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Mar 1

  • Duplode
    Also, fast driving is on its own very useful in a team, as it helps setting a reference and a baseline on what's possible. If teammates then chime in with cool shortcut ideas on the top of that, well, that's just good teamwork Smiley
  • Ryoma
    Disapointed...I did 1'43.05 with the 962 with a big penalty
    P962 5:14.93
  • Overdrijf
    By the way, a mildly belated welcome to @Mortimer! I just noticed the country flag, and I have to welcome a fellow Dutchy.

Mar 2

  • Mortimer McMire
    Don't know if another language but English is allowed here. But I guess one word isn't going to be that big of a deal. Bedankt (thanks) @overdrijf!
  • Overdrijf
    O je mag best een beetje Nederlandsen hoor. Mogeschien kan je zelfs een paar nieuwe woorden verzinselen, zodat iedereen die Google Translate gebruikselt in de war raakt. (evil smiley) (EDIT: wow, Google Translate actually got them all basically perfectly. I'm kind of impressed.)
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday @dosbox92!!
  • Cas
    Hey, happy birthday, @dosbox92 Cheesy

Mar 4

  • Duplode
    Happy birthday @Tijn!
  • Spoonboy
    Happy Birthday @Tijn! I may have a new team, but there will always be a part of me on Team DGC Wink
  • Ryoma
    @Spoonboy DGC Team can answer :
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday @Tijn!!

Mar 5

  • dreadnaut
    Belated happy birthday to @Tijn! πŸŽ‰ And happy birthday to @Heretic πŸŽ‚
  • Erik Barros
    Happy birthday @Tijn!! Happy birthday @Heretic!!!!
  • Duplode
    Feliz aniversΓ‘rio, @Heretic! Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Happy birthday @Heretic!!

Mar 6

  • Heretic
    Thank you!!! Smiley
  • Frieshansen
    Belated happy birthday @Heretic and @Tijn!

Mar 9

  • Marco
    What's the amateur league ?
  • Mortimer McMire
    @Marco It's a league where new players/participants can compete against each other (besides also being included in the main ranking). Since I'm only participating on Zak Stunts for under a month, I hope I explained it correctly. So if any of the more experienced players want to contribute or correct me feel free to do so ;-)
  • Alan Rotoi
    Perfect @Mortimer exactly like that.πŸ˜€
  • Overdrijf
    You may remember the newbie league @Marco? We changed the promotion criteria. A driver is no longer automatically a pro if they've been around for long enough. For someone of your skill level it doesn't change anything.
  • Overdrijf
    Calling it now by the way: Doubleplusspeed takes the podium with the Indy.
  • Duplode
    Live results in two hours at the chat room!

