights into the early days make me wonder how different the lap times would be, with the years of knowledge and expertise those in the community now have...? And thanks for the update @dreadnaut! All this reminds me how lucky I feel to be part of this community. And humbled to be in a team with such an amazing history, with teammates and competitors who have helped write that history and continue to now. Viva Stunts!
Aug 9
Alan RotoiThanks @Spoonboy! You can do it and check how the performance changed during the ages. It's a good exercise to download a track and give a change without checking ANY replay (because everybody can copycat a replay sooner or later, but the real challenge is to find the tricks and shortcuts without any help).
Mark NailwoodOk, I think I'll also take the Lancia.
1:03.65 A
Aug 10
RyomaI miss something with the Delta...grrr..
dreadnautHappy birthday @JTK! We know you are lurking
Aug 13
dreadnautObjective for this race: a sub-minute lap. So close! 🤩
Aug 14
Ryoma@dreadnaut I think that the winner will make 52 seconds
dreadnautWow, that would be 6s faster with the Lancia, not sure if there is enough improvement margin. Of course another car might get there in a different way 🤔 — Are you hiding something cool @Ryoma?
Aug 15
Ryoma@dreadnaut unfortunaly no... My limit on this game is my knowledge on physics...I can't imagine some of your tricks because of this....but the 3 gods seems to have something under their pedal.
Aug 16
CTGChili, chili, chili beans in pina! Shitty-shitty, shitty Alpenmilch! The first WSM was 20 years ago, in August 2004... damn... we are getting VERY OLD.
Alan RotoiI remember. I should have gone there
Aug 17
CTGAkoss Poo, Bonzai Joe, CTG, Dinmor, JTK, KHR, Usrin, Zak McKracken. The Ultimate WSM.
CasFinally got time to post something here!
Aug 19
DuplodeSame for me
dreadnautOoooh, an unexpected Jaguar! 🤔 goes and investigates
Ryoma@Duplode, we hesitate between Countach or Delta...why bring you the Jaguar ?
Duplode@Ryoma Green goes well with yellow and blue
Aug 20
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @SteinViterbo!
Erik BarrosHappy birthday, @SteinViterbo!!
FrieshansenHappy birthday @SteinViterbo!
SpoonboyHappy Birthday @SteinViterbo! Keep racing!
DuplodeHappy birthday, @SteinViterbo
Aug 21
Stein ViterboThanks folks! :-)
Mortimer McMireHappy belated birthday @SteinViterbo!
Aug 22
Shoegazing LeoFinally a first lap after the collapse
1:10.11 A
Shoegazing LeoA little bit better
1:09.88 A
Shoegazing Leoand again
1:08.82 A
dreadnaut@Leo Collapse? Are you alright now, what happened? 🚑
Shoegazing LeoCollapse of my computer: first screen, then motherboard, processor and power supply. HD couldn't boot, but I borrowed a HD to run OS.
dreadnautAh, sorry to hear that. Still better than a serious health issue!
Aug 23
SpoonboyJust two more days to submit your lap for R4K! @Zapper will you show us what your Mazda can really do? Who else will join??
Duplode@Spoonboy I will!
I should finally be able to have a R4K session later today.
Aug 24
DuplodeThere's a live race in the plans for one of the next few weekends! We're open to suggestions about schedule and other things -- see the relevant Forum post: Live races 2024
Shoegazing LeoShhh
1:08.51 A
Shoegazing LeoShhh!
1:08.48 A
Shoegazing Leo
1:08.32 A
Mortimer McMire@shoegazingLeo, I prefere this Dutch version of a famous song about silence!
Alan RotoiLive update? To the chatroom in 40 minutes?
dreadnautCan do! There in two minutes 🏃♂️
Aug 25
OverdrijfI scowl in the general direction of the final trick.
dreadnautQuiet replays revealed!
dreadnautTo answer @Ryoma's question in advance: no, we had yet to discover the Indy route when we were chatting about alternative cars last week!
DuplodeOh, the wonders of the Porsche March Indy!
Congratulations to Doubleplusspeed: @AlanRotoi, @dreadnaut, @ErikBarros (first podium!!) and @Frieshansen. Also congrats to the Am League podium: @Ryoma, @MortimerMcMire (best Am result to date!) and @GordonFreeman.
DuplodeAs for me, I'm pleased about at least having reached @Ryoma's 52 seconds target!
Mortimer McMireCongratulations to @AlanRotoi, @Dreadnaut and @ErikBarros! And of course also to @Ryoma and @GordonFreeman for completing the amateur league podium!
dreadnautScoreboard confirmed, thanks all for the exciting race!
dreadnaut🏁 And now on to ZCT278, by yours truly. Hope you'll find it an enjoyable ride!
Alan RotoiWhat a nice ride for a slow car! You can do it no RH without problems.
Shoegazing LeoFirst
1:34.00 A
Shoegazing LeoSecond. Not good
1:53.38 A
Shoegazing LeoThird
1:53.39 A
Shoegazing LeoFouth... not good yet
1:49.30 A
Shoegazing LeoFifth... argh!
1:52.75 A
Shoegazing LeoSixth... interesting.
1:41.22 A
Shoegazing LeoSeventh. NoRH
1:44.88 A
Shoegazing LeoEightieth... hmmmm...
1:41.76 A
dreadnautSlightly worried I messed up the Thunderbird's bonus
Shoegazing LeoNinth...
1:27.85 A
Erik BarrosCongratulations to Doubleplusspeed, it was great teamwork. Congratulations to @Ryoma, @MortimerMcMire and @GordonFreeman. @Duplode, your lap with the Lancia is impressive, I had imagined seeing really cool solutions in the last loop when I inserted it there
Mortimer McMireFirst blind try
ArgammonCongratulations @Doubleplusspeed! What a nice surprise indeed.
I was wondering why nobody gave the Lambo a serious attempt but your choice was even better. 👍
SpoonboyI was very happy with our final loop jumps as a solution to this final section. A very nice track with just the right amount of cool elements.
DuplodeThanks @ErikBarros, that final section was one of my favourites this season! @Argammon The Lancia and Lambo were pretty close indeed -- weren't it for the Indy, I do think it could have gone either way!
Aug 27
dreadnautI like a nice alternating scoreboard
Aug 28
RyomaI like this track
RyomaWhich Alan's cars will win?
RyomaIs the finish of this replay is valid?
CasFirst try here! @Ryoma, your replay looks perfect to me.
Aug 29
Ryoma@Cas so we can finish 30 feet over the finish line ? Lol
HunterBoy344Been really busy lately so haven't had much time for Stunts. Still found time to play this track though, and it was worth it!
1:47.75 A
dreadnautGlad you are enjoying the track, @HunterBoy344 and @Ryoma!
Aug 30
Alan RotoiHappy birthday @Chulk and @vamologocomisso!! Both debuted in (4dsL) 4d Stunts League
DuplodeHappy birthday, @Chulk!
DuplodeWe're going to have a live race this Saturday, August 31, 20:00 UTC! This will be an extra race, in addition to the "main schedule" race I talked about last week, which is now planned for September 7. For discussion of our plans, see Live races 2024 on the Forum.
Mark NailwoodMy first try on this lap with the LC Indy - also flying above the finish line.
1:23.90 A
Aug 31
DuplodeLive race confirmed today! Join us at the chatroom by 20:00 UTC, in about five and a half hours from now! Race thread: Fortitude (2024-08-31)
Erik BarrosI would like to take this opportunity to announce that we will broadcast the race live, for those who want to join the process is simple, I will be available on the forum and earlier in the chat for guidance.
DuplodeTen minutes to the live race -- join us at the chatroom!
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