Mar 10

  • Duplode
    Quiet replays published!
  • Overdrijf
    Congratulations Duplode and Alan! But honestly the result that most stands out here to me is @Mark nailing it with automatic gears. Between several jumps and a few places where you had to brake quite hard this was a track with a pretty serious manual advantage. At this rate your days in the amateur league are numbered.
  • Mark Nailwood
    Thank you, @Overdrijf! Yeah, I really invested some time optimizing the critical parts of this track, according to my driving skills. I added "driving with automatic gears" to my expertise in the profile. I think I could get good results in an "auto gear" league. Smiley Let's see how Mark Nailwood will *nail* it in the next race. Wink Having already watched the replays of the podium racers, I must say that I really like your sliding-out-of-the-corkscrew-flying-into-the-curve trick at 1:25. Well, @Duplode achieved an even more sophisticated version of this trick at 1:20, and his incredible jumps at the bridges are matching perfectly to a winner's replay. Also @Alan's alternative path starting at 1:19 is really worth watching.
  • Duplode
    Results confirmed! Congratulations to @AlanRotoi and @Overdrijf! And also to @MarkNailwood (excellent driving indeed!), @Spoonboy and @Ryoma! The new track will be up in a few hours, in the European morning.
  • Duplode
    This was a really good race for Cork's Crew, by the way! Thanks @Overdrijf and @Spoonboy -- way to go, team! Cheesy
  • Duplode
    And here is the new track: ZCT272, Spiral Architect. Hope you'll enjoy it! Smiley
  • Ryoma
    It's a woman reproductive organ? Oo
  • Mortimer McMire
    @duplode Just downloaded the new track. Seems like a cool track with lots of new thing for me to learn. And before I forget, congratulations on your win in the last race!
  • Spoonboy
    Congratulations to everyone! There were many different cars with successful laps and I love the alternative lines from @alan and @Ryoma. Working in a team really pushed me to put everything into my laps. This track demanded fine attention to detail. Once the tricks needed were clear, perfecting gear shifts made a big difference (apart from in @Mark Nailwood's killer auto lap!). In Cork's Crew, we lived up to our name! I was glad to get the cork jump to work in my Carrera lap. My teammates @Overdrijf and @Duplode achieved beautiful laps. @Duplode's wraparound bridge cut was the icing on the cake. @Mortimer McMire congrats on your first race! It was great to see how you improved your laps. I am still learning new skills with every race. In a few tracks' time, you will be amazed at what you can do.
  • Spoonboy
    Looks like we're in for a fun month Wink
    Lola 1:35.18 A
  • Overdrijf
    O wow, Alan's lines were fun! More loopjumps than a crashing rollercoaster! (I guess it was kind of inevitable that Cork's crew would be looking for the cork-line instead.) I can see what he was thinking at the jumping bridge section: if you straighten your car out one jump earlier you get to take more speed into the banked section. In the loops and corks section my initial plan was to use the second last corkscrew to jump to the right and from there use the final loopjump, it was Spoonboy's beautiful cork to cork jump in a Carrera replay he hid for strategic reasons that convinced me to drop that line of thinking when I couldn't get it to work. (My plan for the jumping bridge section was what Duplode ended up doing, but I had a hard time trying that, and a very smooth time trying a more normal line, so that's what I ended up going with.)
  • Overdrijf
    Shall we have another go at trying to get every car on the board ones before anyone doubles up? Cheesy
    F40 1:16.91
  • Alan Rotoi
    Thanks @Overdrijf yes I managed to make a quadraloop shortcut. Quiet unusual but the tracks circumstances let this kind of trick possible. My car was like Tarzan jumping from tree to tree Cheesy Maybe this path was faster with Stratos but I didn't have the time to try.
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Lola 1:32.23 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Stratos 1:25.51 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    F40 1:23.64 A
  • Shoegazing Leo
    LM002 1:27.11 A
  • Duplode
    @Ryoma No, it isn't -- who am I to say, though, "death of the author" and all that Cheesy
  • Shoegazing Leo
    Thunderbird 1:23.75 A
  • Erik Barros
    Congratulations @Duplude, @AlanRotoi and @Overdrijf!! Those were incredible tricks in the replays... Congratulations @MarkNailwood, @Spoonboy and @Ryoma!!!
  • Duplode
    BTW @Ryoma, I've watched your P962 replay from the past race -- it was good fun! Smiley
  • Ryoma
    @Duplode yes it's the reason why I upload this replay. Without the penalty, I would won the race lol
    Stratos 1:19.62

Mar 11

  • Alan Rotoi
    We have a LIVE RACE next Sunday! We'll race with Melange. Come and join us! Generations - (2024-03-17)
  • Cas
    First blind try!
    F40 1:27.52
  • Cas
    A little update. Hey, guys, don't forget that we have a Free OWOOT race in R4K this month! Wink
    F40 1:25.62

Mar 12

Mar 14

  • dreadnaut
    Finally time to hit the track!
    Stratos 1:18.77

Mar 16

  • Overdrijf
    If anyone is having any doubts about joining the live race tomorrow: it's a pretty everyone-friendly track, and quite a lot of fun if you enjoy driving fast cars. Generations - (2024-03-17)
  • dreadnaut
    Ah, it's tomorrow 🀣 That's why the chat was empty! Perfectly fine, now I have some time to practise.
  • Overdrijf
    First to the line wins right? *smirk smiley*
  • Alan Rotoi
    Yes, thank you. Tomorrow is the live race! We're 6 racers so far.

Mar 17

  • Duplode
    The live race starts in 50 minutes! See the Forum thread for more info -- Generations - (2024-03-17) -- and meet at the chatroom!
  • Alan Rotoi
    I'm in the Chatroom now Smiley
  • Alan Rotoi
    Live race summary! Thank you all for coming! live2024.png

Mar 19

  • dreadnaut
    @Alan, the production values of your videos and summaries are incredible Shocked
  • Alan Rotoi
    Thank you @dreadnaut! πŸ™‚ I enjoy making this stuff. I hopebto have time to make a video too.

Mar 21

  • Ryoma
    2 news cars : Stratos Group 4 Dodge Charger Daytona zz10.png

Mar 23

  • Spoonboy
    @Ryoma great new cars! Daytona is fun in corners, and the Gr4 is like the original Stratos on caffeine! XD Liking the digital speedometer too. Thanks for all you do to add to our enjoyment of this game.
  • Ryoma
    @Spoonboy thank you. I regret to release this version of this Stratos too late. My purpose is always to have one victory for this car here and not stay with this fucking 0 victory....Which is a big shame and injustice for me.

Mar 28

  • Duplode
    Happy birthday, @Ferrao and @Martincho! Smiley
    Stratos 1:09.95
  • dreadnaut
    This track is quite enjoyable, but so many unused cars!
    Acura 1:44.07 A
  • dreadnaut
    Lola 1:27.37 A
  • dreadnaut
    Indy 1:35.76 A
  • dreadnaut
    that! 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️
    P962 1:35.54 A

Mar 29

  • Duplode
    Sure -- this is a good time as any to light up a few more scoreboards!
    Lancia 1:13.72

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